Rating:  Summary: Holy Cow! He did it!! Breathtaking!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review: Not enough Stars! I mean that seriously, if I could I would give it 15 stars and it would deserve everyone.I love both Fellowship of the Rings and Twin Towers. Am one of those who was sucked into buy the regular DVDs and the fancy extended sets - and don't regret it! I absolutely love these movies and could never grow tired of them. But I have been on pins and needles wanting to see the final installment - hopeful it would live up to the first two - fearful it would not. And I am one HAPPY CAMPER to report that it delivers!! I won't spoil the plot for you deserve to experience the wonderful brilliance for yourself, just tell you how amazing this film is!! There will be some grumblers about liberties taken with Tolkien's story, and I was sorry to see Chris Lee short-shifted (though I understand from the releases we get more closure to the treason of Isengard in the extended version - sigh, guess I will be queueing up for both versions of the DVD again!). But the movie makes all movies pale beside it. Epics like Braveheart and Spartacus seem Mickey Mouse when compared to the battle of Pelennor Fields. The acting is first rate, with the many beloved characters going to the wall for save middle earth. If this does not get best movie - the academy has take leave of the senses!! This will reign for some time as THE film, it's just so amazing. Just to give you an idea - the battle of Pelennor Fields makes the battle for Helm's Deep seem pale! The emotions, the willingness to give all for the good of others has never been so evocatively filmed. The story starts with the small history of Gollum's killing his brother to gain possession of the ring, then it is 3 1/2 hours of wonder magic and everything we have come to expect. All I can say, is hurry up and get it on DVD so we can enjoy this over and over again. A beautiful end to the trilogy. As a Tolkien fan, and a lover of his many others tales of Middle East, I can but hope, one day Jackson will come back and give us more tales of this wonderful world.
Rating:  Summary: I'm Speachless... Review: This movie is so incredible that it will have you hanging on the edge of your seat! The battle scenes are intense and the best I've ever seen in a movie. The Return of the King is packed with sunning special effects along-side great music (score), wonderful acting, and spectacular drama! The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King is the best movie in the trilogy! The ending is quite long, but lives up to the book. See this movie as soon as possible! It is PHENOMENAL!!!
Rating:  Summary: Amazing! Review: I don't know why some people complained about ROTK being so diffrent from the book. There where a few things that where left out(ei Faramir and Eowyn's relationship, Eomer becomming king of Rohan ect..), but the movie is already 3hrs long! Most of that will probably be covered in the extended version DVD. There where a couple things that where actualy changed, but it was not so much that it stole from the integrity of the story. My favorite element(in the film and the books) is probably the beautiful friendship between Frodo and Sam. Many of the scenes with them will bring you to tears. So wear waterproof mascara! I love the books and for the most part the movies have done them total justice. This last entry into the film version of the trilogy is superb! Bravo Peter Jackson!!!
Rating:  Summary: i have to give this a standing ovation Review: alright it's the end, just face it this movie rocks and i'm not lying. if you read the review that the guy only gave it three stars,don't listen the guy is full of crap. he doesn't know anything about the series, or even read the books. youshouldn't review things you don't know about. i'm sorry i had to express my feelings about the crap mouth. ok the movies the bomb, better than all the rest i think, so go see it.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Film, but Be Prepared for a Reader's Digest ROTK Review: I just want to say that I have indeed seen the movie as well as read the books, including The Silmarillion, so I do know a little of what I speak. As a movie, it's top-notch. A thrill ride from start to finish, and there are moments where even the greenest Tolkien fan will weep at the beauty, the majesty, and the humanity of these characters, given breath so well by our beloved LOTR players. It's an action movie, very much in the vein of The Two Towers, only more so. Action, action, and more action. It's also a love story in the vein of original Tolkien, both romantic (Aragorn and Arwen) and staid friendship (Merry and Pippin, Frodo and Sam). This is indeed the last big bang that we have been waiting for. I don't watch movies again in the theatres, but I'm going back for another round of this one. You'll cheer, clap, and cry your eyes out. But be warned, purists: this is Tolkien at high speed. Yes, it is three-and-a-half hours long, but even with that length, chapters get removed, and other chapters get extensively abridged. Don't forget, this is moviemaking, a different proposition entirely from the authorial arts. As to the abridgments and omissions, don't forget-there's the extended version coming, and that should be PRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEECCCCIOUS...
Rating:  Summary: Return of the King is a Must See Movie Review: Director Peter Jackson has created a masterpiece of cinematography. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy is the best adaptation of a book done on film. Jackson has crafted this film so that it is still eminently watchable to those who haven't read the books. There are so many powerful scenes in this movie that you will be rivited to your seat the entire three and a half hours. Sean Astin's performance of Samwise Gamgee is heroic. The range of emotions he convincingly displays should garner him an oscar nomination. The rest of the cast is only a step behind. A battle scenes are absolutley astounding. While the Twin Towers had probably the best fantasy battle scenes done to date, Return of the King has eclipsed it. The realism in the costume design, seige weapons and battle tactices is terrific. The only real gripe Die hard Tolkien fans will have concerns the Spider Shelob. While Shelob is certainly scary and impressive, she is portrayed more as a large vicious spider than as an immortal Demon. As a bottom line, nobody could have possibly imagined the trilogy being as well done as has been accomplished. The same can be said of the Return of the King. Attention to detail and the spirit of Tolkien oozes out of every pore of this movie.
Rating:  Summary: WOW!! Review: FINALLY! A trilogy that is just as good as the original Star Wars series!! Being a fan of the books and the other 2 movies, I had to see this opening day. I wasn't let down. As a last part of "Rings" trilogy, it met all of my expectations. The war scenes were incredible! The pacing was great and better then the other 2 films. I'm seeing this a second time for sure. Can't wait for "The Hobbit" to come out!!
Rating:  Summary: Great Review: First, I've read the books and that made the movie better, but I believe that's always the case. I thought Jackson did a good job of picking what to put in the movie to make it fun for everyone. The ending was a little long, but that's the spirit of the book so it was ok with me. Don't want to spoil any parts so I'll just say the Shelob scene DELIVERS! Can't wait for the DVD to see some behind the scenes on how they pulled it off.
Rating:  Summary: Hury hurry Review: after seeing the movie - I'm so looking forward to the Extended DVD. There were a few scenes that PJ had to leave out, which is understandable, I mean it is over 3 hours long (still too short if you ask me) - but if I could I would reserve my copy right now - This movie is a beautiful ending to the trilogy - I don't have enough good things to say.
Rating:  Summary: A BRAVO FOR THE TRILOGY & 3 SOUNDTRACKS Review: "I regret to announce that this is the end. I'm going now, I bid you all..." the best. I sure will miss the rush of expecting more from the LOTR cast, after this, there's no more. I love everything involved with the movie and since I'm a composer (film score composer wanna be someday) I will miss waiting for the december to come...after this, the coming christmas won't be the same. I wish these movies will go on forever, but all WE have to decide is what to do with the experience that the producer and the cast left us with. To me, this has been the best cinematic experience of my life. These movied changed my life and I hope in the years to come anybody who watches the movie will still admire the great talent and work of the whole cast. enough said! 11/25/2003