Rating:  Summary: The Majesty of "The Return of the King" Arrives on DVD Review: The masterpiece of our time has arrived on DVD. Each installment of Peter Jackson's masterful interpretation of the classic novel by J.R.R. Tolkien have been incredible, weaving an intricate and beautiful story into images that are completely mesmerizing, allowing the viewer the chance to experience Tolkien as never before. Yet, as good as the first two installments, the massive and robust "The Fellowship of the Ring", and "The Two Towers" are, "Return of the King" is that much better. This third and concluding chapter in the "Ring" series draws together the quest that was begun with the fellowship of nine in the original film. As Mordor prepares to launch war on Middle-Earth, Frodo (Elijah Wood) and Sam (Sean Astin), under the mis-direction of Gollum are nearing their destination, Mt. Doom, where the one-ring can finally be destroyed. Gollum, whose mind has long been corrupted by the ring, has devised a plan to kill Frodo and Sam so that he can re-claim the ring for himself. Elsewhere, Aragorn (Viggo Mortinsen), Theodin (Bernard Hill), Legolas (Orlando Bloom), Gimli (John Rhyes-Davies) and the powerful wizard Gandalf (the incredible Ian McKellan), are preparing for the ensuing battle that is about to be unleashed on the kingly city, Gandor. In a desperate effort to raise an army, this small alliance of man, elf, dwarf and wizard set out to recruit every able-bodied man to fight in a war that will decide forever the fate of Middle Earth. The massive scope of this film is, at times, unbelievable, in that it is far more colossal than any depiction of war ever seen on screen. The battle sequences, which contain armies in the tens of thousands, are filmed with a level of complexity that put audiences on the battlefield with the characters on screen. At the same time, the film balances the intense war sequences with the tender and intimate relationships that defined the fellowship from the very beginning. As Sam and Frodo, in the final third of the film, are about to enter Mt. Doom, Frodo collapses, and, in a performance worthy of the Oscars, Sam consoles his friend, and then lifts him onto his shoulders to help Frodo complete the journey they set out on together. The moment is tender, in spite of the intense situation they find themselves in. It is that balance of humanity and action that makes the movie more than a fantasy story, but rather a true epic in every sense of the word. Everything, from the ground-breaking special effects, to the costumes, weapons, sets and set-pieces are so well thought-out, so completely and meticulously detailed, that Middle Earth truly feels like a real place; like something lifted out of history instead of simply a fictional world created for a movie. The beautiful city of Gondor is breath-taking: set in the side of a mountain, it looks like one of the great cities found in Italy during the hightimes of the Roman empire. In contrast, the horrific realm of Mordor oozes with the abysmal darkness of an evil that is both ancient and powerful. If there is going to be a set of films that will define as this time-periods classics, then the entire "Lord of the Rings" series could very well be the ones, with "The Return of the King" standing as a pinnacle in the achievements of one director's vision to bring to life one of the most beloved, most read novels of all time. Already, this film has been recognized by every major film association, sweeping awards in both the Golden Globes (winning the best picture amongst others) as well as the highest achievement in film, the coveted best picture Academy Award (in addition to a phenomenal 10 other awards including best director (Peter Jackson)). Critics from around the world have celebrated this film, and almost universally it is agreed that this is one of the great ones, and as a film, even amongst the other installments of this trilogy, it stands alone. Aptly named "The Return of the King", its majesty is untouchable...and it truly is the crowning masterpiece of the "Ring" series, and, undeniably, one of the greatest films of our time. -Scott Kolecki
Rating:  Summary: Truely amazing movie Review: WOW!! A true visual delight. It had me glued to my seat (even during the intermission ;-) thinking about what I have seen). Peter Jackson said that he'll make this movie so great that this movie would be the reason to make the previous two parts. He is absolutely right!! I don't remember seeing any movie which made such an impact on me (after The Matrix). The movie is a combination of special effects, emotional sequences, great acting and all the ingredients of an Epic. Even if you have read the book, you won't mind the slight bends peter jackson has made in the story. There were some instances where I feel the special effects team would have done more work. Initally when Eovyn is seen at Rohan's fort from a helicopter shot, the smoke seems to go inside hut's chimney. Also in the end when Frodo went inside the Mountain of Doom, he seemed to float on the way. There would be many more small glitches but I just couldn't get my senses off the movie to notice them. I would definately advice you to run to the movie theatre near you!!!
Rating:  Summary: Fellowship of Friends Review: I love these movies. They were excellent. The special effects were somethikng else. This movies deserves every award that has been given to them and they deserved more. Every actor in this movie was excellent. I felt Frodo's pain, Sam's loyalty, and only Sean Astin could have played this. Aragorn, Legolas,Gandalf, Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin, Gimli, Boromir, all the actors gave so much to this film or movies. Even Gollum pulled you into his pain and suffering. I hope everyone sees these movies and I believe everyone can relate to it some way or another. I did not come out of the theater with a dry eye. My oldest son took me to see this and I can understand why you want to see this over and over again. Thanks to all the actors for such a good movie.
