Rating:  Summary: Good Beyond Hope Review: "Good Beyond Hope" -- This was the featured quote from C.S. Lewis on the back cover of the Ballantine paperback pubication in 1965, and it applies to the first film as well. Of course there are differences between the book and the film; but they are in general tasteful choices and in some cases (dare I say it?) improvements. This film is not a replacement for the book, but a very, very welcome companion to it. I watched it through a veil of tears, and I think many Ring fans will do the same. It's that good.
Rating:  Summary: Look out Harry Potter, the ORIGINAL fantasy story is in town Review: Take it from someone who has seen the movie twice, this is one of the best films of the year. At 3 hours long (not 87 minutes as the first review says), it goes by in an instant, leaving you speechless at the end after all you've just seen. With great performances all around (especially by Sir Ian McKellan and Christopher Lee), expert pacing, a triumphant and rousing score, great special effects and make up, and the most epic feel of just about any movie ever made, The Fellowship of the Ring stands out in this dismal year of movies as one of the best of the bunch!
Rating:  Summary: Just astonished !!! Review: I don't have to write many words about it. It was an excellent adaptation of the first book, with respect to the writer, JRR Tolkien and his work. If you haven't see it yet do not hesitate, or else you are going to miss a great, 5 stars movie.
Rating:  Summary: Virtually Faultless Review: This film is everything I had hoped it would be. The acting is faultless, the special affects breath taking and the scenery beautiful. If you have not read the book you will be delighted and will immediately purchase a copy of all three books. If you have read the books you will probably not find the film perfect, and I will leave the good moments for you to discover yourself. I personally believe that it is about as good an adaptation as is possible. However listed below are changes from the book, from least to most annoying:1) Everything is hurried along, they never stay at places as long as they should. However this is to be expected. 2) Gandalf's sword Glamdring does not glow like sting. 3) Merry and especially Pippin are used as comic relief, this distracts from the serious aspects. 4) Galadriel does not give gifts to the entire fellowship, merely Frodo. 5) The fellowship does not break up the way it should, though this is only a slight deviation. 6) Tom Bombadill and Farmer Maggot are cut out. 7) Gandalf's letter is cut out. 8) The bit when the fellowship is attacked by wolves is cut out. 9) Instead of Glorfindel they use Arwen. 10) Radagast is cut out. 11) Sam does not look into the Mirror of Galadriel. There are extra visions and the vision of Frodo lying underneath the rock face as if dead is cut. 12) The ending spills over into the Two Towers and does not end on a cliff hanger. 13) Aragorn's sword Narsil is not reforged. 14) Aragorn has doubts about himself. He has his ancestor's weaknesses and has strayed from the path of Kingship. Where did that come from? It's just stupid. Having said that, the film is brilliant. The characters are either just as I imagined them or are portrayed differently but more interestingly. Particularly good performances from Ian Mckellan, Christopher Lee, Sean Bean, Orlando Bloom and Viggo Mortensen.A must see.
Rating:  Summary: wow-the vision is fulfilled Review: I had deep trepidations about this adaptatation of one of my fondest tales. All I can say is wow! Riveting scenery, characters with depth, stunning effects. This movie has it all. Minor changes in the story help to move it along. Ian McKellen as Gandalf is fantastic, but Elija Wood steals the movie as Frodo. This movie recreates the sense of wonder I has all those many years ago when I first read the books.
Rating:  Summary: A great effort, but it's not THAT great a movie Review: OK all you people who've only seen the trailers - I HAVE SEEN THE MOVIE!!!! Some of it is wonderful, Ian McKellen and Elijah Wood are perfect. I didn't like Christopher Lee very much though, and although Liv Tyler was very good...she shouldn't have been there. Some of the dialogue is extremely corny (dwarf-tossing?) and the Balrog just made me laugh. Good, but not great. I wouldn't watch it again. It's better than Star Wars though....
Rating:  Summary: Prophet JRR Tolkien would be pleased, and so will you Review: After seeing the film today I will share this with you all, from the view point of someone personally involved: While a few special emotional moments were missed in favor of pacing, (especially a scene between Sam and Frodo when Frodo finds out Sam has told Merry and Pippin about Frodo's quest, and Aragorn's sword not being broken) over all this was a delightful experience and I totally enjoyed how much of the original story did survive. True, if Universal or MGM had had the vision to make the movie, there are undoubtably little "movie things" that would have been better, (ie: Disney's Pearl Harbor was made by guys would never heard a gun really fired)but they did not, and all of us who love these stories must take our hats off to Mr. Jackson & Company, (Thorin & Company, if you will) and in my case, that's quite a hat. I would gladly recommend this film to anyone.....and I expect to buy all the DVD's, if the good Lord allows me to live that long.
