Rating:  Summary: Worth seeing...twice Review: "Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" is smarter than your average epic. And longer. And more exciting. And more moving. In other words, it's just better overall. Like the first two LOTR movies, "Return of the King" flies along at a note-perfect pace, ensuring that viewers won't be looking at their watches even as the film moves past the three-hour mark. Perhaps the most notable aspect of this trilogy is the way it manages to expertly balance grandiosity and intimacy, and the finale is no exception. It's truly amazing that Peter Jackson And co. manage to tie up the loose ends from "Fellowship" and "The Two Towers," introduce a few new characters and themes, and still find time for some more of the trilogy's own unique brand of action-packed set pieces. Since "Return of the King" is the conclusion of a trilogy it only makes sense for it to up the ante from its predecessors, and it does so in a manner that makes "Return of the Jedi" and "Terminator 3" look like an episode of "Barney." The stakes here are higher, the battles bigger, the monsters scarier, and the Orcs even uglier. However, despite the film's huge budget and epic scope Peter Jackson's direction always finds time to zoom in so we can see how the events are wearing on the characters, reminding us that Hollywood epics can still be full of emotional depth. This one runs the gamut, with plenty of heroism and a bit of comic relief tempered by an abundance of fear, conflict, and death. Right from the beginning, it's obvious what kind of movie we're in for. The movie's opening plunges you right into the abyss, opening with a young Smeagol's murder of his friend for the ring and then the harrowing depiction of his descent into madness and deformity. Things don't get much better from there, either. Despite the fact that "The Two Towers" ended with the defeat of Sauron's and Saruman's army at Helm's Deep, "Return of the King" still opens on a pretty big down note. Mankind is teetering ever closer to the brink of extinction, and more than either of the first two installments this one has a palpable sense of dread hanging over it. This is never more apparent than when Faramir leads his soldiers in a doomed charge against an impregnable Orc position in an effort to regain his father's good graces. At the same time his father is piggishly stuffing his face while Pippin serenades him in a scene eerily reminiscent of Nero playing his fiddle while Rome burned. Moving stuff, to be sure. Even though it doesn't even constitute the climax of the movie, "Return of the King" is highlighted by a sustained action sequence the likes of which you can scarcely conceive. I don't think it would be much of a stretch to say the battle at Minas Tirith is quite probably the greatest ever filmed, taking up about a half-hour of screen time and probably costing enough to end world hunger for good. Here's a quick laundry list of a few key elements: flaming catapulted rocks; elephants ridden by crews of archers; flying, shrieking Nazguls; the return of the malevolent Witch King; an awe-inspiring cavalry charge; and a tide-turning army of ghosts. Not to mention, the cinematography involved is nothing short of staggering. My brief rundown hardly suffices, though; this is truly a scene that must be seen to be believed. Of course, even if they don't register quite as much as previously, the journey of Frodo, Sam, and Smeagol still remains the central point of the action. Their trip to Mount Doom becomes progressively more difficult and hellish, moving through ever harsher terrain, with Smeagol's treachery only serving to undermine the mission even further. The bond of friendship between Frodo and Sam, which held them together through so much difficulty in the first two movies, becomes strained as they come closer to Mordor and Smeagol gets more devious. As before, there's a sense of impending disaster lurking just around the corner, but it becomes more pronounced at every turn. In the end, "Return of the King" is not only the last LOTR movie; it may well be the best. I could even go so far as to say that LOTR has assumed a lofty position as THE movie Trilogy, since it manages perhaps more than any other to match its huge budgets with a huge heart. I guess only time will tell. Now to read the books!
Rating:  Summary: Money Mammoth movie Review: The two words that best describe this movie are "popcorn cinema".It is exciting, it is spectacular, it is expensive and above all it is silly. It is spectacular money making and unbelievably confident movie advertisement. What it ceartainly isnt however, is great cinematic achievement in terms of artistic vision. The Directors clumsily dumps some characters, nullifying the entire build up buzz that sorrounded their supposed depth and vision. What ever happened to Faramir and his Father son issues? Did they just burn away? What happened to all the heap made around Eowyn and her love to Arragon? What happened to their attempts at making Gollum a believable character? All forgotten in a few silly suspense sequenzes? Full box offices is what happened, making useless any attempt to add a little bit more sincerity and warmth to the story. The overconfidence of rich and overfed Producers put a stop to a movie that we might have otherwise remembered and cherished a little bit more. Other then the afore mentioned reasons it is spectacular. Sadly just spectacular.
