Rating:  Summary: Started great and ended with a mess Review: Occasionally there comes a film that has such an interesting premise that it makes us wonder how something so simple could be so original. This was the case with the first Cube. Cube I was a brilliant movie. It showed us how strangers tried to escape what seemed to be an impossible trap. The plot of the film was as unpredictable as the next cubical room. I immensely enjoyed the first Cube but I was somewhat disappointed with the second installment, the Hypercube. The idea of the Hypercube was more elaborate and underdeveloped at the same. The Hypercube tried to be more complex than the original for no particular reason. The greatest beauty comes from simplicity. Once again there are characters trying to escape a deadly trap. Early on we can see that the new cube functions differently than the one before. Unlike in the previous installment the characters of Hypercube cannot get a single clue to what is going on. There seemed to be no pattern whatsoever. This is probably the greatest failure of Hypercube. Things start happening for no reason in a bizarre fashion. While the movie started out intriguing it ended with a mess. The ending of Hypercube was also unsatisfying but in a different way then the original. And above all, it is still very frustrating to see how people can never work with each other in time of danger. However, I cannot label Hypercube as a complete failure. Hypercube is enjoyable especially to the fans of the original. I recommend renting it.
Rating:  Summary: if you thought the first cube was bad... Review: okay, i sat through the first film and felt a bit cheated. now that i've sat through the sequel i can say only this: cube 2 is awful. when i compare the films the first one seems like a childish, yet innocent, low-budget film. i actually longed for the retarded guy from the original to come in and regale them with his factoring prowess! it seems as though they thought special effects could help an already strained premise. the actors aren't of a higher calibre either... in fact, they're nearly the same characters from the first film, just different faces and names. if you must see this, make sure someone else pays for it (otherwise cube 3 is just around the corner). and if they do come out with a "cube 3" i'll still probably see it but only so, you know, i can make fun of it...
Rating:  Summary: Dung. Review: I'm admittedly not normally driven to providing my views as to movies when I have little to contribute in terms of positive critique, however I felt that the much anticipated 'hypercube' and sequel to the classic 'Cube' was sufficiently bad to warrant that which follows. I premise this review with a succinct summary of my conclusions, that is to say that I considered the film to be Crap. That is to say crap with a capital 'C'. It is however, only a personal view and I admit that the film has dynamics which may well appeal to many the viewer...just not to me. It's almost unfair to compare the sequel with the original, but it is expedient, so here I go. Plot: The original was elegant in its simplicity, a group of people being manipulated into navigating a treacherous and lethal construct in the hope of obtaining truth, understanding, and of course, freedom. As someone with a vague interest in quantum theory, I thought the sequel held some hope of providing an interesting variation to the harsh reality of metal and plastic that comprised the initial cube. However, hypercube falls well short of any real conceptualization that equates to quantum theory and used that dynamic as a thinly veiled excuse for what amounted to a disjointed plot development. I'm prepared to admit that if there in fact was a plot I probably missed the more important elements of it as a consequence of the constant distractions in my home which proved more entertaining than the film itself...like the laundry. Character Development: I actually found what really amounted to the 'lead' character to be quite enigmatic in her portrayal, and the whining computer designer was at least believable (although the copulation scene was less erotica and more an excuse for me to make a phone call). Unlike Cube, where you found yourself either identifying or at least empathizing with certain characters, the