Rating:  Summary: Bring Home the Majesty of "The Return of the King" Review: The masterpiece of our time has arrived on DVD. Each installment of Peter Jackson's masterful interpretation of the classic novel by J.R.R. Tolkien have been incredible, weaving an intricate and beautiful story into images that are completely mesmerizing, allowing the viewer the chance to experience Tolkien as never before. Yet, as good as the first two installments, the massive and robust "The Fellowship of the Ring", and "The Two Towers" are, "Return of the King" is that much better. This third and concluding chapter in the "Ring" series draws together the quest that was begun with the fellowship of nine in the original film. As Mordor prepares to launch war on Middle-Earth, Frodo (Elijah Wood) and Sam (Sean Astin), under the mis-direction of Gollum are nearing their destination, Mt. Doom, where the one-ring can finally be destroyed. Gollum, whose mind has long been corrupted by the ring, has devised a plan to kill Frodo and Sam so that he can re-claim the ring for himself. Elsewhere, Aragorn (Viggo Mortinsen), Theodin (Bernard Hill), Legolas (Orlando Bloom), Gimli (John Rhyes-Davies) and the powerful wizard Gandalf (the incredible Ian McKellan), are preparing for the ensuing battle that is about to be unleashed on the kingly city, Gandor. In a desperate effort to raise an army, this small alliance of man, elf, dwarf and wizard set out to recruit every able-bodied man to fight in a war that will decide forever the fate of Middle Earth. The massive scope of this film is, at times, unbelievable, in that it is far more colossal than any depiction of war ever seen on screen. The battle sequences, which contain armies in the tens of thousands, are filmed with a level of complexity that put audiences on the battlefield with the characters on screen. At the same time, the film balances the intense war sequences with the tender and intimate relationships that defined the fellowship from the very beginning. As Sam and Frodo, in the final third of the film, are about to enter Mt. Doom, Frodo collapses, and, in a performance worthy of the Oscars, Sam consoles his friend, and then lifts him onto his shoulders to help Frodo complete the journey they set out on together. The moment is tender, in spite of the intense situation they find themselves in. It is that balance of humanity and action that makes the movie more than a fantasy story, but rather a true epic in every sense of the word. Everything, from the ground-breaking special effects, to the costumes, weapons, sets and set-pieces are so well thought-out, so completely and meticulously detailed, that Middle Earth truly feels like a real place; like something lifted out of history instead of simply a fictional world created for a movie. The beautiful city of Gondor is breath-taking: set in the side of a mountain, it looks like one of the great cities found in Italy during the hightimes of the Roman empire. In contrast, the horrific realm of Mordor oozes with the abysmal darkness of an evil that is both ancient and powerful. If there is going to be a set of films that will define as this time-periods classics, then the entire "Lord of the Rings" series could very well be the ones, with "The Return of the King" standing as a pinnacle in the achievements of one director's vision to bring to life one of the most beloved, most read novels of all time. Already, this film has been recognized by every major film association, sweeping awards in both the Golden Globes (winning the best picture amongst others) as well as the highest achievement in film, the coveted best picture Academy Award (in addition to a phenomenal 10 other awards including best director (Peter Jackson)). Critics from around the world have celebrated this film, and almost universally it is agreed that this is one of the great ones, and as a film, even amongst the other installments of this trilogy, it stands alone. Aptly named "The Return of the King", its majesty is untouchable...and it truly is the crowning masterpiece of the "Ring" series, and, undeniably, one of the greatest films of our time. -Scott Kolecki
Rating:  Summary: The best of the trilogy Review: When you go to see ROTK, my advice is to get a small soda, nothing larger. You see, ROTK is so bloody exciting at every turn (and 3 1/2 hours long), there really is no "down" point when you can rush off to the loo for even a few minutes. Put loads of salt on your popcorn to retain any fluids, because you can't afford to miss anything. Although Sauruman has been defeated and is held prisoner in Eisengard by Treebeard and his friends, the battle for Middle Earth has begun with a vengance. Sauron has summoned forces from everywhere to attack the capital of Gondor, Minas Tirith, in his final attempt to anihilate the world of men. Since the kingdom is being ruled by a quite mad Denethor, steward to the throne and father to Boramir and Faramir, Gondor desperately needs Aragorn to face his destiny and become king to defend his people. Even though Aragorn and Theoden rally as many Rohan soldiers as they can find, they are still badly outnumbered by the mutlitudes Sauron has brought. The battle for Middle Earth makes the battle at Helm's Deep look like Rock 'Em-Sock 'Em robots. ROTK gives Pippin and Merry more key roles. Gandalf must get Pippin out of Rohan, and this becomes the first time he and Merry are ever separated. Both rise to the mark to fight for their friends. Eowyn disguises herself to hide among the Rohan soldiers and fight, even defending her uncle. Elsewhere, Frodo and Sam are walking into Gollum's trap as he slowly poisons Frodo's already fragile mind against Sam. Arwen returns to Riverdale and begs Elrond to make her mortal, and repair the shattered sword that once defeated Sauron. See what I mean? There's so much going on, you can't afford to miss a moment. And if you've never read the book, you may think you know how this ends, but I guarantee you that you don't. Tolkien's story is timeless, and the biggest thing you walk away feeling is that sometimes, even the smallest, most unlikely person is the only one who can save the day. That and the fact that men CAN put aside their differences and old grudges when they all face the same problem. I can't wait until the Extended/Special Edition comes out on DVD. Wonderful film that should definitely be seen on the big screen. It didn't win Best Picture for nothing.
