Rating:  Summary: I loved it!!!!! Review: I watched this movie on encore yesterday cause I wanted to watch it becuase everyone told me that it was awesome, and after I watched it I was so pleased,check this movie out if u didnt see it.Now my goal is to see the last 2.
Rating:  Summary: The Epic Begins... Review: "The Fellowship of the Ring" is the first of "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy. And I would recommend that you watch them in order. In this movie we see the origin of the One Ring and how it comes into Frodo's possesion. We see the formation and breaking of the fellowship.This movie will introduce you to Middle Earth. There are breathtaking scenes in the movie when the camera pans around and captures the beautiful settings of Middle Earth. Peter Jackson did a great job in envisioning the realm and chosing the location for it. We first see Hobbiton, where the houses have flower patches and old fences, the roads look worn and made through decades of travel, and the Old Mill spins with the laziness of a quiet town. It made me believe I was there. And his wonderful creations that we get to explore with the fellowship; Rivendale, the Halls of Moria, Lothlorien and the passage down the Anduin. It lets us see the vast living world that is Middle Earth. Tolkien's work is not faithfully followed. Certain characters are missing. As are some songs that are memorable from the book. But the movie does not let us down. And it is a good screen adaptation. I love that the Elvish language that Tolkien created is spoken. And the casting is excellent. This is much better than the original release. The movie has an extra 30 minutes added, which will help you flow easier to the second film. And the great bonuses included in this package include the making of the film, interviews with all the stars, drawings and interviews with Peter Jackson and the rest of the people responsible for producing this classic. As well as a good look at where the film was shot in New Zealand, behind the scenes stories and incidents that happened during the filming. This is the DVD to buy.
Rating:  Summary: IT DOESNT HAVE SPANISH SUBTITLES Review: The Movie is awesome, everybody knows it. But who in the studio decides to release it without spanish subtitles? There are a lot of people like me who needs that.
Rating:  Summary: Best book ever Review: Perfect. This book is the best book I have ever read. Its setting is perfect in all its aspects. Its characters are complete in every detail. This book will grip you from begining till the end. This is only one of three books and it will leave wanting to read more. You have to read this book.
Rating:  Summary: "This GIft Set was appointed to you" Review: "If you cannot afford this gift set, no one can." Ha Ha! Just being funny! The theatrical edition of FOTR is a powerful and thrilling epic masterpiece. It brought out a lot of the images of the books that I imagined while reading them and it was like they just reached into my mind and plopped them right on the big screen. It is amazing! Frodo Baggins is living with his distant cousin Bilbo Baggins who he looks at as his uncle. Middle Earth is on the brink of destruction. The Dark Lord Sauron whose power is at Mordor, was defeated when a powerful Ring was severed off his arm causing him to implode into thin air more than 3000 years ago. His strength has returned over time as the Ring failed to be destroyed during the Last Alliance in Second Age 3441. The RIng passed out of all knowledge when a creature named Gollum found it on the bottom of the river and took it for himself and carried it and was corrupted by it for over 500 years until Bilbo found it and escaped with it. Now, with vast armies of Sauron spreading, The Ring must be destroyed in order to save MIddle Earth from doom but the Ring cannot be destroyed except where it was made, in the fiery chasms of Mt. Doom where it was made. Only then can it be unmade. Frodo goes on the journey along with eight other companions to form the Fellowship of The Ring. This movie is just awesome. I hate writing long reviews but this set however deserves one. This extended edition of FOTR blows the theatrical edition right out of the water. There are over 30 minutes of extra footage not put on the theatrical edition and the result is an even greater and more powerful masterpiece! The third and fourth discs are mind-blowing. I can never do justice with this review on all the treats that are on these two discs. I'm not going to spoil it wiht what's on them but with this review, I could never explain the treats on them. This Gift Set also comes with some really awesome miniature statues of the giant statues on the waterfalls stretching their hands into the distance. I also love the packaging that the "GIft Set" comes in too. In fact, I love it so much that I would never throw it away and use it for many things. The regular non-gift set "Extended Edition" is also great but doesn't include the statues nor the wonderful box set but even if you end up just getting that, you get plenty of good stuff not available on the regular DVD edition. I urge you to go out and buy this "extended edition" pronto! It may cost more but the extras are worth more than the price charged for them!
Rating:  Summary: Terrible. 18th april 2004. Review: Lord of the rings, not my type. Fighting,alot of action a lot. I do like the actioning films but not this type. By looking at the box, you can tell what sort of film it is going to be. Glad i didn't go and see it at the cinema couldn't of sat through 3 hours. Too much fighting.
