Rating:  Summary: "I never saved anything for the swim back." Review: Well after ten years they have gone and done it. We now know how the genetic make-up of human beings. We also have electric cars and wrist radios. This is no longer sci-fi; it is speculative fiction. Or at least it is speculative.Anyway this is a spectacular film. The sound track helped support the movie. They did a good job of picking the actors. The characters were believable. Uma did not even have to show her Thurman's. Ethan did a convincing transformation and Jude was good enough that you almost thought the film was about him. The scenes were breath taking. I was most impressed with the sunrise on the solar panels and the swim competition. Two points to look for on your second viewing are: 1. Several times the brothers compete physically and logically. Even with his handicapped origin Ethan Hawke" Vincent Freeman" surpasses his brother Loren Dean "Anton." 2. Jude Law "Jerome Eugene Morrow" Was not without ambition. He was disappointed that his advantage was not advantageous enough for the gold and receives his gold thought the actions of Vincent. Vincent who was conceived in the Rivera, as a god child must compete in a world where all the negative genetic dispositions are usually removed as was his brother's case. Vincent is tagged for failure at birth. To overcome this social barrier and obtain his goal of going into space, he borrows the genes of an athlete gone astray. The director where he is working (GATTACA, the agency in cahrge of space missions, is killed and removes the last obstacle to the mission. Will Vincent be found out? Irene (Uma Thurman) suspects the number one candidate for the space trip Jerome of the murder. She never suspects that he is really Vincent. Bottom line is if you aren't genetically correct the movie may scare you.
Rating:  Summary: Strong Social message;1'f the most original films from 90s Review: This film amazed me. WHY? I don't watch science fiction too often...I picked this one up mostly because of its interesting cover and Uma Thurman. I will definetely watch more sci-fi from now on... This story is about human identity: losing it, finding it, and being robbed of it. Although the story is set in the future, the film is not overly futuristic unlike many science-fictions. In this film, you can actually relate to the story and its characters; at least, you'd better relate, if you don't want to end up in the world of "Gattaca". In a sence, however, we already live in this world, according to filmmakers's message. The overall cinematography creates that futuristic feeling, without too many "special effects", if any. Having Uma Thurman as one of the characters is also a good start for science fiction film...She IS futuristic. Pairing Ethan Hawke with Jude Law (much more successful, than pairing Matt Damon with Jude Law in "Talented Mr. Ripley") is well-done, too. I don't want to give away more about that, because it is the most essential part of the plot. But, you are surely to be surprised (if not shocked). Despite its harshness, GATTACA, gives viewers (and the whole human race) certain hope at the end. GATTACA is intiguing, intelligent, and original film...both visually and contextually. Definite Cinematic Treat!
Rating:  Summary: Strong message--one of the most original films from 90s. Review: This film amazed me. WHY? I don't watch many science fiction films. I picked this one up mostly because of its interesting cover and Uma Thurman. GATTACA is a story about human identity: losing it, finding it, and changing it. Although the story is set in the future, you can actually relate to it and its characters. You'd better relate, if you don't want to end up in the world of GATTACA. In a sence, however, we already live in this world, according to this film's message. The cinematography creates a futuristic feeling, without any special effects. Uma Thurman is already a good start for a science fiction film. I think, she IS futuristic. Ethan Hawke and Jude Law worked well together (much better than Matt Damon and Jude Law in "Talented Mr. Ripley"). I don't want to give away the plot but you will be surprised, I guarantee. Despite its harshness, GATTACA, gives viewers certain hope at the end. GATTACA is an intriguing, intelligent, and original film. A Cinematic Treat!
Rating:  Summary: Excellent film and an excellent DVD Review: "Gattaca" is not only an excellent science fiction movie, it's an excellent film. Don't look for aliens, action, explosions or gratuitous love scenes. You won't find them. What you will find is a very literate story told in terms of people and human emotion. The cinematography and score are both beautiful and haunting. The story is a cautionary tale of what our society may become, "in the near future." On an intellecual level, it's a fairly frightening film. I'd go as far to say "Gattaca" is the "On The Beach" of Generation X. I won't go further into the details -- others have done that. I will, however, say this is an excellent DVD. The widescreen version of the film is nearly flawless. It looks and sounds very, very good on my 36 inch NTSC monitor. Columbia / Tri Star certainly does anamorphic DVD right. I used to work on the technical end of broadcast television and I am an extremely demanding customer where video is concerned. This release of "Gattaca" does not disappoint me in the least. I am very happy with it.
Rating:  Summary: If at first you don't succeed, try, try again Review: Brilliant. This has everything you can expect from a movie: a great plot (that makes you thrill and think about mankind future), great actors, an incredible visual quality (i simply love the colors), a music score that makes you feel both sorrow and hope. This is one of those very, very rare movies that i simply love. Be sure to watch it.
Rating:  Summary: The type of movie I would want to make Review: I was expecting this film to be a traditional scifi movie: lots of action, and a shaky plot. But I was pleasantly suprised. The description of the future in Gattaca is almost frightening, that "perfect" people are the only ones that get ahead, and the rest of the population are "in-valids." However, there were a few parts in the movie that were a bit shaky, and didn't seem to make a lot of sense, but those moments were rare. The acting was very good; I think Ethan Hawke played his role to near-perfection. One of the most stunning aspects of this film is not the actors, but their surroundings. The sets in this film are stunning, and really convey the "dark" mood of the film very well. (The futuristic cars are also really cool.) With its interesting plot, great acting, and beautiful set, Gattaca is a must-see.
Rating:  Summary: Incredible Review: This movie was amazing. It is by far the best movie I have seen in a long time. The acting was excellent. The plot was very intriguing. The best part was the moral. Human spirit triumphs again. The movie doesn't have to be about genetics, all though that does add some incredibly interesting ideas. The main idea is that the physical limitations we face are about 1 percent of all of our limitations. The rest are mental. People didn't even see his face. All people ever saw was his chart. They didn't care how hard he worked. They looked for the things that were simple to categorize and discriminate against. The real dilema in life is just that. Racism, facism, and favoritism are all a part of this. People look for the easiest way to deal with each other. If they can find a reason not to deal with each other they will use it. Vincent rejected the worst kind of discrimination - the kind in which people hardly even recognize one's existence. He refused to be nobody. His physical limitations may well have caused an early death. That was not the point of the movie. Vincent proved that everyone has a right to enjoy life to the best of his or her abilities. People can pick at this movie all they want, but I have never seen a movie that so fully captures the indominable nature of the human spirit as does this.
Rating:  Summary: touching movie Review: This movie was not about the future it was in the future for a reason to show change and being perfect is not always better it is a story about overcoming what everybody says is impossible showing that being different is all right showing if you want something bad enough and work at it long enough you will receive it. Now about the acting it was Academy Award worthy and the movie also. This for anybody who ever dreamed or wanted something people said was impossible. You have to see it believe it so own it or rent it you just most see it.
Rating:  Summary: Superb! The glory of being human... Review: ... and striving for more in a world where being less than perfect defines and limits the person. This is an intellectual property that embodies why humanity is the greatest thing in our world. What a sublime picture of what human beings can achieve no matter the obstacles set for them by their government, society, families or peers. The art direction, the score, the costumes, the acting are all lovely, making this a beautiful film to watch.
Rating:  Summary: Best movie of the millennium, inspiring for the next Review: An most inspiring and esthetic movie The movie can be viewed as a great thriller, but there is much more... Very humanistic, Gattaca describes a non too distant future and raises many questions about the future of mankind, and how technology can become dangerous. We like people for their qualities but we love them for their flaws.. Excellent soundtrack.