Rating:  Summary: A Surprise to Most Review: When I popped this DVD in, I was thinking that it would be worse than Mission to Mars. It wouldn't have a story, and the acting would be bad. The list would go on and on. But actually, I was surprised. I don't know if the fact that I was comparing it to Mission or Mars or not, but this film really hit a home run for the Sci-Fi genre. It stars Val Kilmer, Carrie Anne-Moss, Tom Sizemore, and Terrance Stamp. It follows a somewhat over-used story about how Earth is about to die and we are searching for a new home. We choose Mars, which wouldn't be my first choice. A small team gets there, a robot goes a little nuts, and we find out that we are not alone. The effects are good and catch your eye. One to watch or maybe even buy if you're a sci-fi buff.
Rating:  Summary: Mindless enjoyment Review: If you are in the mood for a sit-back-with-some-popcorn-and-enjoy-a-movie movie, Red Planet is for you. The plot is weak- scients have sent alge to Mars to create an atmosphere, but oxygen levels have not increased. A mission is sent to the red planet to determine why. When they realize the habitat they were to live in on Mars has been destroyed, they fall into Lord of the Flies mode- killing and not trusting each other. An extremely weak love story is woven in between Val Kilmer and Carrie-Anne Moss (of Matrix fame). Visual effects are strong.So, if you are in the mood for a mind-numbing, visually stunning experience, Red Planet is for you.
Rating:  Summary: The best modern science fiction film ever! Review: Last year and this one for science fiction films are in science fiction films are the years of Mars,with Mission To Mars which premiered on March 10 of the last year,with Red Planet,and with John Carpenter's Ghost of Mars, this and last years are definetly the years of Mars, i thought that Mission to Mars was decent, with good acting, great FX, and with a dose of intelligence, i gaved Mission to Mars three and a half stars, but Red Planet it's as you can see much better than Mission to Mars, it's incredibly smart, great acting, great FX, it's also very entertaining and with a great plot, this is by now the best modern science fiction film, i don't care about what other people are saying about this science fiction film, all the things that happen here are possibly, because as you may know in 57 years there is the possibility that we have a robot like AMEE,i have done some reasearch after seeing the movie, also when Bowman (Carrie-Ann Moss), it's on the capsule on her space suit, with the ship's door opened and there is a lot of fire coming out from the ship to the door,that can happen, because the fire it's escaping from the door, and can't catch an astronaut because it's escaping so fast, also when the dodecahedron it's bouncing on Mars, well many people consider that something dumb, but it's possible, due because the martian terrain or in this case mountains, are so "crooked" that well that could happen, well everything here could happen, also the DVD it's great, great picture quality and great audio quality, it's even better than the one at theatres, but i was sad at the lack of features they are only deleted scenes, and the filmography of the cast, they should have done a biography, also why not a behind the scenes documentary and the Theatrical Trailer and the TV spots, they were all very cool, but i was satisfied with it,..., so please enjoy this movie, just sit back and try not to think much about it.
Rating:  Summary: Best Movie of the Century!!! Review: Acting, plot, and script were absolutely superb. Better than Basic Instinct or Saving Private Ryan. Should have won dozens of Oscars. A must own for everyone.
Rating:  Summary: I really enjoyed this movie... Review: If you have a high-end dolby digital (5-1) DVD home theater system, then this is one movie you MUST own... To be honest, my expectations weren't really that high, but WOW! I rank this as one of the highest quality DVDs in terms of taking advantage of dolby digital (5-1) technology. My subwoofer was rocking throuhgout the movie, and the makers of this movie do a fantastic job of utilizing all 5 channels (right front, left front, right rear, left rear, and center). In fact, I would rank this right up there with The Matrix and Saving Private Ryan in terms of DVD surround sound movies. In terms of the plot, characters, etc...I though the movie was very good--plus Carrie-Ann Moss is HOT! Who cares about the plot anyway when Carrie-Ann Moss is walking around in a tight white tee-shirt wearing no bra.
Rating:  Summary: This one's a must have!!!! Review: Sci-fi addicts listen up. Red Planet is an awesome movie! I got it on sale for only 14 bucks - great value for such a cool movie. I liked Red Planet FAR more than Mission to Mars. The DVD version is way cool and the picture is so sweet. R.P. is a very entertaining movie. This is definitely one that everyone should have in their collection. So do yourself a favor and get it today!
Rating:  Summary: Not bad. Not bad at all. Review: Slightly reminiscent of 2010 and Earth2, this movie does eventually take on it's own identity. And not a moment too soon. Well cast and chock-full of special effects, Red Planet gives a not-too-shabby performance in spite of it's weak plot and stutter-step pace. One of the better sequences in the movie begins when the ground team starts to run out of O². You almost know what is about to happen, but it doesn't quite go as expected. Over all, this movie is a big YES in the "should I rent it" catagory, and would make a decent addition to the sci-fi section of any dvd collector serious about space movies. If you didn't like Mission To Mars, this one is the better of the two.
Rating:  Summary: Interesting And Entertaining Sci-Fi Thriller... Review: I recently rented this DVD to wile away a stormy Saturday night, and was pleasantly surprised to find what I had anticipated to be just another pot-boiler to be a moderately intelligent (ins't it interesting that one now grabs at any signs of intellect or mentioning of issues as surprising) treatment of a depressingly possible set of future circumstances; having so polluted the Earth's environment, mankind sets about the task of finding virgin territory to infect with the virulent and dangerously corruptive habits of man; Mars. Ah, the reality of the situation makes what would otherwise be a silly premise into a much more releveant and interesting exercise in what is likely an unintended social commentary on man's nature. The visual effects are stunning, as are some of the action sequences. And while I was not surprised at most of the plot turns, I did find the script to be moderately intelligent, the actors more than merely competent, with Val Kilmer, Benjamin Bratt (lately of "Law and Order" fame), Tom Sizemore, and Terrance Stamp all adding star power and credibility to the action. And who can deny the comely charms and sex appeal of Carrie Anne Moss, whose nipple-evident tee-shirt presence certainly quickened my interest in her scenes. She also adds to the credibility of what is obviously a doomed enterprise, the fledgling human habitation of the red planet. When the smoke clears and the survivors limp away from the hostile reception they receive, one finds a bit of a moral to all this; better to fix Earth than to try to escape the consequences of what man has wreaked on the planet. Maybe the Martians are superior beings after all! Enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: READ ME ! Review: After reading all your negative reviews on this film I decided to post my own opinion on the matter. Excellent, well worth the GBP 10.50 I paid for it. Not only does it have a great story line but also a great cast, including the very sexy Carrie-Anne Moss. A brilliant survival story in which the charters need to find a method of escaping Mars. The droid, which you have no doubt heard about, has to be the next best thing since R2-D2 & C3-P0 with a killer personality : ) . I love the concept that Earth's terraforming of Mars sparks the regeneration of life, which destroys evidence of the terraforming actually working. The idea of using the Mars rover as a means of survival was also a winner. OK nuff said GOOD film.
Rating:  Summary: READ ME ! Review: I imported this film to the UK... After reading all your negative reviews on this film I decided to post my own opinion on the matter. Excellent, well worth the [money] I paid for it. Not only does it have a great story line but also a great cast, including the very sexy Carrie-Anne Moss. A brilliant survival story in which the charters need to find a method of escaping Mars. The droid, which you have no doubt heard about, has to be the next best thing since R2-D2 & C3-P0 with a killer personality :) . I love the concept that Earth's terraforming of Mars sparks the regeneration of life, which destroys evidence of the terraforming actually working. The idea of using the Mars Rover as a means of survival was also a winner. OK nuff said GOOD film.