Rating:  Summary: I saw it way back when Review: ..along with Jaws 3D and Ice pirates(?) and this was the better of the 3, it is a totaly B movie, but It has its own charm. I liked the vehicle designs and concept behind it, theres plenty of movies as bad(but good!) out right now in theatres..grab some beer and your pals, have a laugh its all good.
Rating:  Summary: yet another unexpected favorite coming to DVD Review: After not expecting movies like "Krull" on DVD, here comes more good news. "Spacehunter" is coming to DVD on December 4! (Same day as the first Babylon 5 disc) Spacehunter will get the basic Columbia/Tristar DVD treatment: 16x9 widescreen and Pan&scan, trailer, cast, crew and production notes, sound format still unknown(I don't know if they released it in a multi-channel format in 1984, but i'm guessing Dolby 4.0 or 4.1,but i'm basing this on another film on DVD from this time "Runaway" with Tom Selleck. At the very least we will get 2.0 mono or 2.0 stereo). Thanks to DVDFile for the heads up!
Rating:  Summary: A superior film of the 80's Review: Ah, a classic movie that deserves nothing but praise. From the special effects, to the drama of a middle aged man and his relationship with a prepubescent girl. Our hero (Peter Strauss) goes to a forbidden planet to rescue three space vixens from the clutches of an evil being that can only be described as monstrous. He is bald and attached by the head to something that looks like the mecahnical arms the paint cars at the GM plant. His hands are huge tri-claws. His only real purpose is to laugh a lot and look grimacing. In the end he dies while trying to 'steal the youth' of the young Molly. In the beginning of the flick we have a real nice, low-budget 'Mad Max' type battle, but it picks up and moves on to greater things; a black dude joins up with them, but really has no purpose in the story, babies throw explosives down on them from the clifftops, the 'Death Maze' is the ultimate game show from hell, and our villian is a pervert who prefers his women to be undressed 'sl-o-o-o-o-wly' in front of him. If this movie could possibly be any better, Mr. T and Nell Carter would have to do a cameo as guardians of the Neptune Moon Tressure.
Rating:  Summary: Do they have any missing limbs? Review: As we all know, Overdog is put off by scars, so make sure your Earth Girls don't have any or like as not he'll shove 'em in the Maze. He probably will anyway, especially if they're as cute as young Molly Ringwald...
Rating:  Summary: One of the worst space movies ever made Review: I don't even understand why this movie was made. Don't buy this DVD. It only fans the flame for bad hollywood writing. If you are looking for a movie that could be compared to the worse episode of the A-Team, then pick up this piece of junk. Writing: poor Special Effects: dismal Acting: awful
Rating:  Summary: Don't buy it Until they Clean it Up!!!!! Review: I enjoyed the movie alot but I could of enjoyed more but I got distracted many times on how bad the quality of the DVD was. It's very grainy in 95% of the movie and the other 5% was very good....just can't understand on why the company that copy these DVD's do not due a quality check....very disappointed.
Rating:  Summary: Classic top-notch 80s B-movie Review: I love this movie. Yes it is definitely a B-movie, but as a B-movie I think it's one of the great ones.
It comes from the era when Mad Max and the Road Warrior were all the rage and so has the same "lost in a decaying forbidden zone" kind of feel.
After trying to be a serious actor and starring in things like the TV mini-series "Rich Man, Poor Man", Peter Strauss' career obviously stalled, as by 1983 he was reduced to starring in B-grade fare like this. And Molly Ringwald, fresh from "The Facts of Life" and prior to her becoming the 80s teen movie queen, has never been more annoying -- which is just what the script called for her to be: an annoying, whiney early teen. And "Ghostbusters'" Ernie Hudson also shows up to round out our cast of heroes.
This movie has everything -- from androids to sea monsters and mad scientists to amazons.
The costuming and set design are also well done and imaginative, especially the ultra-cool villain Overdog (played to perfection by Michael Ironside) and his nightmarish death maze.
If you're looking for meaningful or "serious" sci-fi you should probably look elsewhere. But if you're looking for some purely mindless entertainment which doesn't take itself too seriously and lets you just turn off your brain, chill out and be transported to another universe, this movie is perfect.
A classic slice of 80s space-flavoured cheese!
Rating:  Summary: Haiku Review Review: Lift the quiet stone. Place birds in yellow darkness And pace away time.
Rating:  Summary: Great fun B-movie Review: Somehow, this is much more entertaining than it should be. It's one of those films that's dumb but totally watchable. One thing that none of the other reviews has mentioned is the decent score by Elmer Bernstein which adds a lot to the film. The main theme is suitably rousing, a la The Magnificent Seven, but he also has some whistful pipe/flute cues that complement the thematic elements of being on a strange outlying world where civilization has broken down, adding a tinge of sadness to the proceedings. As McNab, Ironside is great as always, and there's just enough invention to offset the obvious genre influences, which, as other people have noted, are actually more on the Mad Max than the Star Wars side of things.
Rating:  Summary: SPACEHUNTER-Pretty in Pink meets Mad Max meets Star Wars Review: SPACEHUNTER: ADVENTURES IN THE FORBIDDEN ZONE is decent B-Movie fare that, on the surface,seems like the two leads were miscast. However,even though Peter Strauss and Molly Ringwald play against type, somehow pull it off. The story has just enough camp, humor, and cheesy action that's not too over the top so the audience can escape long enough to enjoy this sci-fi adventure. Peter Strauss plays a space mercenary from earth (Wolff) out to rescue a group of earth women kidnapped to serve an evil ruler, Overdog (Micheal Ironside-STARSHIP TROOPERS) of a desert planet's "forbidden zone". Along the way, he picks up a orphan named Niki (Ringwald) and joins forces with one of his mercenary competitors Washington (Ernie Hudson - GHOSTBUSTERS). Most of the story deals with the trio trying to get to the forbidden zone and various narrow escapes and their run-ins with various life forms and weird mechanical vehicles and machinery. Overall, okay sci-fi entertainment that tries not to be space opra but is just pure campy escapism with two leads who seem to be out of their element.