Rating:  Summary: Millenium/Stargate worth the set Review: Millenium is worth watching for die hard fans. Good storyline even though the characters are a bit dated and showing wear. Capricorn 1 was only worth seeing OJ in something other than a courtroom.
Rating:  Summary: an overlooked movie for sci-fi buffs Review: Millennium is one of those movies that has a great story line and even follows through with budget and special effects (for it's time not bad) yet fails to draw the crowd because it's an intricate story of time travel that can be at times hard to follow and even slow. But if you still dig movies like Logan's Run or Communion, you'll probably enjoy Millennium.It's a unique story of people far in the future who kidnap the bodies of people that are about to die. Their favorite source is planes that are about to crash. An official investigating discovers wrist-watches running backwards in the wreckage, and works with a physicist attempting to discover the truth about these visitors.
Rating:  Summary: Run don't walk away! Review: This is the only movie I saw at the theatre where people literally went to the manager and asked for a refund. And this was at a dollar movie theatre! Needless to say if you can avoid this do so. The plot was predictable when it made sense, and the actors looked like they had better things to do. A real time waster.
Rating:  Summary: Millennium is a hauntingly good movie Review: This movie grabs you from the very first scene, you're in a plane, everything is silent save for the sound of the engines and chatter from the cockpit. It almost seems too quiet, as if everyone on the plane were inexplicably asleep. A frantic air traffic controller tries to warn the crew of the plane that they're on a collision course with another aircraft but it's too late, they've been clipped by this other plane and the crew does their best to get out of this alive. It turns out there was a reason the passengers were so unusally silent and still... and it's a fascinating ride as you flow through the movie, you feel as though you're a part of the investigation. There's something strangely satisfying about that, watching a movie about an air disaster and a subsequent investigation from the safety of your couch. I especially like the scene where they are listening to the cockpit recording. I must've rented this movie enough times to pay for 5 copies before I finally bought it on DVD. My only complaint is that the soundtrack for this movie is not Dolby Digital.
Rating:  Summary: MST3K would have had a field day with this! Review: This movie is *bad*. The "plot" makes no sense, and the ending even less. It is stupid, slow, insipid, and utterny nonsensical. I wish that MST3K had gotten ahold of this film; only they could have mocked it the way it so desperately deserves to be mocked. This movie is *that bad*. And it's *boring*, too. Kristoferson and Ladd have absolutely ZERO chemistry. No, in fact, they have NEGATIVE chemistry. Kristoferson couldn't act is way out of this script, and Ladd ... well, jeez, what could one expect from an ex-Charlie's Angel? It's also *ugly*. The costumes, set designs, and special effects would have been bad in 1989, and haven't aged well. Post-apocolyptic futures can look cool (ROAD WARRIOR) or even funky (12 MONKEYS), but here, it's just lame. And the first "effect" in the film--where two planes collide--is a sad effort of blue-screening that my high-school film club could have outdone. Avoid at all costs. Waste no money. If your boyfriend or girlfriend owns it, break up with them; it will be less painful. I have to go sanitize my home theatre now.
Rating:  Summary: MST3K would have had a field day with this! Review: This movie is *bad*. The "plot" makes no sense, and the ending even less. It is stupid, slow, insipid, and utterny nonsensical. I wish that MST3K had gotten ahold of this film; only they could have mocked it the way it so desperately deserves to be mocked. This movie is *that bad*. And it's *boring*, too. Kristoferson and Ladd have absolutely ZERO chemistry. No, in fact, they have NEGATIVE chemistry. Kristoferson couldn't act is way out of this script, and Ladd ... well, jeez, what could one expect from an ex-Charlie's Angel? It's also *ugly*. The costumes, set designs, and special effects would have been bad in 1989, and haven't aged well. Post-apocolyptic futures can look cool (ROAD WARRIOR) or even funky (12 MONKEYS), but here, it's just lame. And the first "effect" in the film--where two planes collide--is a sad effort of blue-screening that my high-school film club could have outdone. Avoid at all costs. Waste no money. If your boyfriend or girlfriend owns it, break up with them; it will be less painful. I have to go sanitize my home theatre now.
Rating:  Summary: Millennium is a thinking man's scifi flick Review: This movie is actually better than what others might think. But it requires your complete attention, and for a generation of people who are used to in-your-face MTV type short-attention span stuff, then skip this flick. However, I have shown this DVD on several occasions to groups of friends, and everyone enjoyed trying to figure out what was going on, and were surprised as I was, when time - travel was implicated. Cheryl Ladd was quite good as a cynical flight attendant, and Kris Kristofferson was believable as a man burned out on his job. I only with Travanti had more to do. Still, I highly recommend this flick to people who like to think when they watch a scifi flick.
Rating:  Summary: Millennium DVD Review: This movie is the stuff of remakes -- namely, someone will pick up the rights, write a better screenplay, and get Industrial Light and Magic to really spiff up the special effects. As a movie exploring the paradoxes of time travel, I was left with paradoxes inherent in the screenplay.: Why would a time paradox be a seismic event? Other films in the genre do better with the subtle changes that ripple forward (See the Back to the Future trilogy). Why does Louise have a 4-pack-a-day tobacco habit? She is even seen smoking *while* eating! Hard-core! but no real explanation. Where do the replacement dead bodies come from? If the whole nub of avoiding wiping out the universe-as-we-know-it, it was to recover the stunners, why was only one attempt made? If Louise's second mission was to prevent Kris from going to work that day, why did she give up so easy, when he said, "I gotta go." -- had she considered a mickey? The result is a movie that was rushed to production. It needed a re-write, and the nifty concept begs for a remake. The DVD itself is half-hearted, with no extra frills. Millennium was obviosuly a minor bump-in-the-road for the careers of Kris and Cheryl. (2 stars for Cheryl in Kris's shirt!). See it only to see how a good concept got butchered.
Rating:  Summary: Good sci-fi, poorly realized. Review: Time travelers come to our present to "kidnap" doomed passengers of airplane disaters. They want to populate their bleak furture, where pollution has made all sterile. The special effects are excellent and the premise interesting, but the combo bad-acting turns by Kris Kristofferson and Cheryl Ladd, and the overlysimplified script (we are told EVERYTHING like we won't get it on our own) make this a major disappointment.The FX, Daniel J. Trivanti (as an air distster investigator), and some good flashback sequences make this watchable.
Rating:  Summary: Lame movies from lame people Review: What a waste of shiny plastic disc! Out of all the decent and semi-decent Sci-fi flicks, they pick the bottom of the barrel! Millenium... barely a sci-fi movie. Would you give a Kris Kristoferson movie more than 1 star? Stargate... OK movie, someone must like it as it now has a lame TV show. Capricorn 1... The only shinging star in the set, mainly due to it's very dated look, and OJ Simpson! What a load hooey, but in a cheesey, fun way. Without this movie, I would only give the collection 1 star! Save your money. These movies can be bought seperately for less.