Rating:  Summary: The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King Review: *Starring* Viggo Mortensen as "Aragorn" Rated PG-13 Elijah Woods as "Frodo" Sean Astin as "Sam" Ian Mckellen as "Gandalf" Me and my friend think The Lord of the Rings:The Return of the King is one of the best movies of the year. It's the best of all three films, and nominated for 11 Academy Awards. It was also nominated for 4 Gloden Globes Awards for Best Director and Best Picture of the year. This tells about two friends named Frodo and Sam , trying to save Middle Earth before Middle Earth is doomed! Gollum, who used to be a hobbit, leads the way to mordor to help Frodo and Sam destroy the one ring. when they arivved in Mordor something alongs the way happens to them. Meanwhile, part of the fellow-ship is in war, fighting for Middle Earth, and trying to win victory. Every character has a role to play in order to save Middle Earth, but do they really save Middle Earth? the only way is to destroy the one ring. Do the fellowship really save Middle Earth? If you really like this reveiw go watch this movie in theatres near you.
Rating:  Summary: I can't even explain how amazing and awesome it is Review: It's official: Lord of the Rings is the coolest thing ever brought into this earth, call me a geek or nerd, but it is. J.K. Rowling, shut up and sit down, you're time in the limelight is over. J.R.R. Tolkien has returned in the spirit of this excellent movie- no, TRILOGY!! This is such an awesome trilogy itself, and each movie is just beyond words. Oh yeah, if you guys disagree with me and tell me to move out of my parents' basement like one man said on this website, nice try, 'cause i'm 13! and even if there are 40 year old fans, give them a break 'cause they have good taste, it's a fact! Even more than 50 years this book has been on shelves, and this trilogy is still hoppin' and poppin'! It's been famous for that long. (How do you like them apples, Harry?) So if you like harry potter and love those books and movies, keep away, 'cause like it has been for the past 50 years, this trilogy (Books and movies) is the real fantasy deal. So all you "Harry Potter" dorks and "Dungeons and Dragons" goofballs should be on your knees, bowing to this trilogy and Mr. J.R.R. Tolkien, 'cause the creators of all those cheap fantasy series you like admitted that they couldn't have done this without Mr. J.R.R. Tolkien's amazing and astonishing work. J.R.R. Tolkien is the God of Fantasy, and Peter Jackson (the director/producer/writer) is the most talented and most gifted directors today, so you cheap fantasy nerds, maybe you should think twice about what you're getting into and then get into this stuff, 'cause you'l know what I'm talking about. And if you're one of those people who never even saw or read this trilogy, shut your mouth, 'cause you have no room to speak in here 'cause you dont know what this trilogy's like, so watch or/and read this trilogy, and it would be wise to make a second opinon on what you thought before, 'cause it ain't nerdy stuff, that's for sure, and I know my fellow 'Ringers' know what I'm talkin about! So whoever you are, stop reading this review and buy the first 2 movies that are already out on DVD/VHS, and see the Return of the King right now. Go on www.ticketmaster.com or whatever and see it. Then when it comes on video/dvd, BUY IT. i think i made my point, so in conclusion, Harry Potter, eat your heart out.
Rating:  Summary: Lord of the Rings - Return of the King -- Terrific Review: The best way to describe this movie is to say that I went into the theater wondering how I would sit through a 3-1/2 hour movie and before I knew it, it was over. What a wonderful story. I developed a bond with the characters and I had to remind myself that "in real life" I didn't really know these people. The special effects were just that -- special. So much so, that you couldn't tell they were effects. I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed this movie (as well as the two previous) and as an aside -- I'm over 50 and still loved it.
