Rating:  Summary: Gollum rocks Review: What can I say about this movie that hasn't already been said? Well actually...quite a bit! How about the fact that it's a decent film, but overrated...at least by all those who deem it to be "perfect". I'm sorry, but this film -- as great as its battles are, and as entertaining as its denouement is -- has its share of problems. Am I the only one who felt like it went on way past its bedtime? There was at least one full hour of stuff that could have been cut from this picture and I would not even have blinked an eye. Did they really need to include a lame subplot about a nutty king and his son? It dragged the story down, cut into the action and to be honest, added yet another part to an epic that already had too many balls in the air to begin with. The film's 3-4 different endings were also ridiculously out of line. Dude, we've traveled all this way with these folks, the deeds are done...end it already! Why drag things out for scene upon scene upon scene, many of which would have been better left to the audience's imagination. Remember: this is the movie...NOT the book. I love Peter Jackson. I think he's a genius and I doubt that anyone else could have done such a great job with these three films, but this final episode is...let's face it, a little self-indulgent. The studio allowed him free reign (and rightfully so, to a certain extent), he let himself go (although strangely didn't think we needed to actually see Saruman's fate) and the movie got a little bloated and redundant because of that.Is it a good movie? Sure. I'm not going to sit here and pretend that it doesn't scream accomplishment, innovation, entertainment and epic in many senses of the words, but it's got its issues as well and they need to be acknowledged. Anyway, all that said (it needed to be), RETURN OF THE KING does continue its tradition of GREAT action sequences, many characters and plotlines intertwined and continuing suspense dealt upon its fellowship of do-gooders. Frodo and Sam continue to struggle with Gollum and his antics (loved the flashback to Smeagol...nice), Legolas continues to look far into the horizon and sense danger (his elephant-beast ride was the bomb!), Gimli continues to crack wise (still feels out of place) and Aragorn continues to kick BUTT and look great! Arwen, on the other hand...why was she in these movies again? Gandalf continues his non-wizarding, but does have a lot more "presence" in this round and actually makes some things happen. The rest of the hobbits also had more to do here and did so effectively. The standout in the cast was Sean Astin though. His Samwise received a greater focus here and he made the best of it. Elijah Wood also continued his compelling work as Frodo, the character with whom we needed to identify with the most. The film's also packed with a number of memorable sequences, most notably the awesome spider-tunnel scene, as well as the Battle of the Pelennor Fields, with the elephant-beasts, trolls, orcs et al, looking to obliterate the good guys. I also appreciated the inclusion of Miranda Otto's character and her fate. Girl power indeed! The ending was also nicely handled (except all the stuff AFTER the ending, which felt out of place), although I still can't say that I was emotionally attached to any of the characters. In the end, I enjoyed the film, but like I said earlier, felt like a lot of it just regurgitated what we'd already experienced in the two previous installments but also inserted enough coolness to amaze those who didn't believe that more "oomph" was possible. I haven't read (or care to read) the books, so if you enjoyed the previous two movies, you're likely to appreciate this finale as well, and if you didn't, well...just wait until the longer version comes out on DVD in a few months and watch it from the comfort of your own living room sofa, your own remote control (with stop/fast-forward buttons) and your own schedule. Gondor!!
Rating:  Summary: Return OF The KING Review: Return of the king rocks,it is 6the best movie ever.Aragorn is bearing the fate of hope,Frodo is concearned with fear,and the fellowship is broken.This is a must see movie.
Rating:  Summary: the lord of the rings review Review: I thought this movie was pretty good.The battle scenes were awsome.Some reasons why I thought this movie was awsome is because it had an ending to the story and it did not leave you with any questions. Another reason is that all of the characters got a good role in the story unlike in two towers where Mary and Pippin were barely in the story. I would say this is the best Lord of the Rings movie out of the seris.I thought two towers was ok but this is the best.I would suggest that you see the fellowship of the rings first so you get what is going on in the story.But if you wanted you could skip two towers.The only thing I did not like about this movie was that it was way to long.They could have shortened it a little.I can't imagine how long the special edition is going to be when it comes out.
Rating:  Summary: Best movie ever! A must see! Review: This is by far the best movie in the LOTR series, and I love the first two. The Return of the King is truly amazing and wil have you watching it over and over again. New characters are introduced and so many amazing events happen. Five stars are not enough!
Rating:  Summary: Book lovers - > disappointed, Movie-goers -> Blown away Review: If people thought that the Two Towers' deviations from the book were bad, they will hate the deviations in this episode... and I'm not so sure you can say that the changes had to be made to keep Cinema-goers in their seats.... That being said, this final part was visually, the BEST movie I have ever seen. I remember being wowed, by Star Wars in the 80s...but that was a kind of "gee that's neat"....over here the effects, and the scenery were more like: "!!#$@##!@# @$#@ HELP the Nazgul is gonna kill me!" - Ultra cool. Now my objections as a hardcore book fan: 1) Arwen was almost as irritating as Jar Jar.... look lady, you're an elf. You're supposed to be able to put up with the grief. Deal with it. 2) They made the great war seem like all the bad guys of the world vs The Riders of Rohan and the Ghost Army... hey man, surely there would be no harm in showing that ALL of GONDOR's men were massing at Minas Tirith - LIKE THE BOOK? 3) Aragorn just kinda walks into Minas Tirith and becomes King... they could have at least shown him racing across Gondor uniting the country as the BOOK does. Then all of sudden you would feel - yea, he deserves to be the king when the Steward dude is just degenerating into a nutcase.... 4) Ok, maybe there was no need to show the Scouring of the Shire...I guess most people are happy things kinda end once the ring disappears...but dude, stop trying to trick us with those multiple endings...(you think it's end...fade out...then another scene..then you think it's the end again...fade out... and the another scene!@@! Ok this may sound like I hated the movie...I didn't. I LOVED IT. I have to see it aleast 3 more times....and Jackson better get the oscar... but I have to nit-pick a little here..
