Rating:  Summary: The Matrix: Revolutions of Money-Making Review: I saw and loved the firt Matrix! Excellent Sci-Fi! It was a smart, fun and entertaining thrill ride, (and as far as I'm concerned, COMPLETE as a story! We left Neo finding his place in the big scheme of things and flying off into the future with our imaginations flying off with him knowing, just knowing he would conquer all...great ending!). Applause.I tried to sit through Matrix Reloaded and left half-way through the ponderous flapping of yaps, the half-naked Rave mud-dancing human masses, (why would anyone want to save these people????); love-making with bodies covered in pain-inducing computer jacks, (ewwwwwww!!!); superman on crack scenes and Sybil, The Split Personality Disorder AI. According to some people, I didn't like this film because I'm not smart enough to understand what was going on...sigh. (And funny how square-jawed the entertainment industry is about people pirating their goods but still aren't willing to give you your money back when they make a product you're dissatisfied with). I decided Matrix Revolutions would just waste more money so I'm not bothering with it. My reasons are these: I found out AFTER trying to sit through Matrix Reloaded that the the Wachowski brothers had chosen to elaborate on their "vision" of the first Matrix across different types of media: an anime cartoon, (sigh); a first person shooter, (fps), video game, (YUK!); Matrix Reloaded, (questions asked of unanswerable questions so we can all once again Zen ourselves into the...insert echo here..."Wormhole of the Unanswerable"...snore...); Matrix Revolutions, (I read the reviews and confirmed my suspicions I would waste my money seeing it); and finally The Matrix Online,with a monthly subscription fee, of course. (WARNING: MOVIE SPOILER AHEAD. And ask yourselves now why Matrix Revolutions had so many new added characters that went nowhere and the matter of the machines controlling the world was not resolved and they conveniently killed off the two most powerful characters so you wouldn't be able to play them online...hmmmm...loose ends to be tied up in the online game?) In order for us to "get it", that is, the vision the Wachowski brothers have of the Matrix we should have, must currently and should be in the future buying and pondering all these money-making schemes to tie it all up in one nice neat package of understanding. This was a bad plan for someone like me who isn't interested in anime, fps' and will in no way pay a monthly fee for yet another online game. I just don't have the resources, interest and/or the patience to invest in such disjointed story-telling. (If you're the kind of person that does have all these things, more power to ya :) and enjoy!) But what the whole franchise has done for me is come off as one great Sci-Fi classic, two follow-ups that died and ended up in Sequel Hell and some Christmas gifts I hope I don't get this year! Please, Santa...I've been bad...very, very baaaad. Note to the Wachowsky brothers: If in the future you decide this is a very good idea to once again break your story-telling up into bits and pieces spread all over the map WARN US AHEAD OF TIME and I'll look elsewhere for entertainment. And, oh by the way, your "deux ex machina of advertising" was very wise to open with Matrix Revolutions everywhere in the world at once; even if it flops all involved will have at least made their money back.
Rating:  Summary: Perfect Ending Review: It has been my experience that unless you view the Matrix movies from a symbolic/spiritual path perspective, you will probably be dissapointed. If this movie was only about action and fight sequences, with no symbolic undertones, it would be a major dissapointment. However, there is no such lack in any of the Matrix movies. All people who have taken it upon themselves to discover Life and to experience truth for themselves, understand the significance of these movies. The trilogy of the Matrix is about the story of the human being as they progress along the path of consciousess evolution. I have read many reviews that claim the action sequences were not done properly (too long, too short, etc.)and that the acting is continually dull and lifeless. On the surface level, this may or may not be true and it totally depends on personal preference/opinion, but the message behind all of it is profound. Like most of life, we will find that we must dig deeper for the truth. I have stayed away from commenting on particulars about this movie because I don't want to be a spoiler. I can only encourage those who go to see it to discover the hidden messages about life and our own enlightment. And of course, enjoy the action...it doesn't get much better than this!
Rating:  Summary: Revolutions Disappointing Review: I expected so much from the build up of the first two movies, that Revolutions really let me down. Neo had a score to settle with the Frenchman and the Architect that was completely abandoned. Neo's fate was left completely ambiguous. Morpheous was reduced to being a navigator and Trinity's character deserved better. Fans were really let down.
Rating:  Summary: No One Will "Get It" Review: From a woman's point of view, to me, a good movie is one that I can go to and have a good time. You shouldn't have to go to a movie and try to figure out what is happening on screen. Many people who go to this movie will not have seen one or both of the prior installments, and because of this, they will not understand a thing while watching this third and final episode. Even I, who saw the other two movies, came away shaking my head. Granted, the fight scenes were excellent, but the movie was terrible overall because it was incomprehensible and the dialogue was a bunch of mumbo-jumbo. When you come away from a movie thinking none of it made any sense, that is not a good movie in my book. You shouldn't have to be a Matrix "afficiando" to enjoy the movie. I would not pay to see this movie again even though I loved the first Matrix.
Rating:  Summary: disappointing may be an understatement Review: I can't believe how bad the lines and story was. Not near enough fighting, just abunch of pointless .... that didn't amount to anything. By far the worst of the 3 and left a very bad taste in my mouth about the Matrix trilogy.
Rating:  Summary: Too many reviews by people who haven't seen it. Review: Save your money or sneak in after you see something else. Without the special effects it has as much substance as the worst 60's sci-fi movie. The story is a rehash and patchwork of old plots. Acting? Was there any. Bill and Ted's second Bogus movie.
