Rating:  Summary: Super-Sexy And Smarter Than It's Given Credit For Review: The idea of an alien invasion being carried out by a lone creature looking to mate so as to give birth to a whole new race of its kind has, I believe, been done in a few movies before "Species" but probably not with such effective horror, intelligence, high-caliber performances, realistic special effects and scorching sexiness. Easily one of the best horror/science fiction crosses, with Natasha Henstridge playing the alien Sil in her humanlike form and some colossal effects handling the far more frightening but also impressive alien form. One possible angle on the whole movie that I'm not sure if anybody else got or if I'm just seeing things in a weird way again is - and this isn't a spoiler because the idea isn't explored here or in Species 2, and as far as I know it doesn't come up in the 3rd one (although I haven't yet seen it) - if I remember correctly, the movie in its beginning was quite clear that the transmission where they got the code for the alien DNA to create Sil was an INCOMPLETE transmission, and they had to fill in the gaps on their own. The 'incomplete' bit seems to me to suggest an intriguing possibility that something went wrong in the creation, even that maybe the original senders of the code never meant for the lifeform to be vicious? This would tie right in with how Sil seems to enter a state of some confusion when not in 'Mate-And-Destroy' mode.
Fine cast of performers and characters, scores very high on action, horror, and science fiction meters, with some questions left unanswered for further exploration or thought. And as for the 'sex appeal' element, hinging on Henstridge's turn as Sil? Natasha is beautiful And pretty, stunning, hot and breathtaking (and that's just BEFORE she takes her clothes off, let alone after!!)
A definate keeper.
Rating:  Summary: Fun and Sexy Alien flick. Review: A secret experiment involves human DNA and alien DNA to make a female being who is a hybrid of both, it's now on the loose in Los Angeles only wanting to mate and kill.Exciting Sci-fi horror thriller with good if slimy special effects not for the squeamish, but "Sil" the alien woman played by Natasha Hensreigh is absolutely gorgeous all the way as a perfect woman! if you enjoy Sci-fi movies then rent this one. Also recommended: Return of the Aliens- The Deady Spawn, John Carpenter's The Thing, Alien, Ghosts of Mars, The Fifth Element, Lifeforce, Pod People ( MST3K episode), Aliens, Critters 1 & 2, Event Horizon, Total Recall, Starship Troopers, Predator, Contamination, Dog Soldiers, The X-Files Movie, Resident Evil, Predator 2, Alien3, Alien Resurrection, and The Terminator.
Rating:  Summary: Entertaining and tantalilyzing romp Review: A surprise hit when released in 1995, this cheesy but surprisingly entertaining sci-fi romp introduced the beautiful and statuesque Natasha Henstridge as a human/alien hybrid with a severe urge to mate. She escaped from a labratory which was under the supervision of a man named Xavier (Ben Kingsley) who soon after assembles a team (featuring Michael Madsen, CSI's Marg Helgenberger, Forest Whitaker, and Spider-Man 2's Alfred Molina) to find her as she leaves a path of dead and horny males in her wake. Followed by two lesser sequels, the original Species offers plenty of sci-fi/horror thrills and nudity as well, with Henstridge, as sad as it may sound, in the role she was born to play. The rest of the cast does solid work thanks to the capable direction of Roger Donaldson (The Recruit) and the creature designs by H.R. Giger (the man responsible for the creature design in the original Alien) are nothing short of creepy and superb. All in all, the original Species is a bonafide guilty pleasure, and is much more worth seeing than it's sequels.
Rating:  Summary: The Mating Game Review: For years we humans have been looking for signs of life other than what's on this great, greasy mud ball we affectionately know as Earth. We've sent probes, satellites, and signals out into that vast darkness...we've searched the heavens with powerful telescopes and listened with highly sophisticated equipment design to detect anything that could point to the possibility of intelligence other than our own...and for all our efforts we got...squat...that is, until now...
