Rating:  Summary: Stupendous End to a Modern Classic! Review: What can one say about this film? It is the climax to the greatest movie trilogy in the history of the genre-I think it is fair to say that the original Star Wars films have been eclipsed. The 3 LOTR films have an adult storyline taken from one of the true classics of 20th - century literature, great acting (a travesty that only one actor, Ian McKellen, was nominated for an Oscar for 'Fellowship of the Ring'), and SFX by WETA that are second to none. The final installment of the series takes things to new heights in nearly every area. The stupendous Battle of Pelennor Fields is simply awe inspiring; hordes of orcs, cave trolls, catapults, a squadron of oliphaunts, flying dragons, and a gigantic calvary charge...incredible! One scene that really sticks with me is the death of Theoden, followed by Eowen's confrontation with the Head Ringwraith; it takes two good hacks of her sword to behead the 'Wraith's dragon, then she kills the Wraith with a blow to the face (aided by Pippin's timely stab in the leg). Yes, this is only a PART of the grand scheme of things in this magnificent film. Taken in total, it is obvious that the Motion Picture Academy saw fit to reward Peter Jackson and cohorts for ALL THREE films in giving 11 Oscars to this movie. Some have disagreed with this approach; I feel it is richly deserved. When one watches the films on DVD, it seems that they should all be seen continously...they really are one long film. The only real limiting factor is time. The one stellar thing about LOTR is through all the technical wizardry, the films never lose their basic humanity. It is really the story of love and friendship, evil and greed, the lust for power and the love of freedom that make these three films the great accomplishments they truly are. Now we wait and see if Jackson can pull off another miracle: remaking a true all time classic, animator Willis O'Brien's 'King Kong'. Let's hope he does better than that DeLaurentiis debacle...
Rating:  Summary: The Worst of the Three Review: Whether you're a die-hard geek or just a casual fan, all honest people must admit that this is the worst of the three films. Not only does Return of the King deviate from the book in manners that are detrimental to its entertainment value and story flow, but its just over-the-top corny. The ending has to be one of the worst in the history of film. Ten years from now, The Fellowship of the Ring will be the only one of these films that is considered a true classic. Each sequel was certainly much worse than its predecessor. Academy Awards or no (in a very weak year for film), Return of the King is a Turkey with a capital T.
Rating:  Summary: In a Class of Its Own Review: (...)Seeing the Return of the King without having also seen Fellowship and Towers may leave one a little bewildered at first, but my sister saw the movie without the experience of the previous two and was simply awe-struck with this movie. Funny thing is, she doesn't even like sci-fi/fantasy movies. She seemed to get into it just fine. Honestly, to get the full enjoyment and fulfilment that this film offers, you really have to see all three. I don't see why anyone would want to view any of the latter parts of a trilogy without first seeing the first, but I still think R.o.t.K can stand alone. If you like a nice epic that draws you into itself, suspends all reality and disbelief, with pupil-dilating special effects that either push you deeper into your seat, or abruptly snatch you out of it, this is your film. What this movie does, like no other film I've ever seen, is it brings the viewer into the lives of seven different characters, and provides that viewer with a familiarity and an understanding of those characters that is unprecedented. The characters become very real, and you cycle through a full range of empathetic emotions for them. I've seen masterpiece films in which one can gain this experience with one or two characters, but never on this scale. Seeing the previous films just enhances the experience. Lord of the Rings, both the book and the movie trilogy are a great experience that I highly recommend to anyone. After all, this is a modern classic--both the book and the movie.
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie, can't wait for extended versions Review: Just thought this was a great movie, though I liked two towers more, but just because it must've been really hard for peter jackson to put in everything he wanted. And to the guy who said he "saw the zipper on the gollum suit"...Gollum was an entirely CG rendered creature. The fact you couldn't tell shows just how great a job they did on him.
Rating:  Summary: Best movie of 2003 Review: The Lord of the Rings:The Return of teh king, being the third instalment to "The Lord of the Rings" series, it was the best one. When they made the first film "The Fellowship of the Ring", I seemed to like it more than "The Two Towers". Now, "The return of the king" is very inspiring to anyone who is a "big action-fantasy movie fan". I liked how they made the movie 3 hours and 20 minutes because it was a long time to express everything in the movie. I thought it was good enough to see four times! Also, when they spaced out all of the battle sequances and go to amazing camera angles that almost reminded me of "The Matrix" trilogy. This was the best movie I have ever seen. This film can also compare to another great film of 2003 "The Matrix Revolutions". When I watched the first 10 minutes, it was great and got right to the point in explaining what they missed in "The Fellowship of the ring" of the odd fantisised creature "Gollum". As time went on there was many twists and turns. Right after I saw "Return of the King" it made me want to read the books. Then once I finished "the return of the king" book, I was the movie for the 4th time and understood the movie better and also that the book made the movie make more sence.9...)