primary benefit of the 'parallel universe' comprising the hypercube was that viewers got the satisfaction of seeing the same wooden characters being killed over and over again. Special Effects: Oooh...a spinning bunch of squares...reminds me a lot of the thrill and excitement I experienced back in primary school when I sat on a classroom floor with a bunch of other kids with their fingers in their noses and watched my teacher draw a pyramid. Granted, whilst both the original and sequel seem to have been projects undertaken on a shoe-string budged, the latter appears even more so. Where the original flick's effects were basal, they were effective and made you wince in anticipation. Hypercube left me dizzy, sleepy, and unconvinced. Whereas Cube used the 'unstated' to fine effect, one got the feeling that if anything happened off-screen in hypercube it was because they couldn't afford to shoot the scene properly, as distinct from utilizing the all important tool of the viewers imagination. Soundtrack: The soundtrack actually wasn't that bad. It certainly wasn't as cheesy as the rest of the flick, so hands in the air for the music. Although it probably just proves you could watch the movie with your eyes closed and still get the most out of it. Finale: Ok, I think I got it. I won't give it away for those yet to take a look at hypercube, save to say that the film falls into the trap which seems a universal constant in bad sci-fi...'we can't really figure out how to end it or give it meaning so we'll just leave the unexplainable unexplained and pretend like it was cool and intentional'. Pffft...whatever. Conclusion: Yes, the disclaimer. For all its pitfalls, I did wind up watching this to the end, mainly to see if it would redeem itself, which it didn't. If you approach this film as I did with the Cube, that is without any real expectations, you may well find you enjoy it. The Cube was a movie I got out in a bunch of weekly rentals and was a fantastic surprise. Hypercube belongs in the weekly section and will not disappoint insofar as its mediocrity is concerned. Check it out, at least to say you've seen it, but don't lay down the cash to buy it, or even rent it as an overnighter.
Rating:  Summary: Probably The WORST ending in a movie EVER Review: Okay I really liked cube 1. It was original, different and it got your attention without really having a beginning, middle or ending, so I thought cube 2 "hypercube" would be relitivly the same type of premise, man I was wrong so very, very wrong. Basically the whole movie doesn't make any sense at all. All laws of physics or even common sense are gone. Secondly most of the acting is awefull, the old woman for example. Gary Coleman could play a senile old woman better then she could! The special effects look like they are done on a library computer and, yes the ending just caped it off and what amazed me was the alternate ending on the special features was actually worst. How is that possible? If I could give this movie zero stars I would. My advice, just stay away from this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Just fair...the first was much better Review: I could spend a lot of time talking about the whys and hows of my statement to see the first one, but that the second is a very spare reminder of that first, but what would be the point? While not a terrible movie on its own, Hypercube simply didn't deliver what the first one did. In the first movie, you found yourself in the Cube with these people and you felt both their terror and your own. You didn't know when you might be sliced, diced and canaried. All you knew was that it could happen without warning and despite the best defenses you could mount. The tension built and was satisfactorily surmounted by the ending. It was elegant and cool and everything that lies there. The second had none of the fear, little of tension and despite killing characters, an uneasy requirement to suspend disbelief. 'I just saw that guy get killed...why's he climbing out the other side of the Cube?" There were a few interesting ideas, but thats kind of where it stopped. Having said that...if the filmmakers are reading this...make a Cube 3 would you? I'd certainly pay to see it, but please go back and watch the first over to see why it was so neat.
