Rating:  Summary: can't wait to see more Review: I finally saw this movie when it came out to the local theatre. I've been a fan of the hobbit and lord of the rings since I was itty bitty when I first watched the animated movies. Now, being that I was more familar with the hobbit and the return of the king, I looked to this movie with interest as I had never known about the first two parts of the story. Even though I knew that certain characters would survive and what would happen to them, I was very worried about Frodo and his fellow men as they began their journey. The effects of this movie are amazing. I would have rather sat through an nine hour movie rather than ending abruptly but even I was getting restless. The movie doesn't include every aspect of the book but then it really would be too long. I must say, Peter Jackson has done a marvelous job and I can't wait to see the following two movies.
Rating:  Summary: A powerful rendition. Review: Awesome film! I'm very familiar with Tolkein's Fellowship of the Ring, and the film is very faithful to the book, as well as some scenes chilling to the bone. You feel for the characters; the majority were just as I imagined. Great orcs!
Rating:  Summary: Maybe not the best movie ever..... Review: But the best fantasy film ever!!!!!!! This movie is the coolest. Elijah Wood does a great performance. At first I didn't know him, but now he one of the cutest actors I ever seen. I'm sure everyone agrees with me as the best fantasy film. This is what fantasy should be for every fantasy film out there. And is probably where fantasy really begins. Right here, at the trilogy of the Lord of the Rings. Everyone should see it. Don't think it is some sappy film that you don't want to see. You gotta see it, believe me. I give it 10/10. If your into fantasy and want to see what a movie really should be, you gotta see this movie.
Rating:  Summary: the best movie Review: I saw it in the theaters yesterday and it was the best movie I have ever seen in my life. My dad would rate it good, and he would rate the best movies bad. This is a very, very good movie and I can't wait until The Two Towers and Retun of the King come out.
Rating:  Summary: DEFINENTLY THE BEST THIS YEAR. Review: The reason I give this movie five stars is because I was entertained by it. Since I have never read any of the books I didn't know what to expect, and I was nicely surprised. This movie includes, adventure, excitement, BREATH TAKING SPEACLE AFFECTS! and cool fight scenes. Not to mention I think the acters did really well, and the music is AWSOME! I havent seen any-thing quite like it. Watch this movie, you wont regret it.
Rating:  Summary: Fantastic! Review: I am a huge Tolkien Fan, I read these books for the first time when I was 9 years old. I was fascinated at the time, and since then I have re-read the series umpteen times. I was very excited when I heard the movie was being released, and I could not have been more impressed with the final product. It is very hard to tell this tale in a 2-3 hour movie, and so many changes had to be made to the plot of the story. I feel that these changes, while hard to swallow for some die hard fans, stayed true to the spririt of the books and in some cases enhanced the story. All told it was truely amazing, easily my favorite movie of all time.
Rating:  Summary: Spectacular... my new favorite movie! Review: What can I say about Lord of the Rings that hasn't already been said? It is a beautiful movie, capturing the very essence of Tolkien's magical world in three hours that seem to fly by. I was initially hesitant about seeing this film, feeling sure that they would deviate from the story line and couldn't possibly due justice to the books. I had no idea what to expect - and was quite blown away! While some details are changed in the adaptation, the film remains true to the story. Of course, it is easy to pick through any adaptation and say, "This was different and that was different and I don't know why they changed THAT" - but no film can stay perfectly true to the book, word for word, and Lord of the Rings manages to contain all the emotion and power of the story; the minor changes don't disrupt the flow at all. The casting is superb, particularly the two pivotal characters, Frodo and Sam. We feel through Frodo's suffering his determination to do the right thing, and Sam's loyal devotion to Frodo. Lighthearted Merry and Pippin and stouthearted Gimli offer comic relief in some of the more nerve-racking scenes of the movie. We are intrigued by the mysterious Aragorn, and see Legolas is the epitome of Elvish gracefulness and watchfulness. Sean Beam plays Boromir, troubled with the evil lure of the Ring, yet a heroic member of the company to the end. Cate Blanchett portrays a bewitching Galadriel, and Ian McKellan is a masterful Gandalf - can a person be wise, powerful, great, and lovable? The scenery is pure eye candy, the music appropriate without being distracting, but most of the magic lies in the pure drama of Tolkien's masterful tale of good versus evil. Even though I read the first two books shortly before seeing the movie, and basically knew what would happen next, I found myself on the edge of my seat during the entire movie. I became completely caught up in the enthralling adventure, and was sorry when it ended. My verdict? Lord of the Rings is a must see. I am 15, and I didn't think the violence was that bad - no worse than a lot of other movies-but it is a little scary, so I wouldn't recommend it for younger children. I also suggest reading at least the first book before seeing the movie; you can enjoy the show without trying to keep up with the plot, and the ending will make more sense. The only hard part will be waiting for the next movie to come out!
