Rating:  Summary: Excellent Batman Adventure Review: The original animated Dark Knight returns in this ace adventure movie that rivals Mask of Phantasm in its coolness. There's a lot of style and intelligence in Mystery of the Batwoman, so much more than Batman Forever or Batman and Robin. There's a new crime-fighter on the streets of Gotham. She dresses like a bat but she's not a grown-up Batgirl. And Batman is denying any affiliation with her. Meanwhile Bruce Wayne has to deal with the usual romances and detective work. But the Penguin, Bain and the local Mob makes things little more complicated. I didn't have high hopes for this 'un since being strongly let down but the weak Batman: Sub Zero (Robin isn't featured so much here!)but I was delighted with the imaginative and exciting set pieces, the clever plot and a cheeky sense of humor. This is definitely a movie no fan of Batman should be without. Keep your ears open for a really catchy song called 'Betcha Neva' which is featured prominently through-out. It's a shame the DVD isn't so great. Don't get me wrong there are some great features (the short 'Chase Me' is awesome) and a very cool Dolby 5.1 soundtrack but... the movie is presented in Pan and Scan. Batman: Mystery of the Batwoman was drawn and shot in 1.85:1 but this DVD is presented in 1.33:1 an in comparison to the widescreen clips shown on the features there IS picture cut off on both sides. I find this extremely annoying considering Mask of Phantasm was presented in anamorphic widescreen. Warner have had to re-release literally dozens of movies on DVD because people have complained about the lack of Original Aspect Ratio available on some titles. Why they chose to make that same mistake here again is beyond me. I would give this DVD 5/5 but the lack of OAR brings the overall score down to 4/5. It's a shame because widescreen would have completed a great DVD package.
Rating:  Summary: Average Bat adventure. Review: The plot: Good. It is not nearly as predictable as I thought it would be (as most animated films are). The "mystery" element is fun. The voices: Kevin Conroy is THE voice of Batman, hands down. What a great talent that man has. Sadly, while the other voices behind the characters are good, none I would rate as fantastic other than Conroy himself. The animation: Not bad. Obviously not that of 'Mask of the Phantasm' (which was a theatre release); there is no question why this film was a direct to video release. The music: Ugh. Just not my style. A little too techno-ish for me. Rock 'n' roll would have been appreciated. The singer at "Beak's" was humourous, though. Conclusion: 'Mystery of the Batwoman' is a rather average release (the abscence of Bruce Timm's direction could have something to do with that), but I believe that Batfans everywhere won't be disappointed. The DVD extras are entertaining, but the real kicker is the price this thing is retailing for. Ten bucks would have been more appropriate, if you asked me.
Rating:  Summary: This is the best since Batman:Mask Of The Phantsam. Review: This is the best Batman cartoon flick since Mask Of The Phantsam!Batwoman is three women at diffrent times!I didn't get this on DVD becuase if I lookd in the Charcter Bios it would tell me WHO Batwoman really is!So I got it for Christmas and watched it,Kelly Ripa was great as Roxanne"Rocky"Valintine.She was the silly one who kept dropping things!But she is a brilliant scientest.I hope thhey bring,Rocky and Batwoman into the next Batman animated film.Please,DO NOT LISTEN TO REVIEWS THAT SAY THIS ANIMATED FILM IS THE WORST!BUY THIS AND MASK OF THE PHANTSM!
Rating:  Summary: Another GREAT Batman Animated Feature! Review: WARNING!!! Do not look at the character bios before viewing this movie -- or else you will know who the batwoman is!I was very eager to watch this movie and I enjoyed every bat-minute of it. The theme music is great along with the vocal spot give by Cherie. This movie has taken some of the dark edge off of Batman -- but he can still kick butt. If you are a parent and concerned about the content -- there is no blood and no one dies, but there are fight scenes but Batman wins and he is a good guy! So let the kids watch and you will probably enjoy it yourself.
Rating:  Summary: Still doesn't match up Mask of the Phantasm Review: When I heard that a new Batman DVD based on the original Animated Series was coming out, I was sure it would rank up there with the best of the them. After all, the folks at Warner Bros. animation have been focused on Batman Beyond, and for them to return to their roots a truly inspired story must be involved. But sadly this is not the case. Unlike Mask of the Phantasm which had me hooked from the very beginning, I felt like Mystery of the Batwoman was completely lacking in emotional pull. Even the solution to the "mystery", while slightly clever, is nowhere near as compelling as the identity of the Phantasm from that movie of ten years ago. The script lacks pizazz too. Where is the emotional punch packed by the Animated Series in the 1990's? Where is the sense of mystery and awe in this "mystery"? The humor of this one didn't even get me to chuckle. It's boring. And so is the Penguin, who contributes nothing to this snorefest. On the upside, it was good to see Batman back in action, but the script needed another rewrite because as it is, it's just blah.
Rating:  Summary: Give or take Review: while it's nice to see some new animated batman material since the series ended, this is not really essential. While over all it's would make an ok episode, this just isn't up to movie quality. Now return of the joker THAT was a good movie and worthy of your hard earned dollar, but this isn't more than a long episode. Overall it's ok, but I had a few gripes about it: the batwomen theme was reminicent of a james bond movie and overall the music wasn't very batman (in fact the whole movie felt a bit james bondy for my tastes over all), and during the scene where the two girls attack batwomen during the fight in the Iceberg they attack her in a sort of synchronised state, this was similar to the scene in return of the joker where DD attack batman... just sayin. Anywho if you really like this series go for it, the movies pretty cheap here so you it's easy on the plastic.
Note: I realized that some people may think it's unfair to compare batman vs. batman beyond, i'm not one of those people. If you wanted movie quality stuff return of the joker is your thing, but you gotta be familiar with batman in general to get some of the things, while this could be considered nothing more than an episode done with a somewhat foriegn style to tbe series. (wups! long note):(