Rating:  Summary: One of the best movies I've ever seen Review: This has got to be one of the best, if not the best movie I've ever. I just recently finished reading the 1st book ok the LOTR trilogy and I couldn't wait to see the movie. Of course they cut a few scenes out and changed stuff a little, but overall they kept very well to the storyline and the CG effects were incredible. I'm definitely going to see it again and reccomend it to everyone.
Rating:  Summary: The best movie ever Review: This was one of the best movies i've ever seen
Rating:  Summary: Faithful, But Not To A Fault. Review: One critique of that other movie (which I nevertheless quite enjoyed!) was that it was faithful to its source material to a degree that eliminated the opening for a director's touch; in so doing, some asserted, the real potential was missed for bold creativity and a stirringly beautiful film. The Lord of the Rings is different perhaps because here we see someone who was faithful...but also creative. Doubtless this will cost him something with some constituents. He does take license; but he does so atop a faithful and loving recreation of the whole world and story of The Lord of the Rings. Mr. Jackson's reported habit of re-reading each chapter just before shooting it was a microcosm of his whole approach to the film: othe film was telling a bit of human history, not a some wild fantasy. This history was, perhaps, a bit more fantastical than the usual. As such the story is told much like Homer might tell it, and the audience is left to sort between historical fact, legend, and pure mythologies. There are facets of the way the story was either interpreted or altered to accomodate film that will displease you. Some did me. Nevertheless, I think it more important to say that the film was beautiful, faithful to the heart of the story and nearly all of its facts. Every once in a while it is worth giving something our unrestrained and enthusiastic praise. I believe many will feel in viewing it as I did: that we are lucky to be drawn into such a story, one told so stirringly. We are given feasts for the senses, the heart, and the mind. Part of the film's beauty is in just how bad the bad folks are, just how good some of the good creatures are - and just how conflicted many of the characters are. Beauty is also in the sincerity of the performances, without which the entire thing falls to shreds. Beauty also flows from the images themselves - their qualities and their natures. The faces were extraordinary, the land was near-magical, and the special effects were dazzling, without intruding into the story hardly at all. In this film the depth of character, relationship, story, and exploration of archetypal themes are combined with an amazing breadth of scope, scale, and theatre. I will see this film again in the theatres before I purchase the DVD - something I have not done in many years.
Rating:  Summary: A Ringer! Review: After reading the epic several times, I awaited with anticipation and dread for the opening of the Lord of the Rings-Fellowship of the Ring. The dread was unnecessary and the anticipation only added to the pleasure of watching Jackson's adaptation of the novel. Five stars are merited for the fine performances of all the actors and actresses. Special effects, musical score, and glorious scenery of New Zealand make this one of the best epic flics of any year. Heartily recommend everyone see it for themselves on the biggest screen available to them.
Rating:  Summary: The movie left me begging for more Review: I swear when i read the book i pictured everything smaller. The troll, the Balrog, even the Shire. I don't know what it is but this movie was a giant masterpiece. The movie went above and beyond set design, characterization, (with the exception of Aragorn, yea definately not jacked enough to be a ranger)and although I am not a fan of excessive "cgi" I enjoyed it in this film. The omitition of Tom Bombadil and the Barrow -Whight scene saddened me, and I can't say I liked Arwen's spontanous emergence in the plot, but hey, I guess you gotta please the other half of the audience, which also saddens me. I can't say I liked seeing Sauron in the flesh.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent! Review: The first film in Peter Jackson's trilogy that brings the books to life was more than I expected. Most adaptations of classic and epic books tend to dissapoint. With all the hype surrounding the Fellowship of the Ring, I was sure to be let down. However, to my surprise, the film is as good of an adaptation as you could probably get. The special effects are amazing, the acting pretty good, and the film sticks to the book fairly well. The film is 3 hours long though, and does become a bit tedious to watch towards the end. All in all, it is an adaptation that works. Whether you are a fan of the books or not, this one is worth seeing. Especially while still on the big screen. And unlike recent blockbuster attempts such as Pearl Harbor, this is one blockbuster that doesn't have too much of a "cheesy-Hollywood-blockbuster" feel to it. I definately reccomend this one.
