Rating:  Summary: too little, too late Review: In my opinion, Mr. Lucus has pushed alot of the best Star Wars fans past their breaking point with this insulting release. How much longer is he going to wait to release this on DVD widescreen? Most of us that shared the excitement of the original release in the days of our youth are in our mid 30's to late 40's now. If Mr. Lucus waits any longer, he may wait past the point to where we just won't give a crap anymore. If maximum sales profit is all Mr. Lucus is concerned about and the fans be damned, then I suggest Star Wars sales would have already reached their peak at this time, and it's all downhill from here. I'm in my mid 30's and to my surprise, most 18-25 year olds that I know have never seen the original trilogy and don't have much interest in watching them.
Rating:  Summary: When will we have DVD???? Review: If you own the Special Edition Star Wars Trilogy on video already and if they're in good condition, then there's really no reason to purchase this new reisssue. In fact the only bonus is a behind the scenes featurette of Episode II but even that is a disappointment.With the first video release of the Special Editions back in 1997, the videos featured the theatrical trailers and a behind the scenes feature before the actual film. Those bonuses are absent now to make room for the empty Episode II featurette. The new packaging has a sporty new look and retitles the trilogy with their new "Episode IV, V, and VI" handles and the sound and picture quality is first rate... for a video release. As for the films themselves, they are first rate entertainment. I recommend viewing each film in chronological order, just for the heck of it.
Rating:  Summary: Great set - but only if you don't own "Special Edition" Review: I have to give the set 5 stars because after all.... it is The Star Wars Trilogy. But... for those looking for something new here - you just won't find it. It is the same exact series as Special Edition. And the Episode II behind the sceens? Believe me - there is nothing here. Less than 15 minutes of interviews from Luke's Aunt and Uncle, played by 2 young Aussi actors, and a brief interview with Lucas and Anthony Daniels. No footage What So Ever! No Anikan - no princess - nothing! So... Botton line - buy this only if you don't already own "Special Edition".
Rating:  Summary: Why are some of us so quick to complain?? Review: We should be grateful that George Lucas is introducing even more people to his wonderful Star Wars trilogy! VHS is good enough, isn't it?? We can be PATIENT and wait for the DVDs, yes?? Besides, DVD is just another format that has tended to spoil a lot of us into thinking that VHS should be gotten rid of completely. That's bogus! Lucas doesn't have the time right now to even THINK about the DVDs. He wants thought put into them so he can put lotsa' great extras into them. He doesn't want to rush them. I applaud George Lucas to take the time to make every one of his products special and precisely thought out. He's busy enough with making Episodes II and III as it is! We should be very grateful we're getting this new Trilogy AT ALL! So enjoy it while you can, everybody! Grab up a Widescreen copy and enjoy! The DVDs will be here before we know it. Just give Lucas some time and we'll see the wonders that he can do!
Rating:  Summary: If you don't own this trilogy .... BUY IT NOW Review: There are things in life which most of us simply shouldn't have to live without, running water, electricity, underwear and the Star Wars trilogy. It boils down to a simple fact. This is the most incredible trilogy ever made, with special effect which WERE way ahead of their time, a quality cast and a compelling story. True there is nothing special in this release, but it was never intended that we all buy 3 copies of the trilogy. This is a great chance for those who have missed out in the past to own a milestone of movie history. Have to agree with the others though, the DVD is long overdue.
Rating:  Summary: You don't know how long I've been waiting........FINALLY Review: Two years ago I had no clue what the word "Star Wars" meant. Now I do, thanks to Episode One. Now I know every single detail from both the new and old movies. But my favorite has always been the trilogy....and back then I have been trying with all my might to own the movies. It was not possible...but now it is. I advise you, BUY THIS MOVIE. It will be totally worth it. And if you are buying it for somebody else, I ASURE you they'll love it, too. I am not going to tell you what the movie is about, because you will find out, and I don't want to spoil it. Long live STAR WARS!!!
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars Trilogy Review: Think back when you were a kid.......remember who every boy wanted to be? Yes Luke Skywalker. If you were the ladies man it would be Han Solo. If you were a girl then it would be Leia Organa. These are classics,One of a kind,and to top it off you never know when George Lucas is gonna pull it off the market. What was the hit movie last year? Star Wars Episode 1. Kids now know the beggining however many kids that I met went " You mean there are other Star Wars Movies?" That's sad. They made leaps and bounds in graphics and to beat it was one heck of a story line. Even my Parents still love the famous lines like " I got a bad feeling about this!" or " May the Force be with you." The reason these are so dogone good is because the kids remember them. Your kids will also love the 10 min. preview on each video of Episode 2. I have to admit that this is one set I have got to get. Who could also forget the Blowing up of the Death Star and how we held our breath as we prayed the Transport would get away from Hoth. Yeah this set is a Classic!