Rating:  Summary: I expected more Review: Okay I love these movies dont get me wrong but I dont think this deserves a 5 star rating neither do any of the other. They are nothing like the book Sam jackson butchord the story. It would have been great if he had called it a remaging instead of lord of the rings. How can any one who has read all 4 books and I do not mean audio books. Even say these movies are close to the book dont get me wrong i loved them and I own them all but not worth a 5 star
Rating:  Summary: A good start for the trilogy! Review: "The Fellowship of the Ring" is the first movie in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. When I first watched this movie, I didn't know that there was going to be two more. :P So at the last part, I was like "Hey, that's a terrible ending! I mean- they don't even go to Mordor and the Fellowship is broken up!" I was relieved when my friends told me that the next two were coming out. Here's the plot: Long ago, some rings were made and given to the leaders of every kind of race in Middle Earth. (eg. elves, men, dwarves, etc.) Then an evil lord called Sauron made another Ring that conquers all the rings that were given away, so he could rule all Middle Earth. Of course, Sauron and his army, and the good people went to war and Sauron was defeated by a man named Isildur, who also took the Ring from Sauron. But even though Sauron's physical form was defeated, his spirit still remained and took the form of an eye. If the Ring was not destroyed, Sauron will still be there. Anyway, Isildur was killed, the Ring was dropped into a river, then another evil creature called Gollum picked it up. Gollum had it for quite a long time, and then the Ring left Gollum, and was picked up by Bilbo Baggins, a hobbit. 60 years later... Frodo (played by Elijah Wood), Bilbo's nephew, got the Ring after Bilbo left the Shire (where all hobbits live) to go live with the elves. The wizard Gandalf, who is also a friend of Frodo and Bilbo, tells Frodo that the Ring must be destroyed before there is any war. Gandalf leaves to go to Saruman's place (Saruman is another wizard) - but you'll have to watch the movie to find out what happened there! Frodo goes to Mt. Doom with his loyal companion Sam, and two other hobbits- Pippin and Merry. Halfway, they meet Aragorn and he helps them and takes care of them. Then at Rivendell (where the elves live), the five meet four more people- Legolas (an elf), Gimli (a dwarf), Gandalf (the wizard- he came back from Saruman's place) and Boromir (a man). The nine form the "Fellowship of the Ring" and they go on and on to Mt. Doom, meeting lots of bad creatures. Finally, they have war against the orcs, (bad mutated elves) in the woods, and the Fellowship breaks up. Frodo and Sam go on to Mt. Doom, and Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli try to rescue Pippin and Merry, who were captured by orcs. And that's where the movie ends. If you watched this, watch the next two movies. This is just like 'part one' of the trilogy, so it's not the whole story. The only bad thing about this movie is the violence. I wasn't allowed to watch some parts and sometimes it gets very gross, especially when the orcs come out. Other than that, this was a great movie!
Rating:  Summary: The Fellowship of the Ring Review: Many people where skeptical about the Lord of the Rings hitting the big screen. Normally, a film can't do its novel counterpart justice. Is it possible to translate Tolkien's great epic into a film without losing any of its magnificence? Many fans of Tolkien's series believed that it was impossible. Director Peter Jackson has proved them wrong. Jackson was able to condense Tolkien's story into a script that was well paced and managed to stay true to the story as one could without making the movie unbearably long. Certain scenes were cut presumably because of time constraints and to keep those with short attention spans interested. The main difference between the film and the book is the roles of the hobbits have changed greatly. Less emphasis was placed on their importance in the film while in the book the hobbits were the ones who were the great heroes. Also the role of Arwen (Liv Tyler) was increased to add an element of romance to the plot; this was something that Tolkien never went into great detail about. However, these changes in the story weren't necessarily bad. Jackson's portrayal of the story through various scenes was excellent, even those who aren't familiar with the story can appreciate Jackson's work. Any information that one would need is given in a brief voiceover prologue along with a small battle scene, showing a glimpse of what you can expect from the rest of the movie-suspense and great action scenes. Unlike many action films today this movie had a great plot to go along with the suspense and characters with interesting personalities. Although the movie owes its great plot to Tolkien, Jackson deserves credit for the way he portrays the characters. The romantic sub-plot that Jackson added showed different elements of Aragorn's (Viggo Mortensen) character. When Aragorn is first seen he appears to have a dark aura about him-he's sitting alone in the shadows, quietly observing, and is described by the innkeeper as "one of them dangerous folks." This outward appearance is contrasted greatly with the side of Aragorn that is displayed when he is with Arwen-this romantic sub-plot showed Aragon's compassion and his emotional side. Outside of this sub-plot Aragorn is a rugged warrior-type person who has mastery over his emotions. Very rarely did Aragorn display fear for his own life. In addition to great character portrayal Jackson also utilizes various special effects to add to the excellence of this movie. One scene that I thought was well done was when Gandalf (Ian McKellen) confronted the Balrog on the bridge of Khazad-dum. The way Jackson brought the Balrog to life on screen was spectacular. Everything was very detailed from its body engulfed in flames to its flaming whip and blade. The way the scene was filmed is exactly the way it was written in the book and I thought the way that it was brought to life on the screen was excellent. To me this scene is an example of the consideration and hard work that was placed in the recreation of this great story. One complaint that I do have is about the way the movie ended. It didn't feel as complete as it should've felt but it left me eager to see the next one. Jackson has set high standards for himself with The Fellowship of the Ring; will he be able to give the audience what they expect in The Two Towers and The Return of the King?
Rating:  Summary: GREATEST MOVIE TRILOGY EVER!!!!! Review: This is the most dazzling beginning of a movie trilogy ever. Therer are just four things that bother me: 1. THE STUPID ARWEN + ARAGORN LOVE STORY!!!!! 2. There is no Tom Bombadil (they could at least have him in the extended edition) 3. There is no Fatty Bolger. 4. The Prancing Pony scene could've been longer. Anyway, I love this movie. It could've won more Oscars, though.