Rating:  Summary: A cinematic triumph Review: Fellowship of the Ring is a triumph. It is a work of passion and emotion. Peter Jackson demonstrates not only a passionate commitment to Tolkien's world but, more importantly, a cinematic vision of his own (as well as the technical skill to realize it). However, it must be said that it's only predictable that many Tolkien fanatics will complain about streamlining. But most of us -- both aficionados who aren't blinded and uninitiated viewers who aren't jaded -- will find it glorious entertainment -- long but never dull, filled with plot but surprisingly clear, and even at some points quite moving. The CGI are awesome -- almost flawless. The acting was very, very good. But it was a very good cast: McKellen's Gandalf is good-humored strength incarnate. Wood's Frodo is the wide-eyed innocent who is indeed not like his dear relative Bilbo. Viggo Mortensen is wicked with a sword, and I loved his underplayed, unpretentious air. Sean Astin's self-sacrificing Sam is perfect, Orlando Bloom's Legolas is deadly elegance. The more tightly wrapped snobs out there who despise Tolkien see the warm response to "Fellowship" as decadence incarnate, but the fact is, people are not only responding to the awesome setting of Middle Earth, but to Jackson's interpretation of Tolkien's themes which have endured for nearly half a century: we are emphatically and graphically reminded of the enormous power of evil, how it takes many forms and can never be totally destroyed. Lord of the Rings is a fable that echos the myths of Western history and its moral backbone warns of the misuse of power, which in todays "war against terrorism", resonates an important urgency.....
Rating:  Summary: Lord Of The Rings- An Epic Masterpiece!!! Review: Words cannot not explain how incredible this fantasy movie is. Im a big horor/thriller/gory movie buff and I wasnt really lookin forward to seeing this movie and at the theatre my eyes never left the screen and when the movie ended I would be counting down the days for the next movie! this movie combines fantasy/action/and thriller into one 3 hour masterpiece and without a doubt this is one of the greatest movies of all time and boy! I cant wait till next December! PS. 5 stars all the way...no other choice!
Rating:  Summary: Superb movie adaptation Review: Adapting Tolkien's work to the screen could not have been done any more effectively. The acting, effects, plot ellisions, score, and scene selection combine for a riveting action epic with sufficient character development to transition into next year's "Two Towers." After suffering through the first attempt in the 1980s, the yearlong anticipation of this version was worth it. Unfortunately, we will have to live through 2 more yearlong waits as the final pieces come to the screen. At least we don't have to wait 3 years between each, thanks to the audacity and vision of the filmmakers. What a movie!
Rating:  Summary: Expect a regular movie, and you'll be pleasantly surprised.. Review: In a word: wow. In more than one word... As a person who has seen many book-to-movie adaptations and been underwhelmed by most of them, this one is one for the ages. The effects, the story, the complexity, and the characters are all there. The power of the Ring and its sway over those who desire it is intensely felt, all the way down to the subtle whispering of the "one ring to rule them all..." quote in the Mordor tongue when someone focuses on it. The CG effects, and the beautful recreated New Zealand scenery never get in the way of the story, but yet amaze us with their spectacular faithfulness to the imaginations of the audience (the gates of Gondor, the Shire, and Moria are especially incredible). Most importantly, the most powerful moments in ths first book are keenly felt, as a Fellowship is made and broken, and a hobbit takes up a burden that will ultimately change not only him but also control the fate of an entire realm. Casting for this film has shown Director Peter Jackson's wisdom, picking what is a near dead-on Gandalf in Ian McKellen ("X-Men"'s Magneto), Elijah Wood as the reluctant, angst-ridden, yet stoic hero Frodo Baggins, and Sean Astin (last seen as a "Goonie" leader) as the bumbling, yet faithful Samwise Gamgee, among many others. Some critics lament the altering and cuts, especially of Tom Bombadil and Glorfindel (replaced by Liv Tyler as elven maiden/warrior Arwen). Others purport that the non-faithfulness to the book makes the script weak and covered by "flashy CG". To those people (whose opinion I respect) I must say, firstly, that in a book-to-movie adaptation, some sacrifices must be made. In an encapsulation of a large work as Tolkien's "Fellowship", an exact recreation is simply not an option. Secondly, to dismiss the excellent acting and palpable feeling the actors convey when playing their parts as "weak" and covered by "flashy CG", simply because some small things were added or cobbled together, is to hold the movie to higher standards than the medium can provide. This is not the disaster that was "Final Fantasy". This is Tolkien, and Jackson and his associates have done incredibly well (as well as one can in making a movie based on a book) in paying homage to one of the most well-respected fantasy epics of the 20th century. For those of you who like sword and sorcery or like Tolkien - go see it! I recommend you go not being all hyped up with what we're saying or anyone else is saying. Set your expectations at your level and not at the level of everyone else's, and watch the movie for what it is. You'll be pleasantly surprised.