Rating:  Summary: The best saga ever realized !! Review: This is a mistic trilogy with a deep and strong spiritual meaning inside.Tolkien has written a masterpiece of literature about the final battle between the Good and the Evil as it will be "metaphorically" in this world. Peter Jackson has done an awesome epic work transposing it on film! For those who have shared some negative opinions about TLOTR ... sorry but i've to say that you've not got the point. This is the best saga ever realised along with Star Wars. TLOTR is much more epic and poetic whereas Lucas's masterpiece is futuristic though less intense for what concern human feeling and relations. Absolutely great cast and acting, awesome picture, colours and amazing special effects! And New Zeland is so beautiful....
Rating:  Summary: The Perfect Conclusion Review: It is interesting to me how a review could contain the ideas that this movie doesn't contain good special effects, and that there is "hope that no one buys this movie". First, the special effects in the movie are astounding, yet not overwhelming. Realism is key here, and the movie accomplishes this without question. Second, the "hope" that no one purchases this movie just speaks of bias. Anyone worth their salt would give opinion and allow others to form their own by viewing this movie. Unlike perhaps the Matrix series, in which the latter two movies are mere shadows of the first, this concludes the series with consistency and, again, accuracy to the tale. That being said, I agree with other viewers that this is a fitting and incredible end to our journey through an intense and accurate depiction of the books through film. I await the extended version eagerly.
Rating:  Summary: The worst of the series Review: This film did not deserve the "Best Picture" oscar and was by far the weakest of the three films. The ending was horrible and all I can say is get a better editor. The ghost scenes from Pirates of the Caribbean were far superior to the ones in this film. By the end of the film you wish Frodo could have fallen to his death along with Gollum. He tried to do too much in this film and the true trophy of this entire series was by far The Two Towers.
Rating:  Summary: don't get much better Review: I remember watching some of Peter Jacksons previous movies, Bad Taste, Dead Alive, and Meet the Feebles. When I heard that he was helming this very ambitious project I was a bit suprised and worried. But when I saw the final project of Fellowship of the Ring I was pleasantly suprised. I was a big fan of the books and despite the minor changes, he hit it right on. This was an excellent retelling of the Return of the King, one of the slower moving of the three books. There were changes and omissions, some of which I hear are going to be on the special edition of the dvd, this is the desperate to have it version. High Points Smeagol/Gollums history, an interesting way to start the movie. Shilob, the spider woman, not what I envisioned, but it was a creepy ass scene none the less. The depiction of Minas Tirith, I liked the Greek Roman style they used. I may be wrong on that since the history of architecture isn't one of my specialties. The battle of Minas Tirith, I know it is CGI, but that is the biggest cavalry charge I have ever seen in a movie. It was also nice to finally see what the olyphants were going to do in battle. The breakdown of Sam, Frodo, and Gollumn. The madness in the Regent of Minas Tirith. There isn't much else that I can say that will sway opinions one way or another. Just see this movie, the only acceptable reason to wait would be for the special edition.
