Rating:  Summary: The Epic Conclusion to an Epic story... Review: The 3rd and final film in the Lord Of The Rings trilogy is no doubt, the best of the three films. The epic grandeur of this film is literally heart wrenching at times. The battle sequences are lush and the tension is extreme in these moments. I caught myself biting my nails out of nervousness about 10 times, and the sad thing is, I have read the books and knew what was to come, but Peter Jackson's monumentally stunning directing just keeps you so enthralled in the movie, you almost feel like you are only then learning of the perils of middle earth. I think this is the best movie of the year. One of the biggest highlights in this movie was Eowyn's battle with the Witch King, which although not included in Tolkien's novel, was such an emotionally charged battle, and sent out a lot of middle earth girl power for the film too. The only downsides to the movie, which are why I only gave the film 4 stars instead of 5, are the repeated false endings. When you think that the movie is over and the screen fades to black it pops up a moment later and starts again for another 10 minutes before doing another fade to black moment...It just got repetitive and after 3 hours of sitting in a movie theatre with some 15 year old farting and kicking the back of my chair, I had almost had enough and just walked out. It did also seem like there were way too many slow motion scenes too...I think slow motion can add a touch of dramatic flair to a movie, but I also think there is a such thing as overdoing it and Peter Jackson was on the border of doing that. The movie is phenominal despite it's minor flaws. I definetly loved it the most out of the 3.
Rating:  Summary: How can you not love it? Review: This is one of the best movies I have ever seen. Really fun to watch. The story is so intricate, you can watch it over and over and over. Worth seeing twice. The battle scenes aren't just excellent special effects, they're emotionally driven. A great end to a very entertaining trilogy (unlike revolutions).GOOD -Great story -Great characters -Cool special effects -Best battle scene ever BAD -Some of the acting wasn't phenominal -Ending was too long OVERAL -Excellent This is a great movie. The acadamy awards knows what they are talking about. Return of the King was nominated for 11 oscars. More than any other movie this year. It also won 4 golden globes. Again, more than any other movie this year. nuff said.
Rating:  Summary: Good, but could have been better Review: I was disappointed in the final installment of the LOTR trilogy. I guess I expected too much after Fellowship and Two Towers. While the battle scenes were intense, too much was left out in the story and too much was made of the "Rocky" syndrome. The down and out fighters getting a burst of strength with the last minutes saves by a hero rushing in. Way too campy. Also I disliked the jumping back and forth from scenes just when things start getting interesting. (A good example is when Aragorn faces the ghosts. Things start getting interesting and bang, scene change.) There were parts that kept the movie from getting boring. Gimli and Legolas running counts were humorous and the torches being lit was awesome. Still this movie reminded me why I try not to go to movies with high expectations. Too much disappointments afterwards.
Rating:  Summary: Best I've seen in years...! Review: (*note* I had not watched even the first two films of this series until this past November, 2003) We were first in line with pre-purchased tickets in hand at the local theater the morning that The Return of the King was released. From the opening sequence until the screen faded to black at the end, I couldn't move from my seat. This was the best movie I can remember seeing...ever. The acting was superb (Viggo Mortensen was breathtaking in his ability to portray reluctant nobility) the emotions hard to watch, the battle scenes fought but not over-bloody... and there was no use of foul language, no sex, and no overt, unnecessary violence. It was WAR, not shoot-em-up-for-fun kind of battle in these films. The romantic element was not overplayed, the friendships were incredible to see unfold (especially in the jaded society in which we now live) and the loyalty was impossible to miss. I have gone back twice since to watch this movie again (something I have NEVER done), and would gladly watch it again, and again... I can't wait until it comes out in DVD! I've read the books, and though there are things portrayed somewhat differently from the book throughout the movie, the basic story is the same. The time element and what it would take to make a movie from that entire, HUGE book was why much was cut from the story I'm sure, but it's refreshing to know that the important things in it were not lost in translation from paper to film. The scenery is breathtaking, the visual effects so real that you find yourself taking a second look...or a third... and the score is enough to hold you captive in and of itself. If you're a fan of Tolkien, don't miss this film if you can help it, especially on the big screen. I wish I'd seen the first two in the theater, now. Hooray to Peter Jackson, to the cast, crew and all involved in making this truly wonderful, epic drama!
