Rating:  Summary: A bit scary? OK -- and it's a great film Review: I've grown weary of angry parents condemning this wonderful film because it was too frightening for their children. "Babe: Pig in the City" is a masterpiece, full of wonderful imagery and heart. While I agree that some of scenes may be frightening for the very young, I have to ask: what's wrong with that? Do not forget that every one of these "scary" scenes serves a purpose in the film's themes and in the development of its characters. Unlike most films geared at children these days, the lessons in "Babe - Pig in the City" are not easily learned. Just as in life, these lessons can be scary -- just as change is frightening for us all. Each of these pieces finds its way into the experiences that help Babe grow -- and develop respect for creatures different than he. That's a lesson with weight, and when it happens in the film, it means something. I'm 32, but I remember films that stood out to me as a kid -- and they weren't ones that were safe, easy crowd-pleasers. They were the ones that challenged me, made me think, and yes, sometimes scared me...but they were ultimately the ones that had things to say about the world. Siskel & Ebert called it correctly: "Babe - Pig in the City" was one of last year's very best films.
Rating:  Summary: Stop worrying about the kids Review: Forget any preconceptions about this franchise that may have been established with "Babe." While that film was indeed a masterpiece, this is a sequel with its own agenda and purpouse. Try to reach back, dear ones,to your first experience with the tales told by the Brothers Grimm. That's the tone this film embraces. Like those dark tales of yore, "Babe- Pig in the city" establishes a universe wherein the innocent are victims, and only the truest and most noble of hearts can conquer the adversity the world often presents us with. The plot: after the sheep-pig inadvertently causes a disastrous accident that leaves Farmer Hogget unable to provide for his farm, Babe and Mrs.Hogget travel to the big city to earn money in an effort to keep the farm afloat. There is violence in this film, and many moments that are darker and more mean spirited than in the first film. And I say "bravo" to this decision- becuase what director George Miller has provided is a wonderful parable about the need for each and every one of us to retain that sense of decency and compassion that defines our humanity (porcinity?) , even in the face of the most dire of circumstances. Stop asking yourself if the kids will be okay with this movie, and instead ask yourself if you enjoyed it. This is the definitive family film - it has enough to entertain the tykes, but it is squarely aimed at the adults who will sit through this with them. With impressive visuals, a terrfic story and - ultimately- a message that needs to be heard in this day and age,"Babe - Pig in the City" is a masterpiece of a fable. A cautionary tale that both engages and enlivens. There is love, laughter and hope to be found within this film. Don't miss this picture by any means. You'll be better for the experience.
Rating:  Summary: Ok, feeling good, feeling peppy! Review: I'm one of those who found this movie an imaginative, profoundly moving movie with all kinds of themes that are definately appropriate to be explored with children.By the way, I found the first Babe movie also moving and enjoyable but a very different movie. You could say the first was about Babe finding out about himself and the second about Babe, having found himself, having an impact on the outside world--themes present in most of the worlds major religions! Some thoughts on the major complaints-- Why does the second movie need to be a rehash as the first? The first Babe movie was great but the second takes the story in an valid new direction. Being "dark": Babe showed a real picture of how the world is--but at level that kids can understand--and so, this is a great movie for parents to see with their children (OK, maybe not the youngest) and to talk about the themes and reactions children have. This movie is a profound fable of multiple levels with important lessons most of which have already been discussed. I feel sorry for the people who just don't "get it" and more importantly, I feel sorry for their children.