Rating:  Summary: Intriguing, but falls short of its predecessor Review: The original "Cube" movie was incredibly original, scary, and thought provoking. Unfortunately, the sequel did not live up to the grandeur of its predecessor. In fact, it fell quite short and pales in comparison (as sequels often do). In the original movie, we are introduced to a group of people who have been dropped into a large cube against their will. Together they must find a way to get out of this nightmare realm without losing their lives in the process. Various rooms within this cube are plagued with horrific traps, and to avoid the traps the group must break the mathematical code that the giant maze operates on. In this sequel, we are introduced to a similar band of characters who are placed into the cube against their will, and again they try to find their way out of the awful waking nightmare. However, there are a few twists this time. In the Hypercube (a somewhat far-fetched theory in both physics and mathematics) the people are not only traveling through 3 dimensions, but four. In other words, these unsuspecting and unwilling participants must face variants of gravity and time within each room of the cube. They come across themselves in alternate realities. Furthermore, there are traps as in the original film, but they seem to have a supernatural element. They aren't the simple, explainable mechanical traps that we encountered in the previous film. One thing I enjoyed about the first film was that the concept was somewhat believable. The maze and traps were mechanical and based on mathematical principles. There was a solid explanation, and thus a way out. In the sequel, there really was no big mystery (mathematical problem) to resolve. Furthermore, in the original film, the group of people stuck in the cube were all there for a purpose. They were specifically chosen so that they could each bring strengths to the group in order for them to find a way out. In this film, however, the group of people was chosen merely because they were affiliated with a specific company that made the cube, and thus needed to be eliminated for knowing too much. In addition, the group of characters weren't developed as much in this film as they were in the previous one. Thus, you, the viewer, don't feel as compelled to see them make it through the cube. The ending, unfortunately, left something to be desired. Many things are left up in the air. You are left with the notion that there might be a third film. If that does turn out to be the case, I certainly hope that more thought and attention goes into making that movie than went into this one. Overall, I'd say that this movie is a renter and not a keeper. It has it's good moments, and it is an interesting concept, but not as well done as the first movie (which I think should be in everyone's collection).
Rating:  Summary: Worst Movie EVER Review: What was the point to this movie? Everbody dies. In this movie, a group of people are trapped in a hypercube (as if it can be physically constructed with current technology), trying to find a way out of the cube. This movie had unknown actors, bad acting, and a pointless ending. The paltry special effects could not have saved this movie. I would rank this movie down there with other recent duds like Battlefield Earth.
Rating:  Summary: It's not THAT bad, really, Review: I have to admit, that I have liked the first Cube more, this one was still a fun/weird movie to watch. It's just a completly different movie genre than many people are used to. A survivor, lost people story that isn't happening in the woods but in a game/trap world. This Cube is much more advanced, with mostly CG effects that are the killing traps, and it gets confusing when the gravity, time and dimentions collapse into one another. I didnt mind the ending really, I dont always need all the answers on a silver platter in order to enjoy a movie. It's not just about the end, it's about everything you experience watching it. Overall, this is more modern, fast and graphic, the Cube is white inside, and the doors open with a touch of a palm. It feels like a big square spaceship, where as the original Cube felt more like an ancient creation.
Rating:  Summary: Probably The WORST ending in a movie EVER Review: Okay I really liked cube 1. It was original, different and it got your attention without really having a beginning, middle or ending, so I thought cube 2 "hypercube" would be relitivly the same type of premise, man I was wrong so very, very wrong. Basically the whole movie doesn't make any sense at all. All laws of physics or even common sense are gone. Secondly most of the acting is awefull, the old woman for example. Gary Coleman could play a senile old woman better then she could! The special effects look like they are done on a library computer and, yes the ending just caped it off and what amazed me was the alternate ending on the special features was actually worst. How is that possible? If I could give this movie zero stars I would. My advice, just stay away from this movie.
Rating:  Summary: So stupid, it's laughable! Review: Where WERE our 8 or 9 contestants, REALLY?! Were they ALL safely wrapped up in plastic in a room somewhere while their reality in the cube was all just in their mind, all just virtual reality like in that movie 'Vanilla Sky'? The most miserable, sad, depressing 2 fatalities in the movie were those 2 young people who were in this room where time itself is much faster than normal. They make love until they're old?! VERY DEPRESSING way to go! Exactly what happens to everybody anyway? And exactly what was it all? Was she lying down the entire time just dreaming a virtual reality like everybody else? How else would she end up there? Did she like sleep walk her way there or something? NONE OF IT MADE SENSE. Way too many broken laws of physics. It MUST'VE been a virtual reality like 'Vanilla Sky', because all that stuff that happened just isn't possible. Also, there wasn't really much of an ending at all, but since it's not polite to spoil the ending, let's just say if you're not one of those government officals, the ending will leave you madder than hell. Cube 2 sucks!!!