Directed by Roger Donaldson (I was a bit wary here, as this was the man responsible for awful films Cocktail and Cadillac Man, but he also did a really good film in that of No Way Out, so I'm torn...), Species (1995) stars certainly an interesting cast including the very busy Ben Kingsley (Ghandi), who slated to appear in a whopping seven films in 2005 (I think he's trying to compete with Gene Hackman and Michael Caine for the title of most prolific actor), Michael Madsen (Reservoir Dogs, Kill Bill Vol's 1 and 2), Alfred Molina (Doc Ock in a little film called Spider-Man 2), Forest Whitaker (I'm still highly annoyed with this guy, who I generally like as an actor, for appearing in John Travolta's ego stroking pet project Battlefield Earth...damn you John Travolta!), Marg Helgenberger (CSI), and introducing every sci-fi nerd's wet dream, the highly curvaceous and infinitely squeezalicious Natasha Henstridge (I can't help wonder if this film would have done as well had they chosen another actress, say Rosie O'Donnell? I suppose not...)
Anyway, it seems all of our efforts to find intelligent life in space has finally paid off, as a message was received, one detailing plans regarding re-sequencing human DNA to create a human/alien hybrid. The gooberment project, headed by Xaiver Fitch (Kingsley) has succeeded, creating a new life form in that of girl known as Sil (who later becomes Henstridge, due to a rapid, internal development process). Now, I would have thought it unwise to screw around with space DNA, as who knows what you'll get, but they also received instructions for a limitless energy supply from the same source, so they assumed the aliens who sent the message were friendly...gullible fools. After it's decided that Sil is progressing too quickly, and may become dangerous, the secret group agrees the best course is termination, but Sil disagrees, and escapes. Since it's not feasible to announce to the general public that there's a dangerous human/alien hybrid on the loose, one created by our own gooberment, in the newspapers and on TV, Fitch assembles a specialized team to track and kill Sil before she reaches her full potential, something they are still unsure of...but here's a hint...it involves making with the boom boom and the pitter patter of tiny little feet...or claws, or whatever...
I saw this film with a married couple when first released, and my friend and I thought it was pretty darn good, but his wife felt different. When asked why she didn't like the movie, she said "There was too much nudity." At that point I left well enough alone rather than try to explain how, since Sil was unfamiliar with our customs, clothing, at times, was optional for her. I will agree there was a whole lot of nekkidness, but hey, I'm a guy, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't like to see beautiful nekkid women. Obviously Henstridge was chosen for her assets, and her willingness to display them, but she did say much later that the role opened many doors for her...I'm sure it did...the plot, a group of diverse specialists gathered together to deal with an unusual problem, smacks of any number of Michael Crichton stories, as they all play out this way, but it's not done quite as well here as it is in a Crichton story. The actors do well enough with what they're given, but there was shallowness in each of their characters. I suppose this matters little, as the film is meant to be just fun and exciting, and not an in depth character study. I did find Whitaker as Dan the empathic character a bit annoying at times, as his abilities seemed to work with pinpoint accuracy at times, but conveniently fail at critical moments. Madsen, as the gooberment `liquidator' brings nothing we haven't seen in a handful of his other roles, making me think he graduated from The Keanu Reeves School of Acting with honors. The plot has its problems, but it seems to care little as it rolls along at a fairly speedy pace, and does keep the audience engaged. I thought some of the characters were a bit too `hands on', specifically Fitch, especially since he seemed to have a whole lot of resources available to him (as we all know, the gooberment has the deep pockets, and seem to care little for how they throw our tax dollars around). The special effects do look really good, and the distinctive H.R. Giger (Alien) influences are very apparent (he actually design the human/alien hybrid creature) and entirely worth any fan of Swiss auteur's surrealistic work to check this film out.
The wide screen picture on this DVD looks really good, and the audio is available in three formats DTS 5.1, Dolby Digital 5.1, Dolby Digital 2.0 Surround. I'm not entirely sure what qualifies this as a `special edition', other than two separate commentary tracks, one featuring director Roger Donaldson and actors Michael Madsen and Natasha Henstridge, and a second with director Roger Donaldson, producer Frank Mancuso Jr., visual effects supervisor Richard Edlund, and creature and special makeup effects creator Steve Johnson. There is a trailer for this film, along with a few others for other MGM releases, and a sneak peek into Species 3 (which I think is going to be a direct to video release), but not a whole heck of a lot else. I just thought the popularity of the film would have meant more...like a Giger video sketchbook or something...oh well...
