Rating:  Summary: Excellent picture, "Merely Awsome" Review: This movie is a spectacular finish to a specatular series, it is high art and is blessed with performances that will stand the test of time, visuals which dazzle the eyes and characters we care about.Other than about 10 minutes near the start the movie was never boring, I was particularly pleased that Merry & Pipin were not shortchanged as in the 2nd movie (but not the extended version) The only issue I have which keeps it from 5 stars is the editing. There are several moments in the film when we think it is done, there is a fade and a come back. I found myself shouting at the screen: "You are NOT going to leave us there" when the movie would return. I think the transition was poorly done. In fairness to Jackson the movie is already 3 1/2 hours which is VERY long for the regular movie going crowd. (although it didn't feel long at all to me) The extended DVD scenes in the other films, unlike many movies , were scenes of high quality that added to the plot. (Seeing the extended version concerning ent draughts will cause a problem in this film) There are scenes that are clearly missing from this movie. They need to be there. I don't want to wait months for the extended version. I almost suspect he might have been better off making it 4 movies so the missing film could all be included but then what would you call the extra film, were would you cut it? I might be nitpicking I doubt I could have cut it better and the movie is spectaular in any case It deserves 4 1/2 stars and and all the acolades that it will get. Re-watching all three I would say the best scenes of this one are the best of the entire series but the movie overall was not as good as the first. Maybe when I see it again when its not midnight I'll think differently. However the difference between the best and worst of the films is the difference between totally awsome and Merely awsome. Dont miss it.
Rating:  Summary: Simply Amazing! Review: This movie is amazing in a way that I hoped it would be. The beginning was great and so was the end, which is sad. The action is very incredible in The Return of the King! There are a lot of good emotional scenes in this movie that are really dramatic. Overall: a phenomenal finish to The Lord of the Rings movie-trilogy!
Rating:  Summary: A REVIEW FROM SOMEONE WHO ACTUALLY SAW THE MOVIE!!!! Review: Out of 77 reviews so far, I think only 3-4 are from someone who has ACTUALLY seen the movie. I have read these books many times and my expectations have been high at all three of these movies. This movie made to match the third novel in The Trilogy, met my expectations and then some. The emotional bonds the character's had with each other holds strong through the storytelling and the battle scenes are spectacular. The director does well to show Frodo's tortured soul as he reaches his destination in Mordor. I think those who have read the book know how stirring the ending can be and the feeling as if you are parting from long time friends. Some things I might have wanted to know before I went were: there is not an epilogue that matches the book per se, but it doesn't detract from the story....most likely it would have been very anticlimatic as it is somewhat in the book. Being a movie around three and a half hours, I expected an intermission but there is none so don't drink that 24 ounce coke like I did or you will miss some of the movie running to the bathroom.
Rating:  Summary: What I think about this movie... Review: This movie is the best I have seen in a long time. It follows the books along perfectly. It couldn't have been made better. I think that this would be the kind of movie that would make people want to see it every day of there life. Even if you haven't read the books, this movie explains everything. It is full of action, excitement, suspence, and even some humor. I mean, what else could you want in a series of movies??
Rating:  Summary: THE BEST OF THE THREE Review: This was that best of the three LotR movies. It was just. . . breathtaking. I really want Elijah Wood to win BEST ACTOR (he totally deserves it. The guy made me cry about nine times in half an hour!) and supporting actor should go to Billy Boyd or Sean Astin, without a doubt! This movie (as written before) made me sob, bawl, cry, etc. It was phenomonal. Although there were several inaccuracies (that only a true Tolkienite could pick out) it was still astonishing. It broke my heart, made me grin, and made me melt with the sweetness of Hobbitish friendship. A definite must-see. I didn't think the movies could kick butt anymore but. . . wow, gee wizz, gosh darnit they proved me SO wrong! I can't stop talking about it! Just. . . bring a tablecloth to sop up all the tears you'll shed! "I'm glad you're with me, Sam... here at the end of all things..." It almost makes me cry just to think about it. Quit reading this review! Go see it NOW!
Rating:  Summary: Stupendous! Review: This movie is stupendous! It is one of the best movies I have ever seen! The action was great and so was the drama: very touching. Lord of the Rings: Return of the King ended the trilogy in a spectacular way! Better than film one and two combined, Return of the King is a fantasy movie must-see!
Rating:  Summary: The Best Motion Picture Of The Year! Review: I think that I have just experienced the most breathtaking movie ever made. The scenes, which are all stunning, are incredible (especially the Siege of Minas Tirith and the Battle of the Pelennor Fields). The drama is great and very emotional in this movie (escpecially parts between the two hobbits Frodo and Sam). The special effects, music (score), cinematography, and acting in The Return of the King is very well-done! The ending of the movie was long but well worth it if you are a fan of The Lord of the Rings book-trilogy. I expected the battle at Minas Tirith and the Fields of Pelennor to be a little longer. But, that was no big deal as the director did not want to over-load the movie with action sequences. These two small flaws barley, at all, even effect this most stunning and breathtaking movie because all of the scenes in it are intense, touching, and best of all exciting! I highly recommend you see The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King in theaters! It is better than its two spectacular preludes, its the best movie in the trilogy, and The Return of the King is indeed the best motion picture of the year! It has been nominated four Golden Globe Awards already including: Best Director and Best Motion Picture Drama. See it! You won't be dissapointed.