Rating:  Summary: LOTR was the BOMB! Review: It all began last night at 11pm. i gathered up the little woman and we set out on our 45 minute journey to Northern Virginia (springfield) to see the premier of LOTR. We arrived at the theatre appx 11:45, buy our tickets, get concessions and find seats in the theatre. it was a fairly large theatre, seats 500; unfortunately no stadium seating. the crowd was an adult crowd, rowdy, unruly, just like me. after viewing the mandatory promotions and previews, the crowd miraculously went silent. the movie began. LOTR opens with a prologue of how the ring came into being. it soon makes its way to a grand battle on the slopes and adjacent plains of mordor. where the Lord_Sauron(not related to the Lord_feyd) is vanquished. well... we all know the rest of the story. I really enjoyed the movie. The cast is wonderful. the battles are great. the nine riders are fell and gruesome. the hobbits, specially merry and pippen are jolly and funny, not to mention mischeivous. The elves, were just and fair, they looked like a blend of Mr Spock and Tyra Banks ( My idea!!!) The movie for the most part was not a disappointment. the people who worked on this film masterfully gave the magic of lotr form and substance. I was enthralled by the battles, itimidated by the orcs and bad guys, awed by the inhabitants of middle earth and loved the hobbits. My wife, who hasnt read the books, thought it was good too. she says that the battles were vicious; which made it more the cool for me. one of the best IMO was the vicious battle which takes place in the mines of moria, in Khazzad-dum. OMG- just go out and see the movie. i wont spoil it for you. My biggist fear was, like most fans, that I would be disappointed. Some things were different than i would imagine them but i was by no measrure disappointed. if anything, i couldve used more.
Rating:  Summary: Great action, great vistas AND better humour than Tolkien Review: If you ask an English professor about Tolkien's weaknesses, the chances are that, besides the 2D characters ascribed to women, they'll point out the pretty feeble attempts at humour in LotR. Eleventy-first birthday? Ridiculous and infantile. So I'm very pleased to report that whoever has written the screenplay for Peter Jackson has improved this aspect. They may have meddled with some of the minor details of who does what, but the jokes are clearly better than JRRT's. Most of it stems, as you would expect, from the hobbits. Elijah Wood's Frodo is pretty androgynous, and I particularly liked the scene in the mines of Moria where Gandalf says, "There's a lot more to Frodo than we all suspected,". Here Frodo unbuttons his shirt to reveal a glimpse of his mithril vest, but it's so glitzy that the unstated punch-line is "Yes, he likes wearing women's underwear!". Goodness knows whether the movie deliberately makes references to others. When Gandalf says emphatically to Frodo "Is it safe?", are we supposed to recall 'Marathon Man'? If so, why? After an initial battle sequence, the movie takes some time to get going while it sets up the plot in the Shire. My daughter got distracted. But as soon as the quest is begun, there is never a dull moment. The special effects are good, and it's good to see a competitor to Industrial Light & Magic. Slightly tedious after a while is the technique used to solve the scale problem for the face-to-face scenes between hobbits and larger people. The swirling effect whenever Frodo puts the ring on are brilliant. The soundtrack is particularly well done -- there is music for much, if not all, of the time, but it's not as overdone or glutinous as John Williams' work on 'The Phantom Menace'. Overall, this is the classic I hoped it would be. I'm going to see it again tomorrow!
Rating:  Summary: Magnificent...I am happy Review: Lacking the words to describe what I have seen last night, I want to thank Peter Jackson for his interpretation of the Lord of the rings. Of course there are some parts missing, but it does not badly interfere with the story. He is forgiven for a little love story momento and the movie gets you to forget everything around you. Elijah Wood and Ian McKellen as Gandalf and Frodo are perfect incarnations. A tale has come true, more true than I thougt it'd ever be possible. I want to travel, want to see Middle Earth, I can't wait to watch it again.... probably on Christmas Eve, a perfect treat!