Rating:  Summary: Peter Jackson is the King!! Review: An incredible and moving ending to the greatest movie trilogy ever made. Action-packed beyond what even I had gone in expecting, yet has a wonderfully emotional impact with the loss of heroic characters and the parting of dear friends going their separate ways. If the Academy passes Jackson up as Best Director (and this film up as Best Picture), then it has no business judging movies. GEORGE LUCAS IS A THIRD RATE HACK!!! He WISHES he could make movies HALF as good as the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. Now here's hoping Peter Jackson tackles The Hobbit in a few years!
Rating:  Summary: Wow! Review: I can't believe that this movie is better than film one and two combined! Return of the King is the best movie ever made and completes Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings trilogy in a great way!
Rating:  Summary: One of the best movies ever made..... Review: It is with a tinge of sadness that I write this review. Sadness....because it is over! This trilogy has been one of the best movies ever made. These movies have made me a rabid fan of LOTR and J. R. R. Tolkien. For that, I would like to give Peter Jackson and the rest of the cast thanks! Trust me, you wil not be disappointed with this film. From the start, there is never a dull moment. Everything moves along at a pretty quick speed...there is no time to become bored...unlike FOTR which took a while to define all of the characters before getting to the action. The battle scenes and special effects are really awesome! There was only one thing that I was a bit disappointed in....well...two things. First, the fact that Peter Jackson cut out the Saruman/Gandalf scene. I was so hoping to see that...as Saruman was my favorite character of the trilogy (along with Sauron!) I wanted to see Gandalf break Saruman's staff. Now, I will have to wait until the DVDs come out. What a bummer. However, the abscence of this scene did not detract from the total movie in any way, as I was afraid it might. I was really surprised at how well Jackson handled the cutting of the scene. Second, I was so hoping that Sauron was going to appear in his metallic physical form at least once in the film. I had this vision that he and Aragorn would face off after Aragorn's forced entered Mordor. But, it didn't happen. I guess the books didn't have it, so Jackson stayed faithful. (I have not read the books yet!) Other than those things, this movie was really wonderful. You will totally enjoy it. Make sure to get to the theater early to get a good seat. From the lines that were forming when I left this afternoon, it looks be a crowded theater house for every showing. ROTK is a great film. Now, I just hope that the Motion Picture Academy will think the same, and give Jackson and the movie the multitude of Oscars it deserves-including Best Picture!!!
Rating:  Summary: Better Than I Thaught It Would Be! Best Movie Of 2003! Review: This movie is incredibly breathtaking! The best battle scenes ever directed are in this movie. The acting was very good and the movie itself was pretty terrifying and emotional at most points. 'The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King' is the best movie of 2003!
Rating:  Summary: Majestic! Review: This is a good movie! Great action, drama, and a well-done ending. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King is the best movie in the trilogy! I highly recommend you go and watch it in the theater!
Rating:  Summary: Amazing, beyond belief. Words don't do justice, but I'll try Review: Unbelievable. Ladies and gentlemen, I am writing this review on the eve of the release of the third and final installment of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, as adapted by Peter Jackson and New Line cinema. Fans such as I find it hard to accept that the nearly four year reign of the Rings trilogy is over. But it had to end sometime. Having just seen the movie, I simply have no choice but to share with you. PLOT: Hobbit Frodo Baggins of the Shire, aided by his friend Sam and guide Gollum, continues his quest to destroy the Ring of power, the one that, if regained by the Dark Lord Sauron, gives the wearer the ultimate power to rule the world. The catch is that the Ring corrupts any bearer; it was created for evil, and evil does it serve. Meantime, the original members of the Fellowship unite with the rest of the leaders of the free world to resist the unstoppable surge of Sauron's deadly, crushing army, 200,00 strong. The brunt of this force falls upon the land of Gondor, the bigger of the two kingdoms of men. Gandalf the White must ride with Pippin to Gondor, where he must work against the complacent Steward of Gondor to prepare for the oncoming war. Aragorn must claim his true destiny, in order to take command over an army of hideous, un-dead troops, who broke a pledge to Aragorn's ancestor long ago, and were cursed until they fulfilled it. All must come together to fight the most enormous battle of the age, both ours and theirs. BAD POINTS: Violence is the only complaint one can have. And violence abounds. One must expect it with the battles that take place, but one must also be warned, in case it might offend, or upset the younger generation. Orcs are killed in every imaginable way possible. Giant elephant-like enemy beasts stomp and gore troops to death. The very creepy Nazgûl pick up, crush, and throw troops. A man is shown splashing oil on himself and his son, with the intention of burning them both alive. One of them is set afire, and runs aflame and throws himself off of a high point. During battle, the heads of previously slain soldiers are hurled over the city walls by the orcs. A giant spider stings and then wraps Frodo up, before doing combat with Sam. Gollum's former identity Sméagol is shown strangling a fellow hobbit to death for the Ring. All this and more take place. I don't mind, because violence must take place if Right must triumph over Wrong. But you have the right to know. GOOD POINTS: The special effects are ground-breaking, that much is obvious. But the incredible emotion, the power, the grandeur of it all is enough to make you cry, and I nearly did. My companions (appropriately dressed for the occasion: I as Aragorn, my brother as Gandalf, my sister as Éowyn) cried a lot. This movie is bound to storm the awards ceremonies, and top the box office for the next month in the least. My friend, words do not do justice to how incredible and colossally amazing this film is. From the tear-jerking resolve of Sam, to the gritty, stern determination of Gandalf and Aragorn, this film is pure Tolkien magic through and through. I don't care if you are a Tolkien fan or not, you will enjoy this movie. I'd stake my reputation on it. 200 out of 10 stars, and that's severely undercutting it.