Rating:  Summary: Visual Epic and Emotional Rollercoaster! Review: First off, I must congratulate Peter Jackson and his screenwriters, cast and crew for making this Epic of a trilogy accessible for those of us who don't have the patience to read through the whole story! Second, I have to congratulate the fans who have been to each of the showings these past 3 winter movie seasons! That said, I'm wholly satisfied that the series has ended. "Return of the King" brings Tolkien's third and final book of the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy to the big screen, an adaptation allowing viewers' eyes an chance to realize Frodo's quest to destroy the seed of greed and evil in middle earth, the one ring and its master, Lord Sauron! Through this final installment fans get to close the stories on friends made in each of the previous movies. Truly rewarding! What can I say? Fans of the three novels by and large won't be dissappointed. In fact, the movies serve as a visual epic, bringing the reader's imagination to life! The artistry not only in CG/Special Effects form, but also in the relationships between the actors climax throughout the movie. From the first view of Minas Tirith, to the Battle of Pelennor Fields and Olyphants, Nazgul and Eagles to the relationships that mature between all main characters in the movie. I can't really highlight any performances as all are spectacular. Furthermore, the magnitude of the ensemble cast does not allow much character focus, save for Frodo and Sam, whose portrayal by Elijah Wood and Sean Astin are far deeper than any of the two previous installments. The audience certainly will go through emotional highs and cheers will erupt from the crowd! Perhaps, those emotional highs and cheers serve as a forwarning to watching this movie. "Return of the King" is about 3 hours and 15 minutes long! You'll easily find yourself cheering two thirds of the way through the movie wrought with excitement and fervor. However, be wise in spending your emotional energy. Many don't realize that after the cheering, the true climax and an hour of movie are still left! There is where the reader benefits. Nonetheless, the movie should come with a disclaimer: spend emotional energy wisely, ration or else you may find yourself unenthusiastic after all the cheering! No movie is complete without some criticisms. The main one being some quirky editing early on in the movie which advances the story line quite rapidly, some viewers may feel rushed. Also, I won't ruin it for you, however, one of larger, more significant storylines from "The Two Towers" was left on the cutting floor; obviously fuel for buying the DVD version when it finally comes out. No biggie. However, the movie stays true to the novel, even to the end! After everything, having left the theater you feel as if you've completed the journey with Frodo and his fellowship. Rewards are aplenty and you'll likely be contemplating the magnitude of the story for quite some time after (maybe enough to pick up the books)! Congratulations on completing the journey!
Rating:  Summary: Magic, Mind blowing magic! Brilliant! Review: Words cannot really convey the thrill of this film. I won't play plot spoiler - you NEED to experience this yourself. I have been waiting with all the LOTRs fans, desperately hoping it would live up to the first two films, frightened it would disappoint. I mean with the fizzle of the 2 Star Wars films and the bad taste of the Matrix near suicide, I really really dreaded this film as much as I anticipated it. But guess what...Jackson has boldly gone where no director has gone before - delivered a final film of a trilogy and made it just as good, if not better than the first two. Each film has its own personality, and this does, too. But is is literally mind blowing. The battle of Pelennor Fields make epics such as Braveheart, Spartacus and Gladiator seem so 'small' in comparison. This will stand for ages to come as film making at it's best. I have, naturally, heard the controversy of Lee's roll being nearly ignored in the final version. This disappoints me. It left me feeling no sense of closure to that part of the tale. But we are assured his role will be restored to the extended DVD, so I guess I will wait as I did with the extended version of Rings and Two Towers, to get the definitive version. It starts with a flash back to when Gollum/Smeigal kills his brother to steal the ring. From that point on, Jackson deftly directs the final installment with all the emotion and grandeur that made the first two so loved. There will again be grumblers of Middle Earth Tales, who will complain with liberties take with Tolkein's works. But hush and let us enjoy this wonderful film. All the actors give so much to the role, the emotion nearly at time is overwhelming. I was sorry to see the Golden Globes over look several of the actors for nominations, because they each deserve so much recognition for the true beauty they helped created. The movie keeps you on the edge of your seat, leaves you gasping for air, and desperately hoping at some future time, Jackson will return to Middle Earth and give us more tales to thrill us. Just please release this on DVD SOON. I already want to watch the film again. No set of films have reached the level and it will be a long time before they will again!
Rating:  Summary: AMAZING Review: i believe that the way that Jackson created this movie was amazing! Throughout the whole movie! I mean, it was breathtaking, exciting, energetic, suspensful, and all the other qualities needed to make an outstanding film. Every one of the reviewers who (i know are entitled to their opinions) gave Lord of the Rings less than 5 stars either had a deprived childhood, a sick, sick man, mentally ill, or just wants to take his/her anger out on one of the best movies of all time. Credits to the cast, especially to Jackson who made everyones hope for a lord of the rings movie, a reality.