Rating:  Summary: I don't get it Review: The movie opens with a group of people on this cube maze. Many compartments have deadly booby traps. The people must stay in those compartments that are safe until they reach safety and escape. Why are they there? Is it a prison, the characters are named after prisons, and did they do to put them there. Is it a cruel joke. One character was involved in biulding the cube and he did not know what he was biulding. Come to find out the compartments constantly move. All they had to do is stay in the one compartment until it was in the possition of safety and escape. On]y one person escaped. I saw this movie on the SCIFI channel and it doesn't make sense. The movie was extremely violent, not suited for children
Rating:  Summary: Intriguing... Review: Cast aside all of your preconcieved notions about what 'good' cinema is and just enjoy the ride. "Cube" is a wholly original, enthralling piece of work that takes conventional movie themes, whips them around like a lariat and unveils an entirely new way of thinking. Many viewers have been so conditioned by the machine that Hollywood has become that anything new, innovative or unusual frightens them. But you shouldn't be afraid, to think outside the box (pun intended) "Cube" is a terrific little film that will tickle your brain, entertain and alter the way you look at life and the people around you. Just a final thought, if Quentin hadn't died, wouldn't have been awesome to see him spun-off in a film of his own? He was the MAN!
Rating:  Summary: Low Budget Thriller Review: Three stars is a strong rating for a low budget, creative "art" film. I will not repeat the plot which is ably described in other reviews. The film has a clever but fantastic premise, which places people into the mazelike cube for no reason. The acting and situations create significant tension and conflict. Unfortunately, the effects are more technique than substance The personalities are more like examples of good weekly TV (old Twilight Zone or Alfred Hitchcock Show)shows than a carefully crafted film. Enjoyable but forgetable.
Rating:  Summary: definitely not hollywood Review: ... which is the best part. Although some of the acting was questionable the pure brilliance of the concept and realization of the story overwhelmed it. Unlike similar more recent films that take place in a fictional world, ie. The Matrix, this film focuses on the exploration of the human realtionships instead of exploration of the environment - something seldom done in the modern quest for the big hollywood box office smash.The character development is brilliant and the convergence of the many different story lines provides great commentary on human existence. Each character has had all of their worldly attachments severed and must find within themselves the reason to continue on, the meaning in their life. In this sense the social comment that the ending provides is to me, the most powerful comment in the entire hour and a half.
Rating:  Summary: This film moved me to write a review Review: This movie had a long list of qualities that ultimately led to its suckiness. 1 Bad plot- the plot was underdeveloped, aiming at the philosophical but asking questions that did not transcend beyond the crappy cube. The only enjoyable part about the plot was the mathematical relationships, but most people dont understand math that well, i'm not sure the writers knew what they were saying (although it was all correct.) 2. Bad acting- theres a reason why i never saw these people before and will never see them again. If acting is any of their full time jobs, you tax dollars are currently paying for their public assistance checks 3 bad direction- although comedy and tragedy are film basics, this director must have failed both. His horrible failure at tragedy wasn't even comical, just painful. so to continue with the movie's math theme point 1 + point 2 + point 3 = cinema garbage This film was lucky it got the obligatory star.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent horror film!! Review: Six strangers awake to find themselves in a seemingly endless maze of interlocking cubical chambers armed with lethal booby traps. With no food or water, they only have a few days to live. None of them have any idea why or how they became imprisoned, but soon discover that each of them possesses a skill that could contribute to their escape. However, tempers flare when their is a fight for leadership. But as they fight to free themselves, they come to realize that unless they can work together, none of them will get out alive. "Cube" is one of those films that you assume will be horrible because of the unknown actors and the fact that it came straight to video. However, do not let that keep you from watching this film. It is by far one of the most suspenseful and scary films that I have ever seen before. You never get bored or frustrated, despite the fact that all of the characters are put in a frustrating situaion. I was on the edge of my seat! All of the actors are quite good considering that they are all unknown. The emotion that all of them portray is extremely realistic. Also, all of the characters each have different personalities as well that you will find entertaining. Watching them slowly lose their minds is great. Perhaps the best feature of the film, is the cube itself. It is one of the best set designs I have ever seen. Every booby trap is set off differently, and all are extremely lethal. Not only is each booby trap different, but the color, size, and shape of the rooms are as well. "Cube" is one of the most suspenseful films you ever see. The acting, story, and cube itself are all done to perfection. The DVD extras are actually decent. You get deleted scenes, comparative and alternate storyboards, production design, schematic set design, special effects artwork, and production commentary. Plus the quality of the film is excellent. Definately a must own