Rating:  Summary: How bad Review: I don't know how to begin my comments, the movie is so bad, the alien looks is a mix of Alien and human, Natasha Henstridge is always one step ahead the group, they always go together every where and... Uh. What's Ben Kingsley doing in this film? Does anybody remember him in Ghandi? The only good thing of the film is Natasha Henstridge.
Rating:  Summary: Remarkably restrained Review: Okay, face it. This is not a great movie. It can be enjoyable to watch, and Natasha Henstridge is ... and fun. Having said that, there is no doubt that the plot tends to be silly at times, and there are more than a few holes in the script. The odd thing about this film is how little "blood and gore" it really shows. So many movies go overboard in that department. And although there are a lot of uncomfortable scenes in the film, without exception they do not linger any longer than absolutely necessary. Lighting, camera angles, and cuts are designed to leave much to the imagination rather than parading body parts until you want to -- well, you get the idea. An awful lot of moviemakers could learn something from this "little" film. I must admit -- I enjoy this film. (I also admit that I don't always watch the last scene.) But most of all, I have a list of movies that I wish showed the kind of (don't laugh) subtlety in cinematography that this one does. Think about it. And enjoy the film. It is supposed to be fun. And it is.
Rating:  Summary: A Sci-Fi Thriller Review: Oscar winner Ben Kingsley stars in this action-packed film as Xavier Fitch, a scientist who has genetically engineered a creature through extra-terrestrial intelligence. The result is Sil, a beautiful woman played by Natasha Henstridge. However, as we find out through the course of the movie, looks can be deceiving.
Sil manages to escape from Dr. Fitch's observation, so he assembles an elite team to track her down. These experts, including Press, a government assassin, played by Michael Madsen, Dan, an "empath", played by Forrest Whitaker, Laura, a biologist, played by Marg Helgenberger, and Arden, an anthropologist, played by Alfred Molina, combine their experience and expertise to track Sil to Los Angeles.
Once in Los Angeles, Sil launches her plan to mate with unsuspecting men to produce offspring which could destroy the world. As her biological clock ticks, the team races against time to track down and destroy her before its too late.
I thought this was a good sci-fi film. The acting and special effects are very good, and Natasha Henstridge does a good job of keeping viewers' attention with her scantily-clad scenes throughout the movie. Although the action stalls a little in some places, sci-fi and action fans should still find this to be a worthwhile film.
Rating:  Summary: Love Drive... Review: Poor SIL (Natasha Henstridge), she's just a gal on the hunt for l-o-v-e. Too bad she's a human / alien hybrid who slaughters more people than a runaway threshing machine! Raised in a glass cage in a top secret facility, SIL found out as a young girl that her creators (led by Ben Kingsley) had scheduled her for termination. So, she promptly escaped, hopped a cargo train, killed a pervert who tried to attack her, hopped a passenger train, killed the ticket-lady, spun herself into a gooey coccoon; and entered adulthood like any other citizen. Now on the loose, SIL is being tracked by a team of scientists (Kingsley, Alfred "Doc Oc" Molina, and Marg "CSI" Helgenberger), an empath (Forest Whitaker), and a government "exterminator" (Michael "Kill Bill" Madsen). SIL does whatever it takes to survive and mate, dispatching many unsuspecting males and females in the process! Henstridge is to SPECIES what Arny is to THE TERMINATOR. She is driven toward a goal and will let nothing stand in her way. Gorey but intelligent, I liked this one a lot. Check it out...
Rating:  Summary: WHY DIDN'T SHE KILL ME??? Review: recently i re-saw this crap on tv.
gosh how i could forget how bad it was?
i'm still mesmerized about this newer Giger's "ominous" monster...a mortal-hooters blondie-Alien!.
it confirms that you can have a good idea, good actors and lots of bills... and end with a b-movie.
something positive? the comic was way better.
Rating:  Summary: A decent Sci FI Horror Erotica esc film. Review: Species is the first in a trilogy of mankind being stupid and creating a alien human hybrid who's soul purpose is to mate. In this chapter some scientist come across this mysterious DNA which belongs to an Alien. They don't have a full strand so they decide to mix it with Human DNA creating this new creature. However once it gets loose all hell breaks loose as it's soul purpose is to reproduce, meaning lots of sex and or nudity.
Overall this is a decent film, nothing spectacular but if your too embarressed to watch the real stuff than this can make for an entertaining time.