Rating:  Summary: Simply no good. Review: Review for Return of the King First off, this movie made no sense. They don't bother to introduce anyone or tell us what is going on. Maybe this would have made more sense if I had seen the first two movies. But come on. You can't use that as an excuse, movies should stand ALONE ON THEIR OWN MERITS, and on its own, this movie doesn't make any sense and nothing is explained. I mean, who is going to take the time to watch all three of these movies? That's like 11 hours! I seem to be the only one to notice this, but this movie is a total rip-off of Star Wars. I mean, come on, really. It makes the movie almost embarrassing to watch. The Ring is just like The Force. Sauron is the Emperor, and Saruman (good guy gone bad) is Darth Vader. Brash, cocky Aragon was modelled on Han Solo, and Frodo is Luke Skywalker. They replaced the lightsabers with real swords, big deal. And that Gollum guy is an Ewok if I ever saw one. Think about it, he leads the Hobbitts around like the Ewok leads Leia around. Coincidence? *Snort of derision* Yeah right. Mount Doom is the Death Star. The Orcs are like the Stormtroopers. And in the biggest chutzpah rip-off of all, Gandalf is clearly based on the popular character Yoda. I mean really. Did these people think they were going to get away with it? I could go on and on with the evidence, but I think what I've presenting is conclusive enough. So for originality this movie gets a big zero. Even the locations remind me of Star Wars. Thirdly, the casting is inept. Elijah Wood, the kid from the Macaulay Culkin movie "The Good Son" as Frodo? Har har. Mikey from the Goonies as Sam? Viggo Mortensen from GI Jane fame as the dashing warrior? I mean, whoa, the casting crew must have been on acid or something. Fourth, the much-talked about special effects. It's difficult for me to watch a movie with such special effects. In all the sweeping shots of castles and fortresses, you can see how badly pixelated everything is - I mean come on. I was making better CG models on my Amiga and Apple II in the 1980s then this stuff, and it's more than 20 years later? Haven't we learned anything in this time? Apparently not. And that guy dressed up in the Gollum suit... wow, just wow. During one shot I saw the zipper on it, and I buried my face in my hands and almost wept. Fifth, the dialogue is about as cheesy as you can get. "We must fight, to save the world!" Uh, okay there Thor. *Insert golf clap here* There are also many cliches taken from the Dragonlance book series here. It's shameful, simply shameful. So, all in all, I must give this movie 1 star out of 5 possible.
Rating:  Summary: THE GREATEST MOVIE OF ALL TIME!!! Review: I am speechless about how great this movie is.Dang it!it's just so good.It's action-packed,and dramatic.All of the actors did an excellent job on the movie.Now,Peter,to finish the entire series off:Please make The Hobbit! The Lord of the rings:The Return of the King:Best **** movie ever.
Rating:  Summary: Incredible!!! Amazing!!! Great Ending[s]!!! Review: Fellowship of the Ring-Great! Two Towers-Even better! Return of the King-a whole 'nother movie. The Return of the King brought back the wonderful characters we all wanted to see. It brought back the story. It even brought back the SPECIAL EFFECTS! I went into this movie thinking the Two Towers was as good as it was going to get. I thought there was no way that there would be a better BATTLE scene like the one at Helms Deep. I WAS WRONG... I cant tell you how thrilling it was and how cool the battle for middle earth was! As for the ending WOW it was perfect. I made this review vague because if you have not seen it I dont want to ruin it. However if you have already been told what happens or you have read the book it does not matter. You have no idea what your about to see. And yes it deserved every Oscar and Golden Globe it received!
Rating:  Summary: Best movie ever Review: The movie was incredible. The best out of "The Lord of the Rings Trilogy" and if you haven't watched it please watch it. It is the best movie of all time.
Rating:  Summary: Lord of the Rings-Return of the King Review: Fabulous! Unlike Harry Potter, this movie rendition and the two preceding it maintained the integrity of the story...the care and love of the story was clear even though changes and omissions were made....for book lovers this was a godsend....for how many times has the movie cheapened the book.