Rating:  Summary: What happened to Aragorn's horse? Review: In the third piece of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, we see the climax errupt in epic battle, individual myppic struggle, and the personal persuance of destiny. Unfortunately, these threads are dissplayed amist excessive melodrama, leaving the audience feeling bloated and glad when it's over. The movie starts out well, showing the decline of Smeagol/Gollum, but when we see the fantastic make-up job done with Gollum -- extremely creepy -- we wonder why they didn't use the make-up the entire way through. It made for a better effect, and really left the audience at ill-ease with the creature, making the cuteseied up cartoon seem inadequate. The movie travelles along the line of deus et machina with Aragorn finding the help he needs to defeat Saurons army fortunaltey right next to his camp sight. How lucky! When we see his army, we feel we've jumped into Disney's Pirates of the Caribean, with Aragorn pontificating rediculas dialogue with rediculas flare. "We suffer no-one to pass." "You shall suffer me." Is that the best the writers can do. I guess so. The movies does make good use of effects, but by the half way point, which is almost two hours into it, we get into Matrixesque excess, with the riders of Rohan taking on a parade of Elephants without any strategy save for seeing how quickly they could deminish their own numbers...? The only King I see is the king of Idiots! By near end of it, we see giant eagles, who can battle wrathes in air, save Frodo and Sam, which begs us to ask, why didn't the eagles just fly Frodo there in the first place? Would have saved a lot of strife...for everyone. Oh well, a bad ending for a ten hour movie seems to be okay to eveyone else. From there we go into a forty five minute denouement with a triumphant score to extreme close ups shot in slow motion, where we hope, and hope again and again that it will, one day, end. It had even the most devout fan growning. With flaw upon flaw -- Aragorn rallies the troops with, for some reason, hair extentions, giving the worst speach ever written while he and his captains are riding horses, then having all the horses simpy dissapear in the next shot -- the movie makes you wonder if all the great reviews and oscar nominations were for this or another movie called Return of the King. Who knows?
Rating:  Summary: "I am no man!" Review: This is actually the first that I saw in theater and I have the extendeds of Fellowship of the Rings and Two Towers. I can't wait until the extended of this comes out, and hope that it shows more of the plot involving Saruman and the romance between Eowyn and Faramir. I love how it flashed back to show how Gollum used to be, and Shelob was very frightening. Eowyn kicked some serious butt there. The scenes are huge and epic, and the movie has that balance of laughter and sadness. I cried when Pippin sang his melancholy song, when Frodo told Sam off, when the ships sailed into the west. Hopefully there will be more of the Paths of the Dead on the extended. And of the Palantir. All in all, one of the best movies (with the most angst) that I've ever seen.
Rating:  Summary: the lord of the ring the return of the king Review: i thought this movie was a real great freature it made all the other two more understanding you get a feel for all the people in it your glad of what happen to most of the characters your happy of who argorn mate is i know i was this movie is worth the 3 and half hours a real art work if you have not seen it you have got to see this picture
Rating:  Summary: LORD OF THE RINGS RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review: First of all, LOTR is phenomenal! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!! The story is amazing, beautiful and legendary! I cried the four times I saw it! The story between Frodo and Sam is full of loyalty, friendship and doubts. Frodo and Sam are the biggest example of friends I have ever seen! Besides Elijah is HOT! Well, besides the feet and height. I freaked when Frodo got hurt by Shelob. I love all the amazing names given to everyone by J.R.R. Tolkien. He is and amazing writer and wonderful at creating languages and just in creating Middle-Earth. I swear I will see it six more times at least.
Rating:  Summary: One film to rule them all... Review: This film was FANTASTIC. It's very hard for me to put across in words how wonderful this movie truly is. A must-see for ALL Lord of the Rings fans, HOWEVER, don't go see this film if you haven't seen the 1st two! Everything about this movie is great. The acting, the score, the special effects, costumes, the sets...everything!! I thought that all the actors did a brilliant job in this one, especially Sean Astin (who SHOULD have gotten an Oscar nod -- although, I KNOW it's an 'ensemble' thing), Andy Serkis' Gollum was superb (again), I was intrigued by the Denethor/Faramir relationship and I had hoped they would have expanded on this (having read the book and Faramir being my favourite character), but John Noble's Denethor to David Wenham's Faramir...excellent. You can really feel the tension in that relationship. They were all brilliant, what can I say? I loved the special effects, too. The Battle of Pelennor was, or has to be, the BIGGEST on screen battle in cinematic history. Yet, while the battle raged on, you still had the little stories thrown in, Eowyn/Merry fighting the Witch King to save Theoden, Pippin & Gandalf trying to save Faramir's life (with Gandalf trying to save Minas Tirith from crumbling at the same time). And then Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli doing their thing...(which there should have been MORE of their story in here). The ending with the destruction of Sauron...I would pay $8.50 just to see this part of the movie ALONE. It's FANTASTIC. Easily one of my favourite parts (obviously). I cried so many times during this film, and each time I see it I find a new place to cry, honestly. It's filled with such heart and emotion. This film, in case you haven't heard, was nominated for 11 Oscars and SHOULD win them ALL. If they don't, I'm revolting. haha... What it finally comes down to is that you SHOULD see this movie...NOW.
