Rating:  Summary: WILL SMITH and JEFF GOLDBLUM : TWO HUGES Review: T his story begin STRONG then after : The first young tall man is a serviceman who can't go in the NASA because his almost wife make streaptease ! This is not recommandable for him and she ! For promotion in his part... Will SMITH is a prodigy of steady humour and when the E-T COMES INTO BEING in front of his house after a good night when he bring out his dustbins what is his surprise to see his vision to see every body in his road and then, his neigbours departs HOTFOOT ! But when he return his face around the origin at the opening of desaster / cataclysm he lose his voice immediatly ! HA ! SPLENDID ! Afterwards and in same time an other tall man ( Jeff GOLDBLUM ) champion of check who's a unhealthy of the cleanless an ecology come in his service of CONDUCTIONS because he is the best of the bests in this part ! THIS TWO MEN ARE BOUND (BINDED) TO COLLABORATE ! This movie is crowed of discovery / inventionsvery much AMUSING YOU DON'LOSE YOUR TIME WHEN YOU SEE A SO BEAUTIFULL STORY Whitch accost with an other concept the problem E-T INVASION SPLENDID REALLY masterpiece WICH IS ANTI - racism BAD !
Rating:  Summary: Please like the special effects of this movie... I beg you. Review: One of the best movies of 1996 delivers one of the best science fiction movies since Star Trek. The movie's story starts out as mysterious and powerful aliens launch an all-out invasion of the human race. The movie begins when several radio areas across the world recieve a transmission from the moon that sounds just like bees buzzing themselves out. Then at the Pentagon, they recieve pictures of the largest spaceships that are wider than the Enterprise of Star Trek. Even worse, they disrupt TV reception and satellites, too. The spaceships are 15 miles in width, enough to encompass an entire city. David, a computer whiz from New York finds an alien program hidden in the satellites, and precisely six hours from now, the alien ships will attack every major city all over the planet. That includes Los Angeles, New York, and Washington D.C. Then, at approximately six hours later, the aliens fire their destructive weapons at the major cities all over the planet, causing big fires ten times than in actual fires and people dying in the process. Three of the funniest lines are: "We want you dead!", "Oh No, you didn't shoot that green crap at me", and "All right you alien animals... in the words of my generation, up yours!" are especially amusing.
Rating:  Summary: DTS ES 5.1 Sound Please! Review: It amazes me that when you spend millions of dollars on a movie that the sound is way down the line. The sound and picture go hand in hand. This movie would knock your socks off if the remastered it in DTS ES sound.
Rating:  Summary: Stupid Plot Riddled With Vulgar Jingoism Review: Predictable plot of alien invasion bringing world destruction and who saves the world? You guessed it, good old U.S.A.A real yawner with uncreative humor. More time seems to have been spent on these cheap patriotic one-liners than anything else. Even the special effects weren't that great: a lot of fireworks but that's about it. The aliens seem to have been pulled out of a 50's sci-fi movie prop storage. Horrible flaws in the plot. Hot shot pilot learns how to fly alien space craft in a jiff. Fighter jets and conventional missiles can outspeed and outmaneuver aliens who obviously have the technology of traveling several light years in a short period of time (Yep! The closest solar system to ours is still several light years away from us! Aliens can't make it here over night flying MACH 5.) This is essentially as patriotic and shallow as a Rambo sequel. If you like this genre then you'll probaly like this movie.
Rating:  Summary: One of the most overrated movies of the past 10 years!! Review: This movie, first off is way too long and could have easily been trimmed into an hour and a half. Don't waste your time. Second, I understand that it is a fictional story with the aliens and all, but many of the "realistic" scenes in the movie were far from realistic. For instance, when the President escapes from the White House, it appears that he is going through fire, which, obviously no plane would survive through a fire. Bottom line- don't waste your money. There are far better space related movies out there!
Rating:  Summary: 1994 version of H.G. Wells's War of the Worlds Review: This movie in my opinion is an updated version of War of the Worlds that was wrote by the great H.G. Wells. This movie is a good one because it brings back a lot of the old memories of the sci-fi genre of the 50's. The plot begins when the mysterious spaceships appear in Earth's skys and start destroying cities from New York to San Francisco, and all over the world, but U.S. military hardware is powerless to stop the aliens. The only way to find out how to wipe out the invaders is to go the mysterious Area 51. I won't spoil the surprise, if you're in for a good sci-fi movie, ID4 is a both a treat & a gem. Give this movie a try.
Rating:  Summary: Not bad. Review: This is kinda like Men in Black but a little different. This is a show about aleins coming to take over the world. Just your classic alein takeover. I used to have it but it got cut and scratched and we had to throw it away. It is a good: Time KIller.
