Rating:  Summary: What a great way to end the series. Review: Peter Jackson's final movie in the trilogy not only puts this series to rest in a grand way but propels it to classic status as well. The return of the king is the best film of the series, and it not only ends this trilogy in a high note but also raises the bar in movie making forever in terms of story and emotion.
Rating:  Summary: What happened at the end ????!!?! Review: Return Of The King was an extremely good movie to me . Everything about it was awesome , except for one thing . Every moment after Frodo wakes up in a bed in Rivendale and the hugging commences , filled me with the same feeling i got last time i ate too much waffles and ice cream . I felt sick to my gut . I wish I had the foresight to have just walked out when that part started . Also I can see in some respects why they left out the sacking of the Shire . The book does not rely on climax the same way Hollywood movies do , and I imagine they thought it an anti climax to have a little hobbit scuffle after the world has been saved . But then why show the sacking of the shire when Sam sees the Future in the water ???(...)I mean , he acted well , but If he was in school with me a few years ago ,I would have made fun of his furry feet until he cried a stream of cute little hobbit tears . Also , What ever happened to Gandalf's confrontation with Saruman after the Ents trap him in the tower . In the book that is how they come about Saruman's seeing stone . In the movie they just kinda find it in the water . Seems like an afterthought to me . Ok , now that I am done Bickering , the rest of the movie was done extremely well . The war was some of the best 3d animation I have ever seen ( and I study it so i know ) . Also, they managed to pull something off I have never seen before in a Book /Movie conversion . There were areas in the movie that I was able to say looked exactly as I imagined them when reading the book originally . That is awesome . Actually the inconsistencies between the plot in the book and the movie don't bother me much . I am a person who likes to go into a movie and actually suspend my disbelief and just enjoy . After all that's why we watch movies , to have fun . The last ten minutes of mush was the only real error to me .
Rating:  Summary: Excellent movie! Review: This movie is by far the best of the three and I loved the first two. I know that those of you who read the books feel cheated out of the ending, but I for one felt it was done well. I must say though that after reading some of the other reviews I'm wondering what is happening to this country's education. My punctuation and such may not be perfect, but it's a hell of alot better than some of the reviews (some are unreadable) ;)
Rating:  Summary: Rousing and Epic Climax. . .Worthy of its Title Review: 'The Return of the King', the third and final installment in 'The Lord of the Rings' trilogy, and considered by many to be the best of the three. My opinion. . . (skip these next few parts if you have already seen the movie) As the War of the Ring comes to its climax - a massive battle that will decide the fate of all - Aragron, Theoden and all the rest of the Rohirrim marches to the land of Gondor to aid the sieged city of Minas Tirith. Pippen, the mischievous hobbit, has looked into Saruman's all-seeing Palantir and has now been shown a glimpse into Sauron's evil mind. Fearing for Pippen's life, Gandalf takes him to Minas Tirith, and there they fall under the services of the twisted Denethar, Steward of Gondor. Gandalf has Pippen secretly light the city beacon, which summons for Rohan's troops. This is what draws Aragorn and the Rohirrim. Elrond, Master of Rivendell, has reforged the Shards of Narsil, the Sword of the King, and brings it to Aragorn at their camp. Although gracious for the precious gift, Aragorn fears the advice Elrond gives him - to travel into the mountain pass and awaken the dead soliders who could only be summoned by Isildor's air, and the bearer of the Sword of the King. Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli leave half-heartedly in search of these undead ghosts, in hopes of gaining their services. Theoden and company move on, and finally make it to Minas Tirith as a huge siege is being held by 200,000 Mordor orcs. Now they must continue the fight, and somehow defeat this insurmountable evil. Arwen, meanwhile, Aragorn's lover, has chosen to stay in Middle-Earth in hope that Aragorn will survive the war and return to her. But now because of her decision, she becomes very ill. Now her fate, life or death, is also bound to the fate of the Ring. And poor Frodo and Sam, now moving further into Mordor by the treacherous Gollum, has no idea what they are moving into. Gollum has convinced Frodo that he is on his side, and that he wants to help them. But he is also trying to frame Sam, claiming that 'the fat hobbit wants the precious - very soon he will ask for it.' Frodo, now completely tormented and ripped apart by the ever-growing powerful Ring, comes to trust Gollum and actually believes him. So when Frodo is now completely worn out from a long climb, Sam offers to innocently carry the Ring just to lighten the load for his friend. Frodo, in remembrance of Gollum's words, sends Sam away. This was a very moving scene. Gollum, the treacherous creature that he is, is actually leading Frodo into the lair of an ancient monster - a huge spider named Shelob. Will the armies of men be able to conquer the massive evil that threatens their world, and will Aragorn be able to return with the aid needed to yet prevail? And will Frodo discover Gollum's treachery, or if he does, will it be too late? This movie is absolutely amazing. Please dont be angry if I took too long explaining the plot, but I felt like I had to. The special effects are incredible, the characters are larger-than-life, and the story is very moving. A superb acting job all around (with the exception of maybe Liv Tyler and Hugo Weaving). This is a movie that makes you care about the characters, and even my too-long description is not enough to describe the climactic excitement and grandness of this truly wonderful film. The story is so brilliant and all of the smaller sub-plots are all incredible. Unfortunately, even 10 STAR movies do not go without a fault or two. The whole beginning sequence with Smeagol becoming Gollum had an impressive display of makeup, but still felt cheap and rather choppy. It didnt seem right, and wasnt very well acted. Some minor flaws, like several bits of dialogue and parts of the story (most of which were sadly added in, or were replacing some missing part of the book). Critics will say the ending was too long, and I thought so after the first time I saw the movie. But after watching it a second or third time, you realize its just right. This movie is not without fault, but it is indeed an amazing movie that will literally have you on the edge of your seat to the very end of the rousing adventure. I don't get stirred or excited by movies very often, but this one did. Very much so. I would recommend this movie to anyone, anyday, anytime.