Rating:  Summary: The Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King Review: this is one of the best movies ive seen in years. its scary and devastating.
Rating:  Summary: Amazing!!!!! Review: I first was a skeptic of the Lord of the Rings movies -- I am an immense fan of the books, and I never thought Peter Jackson could even remotely capture the spirit of the Lord of the Rings. To my delight, he did, and The Return of the King is the most spellbinding of the three remarkable films. I wish there were more than five stars to give it!
Rating:  Summary: Smoldering celluloidal wreckage. Horrible. Review: This final installment of The Lord of the Rings trilogy is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. How is it possible??? How is it at all possible that such a horrible movie is deemed an artistic success? Have our standards fallen so low?? Obviously. True, the photography and special effects are excellent, but rarely have I seen such shamelessly maudlin, emotionally manipulative tripe. So many reaction shots and musical cues telling us what to feel ad nauseum.... uggghhhh..... Excruciatingly bad. And the acting? Some of the worst in years, though in fairness, the hack screenplay didn't give them much to work with. It seems like this was the only direction given them: "Just mouth your lines and mug for the camera." And the script itself?! Little more than platitudes, bromides, banalities, and incomprehensible grunts! Truly, the actors seemed like robots to me - but robots implanted with emotion chips! I finally couldn't take any more and left after the THIRD hour mark, during the denouement (just as in the first two installments, I had to constantly restrain myself from leaving after even the first hour!) O Lord, in this hopelessly long-winded disaster, the denouement was itself endless! I couldn't take any more! This is the type of smoldering celluloidal wreckage that simply WILL NOT suffer a shred of ambiguity under any circumstances. Everything must be wrapped up, every question must be answered - except for one: What's with the uber-gay vibe between Frodo and Sam??? arrghhhh!!!! The filmmakers obviously have a low opinion of their audience. Yes, they are true cynics: "Don't worry, the audience will buy this nonsense!" On the whole - and this is the worst part of it all - they were right! And even the Academy has bought this tripe! One would expect at least a modicum of taste from the Academy. Truly, we live in a time of crisis - a crisis of taste at all levels!! Question: Are Tolkien's books as mind-numbingly bad as the movies?
Rating:  Summary: Simple Fantastic! Review: Since the first movie came out I have been an avid fan of the Lord of the Rings. All the movies are simply fabulous! Great acting, story, everything. The Return of the King completely blew me away, everything in this movie is ridiculously good! The Lord of the Rings movies have become my favorite. They are definetly the best movies I have ever seen.
Rating:  Summary: Theatrical release Review: Peter Jacksons adaptation of jrr tolkiens masterpiece of fantasy writing is equally masterful in the cinematic sense. I am a great fan of the first two and the third is really a great way to end this generations greatest movie trilogy. Altough avid fans of the books will find great changes from the pages they have come to adore from Tolkien. The ending is sharply cut from the book in favor of the great action scenes that dominate this movie. Instead of a movie about hobbits, you really get the sense that the movie is torn between the war and the supposed main theme, the hobbits. The two fight each other for screen time and I really think the computer animated war sequences won. Don't get me wrong, it's what every viewer out their has been looking forward to, but like i said, great deviations from the third book. For instance, where is the closure with sauruman, he just gets swept away sort of. You don't even see the breaking of his staff, which is the source of all his power. You don't see how the war effected hobbiton. Yes, Frodo, Sam, Pippen, and Merry come home to something a lot different than the same old Hobbiton that they remembered and so fought for to protect, like an innocent child from the harsh truth of the world. All things regarding the book's translation aside, watch it for what it is, a good movie with great actors and a great script. See it for all the things you heard the critics say, at least the good things, because it is a good long movie.