Rating:  Summary: Incredible!!!! Review: All three LOTR movies have been spectacular - wonderful and the extended DVD versions of the first two have me waiting breathlessly for the extended version of this one as well. The conclusion in this trilogy is thrilling, grand, epic and completely moving. The actors were all outstanding as always but I especially thought Sean Astin just rocked in this third movie as Sam! Who didn't want to stand up and cheer (and probably did) when Sam picked Frodo up to carry him to Mount Doom.....what a moment! And there were literally dozens of those "moments" throughout the movie. I am so tired of hearing people complain about the last 30 minutes of the movie - I LOVED the last 30 minutes - it was such a satisfying end to everything after watching the trilogy and wanting all of them to find happiness.
Rating:  Summary: Simply Amazing Review: WOW. Pure ingenious. I have never seen such an amazing film in my life. The effects, the cast, the cinematography- all way above excellecy. It took my breath away. A great ending to a great triolgy. Way above standers. And it stays to the book greatly. (even though they did had to cut some parts out but who would want to stay in a theater for 7 hours!? A must see to all. YOu will laugh, cry, and feel so much emotion. GO SEE THE FILM! It is so worth the $7.50 I paid. I bet in 50 years it will still be the most watched film.
Rating:  Summary: THE Best Film Trilogy of All Time. Review: The Return of the King is an exciting conclusion, probably THE most exciting conclusion to a film trilogy. Where the other two films were fantastic in every way, The Return of the King gives us the best of what the first two films had and more. The battles are beyond anything you've seen - even in the first two LOTR films. The special effects are top notch. Tolkien's world has been creating successfully for the big screen. The imagery is colorful when it needs to be, and dark when it needs to be. Everything is perfect. But visuals aside, the characters in this story (if you have any heart at all) will make you care about them so much - to the point where you might break down and cry, or at least get teary-eyed. The story is the best of the three. But saying that, Tolkien wrote The Lord of the Rings as one story, and Peter Jackson and his crew filmed it all at once as one big movie split into three parts. So even though The Return of the King is the most exciting, it achieves exactly what a conclusion should be to any story. The trilogy as a whole is the greatest trilogy ever made, and nothing will surpass it - ever. If these films were the last films ever made, I'd be totally satisfied because it's hard to imagine any other film surpassing it. I defy anyone who hasn't seen these films yet. Go buy the extended versions of the first two films (the 4-disc sets, or the two-tape sets), and watch those. Then go see The Return of the King (or buy the extended version if you're reading this in Summer 2004). If you like fantasy, this is it.
Rating:  Summary: Not disappointed Review: First of all, I'm a Tolkien's fan and have read the book, so, it's natural to me to compare the movie with what I've read. I liked the first movie and liked much more the extended edition DVD. When I saw the second movie, I left the theater a bit disappointed. I was hardly believing that they have corrupted Faramir and cursed, spelled or wathever Theoden, among other things. When I got the extended edition DVD, where there is a better explanation about why Faramir behaves like that I said to myself: Well, I can't expect to see the book on the screen. It has to be some adaptation. Watching the two extended editions, I liked much more the second. It merges nicelly with the first and the story goes very well. Then I ran to the theater to watch the third movie, but something in my mind was telling me that I would get disappointed once more. The movie started with the intro about Gollum and then to the point where we were left on the second. Then the story ran and even some points of the book that I was not expecting to see on the screen were there. I was amazed. Elijah Wood and Sean Astin have played Frodo and Sam very well. Gollum was expetacular as in the second movie. Viggo Mortenson did a great job as Aragorn and allowed us to see the change of the character, from a hidden, afraid ranger to the King of Gondor. The battle scenes are breathtaking. Unbelievable. I don't find the words to describe the grandiosity of these battles, but not the fight itself: The moments just before... The preparation, the movement of the troops, the sound of the drums... Very impressive. I left the theater feeling happy and very satisfied with the movie. Of course there are many things from the book left behind, but I don't feel that the movie looses anything due to that. If they are added in the extended DVD, good, otherwise, it is a wonderful movie by itself and is a great closing for the best trilogy of the decade (at least).
Rating:  Summary: Return of the King is the best Review: Dear readers,This is the best movie ever.Aragorn,Legolas,Gimli,and Gandalf return to Edoras after their defeat at Helm's Deep,Frodo and Sam struggle with the ring to Mount Doom and the White City is under attack[Minas Tirith].Will Aragorn become King,will Frodo destroy the ring and will Merry and Pippin find safe passage to Rohan, find out in The Return of the King a great action movie!