Rating:  Summary: THE BEST MOVIE OF ALL TIME (Part 1 of 3) Review: Peter Jackson did an outstanding job. The actors, the special effects, the locations, the make-up, the music, and everything else. It was truly fantastic. I can't wait for the next two movies, I would have easily sat through a 9 hour movie, but I realize most people wouldn't. I have never read The Lord of The Rings trilogy, but I did read The Hobbit, and I am familiar with the LOTR story. I never read the books as I was never interested in reading much when I was younger (I preferred writing my own stories). I have now begun to read the books. The first movie, The Fellowship of the Ring, is true to the book. True, there are some characters and places left out, but lets face it, with all the red tape Mr. Jackson and his associates had to go through, and all the time taken to do what they did, they did an incredible job. For those of you that want to know what happen, because you think the first movie was too large of a cliffhanger, you can always pick up the second book and read it. Elijah Wood is the perfect Frodo Baggins, I've seen all of his movies, and I think he has always been (and always will be) and outstanding actor with a long and promising career. Sir Ian McKellan as Gandolf is fantastic, a true powerful wizard to be highly respected. Billy Boyd, Dominic Monaghan, Sean Astin, Sean Bean, Ian Holm, Viggo Mortensen, Christopher Lee, Orlando Bloom, Liv Tyler, Cate Blanchett, John-Rhys Davies, and everyone esle, whose names escape me are outstanding, awesome, fantastic, brilliant. I truly felt like I was in Middle Earth, walking along side with the 9 members of the Fellowship of the Ring. To those of you who have seen the movie and were sadly dissapointed, I'm sorry you could not grasp the magnificence of the movie and the story. Peter Jackson kept as true as true could be kept within a 3 hour movie, he truly did J.R.R. Tolkein justice. If Tolkein was alive I'm sure he would be proud to have his book and possibly his visions come to life on the big screen for everyone to share. Thank you Peter Jackson, Elijah Wood, Ian McKellan, Barrie Osborne, Fran Walsh, and thank you to all others who partook of this tremendous task, and succeeded far beyond that of anything imaginable. Thank you.
Rating:  Summary: The most magnificent motion picture of all time! Review: There are no words in any known source that could describe the excellency of this movie. It was magnificent. Spectacular. Dazzling. Anyone who says that this movie is boring has got to be completely insane. There is not a boring moment in the whole of it; the actors are splendid, and so is the CGI. The soundtrack completely complements the movie; it really gets you in whatever mood it wants to. It _shows_ you the beauty of Rivendell with its music - but the soundtrack is another story. I've already witnessed the fantastic splendor of this motion picture four times; I have plans to go more than that. This movie - Peter Jackson and his crew, and not to mention the actors - have brought one of the finest books of time to life. Tolkien would be proud. In any case, this movie keeps you bound up in its web of beauty and suspense, never leaving you at a dull moment. You want to see MORE of the actors, MORE of the characters they portray and bring to life. You want to hear more of the Elven language. You want to learn about the Elves; you want to learn about every little nuance, but unfortunately, that would be a rather long movie. Maybe someday, another wonderful director like Mr. Jackson, or maybe even he, will take up the task of completely covering the whole of Tolkien's trilogy of Rings, and all of his other fine books. I would recommend this movie to everyone; in fact, I already have. I have not heard a negative thing about it, unless it be from the dullest minds I have ever met. If you are a person that cannot enjoy movies because you are constantly criticizing something of them, lay down your nit-picker for three hours and enjoy the beauty of this moving performance of grandeur.
Rating:  Summary: PERFECT! Review: I think the graphics had to be used. All those people who think that old, costume crap would be good, no way. I loved the movie completely! I can't wait for the 2 other movies, and the GAME. There will be a game. There is no way that great of a movie would not have a game. I mean the teenage mutant turtles movie had games after the movie! I LOVE THIS MOVIE!! I'm going to buy a dvd player just for this movie! I thought the actors were awesome. I liked the main character myself. I thought the orcs were done perfectly. Everything was done perfectly! There is no need for a imagination people, this does the dreaming for you. You don't need to think up what the creatures look like! I LOVED IT! (BTW, this isn't like any horror movie, theres no limbs being torn off, it's nice clean fantasy fun!)