Rating:  Summary: Pure Schlock or Please Come Back James Mason, James Mason Review: The only thing this movie has going for it are the special effects, after that forget it. In the original, which had surprisingly good special effects, we have the more important element of characterization and a great storyline, all true to Jules Verne's vision. Add to that a terrific cast with the always great James Mason in the lead, and you have all the makings for a great film.In THIS schlock of a film we have cardboard characters that only make you plead for them to wind up in the jaws of a dinosaur. (Sigh) They just don't make em like they used to. James Mason we need you!
Rating:  Summary: okay at the start, but then Review: they spend too much time at the center of the earth and that's where things start falling apart...hohum...really bad... Like what the other reviewers said, I also wish they release the original Journey to the Center of the Earth by Boone and Mason.
Rating:  Summary: A kid movie for the whole family Review: This adaption of Jules Verne's classic strays a lot but I found it rather enjoyable. I first saw it on TV when it was a two-parter and only caught the ending of the first part. I have always liked Treat Williams and the actor who plays the Scotsman, McNiff, whom I've seen in the Patrick Stewart version of Moby Dick. I picked the video up at Hollywood video for a reasonable price and was amazed at how much I missed on TV. The best part, in my opinion, was the Boston bare-kuckle boxing match in the very beginning. I also liked the blue forest and the rival tribes. This movie, which is intended for youngsters, can be enjoyed by everyone. But a word to parents, though: some of the tribe's ritual dancing is a bit questionable for younger viewers.Overall a pleasant evening-at-home-with-the-kids film.
Rating:  Summary: ROCKS... CLEAN...! Review: This is one of my favorite movies. It has everything that you would expect. And the girl in the movie is quite beautiful. It's not her looks, although they are nice, it's her persona and the idea of her that is so attractive. The first five or six times that I watched it, I got chills whenever I saw her...! It's like when the person you care for touches your hand for the first time... WOW ... It's a beautiful feeling. And young Jonas Litton (Jeremy London) following his uncle into the earth is searching himself and life, finding out who he is and how he fits into the world. Very innocent and personally nostalgic. Treat Williams' performance is amazing. If you didn't know Treat was an actor you'd think that they went out and found a professor and asked him to play the part of Theodore Litton. So convincing is his performance that its scary..! Although parts of this movie are kinda cheesy and the caves underground are mysteriously lighter than they should be it is still a good movie. I recommend it to everyone who has a creative and imaginative spirit. It's a fun ride.
Rating:  Summary: Barely Watchable Review: This movie has a few good points such as it plods along and has some decent scenes like the Amazons fighting the men, the lizard men stalking them, and the evil husband they came in search of getting killed. Hallmark once again you have taken a classic story that all ready had a great movie of it and you made a second rate copy. On it's best day it can't hold a candle to the 1959 version with James Mason and Pat Boone. I can only hope since another great movie, Mysterious Island, is finally coming out on DVD October 29th, that perhaps they will put the original Journey to the Center of the Earth on DVD as well soon. Then this one won't get any interest at all.
Rating:  Summary: TERRIBLE! Review: This movie is so bad. The orginal with Pat Boone and James Mason is so much better. I can't understand why it is not on DVD.
Rating:  Summary: Where is the original version in DVD Review: This movie was OK,.... But of all the trashie movies put to DVD... Why can't we get a classic like the 1959 Journy to the center of the earth put on DVD. I would buy it right away, like now if I could. Oh well,... I'll just keep coming back and checking every 6 months or so. At least they got the Time machine on DVD. NO DVD COLLECTION WOULD BE COMPLETE WITHOUT BOTH OF THEM!!!
Rating:  Summary: The Original was better Review: This movie was okay, but the original version of it was great! I would buy the original in a heartbeat if they ever release it on DVD.
Rating:  Summary: Jouney to Nowhere Review: This was a poor adaptation of the original 1959 version. Good things come to those who wait. Hopefully the original will be released soon!
Rating:  Summary: At the center of the earth you will find this movie. Review: UGHHH! How shall I begain? This movie is one of the worst versions of the story that I have ever seen! Just how is this "based on the novel by Jaules Virn"? What,because the title is the same? My problems with this film? Shall I count the ways: 1.In the book,they're guide was Icelandish.In this one,he's Scottish(!) with an accent so thick that half the time it sounds like hes barking.Not only that but he fills every stereotype of a scott,e.g Drinks alot,eats meat raw,is crude,wears a beard, etc.I'm surpprized that he didn't wear a celt and play the bag pipes. 2.In the book,no dinosaurs! Sure there were sea serpents,giant turtules,and mamoths.but not really any dinosaurs.In this "movie",dinosaurs are just about as common as air.Including dinosaurs in a story is good,but make them plusable.I don't fake-looking computer animated dinosaurs would evole down there with out change.Personaly I think the dinosaurs looked more realistic as lizards with horns and fins glued to them. 3.The computer-animated dinosaur the crew kills is taken out with one shot.Right.And his comment afterwards is "I'm sorry,but all of my reserch tells me is these things are stricly vegetarians".I smirked at that immortal line. 4.When in the book do dinosaurs evole into intelligent beings parelell to humans? Plus they are ugly so they have got to be evil. 5.When in the book do they ever encounter a human tribe that is white? The only thing that I can think of is the giants which keep Mamoths as pets. 6.The producers sat down and thought "Now how to we make a redwood forest look like a jungle at the center of the earth...I know! Let's spray paint it blue! 7.The love interest:The native red-hair women has virtully no facal expression at all! Thoughout the entire movie she just looks bug-eyed and her mouth hangs open! And our hero is some how attracted to this zombie! Just when you think your head is going to explode,you find that it's over and then you realize that this movie is in two parts! You are only half way though it! Good bye everyone! Spare your self pain,don't watch this movie!