Rating:  Summary: The Greatest (with some reservations) Review: I,ve seen the movie 2 times, trust me you will want to see all those battles over and over. I have never seen such battle sequences on film...to say they are jaw dropping, stunning, unbelievable, etc, etc, would not do them justice. I bet you will enjoy the detail of the cities, of the armor and weapons, all the stuff you liked in the other movies is here and even better. I found the acting first rate and Gollum is better than ever.There was a lot of script territory to cover to close the whole trilogy up and Jackson did a nice job keeping a very complicated intertwined story tight and fairly easy to follow. Great,great movie. My reservations center around the fact that this movie deviates the most from the book story line. Anyone who has read the books and goes into the movie looking for a Tolkien recreation is going to be disappointed. This is a Peter Jackson variation of a Tolkien book. So put that out of your mind and be assured that Jackson is following the spirit of Tolkien as he translates word to film. The other reservation is the ending. I'll not devulge anything, but for me it went on way too long.
Rating:  Summary: A closing to one of the best trilogies of all time! Review: I saw "The Return of the King" on a special midnight showing. I wont waste time with telling the plot but go straight into the review. I have never read the books. I thought the first two were good. But the third and final installment in the trilogy leaves me speechless. It is so incredible and makes me appreciate the entire trilogy as a whole. Mr. Jackson has created the most incredible epic for our generation. As I said earlier, I thought the first two were good, but after seeing the third, I recognize the whole trilogy as nothing short of brilliance. The Return of the King is the best out of all three. It had me on the edge of my seat during the very intense battles and almsot had me crying at the very sentimental and emotional end. Mr. Jackson has created something that he can cherish and appreciate for a lifetime. I know I will.
Rating:  Summary: Very good movie...until the end. Review: The third installment of Lord of the Rings trilogy have turned out to be a pretty exciting and entertaining film. However, the viewers might be divided in their opinions on how good the movie may be. For those who have not read the book, this movie will be their version of the One Ring that Rule them all. For those who have read the book, they may find it slightly disappointed at the choices Peter Jackson (director) made in the story. Now I have read the book I was slightly disappointed by some of the things Jackson did in the movie. (Did Gandalf forgot that he was a wizard?) All the stirring parts of the book was totally ignored but he did make other parts quite exciting and entertaining so I guess it even out. I can lived happily with Jackson's version outside of one part. I thought his treatment of Frodo and Sam was pretty shameful in the end. Here was two hobbits who basically saved Middle Earth from ultimate evil and there was little or almost no real acknowledgement from the Aragon or people of Gondor. Yes, they did all bend their knees to them in one scene but they also honor Pippin and Merry as well, equalizing Pippin and Merry with Frodo and Sam must be considered as an ultimate insult to the latter two hobbits. Jackson should had Frodo carrying the crown of Gondor to Aragon instead of Gimili and he and Sam should had the higher honor then any other, since their was the most important of all the quests. Aragorn became King only due to Gandalf and Frodo/Sam's effort, they should be honored above all else. Only other major weakness as a film goes, it had to do with the end. Peter Jackson apparently lost his magic as he simply couldn't figured out how to end the movie. The ending dragged on and on and on like some endless poem that should have ended several verses ago. Those who will watch the movie will understand. Of course, I will be looking forward to the extended version of this movie on DVD since the story did suffered from point to point. Only then will there be a true classic in making.
Rating:  Summary: "I was not disappointed--this is an epic!!" Review: I'll keep this short and leave the longer reviews to those much more expert in the story than I am. The movie is very long (over 3 hours), and much better than the other two. Many things are explained--I especially enjoyed seeing WHY Gollum became the way he was. The battle to end all battles is great. Makes Helm's Deep look like a picnic! Shelob was better than OK, but by the time you get to her you've already been so special-effect numbed that.... The destruction of the ring tends to go on and on a bit, but after waiting for three years...yep, I'm satisfied. I also liked the army of the dead. That's really cool! What did I not care for? Don't shoot me, but all the romancing after the massive battle scenes were a bit anti-climactic in my opinion. This concluding film is massive in its scale--extremely loud, and will surely deserve the Oscar.