Rating:  Summary: The best movie ever! Review: Well there's not much things to say that havent been said yet, this is just the best movie ever. I have the extended editions from FOTR and TT and i am for sure going to buy the extended edition for the ROTK. Does anybody knows when is going to be released? thanks!
Rating:  Summary: Amazing! Review: Just when I thought the other two "Lord of the Rings" ("LOTR") films were the best action/adventure movies ever made I saw "The Return of the King" ("ROTK") in the theatre. And while I watched it I was truly amazed in every way! "ROTK" closes the "LOTR" movie-trilogy in a wonderful way by wowing audiences and critics with great battle sequences, emotional scenes that will bring tears to your eyes, and very superb acting (which is equal to the acting in the other two "LOTR" movies). Each "LOTR" movie is phenomenal in their own way and they have a lot of fantasy, adventure, and action to offer. If you have watched and own the first and second "LOTR" movies on DVD, "The Fellowship of the Ring" ("FOTR") and "The Two Towers" ("TTT"), then when May 25th arrives you should go out and buy the "LOTR: ROTK" on DVD. It is the best movie in the "LOTR" trilogy!
Rating:  Summary: A Jewel of Film History Review: Peter Jackson has definitely achieved more than a classic or a cult for fans. This film is perhaps one of the most precious jewels in the history of cinema. All of the performances delivered, the special effects were dazzling and used when and exactly how it was necessary for keeping the film as more than a mere visual show. A true and powerful drama and fantasy adventure. The Battle of Pelennor Fields is something Hollywood is going to try (and notice I said TRY) to reproduce for years. And I doubt there can be many faithful adaptations to the spirit of a mythology like this one. On the other hand, the only thing that bothers me about this DVD is the lack of "Extended Edition Preview" unlike previous Lord of the Rings Theatrical Editions (the announcement with the features in the official page omitted this one). I know I certainly will prefer the Extended Edition (like the first two films) better, and personally recommend these editions over the Theatrical ones. If you cannot wait until November (or June as some rumors claim over there), or if you are not that of a Lord of the Rings fan and prefer the rough cut that is a Theatrical version compared to the Extended one, then buy this one. But I still advice people to wait for the Extended Edition which will include scenes like Saurman's fate after a final confrontation with Gandalf, The Houses of Healing where Eowyn's love for Aragorn comes to closure after meeting Faramir, more Pelennor Fields, more Minas Morgul with Sam and Frodo, probably the Mouth of Sauron character, Aragorn confronting Sauron through the Palantir, more of the "Path of the Death" with Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas, Gandalf's confrontation woth the Witch-King, and much more ( - over 40 minutes of additional material! - )
Rating:  Summary: The best dvd ever Review: This movie is the best. You havn't expirienced a movie until you watch this with surround sound and a good TV. There is action adventure drama and there is a love story mixed in. the perfect mix!
Rating:  Summary: An End To The Saga! Review: Watched it in cinema. The experience itself was great. I am shocked that Newline are releasing the movie sooner than usual ( LOTR FOTR and LOTR TTT were released in August). I was happy and surpried that The Return Of the King sweeped the Oscars winning 11 Oscars, but I feel bad that they didn't put the Oscar logo + Best Picture Of The Year on the DVD Front Cover (usually movie distributors put the logo to tell that their movie won so and so oscars). Ah well I am not going to buy the theatrical version as I am going for the extended one. I hope they put the oscar logo on that 1. It is sad that the story has ended and youll get up and say, man why did it end so soon. Then youll remember that well they cant take out a LOTR movie year can they. Anyway there is talk in Hollywood that Peter Jackson is gonna make THE HOBBIT, prequel to LOTR. It is expected in 2007-2008. So atleast there we will something from LOTR to wait anxiously for.