Rating:  Summary: The Fellowship of the Ring: Extended Edition Review: This first, wonderfully executed installment of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy was superb alone by itself. Now, the special edition is what I consider purely excellent, and is almost perfect in every way. This movie is a must have for any Tolkein fan, and will fill you in on the details that were cut out of the theatrical version of this film, not to mention the approx. 8 hours of extras on how the timeless classic was brought to life on film.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful movie, great packaging, no deleted scenes Review: I recieved this version of the movie for my birthday. I love seeing the movie again and the featurettes on the second disc are wonderful. Unfortunately, I had kinda hoped that even this edition would have some deleted scenes. I think I will end up selling this to buy an extended edition as the price drops further. If you just want to see the movie as you saw it in the theaters originally and get some cool extras then save some money and pick up this edition. If you want everything wait and spend a bit more to get the extended edition. keep the faith.
Rating:  Summary: Fantastic Extra Footage for a Fantastic Film! Review: This special edition goes beyond the call of duty and adds many layers to an already complex and beautiful film. Many of the additions are small, but help you to realize the characters more fully. The special features are also quite rockin'. The only downside is that the film itself is on two discs, requiring you to pause halfway through and change discs. Not that big of a deal, but still annoying. This is a must buy for an LotR fans!
Rating:  Summary: Must see over the theatrial version Review: What makes the extended addition of the Fellowship so great is that it contains so many small, but important scenes from the book that were left out of the original version. Jackson does an excellent job of integrating simple, yet important details into the movie without dragging it down or becoming redundant. For everyone who complains that this still isn't true to the book, nothing is perfect, but as far as a literary adaptation to the big screen, I think this version gets very high scores. Sure, Tom Bombadil was left out, but it would have been really difficult I think to make those scenes work in the movie. Some of the extras that I like are the scenes between Frodo and Gandalf explaining the origins of the ring of power and giving more detail into Gollum's history. In addition, I think the scenes with the elves are excellent, especially the distributing of the gifts to the nine and the scene where Gimli falls in love with Galadriel. Everyone should purchase this edition of the movie because of all the extras it contains, and the way it brings the viewer deeper into the world of Middle Earth.
Rating:  Summary: The Fellowship of the Ring: Film Review Review: I think this is a great film because this one shows you the fellowship of the ring. The reason why I liked it so much was because it showed you all of the fellowship's weapons. I also liked it because Gimli (john-rhys davies) and Legolas (Orlando bloom) are always arguing. I think it shows you some of the cultural diffrances. There are a couple of downsides in this film and they are when one of my favorite characters Gandalf (Ian Mckellen) falls down in Moria. It was annoying because Aragorn ( Viggo Mortensen) could have saved him and stupid Borimir (Sean bean) Stopped Frodo (Elijah wood)From saving him They could have becuase the orcs werent shooting for ages and when they did they missied like hell.This film also has funny scenes when bilbo disappeares with the ring and returns to is house. Also whats good about is that it looks like gandalf is dead and then borimir is dead. So to me it made me think who was going to die next? But I Dont like it as much as the other two because it doesnt have much battles as the other ones.But I think this is good to buy on dvd so you can watch the extras but the other two beat it.
Rating:  Summary: Slashy fun for every girl^.^ Review: I rarely go out to see movies. Before my friends made me watch this, I read "The Very Secret Diaries" by Cassandra Claire & Liz Bardawill,which really enhanced (rather than iniciated) how gay most of the characters seem (Legolas, Gimli, all the hobbits) So when we went to see the 3ed movie, we were all laughing at things people sisn't seem to notice. The story is pretty good, though some of the main characters like Aragorn are extreme annoying & hard to look at. Freaking shave! Smeagol, Gimli, & Gandalf are increadebly ammusing. Legolas is a flamboyant drama queen who could stand a bitmore makeup. Eowin was annoying at first, beeing such a pantywaist with an annoyingly elongated forehead, but latter prooves that she's pretty cool & can handle herself. Pippin & Merry are impossible to hate. Arwin is just plan annoying. Elrond is gorgeous, but after Pracilla Queen of the Dessert, you can't help but wonder if he isn't trying Arwin's dresses on when she's not around. lol^o^ If you like this, you'll like Lodoss Wars. If you like this & you agree that it's slashy, you should read Island of Gestalt.
Rating:  Summary: All the extras are worth the cost!! Review: Though some people don't want to buy this if they already have the first 2 disc set of the Fellowship of the Ring on DVD, all the extras included with this platinum edition are definetly worth the cost. The extra and extended scenes definetly help to complete the film all all the documentaries and interviews definetly help you to see what a huge project these movies really are.
Rating:  Summary: Wake me up when it's over Review: I was told to watch this, and that there'd be no dull moment. The very first sentence that I heard, and I mean THE FIRST sentence, I knew this was going to be bad. I however, tried to keep an open mind. Maybe the beginning is bad or slow, but it MAY pick up. It's been about 50 minutes into the film, and I am just yawning, and checking email (being I am watching it on my PC). Someone I know wanted me to see both of them plus the third in the theaters in ONE DAY! My gosh! I can barely watch a 1/3 of the first one. It's too cheesy, and fake. "This is the ring of nonsense, one once had it, and now one does not. This ring is special, and must not be placed on finger, or great disaster could occur." Blah. Just because people make a big deal over it, doesn't mean it's good. They made a big deal on Titanic. I was bored with that film. I'm a creative writer, and these sort of films BORE me. Watch Star Wars, it at least has a better story.
Rating:  Summary: Lets get real here! Review: Just looked to darn fake.A lot of improvement could have been made on this one
Rating:  Summary: Sauron ROCKS!!!!! Review: This was a great movie. Like all trilogys, the first one is amazing and takes your breath away, the second one(which the makers try to make you think will be better than the first) was good but is not as good as the first, and the third film(which the makers also make you think will be better than the first two) is just plain not what you exepicted. This one is the best of the trilogy. The story is about some small creatures called hobbit. Hobbits are very simalar to humans in every way execept they are shorter. This hobbit, named Frodo Baggins, one day is given his uncle Bilbo ring when he is moving. One day a wizard named Gandalf tells Frodo that the ring was made by a demon named Sauron, who gave the races of the world rings but made that ring so he could take control of the world. Now, Frodo goes to Mordor to destroy the ring, but not alone. With him are a Fellowship to guide him in there. Great movie and last but not least SAURON ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!