Rating:  Summary: A child's Film for a more mature audience Review: This is one of my favorite films of all time. I remember a few years ago when i first saw it at the movie theater in Disney World, i was about 9. I was in awe of the film, it was quite whimsical, extremely original, at times terrifying, and at times absolutely hilarious. This is about as much of a kid's film as "The Nightmare Before Christmas" (also INCREDIBLE, yet not deserving of its cult status). If you have seen the Nightmare Before Christmas, or know of it, then you know what to expect of this. This film goes against the grain in terms of what a children's film is supposed to be. It is intelligently written and directed, and great entertainment. To this day I still love to watch it on occasion, just to revisit this great love from 5 years in my past. Much has been made of the darkness in this film, and I'll admit, it is intense at times. The scene in which the old clown, played by the incredible mickey rooney, collapses and sets fire to the room after Babe messes up his Chimpanzee act, only to die not soon after, is still difficult to watch, as are a few other scenes. This is dark subject matter in places, but brilliant nonetheless. I've read in reviews here that it is comparable to Fellini, and I must agree. As a HUGE fan of Fellini films, I too notice a wonderful blend of the light and dark in the film. The scene where the Animal Control people invade the house and cage all the animals brings me to tears of sadness, but the scene in which Mrs. Hoggett is bouncing around the roof of the ballroom in a clown costume brings me to tears of joy. This is one of the many riotous and hilarious scenes in the film. The actress who played Mrs. Hoggett deserves some sort of award for her performance, as well. She is a delight. ALL IN ALL, THIS FILM IS WONDERFUL, CERTAINLY NOT FOR EVERYONE, AND REALLY MORE FOR ADULTS OR OLDER, MORE MATURE KIDS, THAN YOUNGER KIDS, FOR IT MAY WELL PROVE TRAUMATIC. Either way.........For lovers of film and those looking for a truly well made and Good film, I strongly recommend Babe: Pig In the City. It is a film that may well find a place in your heart.
Rating:  Summary: A Sensational Sequel to a One-of-a-Kind Classic Review: The original "Babe" was a huge and deserved hit when released in 1995, earning a Best Picture nomination for it's novel animation and trendsetting technology. Simply said, this follow-up film subtitled "Pig in the City" is equally ingenious, heartwarming and special, indeed. Critics hailed its messages and transplanted landscape and risky vision. From the warm, embracing countryside, to the chilly rotten city, Babe (and in this case Mrs. Hoggett) venture far from home, encountering profound characters and learning life lessons along the way. Unfortunately, Babe 2 was a commercial dud, far underperforming the original, due to an uninspired marketing campaign and the film's overall noir-drama characteristics. Alot of parents kept kids away hearing the movie would upset them, and although some intense moments occur, kids by and large have seen far worse on afternoon TV. This film dares to stretch beyond what was expected of it, and becomes a thoughtful, complex fable in the process ... but never fails to entertain young and old alike. It's a film anyone can enjoy, at any time, at any age and a rare thing indeed as a sequel that's literally equal to its predeseser. So many of us loved and cherished the magical Babe during his first incarnation, but trust me, this hog is going places! A class act all the way that needs to be revisited or enjoyed spontanelously the first time around. DO NOT MISS IT.
Rating:  Summary: entertaining, but can't hold a candle to the original Review: James Cromwell, who received an Oscar nomination for the first "Babe" movie is in this film for about 3 minutes... and I'm stretching that figure. The relationship between the farmer and his pig isn't present in this film as it was in the original and the Farmer's wife seems more concerned with the pig as a valued investment than as a child or pet. The movie starts with some promising laughs at the airport, and the cityscape that is part Sydney, Australia, part New York and part every major metropolitan skyline you've ever seen was quite clever. It was great to see Mickey Rooney in film again as he played an important, yet minor role in this film. Some of my problems with this film are more personal than anything else. Whenever I see an Orangutan walking like a human being, I cringe. It is akin to human beings walking with their knees bent the wrong way. This is very uncomfortable for them and this type of behavior is most associated with abuse. While I'm sure the Humane Society watched over the set to ensure the safety and kind treatment to all the animal cast, I can't help but wonder how the Orangutans were trained/treated prior to coming onto the set. Seeing chimps wearing clothing and smoking cigars was also repugnant to me... especially in light of the original film where animals acted like animals and were still endearing. I also had an objection to the near-drowning of a dog in the film. This was torturous to watch... a dog tied up with a chain, basically hanging by one leg into a body of water. This can be very upsetting to little tender-hearted kids... I know it was upsetting to me. Like any fun animal movie, everything works out in the end, of course - but the most of the original appeal of the first movie was gone for me. I'd like to see Babe back on the farm where he can interact with the sheep and the dogs if they come out with another sequel. Despite the shortcomings I've listed here, this is still a great family film and any child will love the talking animals and the people antics. The serenading mice are present throughout the film and will have you laughing out loud through out.
