Rating:  Summary: Absolutely AWESOME Review: Well, if you thought Fellowship of the Ring was good, The Two Towers steps up to the plate and works just beautifully as the sequel. Of course, the main elements are the battle at Helm's Deep, the return of Gandalf (now the White), entirely CGI Gollum, and ditto CGI with Treebeard. It's just an absolutely cool movie! It doesn't need a bunch of sex and bad words to make it worth going to either. The only problem people might have with it is violence, which can be intense for youngsters, and even adults. Still, I loved the movie. It works excellently with Tolkien's second book in the trilogy, though there ARE some bones to pick with it: some things are definitely changed, the biggest one taking place in Faramir, who in the books is a stout, brave-hearted nobleman who refuses to give in to the temptation of the Ring. In the movie, it's quite different. Otherwise, it's really great, you should see it!
Rating:  Summary: TWO TOWERS .... Review: Unbeleavable. Just when I think I have seen the best movie in the Fellowship of the Ring, then comes two towers... WOW. Now there is one problem.. The movie is sooooo action packed, that any adventure and compeling story are a little watered down. Im not saying there was no real "story" or adventure in the Two Towers, I just think Fellowship had more. But other then that, this one has outdone it's first installment many times over. Very cool fight at Helms Deep, cool CG character in Golum, and all around beautifull settings. If u still have this movie in your part of the country.. U MUST SEE IT...
Rating:  Summary: Better than the first.I know, hard to believe. Review: This movie has a lot more action than the fellowship of the ring, for example the 40 min. battle at the end.All the charecters are good and play their parts perfect and if you thought the fellowship got slow at parts don't worry about this one because this one is only slow about 2 parts for like 2 seconds each.There is not much more I can say about this movie but it's better than the first so see it.
Rating:  Summary: "Towers" over all of last year's sequels Review: Lord of the Rings: Two Towers is certainly much better than 2002's other sequels. Attack of the Clones had some good character development, but lack of good screenplay and overabundance of special effects. Chamber of Secrets had just enough special effects and a not so bad screenplay, but lack of character development. Two Towers has just enough of everything and a good screenplay. There were several things I liked in particular about TT. I really liked Sean Astin as Sam and Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn, they put such emotion and presence into their roles as possible and greatly improved my opinion of them. All the other actors did a good job too, especially John Rhys-Davies as Gimli, Miranda Otto as Eowyn, and Brad Dourif as Wormtongue. Secondly, the special effects, which perhaps barely outranked those of FOTR. The beginning fight with the Balrog, the cool Ents (especially at the end, when poor Saruman met his match: kung-fu trees), the Wargs battle (though added scene was well-done) and the Wraiths on Wings were very good. And of course the brilliant Andy Serkis doing the movements and excellent voice for an equally brilliant CG Gollum. He was robbed an Oscar nomination. Helm's Deep was a really cool battle scene too. Now for the complaints: what in the world was up with Faramir? While I understand the reason for changing his character according to the words of Galadriel, I was still upset with them. I always admired the nobility in Faramir of the books, but they've gone and ruined that. The exorcism of Theoden wasn't as bad as I heard, but it was still a little weird. The scenes of Arwen and Elrond always made be uncomfortable, because Arwen wasn't supposed to be there and Elrond was too un-elven. But in general, the movie is really cool and the music is excellent. Go and see it, but make sure you saw the first movie first.
Rating:  Summary: This part 2 is one of the best...... Review: This part 2 series is one of the best movie which I have found compared to fellowship of the rings(part 1). The exciting part in this movie is the war between Gandalf(leading a group of fighters)and the orks. The war between the tree wizard and the evil saruman is also very interesting and exciting.
Rating:  Summary: one of the best i've seen Review: even, after reading the books, so many times I have them memorized, I still sat there in awe and wondered how the heck they would manage to survive the battle of helm's deep. If a movie can do that to me with a story I know so well, I have to believe it is one of the best fantasy movies I have ever seen. I can't wait for the extended version to come out on DVD!