Rating:  Summary: Blows me away every time I watch it Review: Independence Day is the quintessential summer blockbuster movie. I really cannot understand why the movie is rated three stars or less by so many reviewers. Not only do I love this movie, I love it just as much every time I watch it. It never fails to take full emotional control of me, bringing tears of sadness and later happiness to my eyes as well as giving me goose pimples in its most patriotic and triumphant of moments. We see into the hearts and souls of an impressive number of very realistic characters, and I for one feel myself as one with all of the brave survivors of the initial alien onslaught, watching, hoping, and praying that America and the world can come together and defeat yet another seemingly unbeatable enemy. I sometimes enjoy pulling for the bad guys in films, but the aliens that arrive suddenly on earth with a plan of exterminating every human being on the planet are pure evil, guaranteeing that the feelings of one and all movie viewers will rest completely with the forces of good. The storyline is familiar by now. Aliens arrive in huge black ships, coming to a stop over the major cities of the world, refusing any attempt to communicate with the people of earth. David Levinson (Jeff Goldblum), a cable company employee and M.I.T. graduate who lost his first wife partly to his own lack of ambition, figures out the secret code the alien ships are using to communicate with one another around the globe. Even with his ex-wife working as the President's assistant, it is all he can do to warn the leader of the free world that the aliens are counting down to attack and "the clock is ticking." Millions of people are wiped off the face of the earth by the force of the alien offensive, and the military all but falls apart as it tries and fails to inflict any damage on the enemy. In the end, the survival of humanity itself comes down to the brave acts of America's real heroes - good old regular, every day, anonymous Americans. The quintessential representative of these heroes is Russell Casse (Randy Quaid), Vietnam veteran turned inebriated crop duster whom no one took seriously when he claimed to have been abducted by aliens a decade earlier. President Whitmore (Bill Pullman) also stands head and shoulders among the crowd of heroes, as does Capt. Steven Hiller (Will Smith) and Levinson himself. Independence Day is blessed with both amazing special effects and a wonderful cast. I'm no big fan of Jeff Goldblum or Bill Pullman, but they are both superb in this film. Will Smith is both inspiring and hilarious as Capt. Hiller; the fit he throws after bagging himself a downed spaceship early on looks and sounds like the kind of thing I would say and do (up to a point). His interplay with Levinson toward the end of the film offers some truly high caliber comedy, just the thing needed to try and hold one's blood pressure down as the final battle for earth itself is being waged. Brent Spiner from Star Trek: TNG makes a memorable appearance, and familiar faces such as Robert Loggia and Judd Hirsch add much to the film in roles that are comparatively small for such major players in the business. The special effects are simply tremendous, boasting some especially well-done, powerful shots. The sight of the White House being destroyed in the blink of an eye by alien firepower is now a staple of pop culture, and it is just one of a huge number of similarly impressive explosions to be seen here. The manner in which the film opens is quite eerily effective, and the director obviously went to great and rewarding pains to try and show just how huge these ships are compared to earth's structures and inhabitants. What I was most impressed with were the scenes depicting infernos rushing and roiling down the streets toward trapped, innocent, doomed men, women, and children; we watch as cars come hurtling toward our viewpoint, and I will never forget the image of a huge fire engine being blown right at me as if it were a dandelion seed in the wind. This really is the most exhilarating movie I own. President Whitmore's speech to all the brave men and women around him, including a large number of volunteer heroes who have never even thought about flying an F-16 loaded to the hilt with missiles before, truly gives me chills of patriotism every time I hear it; his is a statement that sums up what it means to be both an American and a citizen of the world. I just cannot say enough good things about Independence Day; in my opinion, it is one of the most impressive, soul-stirring films I have ever seen.
Rating:  Summary: My favourite film of all time Review: I saw this screen on Australian television 2 weeks ago and I must say it had a profound impact on me. I didn't mean to watch it, I was just flicking through the channels but I felt strangely compelled and connected to it while watching. The first time I saw this in the cinemas when it was out in that domain I got my relatives to watch with me the second time round. This is just perfect for the big screen and I hope one day it reaches cult status enough to re-screen in the cinemas with the special edition and digitally remastered. I must admit I do succuumb to end of the world Armageddon and Deep Impact type movies and TV Nostradumus documentaries (note I am an ambivalent agnostic, and not really a practising religious person though I am open to it, but hate bible bashing) and this one beats those easily. It is a movie that has special effects on a grand scale. A modern day fairy tale that one days might just come true. I truly believe science fiction aka Star Wars is the best and ultimate genre and beats Lord Of The Rings and Harry Potter any day. Hence ID4 combines all the best elements of the overlapping modernity (that is SCI-FI) that should consume us humans as we enter the new millenium. The only negative factor of this film is Australian version of this DVD is yet to features all the special features like commentaries. But otherwise you affluent American buy this film now!