Rating:  Summary: Closure at last Review: The LOTR trilogy is like your kids- you love them all equally for different reasons. FOTR set the stage, while TT gave us heart-racing battles and adventure. ROTK is the most emotionally draining as our heros end their fight for Middle-earth. Minas Tirith is in big trouble. Once a grand city, it is now ruled by wacko steward Denethor (John Noble), father to Boramir and Faramir. Drunk on his "runner-up" power and mad from grieving Boramir's death, Denethor refuses to submit to Aragorn's return. "I will not bow to this...ranger from the North!", he growls. His stubborn refusal to ready the city for inevitable ruin forces Gandolf to take matters into his own hands. Meanwhile, Merry (Dominic Monaghan) joins Éowyn (Miranda Otto) and the Riders of Rohan to fight the forces of Sauron. Arowen (Liv Tyler) has given up immortality to be with Aragorn, but her lifeforce is quickly fading from Sauron's evil influence. Elron (Hugo Weaving) is forced to reforge the broken sword that once defeated Sauron and present it to Aragorn. "Put aside the ranger", he says, "and become the King". Aragorn is left to face his destiny against an army of the undead, and lead the race of men into the battle of their lives. And of course, Frodo and Sam stumble on as Gollum craftily leads them into a trap. He slowly poisons Frodo's mind against Sam to split them up, then leads Frodo to a cave, where "she" awaits! Galadriel's "star" comes to Frodo's aid, but he needs Sam to rescue him from the hands of the evil Orcs. (In my humble opinion, Sam is the real hero of this flick.) The movie is 3 1/2 hours long, and I for one was glad of it. Nothing irritates me more than when filmakers dissect a screenplay for the sake of time. Any story worth telling deserves to be told well. The DVD extras were interesting- commentary from Peter Jackson and the cast (that Karl Urban, who plays Eowyn's brother Eomer, is one hot tamale!), individual five minute featurettes that showcase Aragorn, Eowyn, the Battle of Pelennor Fields, Sam, and the use of digital horses for the heavier battle sequences (very interesting). The National Geographic special is also included, with some interesting observations regarding each characters similarity to those in history. (e.g.- Aragorn is compared to William Wallace, better known as Braveheart, in the sense that they both desired freedom for the people with no ego involved. They also compare Aragorn to Theodore Roosevelt, who went into self-exile after his wife and mother died on the same day.) They are also selling the entire trilogy together, but personally, I await the Platinum Series version of ROTK, which has proven to be the most material for your money. Great movie, great ending.
Rating:  Summary: OVERHYPED P.O.S. Review: BORING, all hype, terrible movie that never ends. They should have chopped the last hour off the movie and then it would have been tolerable.
Rating:  Summary: The entire series is overrated! Review: They were entertaining, but nothing special. I expected to see a movie that had at the least visually stunning effects. Which this one did not. Hopefully not too many people actually purchase this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent, naturally Review: What can I say? Whether you're a die hard LOTR fan, or just like the series, it's a must have. While some people are holding out for the Extended Edition, I like to have the theatrical release as well. The cinematography is excellent, with vast, sweeping panoramas; the battle scenes are truly epic (and even somewhat humerous at times); and the music matches perfectly. But, I think the 11 Academy Awards speak for themselves... And since there doesn't seem to be any difference between getting the three movies individually instead of the boxed set, why not pick one up today?
Rating:  Summary: WONDERFUL!!! Review: I just bought the movie yesterday. And, I must say that it has stayed in my five-player DVD on constant repeat. I just can't get enough! First of all, let me say that the storyline and premise of this epic adventure is wonderful. It far surpasses many other movies of it's type. It definitely deserves the 11 academy awards it recieved, and the adulation from the fans world-wide. The story picks off were The Two Towers left off. Frodo and Sam are still struggling to make it to Mordor. Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolos are trying to do all they can to stem the tide of Sauron. Man (Aragorn), Elf (Legolas), and Dwarf (Gimli), and their united fellowship is all that has stemmed the tide thus far. But, in this movie every element of thier friendship is tested. The absolute coming of war, the strain of sustaining strength against the coming wave, and the test of love. Yet, the three friends remain true to one another and their fellowship. Especially, the friendship between the Dwarf and the Elf are wonderful for all of 'movie-going man' to see. Ultimately, the story ends with this latest saga and although many claim the end of the movie to be too long and overdrawn. You would be intrisically lost did you not truly discover the destiny of all our heroes. I personally think that Tolkien would turn over in his grave were it not represented. If you don't own the epics..."The Fellowship of the Ring", "The Two Towers", and "The Return of the King"...I suggestion you purchase them immediately. For kids, adults, and elderly folk they are three movies worth seeing. And, for me, "The Return of the King" represents the best of the installment. Happy watching! And, let's get the Extended Edition out on DVD ASAP!!!!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: The King Review: This movie was glorious in so many ways. The soundtrack was absolutely delightful and the beauty of new Zealand added greatly to the tone of the movie. Another movie that follows the text with 100% accuracy is the AE version of Pride and Prejudice. THe movie is six hours long but worth every minute. To get to the point, long movies may seem like a waste of time, but trust me, this one is worth it.