Rating:  Summary: My all time favorite movie Review: This movie is astounding in so many ways. The filming is gorgeous and surreal - very painterly. The acting is so believable that when I saw it the first time, I felt that the chimp should get an academy award and then I remembered that he was an animal - totally suspended belief there! But most importantly, the message of the movie is one that really took root in my heart - I strive to be as brave and honorable as Babe (with mixed results, I admit). I am a sophisticated movie watcher and no one believes me when I say that Babe, Pig in the City, is my favorite movie. It's that good.
Rating:  Summary: Babe, Pig in the City: One of the Best Films Ever Made Review: The film is a masterpiece of the first water in every conceivable way. Visually it is astounding; these animals give some of the best performances on film, thanks to enormously talented human actors, a brilliant screenplay, a brilliant director, and, of course, the amazing animal actors themselves. Unfortunately, certain parents and their children expected light fare on par with the original Babe movie (which is terrific but clearly inferior to its sequel). The result reminds me very much of the general reaction to Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory; many parents felt and feel it is just "too dark" and "upsetting" for their children. It seems to me that many of their outraged "reviews" here betray the fact that they spent too much time worrying about whether scenes were too intense for their children and not enough time actually watching the film or attempting to understand it. Anyone who complains that the movie is too dark, violent (even "disgusting") clearly did not pay attention to the movie. No animal or person dies or is permanently damaged within the course of the film. Even the goldfish and Flealick (the little dog on wheels) survive. The message(s) of the movie, moreover, couldn't be more suitable for children: tolerance, kindness and respect for animals, redemption through perseverence, just to name a few. I suspect that those people who hated the film are also the kind of people who are more concerned with whether their children are frightened by an intense scene in a movie and less concerned with keeping their own animals indoors and off the streets at night. My advice: rewatch the film, alone if you think your kids will somehow be mentally "damaged" by it. If you pay attention this time, you just might realize that, far from being "bad" for your children, you children (and you, possibly) might just learn an important thing or two about the importance of kindness to those different from themselves. For those who haven't seen it, I give my highest recommendation to this movie. One of the best I've seen; important and potentially life changing. I can honestly say that in my experience there has never been a movie like it made before or since.
Rating:  Summary: A kind and steady heart still prevails, in spite of all! Review: People who say "Pig In The City" is "too dark" are forgetting the darker elements in the first Babe movie. In the first "Babe" movie, Maa the sheep dies violently, Farmer Hoggett almost shoots Babe with a shotgun, and Rex and Fly fight, with the end result being that Rex bites Farmer Hoggett and is muzzled and tranquilized for a while. None of these events are cheerful and lighthearted. Yet in the end Babe's goodness and innate talents help him prevail and repay Farmer Hoggett's trust. "Pig in the City" is different, but its subject matter is different. Rather than do as most children's filmmakers do, and offer up a nauseously sweet retread of whatever was least offensive in the first movie, Miller chose to make a movie that addresses a serious issue. It is one thing to be kind and steady on the farm where everything runs as it should under the benevolent eye of the Boss. But how well does goodness fare under pressure? This is a lesson that children NEED to know. I am utterly astounded by the parents who miss the moral lessons taught in this film and call it a "travesty" and "too frightening." None of the characters comes to any permanent harm, and in the end it is made perfectly clear that Babe's "kind and steady heart" makes the difference! How is it harmful for a child to learn to do good even for your enemies, as Babe does when he rescues the pit bull dog who was trying to chase him down? How is it harmful for a child to watch Babe being honest and forthright and doing the best he can, under terrible circumstances? This is a fabulous movie by any standard, and like the first "Babe" it outdistances most of the movies released in 1998. Gene Siskel was not wrong to call it the best film of 1998. This movie will, like the Wizard of Oz and Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, eventually outdistance the critics who are too cynical for its message and the lily-livered parents who are afraid to teach their children hard lessons, and become known as a classic fantasy film. This movie deserves careful watching and rewatching. Do not believe the critics and the overprotective parents! This is an important movie, a beautiful movie, and a brilliant movie. Watch it for yourself and find out.
Rating:  Summary: So Funny and Surprising! Review: I loved this movie! It was quite a surprise and not what I was expecting though. Nothing happens that children can't handle. My kids loved it. It's SO FUNNY! Things happen that you won't believe and in such unusual ways. It's bazaar in a wonderful way and everyone should see it with an open mind. You'll laugh at the strange things that happen. It's not your happily ever after sugar coated fairy tale, but all's well that ends well. Buy it, you'll love it.