Rating:  Summary: No Surpise and Big Disappointment Review: I was expecting the Revolutions at least better than the Reloaded, however, yes sure, in terms of those CG effected scenes for sure have big improvement, but I guess these scenes are "supposed" to be there anyway (in both budget and attractive level)so that it wouldn't give the audience a big supprise! Moreover, about the story, it can be said as very insane~~ Compare to the Reloaded, it's even more complicated the story rather than give answers to all the questions that has been generated. One more disappointment which is that the diagloue in the Revolutions is unexpectedly meaningless, and everything has to be said to explain every action that the character took....... If just pay for the view of those CG effects, it worth the price for the tic!!!!
Rating:  Summary: The Matrix does not have you (until you see it again) Review: I am not going to preface this review by saying I am a fan of the Matrix series. I would imagine anyone that has gone to the last two, and this one as well, is a fan. I had several problems with the movie and that is not for lack of understanding Reloaded, nor is it for lack of understanding the philosophical, religious and mechanical (computer based) theories supported by previous efforts. The acting has become tired and rigid, the Oracle was horrid. I became very irritated every time she took a drag of her cigarette as well as every time she tried to act like Gloria Foster. Granted, the Wachowski's had their hands tied, but the minimalist explanation was a too quick and contrived. Few questions: Where are the agents? Why are we treated to a repeat of the Lobby fight scene from the original Matrix and the parking garage fight scene from Revolutions? While the Merovingian, quite possibly one of the most interesting charactes in the series, held a necessary and interesting role in Reloaded, in Revolutions he is reduced to a character of a few quips and then abandoned. The nerdy kid from Reloaded (the same skater kid who saved himself in the Animatrix) had way too much screen time. He had more screen time than the Merovingian or the agents (for those of you who've seen the movie, you are asking, "What agents"). The battle scene in Zion was marginal. Commander Lock sounded like Admiral Akbar from Empire Strikes Back barking out orders. The only thing missing was his hover chair. I was more than happy and excited to see Matrix and Reloaded several times at the theater. I will admit, Reloaded did take me a couple times to really get into. But I did get into it all the same and was so looking forward to see where it went. Like someone else who wrote a review said, perhaps the DVD release will have an alternate ending, or, as I hope, a completely alternate movie altogether. One more thing, Neo looks like a tired hero. Tired of fighting, tired of being called "The One", tired of his responsibilities. Upon further reflection of Revolutions, I have given it another viewing and found it to be more bareable than the first time around. It does grow on you, but it takes some time. I admit, I may have been too quick to judge, however, my position stands that I wish it would have followed up on some of the questions/theories Reloaded posed. This debate will go one and on, possibly until the DVD comes out with director commentaries, however, for some, it fell short, for others, it wrapped everything up. Maybe, in the end, it is all about our own choice to accept or reject the finality of this series.
Rating:  Summary: Matrix Revolutions is not a perfect movie, but it Rocked Review: If you're not a fan of kung fu movies, science fiction movies, war movies, Keanu Reeves' flawless complexion, Laurence Fishburne's pocked complexion, or movies with strong biblical (the New Testament) references, then the final installment in The Matrix Trilogy is not for you. You probably didn't like the first or the second installments, and will be truly disappointed with the third. Let's get a few things straight first. Matrix Revolutions is not a perfect movie, and neither were its predecessors. There are at least two plot twists that are cliched. There are some questions that remain unanswered from The Matrix Reloaded. The language is stilted, but that was a fault/plus of all The Matrix movies. (It is in my opinion that the stilted language was a stylization by the directors of the movie. It's supposed to flow along like a church hymn. You're supposed to follow the rhythm, and not necessarily the words.) The Matrix, the original, continues to be a stand-alone movie. The movie didn't really require 2 more sequels to answer its mysteries. With all that said, see Matrix Revolutions because it rocked. The Matrix is still the best in the series, but Matrix Revolutions wraps up things very nicely. I will not give away any plot developments, except to say that maybe you should read the New Testament. The pseudo philosophical and spiritual overtones of Revolutions are not as heavy, muddled or as vague as in the first two movies. The spiritual lesson taught in this movie is simple: You must never give up faith. As a person at the beginning of her spiritual quest, I appreciate the messages and questions the Warchowski (sp?) brothers throw into this series. However, it is a movie and not a religious text. Most of the scenes in the movie take place in the "real world," so there aren't many visuals of Morpheus in his green 'gator shoes, Trinity in her liquid latex cat suit, or Naiobi in her to-die-for Bantu knots. What you do see is a group of ragged people fighting for peace, and trying not to lose their faith. What you do see is Neo trying to figure out his place in this universe. The Matrix Revolutions does have the hold-your-breath chases, fight scenes, and battles against the machines. (I dare you not to gasp when swarms of machines break through the walls of Zion. It is all at once beautiful and petrifying.) Matrix Revolutions is definitely a must see. The ending of the film will require some post-viewing analysis, but that doesn't take away from the fact that it's a great action film to take you out of your self for a couple of hours. Even if the movie were to shed its religious pretensions, it would still be a great action film to see on the big screen. Don't listen to the haters. Have faith that it will be worth the $10 you invested to see it. Peace!
Rating:  Summary: Not great, but a lot better than Reloaded Review: Revolutions is a vast improvement on Reloaded. Sure, its not as good as the original, and the dialogue didn't tax the scriptwriters, BUT the special effects are fantastic, the fight scenes are tremendous, and it makes a pretty damn good attempt on making sense out the muddle left by Reloaded. I think a lot of people writing negative comments about this film are expecting some mind-blowing, life-changing relevation when they go to see it. Don't. Just enjoy - its a film!