Rating:  Summary: AMAZING! Review: This was a perfect conclusion to the trilogy. Everything from the cinematography to the costumes to the battle sequences are spectacular. The bonfire-signal sequence was beautiful, and one of my favorite movie moments ever.
Rating:  Summary: Not the best of the three... Review: Not that I didn't like it; cutos to all the techincal people and Mr. Jackson, but I really thought Two Towers was better. And The Fellowship, to. So this is inevitably the worst of the three. As a trilogy, this thing is fan-friggin-tastic- but not as a single film, as this is presented. But I must say that was an [awesome] giant spider... Well, anywho, Return of the King lacks the narrative drive of the first two films... Its way too long. As I'm sure many have already commented, after the battle (which is actually the entire film) there are at least four endings. The creators are just too weepy to let the billion dollar series go, so boo-hoo, all twenty-five thousand of the creators do their best to drag this (...) out. Many people weeped when I saw it (the first day of release mind you). Come on though... How much faker can you get? Well, anywho again, I don't think it deserved all those Oscars... Just my opinion... It no doubt deserved MOST of the technical ones (Master and Commander was the superior in some of those categories) and Jackson (maybe) was due. But they weren't honoring the film. They were honoring the whole kaboodle. All eight years of film making. But the thing is, I wanted them to win last year for Two Towers... The Academy is loaded with morons, I tell you. And Lord of the Rings in no way helped the Oscar ceremony along. Bor-ing. But then, I guess you have to honor the achievement... Even if the editing, acting, screenplay, and especially length could have afforded approvement. Oh yeah. In the scene when whats-her-face (the woman who pretends to be a man; she is pathetic, by the way) pulls that little hobbit dude (Mary or Pippin?) on to her horse, there is clearly a blue screen in the backround. But with all my critisisms, the spider was awesome, and Gollum was (...) awesome. Especially when he tore off Frodo's finger like it was chewing tobacco. (And in the tavern, Frodo isn't missing that finger, but then when he's in his house, he is. Trivial mistake.) And the dude who was great as Gollum, Andy Ser(kis?) is SUPPOSEDLY going to be the digital model for Peter Jackson's new King Kong. Well, I'm against ANOTHER remake, but he is talented...
Rating:  Summary: Return of the Kin Review: The Return of the King comes as a truly epic moment in cinema, an amazing film it ends (sadly) the Lord of the Rings trilogy in a breathtaking manner. Jackson does a fantastic job with his shooting here, magnificent camera angles, lighting, sound, it all falls into place here. And as for the actors, everyone is at the top of their game, even Elijah Wood (though that is debateable). Aragorn at the end IS the king of Gondor, and Viggo Mortensen fits right in there, making the role seem real. The final scene is possibly the best in the movie, the grey havens. People in my theater actually left crying from the ending of the movie, that's how well it was done. This movie will undoubtedly end up in countless people's collections, and remain as one of the greatest ever made, (sweeping the oscars)
Rating:  Summary: Best of the trilogy! We have a winner! Review: Return of the King is the obvious best of the LotR. With 11 oscars, you can't miss out on it. Return of the King was far better than my expectations. The Fellowship of the Ring was pretty accurate to the book, leaving out too many key parts, however. The Two Towers had a lot of things changed, and in some people's opininos was the best of the three. But for me, Return of the King was most accurate in my view, though leaving out too many scenes from the book and with some scenes too long. As with earlier reviewers, I find a few changes from book to movie startling: 1. What happened to Dol Amroth and its people? 2. The flashback to Gollum's early life (Smeagol) was totally unnecessary. It belonged in the beginning of the Two Towers, not Return of the King. It was also way too long. 3. The Houses of the Healing. No athelas, no proof that Eowyn and Faramir loved each other at last. 4. The Mouth of Sauron was not included, nor was the fact that Frodo was half-captured followed correctly 5. Saruman's reign of the Shire!! What happened?? Despite all this, RotK is my favorite movie of all time, and I await the Extended Edition, likely with 3 or more discs of the feature, and including some of these crucial key parts.
Rating:  Summary: An almost epic ending Review: A epic last part to the movie - except for the conclusion being 1/2 hr long - but if you think if it as .5 hr ending for a 9 hr movie, I imagine its proportional. However, a few things irked me - the battle at Minas Tirith didn't feel as epic as the battle in Helms Deep in 2nd movie, it was building up and building up, and then... proof, the ghosts appeared an it was over. Then we were left watching at the gates those epic words of Aragorn... but no fight - rather a tiny skirmish against the inevitability of death. In the previews, I was expecting a huge battle after what Aragorn said, but it was not to be. I suppose my expectations were a bit different when I heard of battle scenes of 100,000 men and so on in the previews...
Rating:  Summary: A-F*CKING-MAZING Review: WHY should you buy this movie? well, ladies and gentlemen. simply because.. IT IS ONE OF THE GREATEST, MOST TOUCHING, BEAUTIFUL, AND ASTOUNDING MOVIES OF ALL TIME. peter jackson is a movie god. worship him. buy this film. i sure as hell know i'm going to. :-D