Rating:  Summary: Best movie ever Review: Wow, only one fraze to say: this is the best movie I ever saw. GO SEE IT!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Superlatives Review: All 3 movies are great. Although this movie would not have been made so spectacularly at any other time in motion picture history, what with the availability of the CGIs for use in many present day movies. With that pointed out, the CGIs though are used effectively and it doesnt divert ones attention from the core of the story. The story is heavy with content and I was at an awe as the story progressed. It is very engaging also because of its emotional insight in regards with its characters, Frodo , Sam & the rest. Their friendships & loyalties to one another in the task they have to do is there from part one "The Fellowship" to the third and concluding installment "The Return of the King" And we also wonder about the emotions of Smeagol when he was attracted to the ring the first time he saw it. It affected him so much that he did the ultimate crime. These emotional things are intriguing & adds to the story's appeal. I am reminded of what I read somewhere - or heared it maybe - that a story is good when the villain is so BAAAAD that it puts a sinister shadow over the heroes. With this movie for instance, the ever present evil hanging over every character's head is there in every scene. The evil is so represented by a small ring, looking harmless and benign that we maybe take it for granted nowadays because of its size, and, that it is somehow connect with evil represented by a BIG EYE on top of a TOWER so positioned near a VOLCANO so it can guard whoever moves around it. The contrast of it gives the heroes the underdog appeal. Of course Sauron knows that its this volcano where he & his Ring of Power can be destroyed. A very nicely thought of yarn. The story is strong I think also because of, again the contrast of the BIG and EVIL Sauron and his army of Orcs against the little heroes, the hobbits, the dwarves the elves and the corruptible humans. And from the opening shots and narrative in part one we feel they have no chance of defeating this monster of monsters and evil of evils. But they do!! To best enjoy the Trilogy I suggest them to see it in proper chronology. Thats what I did and in my humble opinion these 3 are the best adventure/fantasy movies I have seen since I started watching movies, and there is no other movie in the past quite like it. Its the BEST!!!, and humbly I say, Ive seen a lot of movies, fantasy and not.
Rating:  Summary: Crown This Movie King Review: Return of the King is the best of the Lord of the Rings movie trilogy. Great acting, wonderful production, outstanding special effects, and Peter Jackson's vision all create a winning formula for New Line Cinema. Though there are violent moments, there is no sick bathroom humor, nor is bad music present to accompany any of the scenes. I am pleased that a strong market exists for good story movies and that, for once in this particular case, there was no heavy reliance upon MTV or the like. I look forward to the DVD version of this release. It is arguably the best motion picture of 2003.
Rating:  Summary: Lord of the Rings: Return of the King Review: How much better can this movie get? It is definitley my favorite out of the trilogy. There is a lot of intese scenes of suspense and fighting but by the time The Return of the King was half over I was used to it. The special effects were so cool and the armor, swords, and creatures looked amazingly real. Peter Jackson and all the actors did an outstanding job capturing the audience's attention. This movie is already one of my favorites of all time. If you should see The Return of the King, which I highly recommend, prepare to be astounded!!!!!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: THE MOST AMBITIOUS AND IMPRESSIVE PROJECT IN FILM HISTORY. Review: In the final months of the year 2002, everybody was waiting for the release of the final two chapters of the "Matrix" trilogy, a lot of fans thought that "Matrix" could be the most spectacular trilogy in movie history. Meanwhile, quietly, the first two installments of "The Lord Of The Rings" trilogy amazed the audiences all around the world due to the artistic and technical quality of the movies. Finally came the year 2003, and while "Matrix: Reloaded" and "Matrix: Revolutions" failed to achieved the quality of the original "Matrix", "The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King" masterfully concluded the most impressive and ambitious project in movie history. Unlike "Star Wars: Episodes I & II" and the Matrix movies in 2003, "The Return Of The King" actually topped the achievements of the first two installments, due to it's incredible quality in every aspect: visual effects, special effects, music, make-up, wardrobe, photography, direction and spectacular scenes. After three years of watching a chapter of the trilogy in december, most of the audience was very satisfied with the final result. "The Return Of The King" running time is almost an hour longer than the two previous movies, so the movie requires more patience than before, but the reward for the time invested also is bigger than before. The battle scenes will be known as the most spectacular scenes committed to celluloid so far, surpassing the horse race in "Ben-Hur", the sinking of the Titanic, the explosion of the Death Star in "Star Wars", and the highway chase in "Matrix: Reloaded". The three chapters of "The Lord Of The Rings" should be considered as a single movie (very long, but still I think it's one movie divided in three installments). Many years will pass before we can see another movie (or trilogy) that can surpass or even reach the artistic level of the "Lord Of The Rings".