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars is always great but not another trilogy Review: Some might wonder why I have given Star Wars one star, but there is a great reason behind it. I'm only giving it one star based on what Lucas added to this presentation. If you already own the trilogy don't bother about rushing out for this one. The added section for Star Wars Episode 2 is not worth the money. All you get is a brief summary of information we already know about given to you by Lucas himself. A brief interview with the actors playing Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru, as well as a talk with Anthony Daniels who says how great it is to be playing C-3P0 after all these years. The only fresh insight provided is telling us that C-3P0 will appear in a middle state where he has some of the look he will have in episode 4 but made up of spare outer parts. If you are one of the few people that don't own the trilogy yet, by all means purchase it, is a wonderful set of movies that you wont have a chance to purchase for another 3-4 years. But if do, and you just want a look at some episode footage rent don't spend the money again.
Rating:  Summary: I love the Star Wars Trilogy S.E., warts and all... Review: I'm somewhat ambivalent about the Special Edition versions of the Star Wars trilogy. On one hand, I rather like the idea that Lucas decided to re-tool the legendary saga more towards his original vision of how he wanted them to look, using modern movie magic technology that had just been a far-off dream when he originally produced these films . On the other hand, I also feel that one should just accept a movie's shortcomings, despite the stature of legend they have attained, and just get on with life. But, I must admit that a lot of the enhancements and expansions worked fairly well, and looked convincing in most cases. Unfortunately, not ALL of the new moments passed muster in my eyes... I was finally glad that some of the Biggs Darklighter footage was restored to Star Wars (aka prior to the Death Star run). For many years I've heard about these cut scenes- Biggs and Luke talking about the future on Uncle Owen's moisture farm, and the hangar reunion- and had high hopes of finally seeing them. Unfortunately, only the hangar reunion was put back in. The moisture farm intro may well be forever lost... Another weird addition was Greedo firing first before Han plugged him from under the table in the Cantina. Talk about revisionist history! And the new Jabba scene didn't look that great to me. The CGI Jabba looks a bit too smooth. He was a good sight more wrinkled and warty in both Episode I (Before Star Wars) and Return of the Jedi. Also, you do NOT step on the tail of the most influential crime lord on the planet! I mean, I know they had to tweak the scene to make it work, but still! That should've called for Han's execution right there! Hey, is that Boba Fett hangin' out in the hangar with Jabba? Cool, now he's in all three films! Then there's that concentric ring of energy that flies outward after the explosions of both Alderaan and the Death Star. Aside from being an unnecessary embellishment, I found this little addition to lack originality as well. This same effect was used in the opening of 'Star Trek VI'. Whoops... I just mentioned 'Star Trek' in a 'Star Wars' review... so much for renewing my fan club membership! Heh... 'Empire' has the fewest changes of the three. The only part I have a problem with are the scenes of Vader boarding his shuttle on Cloud City following his battle with Luke, then exiting his shuttle onto his flagship. Like the explosion rings, I found this to be an unnecessary embellishment; I already got the drift about how he got to his ship from Cloud City, all right? There's also a slight change of dialogue in one scene, following R2D2 getting spat out by the swamp monster in Dagobah. See if you can tell the difference! I don't have too many complaints about the "improvements" done to Return Of The Jedi, aside from yet another energy ring expanding from the explosion of the second Death Star. The new Jabba's Palace band was pretty neat, but I still prefer the original three-piece band from the original version. I guess I'm just a sentimental kinda guy. There were a few scenes cut from the original release I was hoping to see (Vader force-strangling an Imperial Guard who blocks his attempts to speak with the Emperor, and an Imperial officer being punished by another Imperial guard for insubordination)... no such luck. The expanded Ewok celebration at the end was pretty neat to watch, and included an all-new John Williams composition that has become my second-favorite 'Star Wars' tune (right behind 'The Imperial March- Darth Vader's Theme', from The Empire Strikes Back of course). I'm not an absolutist about the widescreen format, but in the case of the Star Wars trilogy, it's an absolute necessity. There's just too much happening on both sides of the screen, and you're likely to miss something important. In this case wider IS better. I just wish they'd finally release these movies on DVD. Like many of the other Amazon reviewers, I too am getting a bit fed up of the constant VHS re-releases. Let's get with the times here! 'Late!
Rating:  Summary: We love it, if you don't get over yourselves Review: The Star Wars trilogy is, like many others have stated, our modern mythology. The movies let us live vicarously through the characters and are engrained into our personality and our culture. How many classic mythology stories have been made and remade into films. The updated versions gave a more visually spoiled generation a new look at a classic without remaking it. How many people were disapointed with the 1976 remake of King Kong. The critical person saying the new rerelease of the films is an afront has not done his homework or he wouldn't have made so many assumptions. George Lucas does not feel or trust that the DVD technology cannot be pirated. But he has stated that he would probably release DVD versions in the future. Also, it has been almost three years since the special editions were available to the mass market, so some may want to get the films that passed on it before the Episode I film came out. And lastly, the extra feature is not a simple trailer but a behind the scenes documentry which are just as interesting to watch. I may have the previous editions but I, like others look forward to catching a glimpse of the next chapter of a place far,far away.