Rating:  Summary: Amazing Review: This is filmmaking at its best. I can truly say without a doubt that this movie is the best movie of all time. ROTK is the best movie of the LOTR trilogy. I just love it! It's awesome. What more could you ask for? Its got the best acting, special effects, battle scenes, a love story, war, good vs. evil, yeah this movie has got everything! I don't see how you can NOT love it. This movie is just awesome and I'm so happy that this movie got nominated for 11 Oscars and it better win the major Oscars awards, otherwise I will scream bloody murder and shake a fist. I know that's a little extreme and I'm not even a fanatic like some people are about these movies and books, however I do appreciate fine filmmaking and this is the best of them all. The movie really deserves to win, everyone put so much into these movies. It would be wonderful if they got the recognition that they deserve.
Rating:  Summary: Incredible film--definitely watch it! Review: The Fellowship of the Ring and The Two Towers were both superb films, and The Return of the King is a satisfactory end to this wonderful trilogy that has become probably the best three films ever made in the history of cinema. With events escalating toward a final Gondor/Mordor showdown and Frodo and Sam toiling through Mordor, the epic scope of this film is obviously tremendous, but Peter Jackson handles this with what seems like effortless skill. This movie has three minor flaws-the beginning, the end, and Arwen Evenstar. Since few people would be coming into the third movie of a trilogy without having seen the other two movies, it seems a bit redundant to give the audience Smeagol's degeneration into Gollum all over again at the beginning of the film. The scene is a little bit long, too, and the film could have just started off where that scene ends-Frodo and Sam just outside of Mordor on their quest to destroy the Ring. This is just where The Two Towers left off, so it would be a very natural starting point. Arwen-why does Peter Jackson think everybody likes her so much? I certain don't. Liv Tyler's breathy, overly dramatized performance gets on my nerves quite a bit, and since she was hardly in the books at all, I think Jackson would have made a good move by just not putting her in there nearly as much as she was. Lord of the Rings is about self-sacrifice and a desperate war of self-defense. It's not a love story. The end has nothing inherently bad in it in the least-it's just too drawn out. I fully realize that Jackson is doing what he can with the material in the book-which was obviously quite a bit more extensive-but it just seems a little anticlimactic to the tight, excellently-done action that's come before it. Now to the rest of the film, which is uniformly excellent. All of the actors are good, and Elijah Wood and Sean Astin in particular give thrilling performances. Wood's portrayal of Frodo's slow degeneration from the power of the Ring is awesome, and Astin's performance as the tremendously self-sacrificial Sam is quite touching. Most of the beginning of the movie is taken up by anticipation of and/or preparation for Sauron's massive attack on Minas Tirith, and the progressively more difficult journey of Frodo and Sam. Then after that things start getting darker. First of all, there's Gollum luring Frodo into the cave of the hideous spider Shelob. This is a chillingly suspenseful sequence, with Shelob looming out of the darkness of her cave, and Frodo getting stuck in her sticky webs. It's hard to believe that Shelob is completely digital-hats off to the computer graphics team for a great job. And then, of course, just when you think Frodo has gotten free from her cave, those creepy long legs come out of a crack in the ground... Weaving in and out of Frodo and Sam's journey is Mordor's great hammer stroke against Minas Tirith. With 200,000 orcs spread out across the field in front of the city, complete with trolls, siege towers, a massive battering ram, and the Nazgul on flying steeds swirling above the walls, you really can't go wrong when you mix this with Peter Jackson's directing. I loved the part where Minas Tirith lobs pieces of its own stone back at the orcs below-especially when the camera actually follows one of the rocks down to the ground. All of this entire battle sequence is awesome...especially when the Rohirrim come over the crest of a hill with the rising of the sun. Listening to King Theoden encouraging his troops and then seeing the riders of Rohan plunging onward to rescue their allies-you can't really get much better than this. One might think that after one tremendous battle, Peter Jackson is finally done with sword-swinging action and flying arrows. But he's not. There's another combat to come right before the Black Gates, initiated by the powers of good expressly to give Frodo and Sam a chance to get across Mordor alive. This battle is like the other ones-well done and realistic. But it may have the most importance of any of them, since this is pretty much the last troops the good guys have, and Frodo had better do his job, or they'll be obliterated. The final scene in the Cracks of Doom is incredible...so I won't reveal anything. It's just plain awesome, and this movie is an absolute must-see. Don't miss it.