Rating:  Summary: The Lord of the Rings:The Two Towers- A Towering Achievement Review: On December 18, 2002, The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers was released in theaters nationwide. The film is a box-office hit, has made over 250 million dollars already, and has continued to progress and become of the highest-grossing motion pictures of 2002. I recently had a chance to see this film, and I enjoyed it very much. The film stars Elijah Wood as Frodo Baggins, Ian McKellen as Gandalf, Liv Tyler as Arwen, Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn, delightful Andy Serkis as Gollum, as well as many others. The main character, Frodo, reprises his role in the second part of the trilogy. Frodo must continue on his conquest to destroy the ring and burn it in the fires of Mount Doom, for only there can it be unmade. His loyal friend, Sam, tries to help him along the journey. Along with a new set of characters, the film takes on a drastic yet fascinating adventure. Director Peter Jackson does a spectacular job in recreating the epic book into an actual film. The film features thrilling visual effects and some great epic battle sequences, specifically the battle at Helm's Deep. As for the actual story, the relationship between the film and book don't have a great difference, for indeed they are very similar. This is a film I would highly recommend, specifically to anyone who has read the books and/or likes adventure. Rated: PG-13 for Epic Battle Sequences and Scary Images Time: 179 minutes (2 hours and 59 minutes)
Rating:  Summary: This Movie Was GREAT! Review: this was SUCH a good movie! It was great!I liked Smeagol alot; he was so funny! AND treachures(did I spell that right?). The only part about this movie that I didn't like was that Faramir was a badguy. I thought that the Ents were terriffic.Sean Astins(SAM)performance really shined, as did Orlando Bloom's and Ian McKellan's, plus Gimli was very funny! I really didn't like the love triad Eowyn and Arwen and Aragorn made but, you know, it had to be put in. This movie was so awsome! Anyone who sais otherwise must be a total stinker, party pooper, and a general grump. Again, this movie really shined!
Rating:  Summary: The Two Towers; Bows Down to the Fellowship; Comes Out Top Review: I had to breathe. The fact that I had just taken my last final, and could have been on my way home for Christmas break meant little to me, because I was standing in line at the Uptown Cinema in Washinton, D.C. waiting to get in to see the movie I had been anticipating for months. I was a little delirious...I had stayed up late studying for my history final, my brother called at 6am eastern time to tell me he had just seen the midnight showing of The Two Towers in California (bloody sneak), I asked what was left of my brain to be of use at 8:30 that morning while I was being tested on ancient Greece, and now I was walking in to a grand film about the second part of a book that had moved me more than any other written work i had ever read. i was a little delerious. I went alone because my friend that was planning to accompany me couldn't wait to get home...obviously she wasn't too excited about the film. I really didn't care, I just wanted to see it. (sigh) I had to breathe. Well I breathed and I saw the film, and this is my reaction: In terms of the book's content, the film wastes a great deal of screen time concerning itself with the Isengard vs. Rohan Battle (at Helm's Deep). Here, Dir. Peter Jackson found it necessary to include stunts like Legolas' surfing down the steps on a shield while he shoots orcs-move, and the completely invented appearance of the Mirkwood Elves who turn up to help out- a scene that caused one viewer I know to thumbs down the film automatically. Sam and Frodo's scenes can be criticized even further, as they progress less then Aragorn's scenes in terms of Tolkien's work. Jackson has saved the appearance of Shelob for Part Three, which is evidentally also where the choices of Master Samwise will play out. Both are seen before Return of the King by the reader of Tolkien's chronology. This is not so troubling as the portrayal of Faramir in the film, who resembles more closely his brother, as he is tempted by the ring and forces it to Gondor, where he finally allows Frodo and Sam to escape with it after a change of heart. Tolkien certainly took care to contrast Faramir drastically with Boromir from the beginning in his work. We'll have to wait for Part III before Sam and Frodo even reach Minas Morgul, so the final part of the trilogy will be eventful to say the least. The character of Gollum turned out interestingly. He was created through methods that have really never been used by Hollywood before. He seems a complete CGI character on the screen, when in fact he is in large part - human actor (played expertly by Andy Serkis). Serkis provided not only all the voiced lines, but also most of the movement and action of the character. Very well done, and thumbs up to Peter Jackson for that, however, in the end i thought Serkis' choice to play Gollum as a sort of sweet schizophrenic with no internal monolgue was a bit off the mark. So why do I want to cry like a baby every time I see this film? I actually did the first two times I saw it. Jackson's skill with direction may superseed his skill with the pen. The emotion and character relationships in this film are phenominal. The sheer power that the emotion emits somehow captures the way I feel when I'm studying Tolkien's works. God only knows how he did it, but he did. Although the Fellowship ended up as a better film, The Two Towers is truly The Lord of the Rings.
Rating:  Summary: Amazing, especially those talking tree things.... Review: This is the most magical movie of 2003. I liked it better than "The Fellowship of the Ring", and I can't wait for the Extended DVD Edition to come out! The special effects are awesome...the best I've ever seen in a movie, hands down. Another plus would be the top-notch performances from everyone in the cast, and the awesome art direction and cinematography. Peter Jackson is one of the greatest directors out there, and was completely snubbed of an Oscar nod for this year, which is terrible. Great movie. I loved it! Go see it. The talking tree things were awesome, and worth the ticket price alone.