Rating:  Summary: ID$ The reason why creativity is dead in Hollywood now. Review: 1995's Independence Day or ID4 was a groundbreaking film. However, This film wasn't innovative in a positive way. Director Roland Emmerich was the first filmmaker to make a movie that completely pulls the wool over the audiences' eyes and then cheats them out of over $300 million dollars in ticket sales without providing them with a well written, well acted or even entertaining film. Unfortunately this formula was so successful that every almost film in Hollywood is now produced this way. The first trick to making the viewer believe they are watching a good film is loading the film with special effects, especially CGI. The viewer is so busy looking at all the computer-generated distractions that they forget that the film has no plot or interesting characters. ID4 or as I like to call it ID$, diverts your attention from the flimsy aliens invade earth story with one dumb stunt after the other. Think about a few of the stunts made with CGI and none of them make any sense. For Example: The President's plane takes off the runway during the destruction of Washington D.C., just barely escaping the fire that incinerated the city. In a real firestorm, the president's plane would be annihilated because the fire would get into the jet engine turbines and cause the plane to explode. Another example is the city of Los Angeles being destroyed. People survive an annihilator ray with no adverse effects after being caught in an explosion except for some torn clothes. And when these city sized motherships are finally are destroyed they don't incinerate the fighter pilots who attacked them in the blast, or rain down trillions of tons of lethal debris on the people below. In addition, wouldn't the heat generated from such a massive explosion cause even more death and destruction? Contrast this to Star Wars where Luke, Han and Wedge had to get FAR away from the Death Star to avoid getting caught in the explosions, shockwaves and debris fields caused by a planet sized space station exploding. And they were in OUTER SPACE. But the viewer is so busy drooling over the CGI explosions to think about such details. The second trick to making the viewer believe they are watching a good film is to play to the audiences' emotions so they don't notice how stupid the plot is. ID$ uses good old-fashioned patriotism to trick audiences into rooting for the good guys. According to this film about an invasion of EARTH only AMERICA can save the world from these evil aliens. Supposedly the rest of the world's military doesn't exist or is too incompetent to help in this crisis. We get tons of visuals showing American forces, fighting aliens, American flags, patriotic music, and a big rousing presidential speech. In the end Will Smith And Jeff Goldblum even get to shake the Presidents hand on a job well done. All of these things distract you from the biggest story errors of all: ONE laptop computer interfaces with an advanced alien computer system flawlessly with no wireless interface. And in 1995 when this film was made laptops barely had HALF the processor speed and memory of a desktop. If this is the case wouldn't everyone who had a desktop at the time know about the invasion and planned to escape? Also, with this computer having HALF the speed of a desktop how COULD it download a virus in to a technologically advanced mothership so quickly? Wouldn't the alien's advanced computers have detected and DELETED the virus? Also, if the aliens were TELPATHIC couldn't they have read the people's minds and figured out what they were going to do? I guess the viewers who helped buy $300 million worth of movie tickets were too busy waving flags and baking apple pies to actually WATCH the film. The third trick used to making the viewer believe they are going to get a good film is Advertise, Advertise, and Advertise. ID$ blitzed moviegoers viewers with those stunning visuals of explosions, and patriotism for several months before the release. Because of the hype most viewers thought since the CGI effects were good the film must be good. WRONG. This film is horrible. Don't get taken in by it's visual prettiness or plays on your emotions. When you start to really think about this film you will hate yourself for letting it dupe you out of your hard-earned money. Because of the $300+ million ID$ made, Hollywood no longer believes in giving its viewers anything like plot, character development or even a story in its films. They now know they can get away with making bad movies because in the end they will pull a profit. ID$ started the disturbing trend of filmmaking where CGI and special effects are a used as a crutch by lame producers and directors to make a bad film 'bankable'. Nowadays when a film is lacking in some area, the studios now just toss a few CGI effects or stunts in to distract viewers from the horrible story. Making quality films no longer matters since CGI was invented. Insert some effects and you'll make $100-200 million guaranteed. If you're looking for an original story with an involving plot and interesting characters forget it. Because of the success of this dreadful film, Movies are now a 'Franchise.' When producers want to make even more money, they take the same lame movie with the same bad actors and load it up with visual effects and then put a 2 in front of the title. Another $100-200 Million guaranteed. The audience will be too distracted to notice they've been conned into watching a bad movie. Thanks Roland Emmerich. Thanks for destroying the creativity of the American cinema. You and Jerry Bruckhiemer are the geniuses that have ruined movies as entertainment for everyone with your high action, high noise, low plot low logic McMovies.