Rating:  Summary: I don't understand, how could anyone like this movie? Review: Okay, I went with my best friend and her husband. Her husband loves the lord of the rings. Now the first wasn't horrible, but it wasn't great either. I however, liked the second in the series, I mean, while there was tons of stuff going on the acting wasn't prosaic and the story actually interesting. So, I went to the Return of the King, thinking that maybe it would turn out okay. I was so wrong. I have never, in my life been so bored by a movie. I love movies, even bad poorly acted movies (for the comedy of them). But this thing was total trash. First, could the last part of the movie be longer. The ring is destroyed, the movie fades out, and I'm like oh thank god, it's over. But no, it goes on for another hour. And I swear that whole last hour is all the characters saying goodbye to eachother and acting all dramatic about how they've won against evil. It couldn't have been more trite or insipid. I wanted to leave early, but my friend's husband wanted to see the end credits. I'm sorry, I don't understand how this got nominated for so many awards. So, it has special effects, I wasn't aware that that's all you need to have a movie these days. And the way the movie tried to manipulate those watching with shoddy soap opera theatrics. I tell you, I just wanted to vomit. Now don't put me into one of those groups that hates fantasy movies because I don't. In fact, I love sci-fi and fantasy. The Labyrinth is one of my favorite movies. I was really excited to hear that the lord of the rings was going to be turned to movies and now I'm so disappointed. There's another negative review about this movie I recommend you read before seeing the film, the reviewer is much more articulate than me. Anyway, listen to his advice, it's all true. As for the people that say they love it, well, I'm just guessing that they love lord of the rings so much that it's seriously affecting their judgement of good story telling. They must be hung up on the eye candy of the film.
Rating:  Summary: Truly Amazing Review: ok, 2 start off I LOVE LOVE LOVE ORLANDO BLOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok now 2 the actul movie this was the best movie i have seen in my entire life!!!!! words cannot express how awesome it was. the battle scenes were really cool and it was very suspenseful. the thing that i liked most though (apart from Legolas) was the emotional part of it. i cried for 3 of the 3 and 1/5 hours and i completely soaked my shirt now i NEVER cry during movies but this 1 made me go on and on. the parts w/ EW and SA and Gollum were outstanding Peter Jackson did a terrific job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the only thing th@ i was really dissapointed about was th@ Legolas had about 3 speaking parts in the movie. yah hes always been quiet but really, he was on screen for about 2 minutes during the entire film. plus, in the end when every1s story was being wrapped up, Legolas and Gimli were completly forgotton. though at 1 part when Frodo was in bed and every1 came into the room, Legolas looks SO FREAKIN HOTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so, if u havent seen the movie, u better do it and u better do it quick because i think its going out of theaters soon but its THE BEST MOVIE EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ps. when u do go, bring lots of tissues
Rating:  Summary: This movie should have been LONGER!!! Review: This is for the reviewer that called the movie a "smoldering celluloidal wreckage." All I have to say is that if you have never read Professor Tolkien's genius books, which I consider to be the best books EVER because of his flawless writing style, and are complaining about how bad this movie is, you really need to do your homework. First of all, you probably didn't understand many of the names and the whole plot of the movie, which you don't deserve to having never picked up such masterpieces. Read Tolkien's books (which are definitely better than all three movies combined) and you will see why they are so popular.
Rating:  Summary: HAHAHAHA Review: A costumer gave this movie a bad review. I laugh at him. -Nominated for 11 oscars (more than any movie this year) Best picture, Best director, Best score, Best Make-up, Best Visuals, Best costumes, Best adapted screenplay, Best cinamatography, ect. -WINNER of 4 Golden Globes (More than any other movie this year) Best dramatic picture, Best director, Best original score, Best original song. Nuff said. I loved it.