Rating:  Summary: Canadian Indie Flick Is Definitely Not Square! Review: Although the plot of this low-budget Canadian indie flick could be defined, at its rawest level, as a typical watch-your-back or who-can-you-trust paranoia story, CUBE actually rises above its cliché foundation to become a very clever and engaging sci-fi thriller. One of the reasons the film seems so fresh and original is the setting. CUBE takes place inside of a giant metal cubic structure, which is itself composed of thousands of smaller cube-like rooms. It is possible for occupants to navigate the structure by passing from one room into adjacent cubes through portals on each a cubic room's six sides, but such travel is not without its dangers. Some of the rooms are booby-trapped with deadly devices. And from time to time, the myriad of cubic rooms shift their positions within the larger structure. The actual story centers on a group of seven people--each with a different lifestyle and background and each therefore a stranger to the others--who awaken to find themselves together in one of the many cubic rooms, but with no recollection of how they arrived there. They soon learn that they must reach the outside of the cube-shaped prison if they want to survive--most importantly, they have no access to food or water--and as their journey through the structure progresses, they realize that each of them has some unique talent that contributes to their ability to map a safe route through the overall structure. However, as one might expect, they do not trust each other, and the resulting paranoia eventually leads to.... Sci-Fi and STAR TREK fans will be interested in watching the excellent performance of the cute and sexy Nicole de Boer, who would later go on to recurring roles on TV's STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE and THE DEAD ZONE. Here she portrays a gifted mathematician whose talent is central to solving the riddle of escape from the cube. Genre fans, especially those who watch lots of TV, may also recognize Maurice Dean Wint, who plays the primary antagonist in CUBE. He has had guest roles in numerous Sci-Fi and Horror television series, including FOREVER KNIGHT, THE OUTER LIMITS, ROBOCOP, and FRIDAY THE 13th, just to name a few. Few low-budget films are as literate or as engaging as CUBE. What's even more impressive is that the filmmakers have created such a high-quality and entertaining Sci-Fi flick without relying on the usual inordinate amount of special FX. A good story, an appropriate or interesting setting, and good actors--those are the basic ingredients for all successful films. Anything else is mere window dressing. And CUBE proves that you don't need too much window dressing to hold an intelligent audience.
Rating:  Summary: What a big disappointment Review: I've heard so much about this movie in the last year,so I thought I'd give it a shot.And boy,was I let down.It was dull,boring and pointless.I couldn't get a damn about who lived and who died,I liked only one thing about the movie and that's the first death in the film.I know alot of people love this film and some people (like me) didn't.But,to each his/her own right?
Rating:  Summary: If you like science-fiction, don't pass up Cube. Review: On the surface, Cube is a most simple and elegant story. Six people trapped in a gigantic cube composed of rooms, some innocious, some others rigged with silent and deadly traps. Why have they been put here ? What is the Cube for ? What must they do to escape ? They don't know. But what they do believe is that by cooperating, armed with only their boots and their wits, they can get out. Little do they know... I am a science-fiction fan, and this may cloud my judgment. Cube has been criticized for its average acting and a cliché script. I don't know : I don't ask too much from actors, and I didn't find the acting to be noticeably negative. I didn't dislike the script either, although there is one character that should have come out far more likeable than he/she does in the movie. Let's just say the death in the middle of the movie really cheered me up. Those who saw the movie will know what I mean. Also, warning for the faint-hearted, Cube is also somewhat of a horror movie. If seeing a head eaten thru by acid is likely to give you nightmares, steer clear of Cube. Although I hate gore, there was not enough of it here to put me off the movie. Discussing the nature of Cube would give away too much spoilers, so I can't really get into the philosophical substance. Suffice it to say that it is brillant (it is a wonderful indictment of statism and bureaucracy in general), although it doesn't really relate to much else in the movie. But the rest of the movie is very interesting too. It is interesting to note that, for such an intelligent movie, the director and actors are totally clueless chaps, especially if you watch the little interview in the DVD with Nicole DeBoer, who incidentally was Ezri Dax in Deep Space Nine (I also thought that the policeman sounded like Sisko, but it's probably just my imagination). Perhaps this is a case where luck contributed to art. The director does acknowledge that he likes Tarkovsky (and gives away the plot of Stalker during the commentary, the blithering idiot), and it will be interesting to watch out for the future works of this fellow - Vincenzo Natali.
Rating:  Summary: A Brilliant Disappointment. Review: This film isn't a total waste of money (ahem, rental) hence the 3-stars. I, however, found it to be very disappointing toward the end. The good news... The set design was truly inspired, and no doubt cost efficient, and the initial character development was delightful. Now the bad news... The paper thin and ultimately unresolved plot. I enjoyed the set, effects and characters for the first 45-50 minutes but then something goes terribly wrong. What began as an alluring sci-fi/thriller degrades into a hack drama-fest that crumbles straight onto what has to be the worst ending to a film since Highlander 2. Rent it for the eye-candy, return it for the early-return bonus. (Bonus not available in all areas.)