Rating:  Summary: BORING! Review: Dinotopia is a great concept, but this movie/miniseries is terrible. It was so boring, I had to force myself to keep watching. Though true to James Gurney's books in visual terms, that was the one saving grace of this version. It was plotless, the acting was bad, the dinosaurs were underused as characters, and the editing often left you wondering what had happened. It was hard to feel sympathy for any of the characters, especially the insular, self-righteous Dinotopians as they try to brainwash the two newcomers to their world. I found myself most in sympathy with Cyrus Crabbe, which is surely not what the makers intended. Whether children would find this more watchable, I just don't know. What did this version of Dinotopia most remind me of? The recent movie of "Dungeons & Dragons". Hardly a compliment.
Rating:  Summary: If you're over 13 or 14 this film will probably bore you Review: Dinotopia is a dino disappointment.The sets and the computer graphics are really quite cool, but when taken as a whole, this is not what it could have been. The Halmis (the producers and financiers for this project) have become the Austrailian financiers for many huge and ultimately disappointing films (anyone remember the "Gone With The Wind" sequel?). Dinotopia's premise is a picture book from many years ago that an artist contrived as "what if dinosaurs and people coexisted with each other". After a plane crash strands two young men on an uncharted island (known as Dinotopia) and kills their father, they discover that the island is inhabited by dinosaurs and people alike and that civilization there is quite advanced in its own way. The brothers are completely different from each other and don't like each other too much. Most disturbing, perhaps, is that neither one seems too distressed when their father drowns in the plane crash. "Whoops, Dad's dead, gee, okay, where are we now?" seems to be the sentiment. The whole lack of emotional development of these central characters starts to make you wonder if the whole thing isn't a dream (which would be fine, if that revelation were ever to play out - but it doesn't). Then there's the whole love triangle interest - both brothers have the hots for this girl on the island and she seems to be attracted to both too - what will come of it? Guess what? You'll never find out. That plot point dies on the vine. Frankly the whole film (mini series - aren't they usually diappointing? Sad isn't it?) seems to be an extended prehistoric rendition of Top Gun mixed with a little Robinson Crusoe (but when couldn't you parallel that story with a "stranded on a deserted island film?). The island is quite lucky to have had these two nincumpoops land , because even though the community has existed since the dawn of time, apparently they are all too stupid to do anything about an impending emergency and need these Generation Y kids to teach them how to save themselves. The boys were obviously hired for their "hot boy" appeal, but the lead girl was hired for some other quality, because she is quite odd looking. One boy is supposed to be a nerd, but seems to have spent most of his time using a Soloflex. The other boy, ostensibly the rebel, lacks stick-to-itiveness and doesn't like anyone. Huh? He gloms onto the female lead immediately. And later, the nerd complains that the girl seems to be attracted more to the rebel than him. She says she likes them both equally. Huh? She was just skinny dipping with the rebel (and presumably made love to him). The nerdy brother, who isn't very nerdy at all, portrays his character as an "aw shucks" sort of boy, who is wholesome and sincere....I kept hoping he would fall off one of those really tall cliffs in the film. The rebel is about a sharp as silly putty and his whole "I gotta get off this island" routine never seems believable or sincere. He's supposed to be the Indiana Jones of the group, but instead he comes off more as the irritating little brother. Mind you the source material never had a real story to go with it. It was just pictures of a fantastical people and land. The producers of this film apparently didn't see any need in delving deeper than that - not really - in presenting this film. It looks good, but there's no real substance to it. This is a film to be watched by small kids. They'll love it. If they're over 13, they'll probably be bored and would prefer watching PBS. .....the dinosaurs - oh yeah. There were those too. They look good, but never seem realistic, except for the pteranadons. One of them speaks English - and apparently Roddy McDowell was resurrected from the dead to do the voice over work for this character, because it sure sounds like him. The storyline is nonsense all around and the CGI effects, quite frankly, have been done to death in far better films and television shows (if you want to see dinosaurs and learn about them, watch Discovery Channel's "Walking With Dinosaurs". It's a 4 star show).
Rating:  Summary: Great story but WAIT FOR A REISSUE!! Review: The storyline is great!! I agree with the other great reviews written about this movie. However, there are serious manufacturing/production mistakes. Right now the best copy I own is the one I recorded from broadcast. I bought the VHS tape to replace my TV-recorded copy. The picture wasn't very good so I exchanged it. It was actually worse on the next tape. I then thought "Hey, get a DVD." It was terrific except for a 20-second dead silence when Marion goes to replace the prime sunstone. When I went to return it, the service person checked the new one for me and sure enough it had the same problem. (Another serviceman also had the problem.) So if you get the VHS you get bad tracking and if you get the DVD there's a tiny problem with the sound. I'm waiting for all of them to be recalled!
Rating:  Summary: Fluffy start, gets great! Review: This three-part ABC-TV miniseries was based on a popular series of novels about a place where humans and dinosaurs live together in a controlled but somewhat tenuous peace. Part 1 barely kept my interest, mostly because of the overly cute and fluffy tone. Still, I loved the special effects and the mythology, and decided to watch more, thinking it would get better. Parts 2 and 3 not only showed improvement but also surpassed my expectations. I enjoyed all the actors, especially Alice Krige, best know to scifi fans as the Borg Queen (Star Trek: First Contact). I also enjoyed the tension of scenes such as the rock climbing, the skybax rides, and the T-Rex invasion. Now the miniseries is out on DVD (with lots of bonus features), and will soon become a weekly series on ABC-TV (Thursday nights). I'm not sure if the series will keep the freshness, excitement, and wonder that the miniseries eventually captured, but I'll certainly give it a chance.
Rating:  Summary: Show good BUT DVD has production problems. Review: The DVD version of the mini-series Dinotopia provides great picture and sound with one exception. In the scene where Marion reaches the top of the stairway of the sunstone tower, after David has dropped the new stone from the underworld (sunstone cave) in the "battle" over the city, there is an approximately 20 second total sound drop out. This was compared to the broadcast version that I had taped ... there is sound in the broadcast version. Over 9 different DVDs have been checked by three stores and on my four dvd units, all have shown this same problem. OTHERWISE, Dinotopia is a great family show with excellent acting and very little "dead time" in the script or the production. Parents of young children should be ready to explain the diffence between real life and fantisy, though. The computer graphics, the photography, and the combining of the two is great visual effects. The music is ok, but could have been better used and written to support the story.
Rating:  Summary: OUTSTANDING! Review: This miniseries is superb! I live in australia so I never saw it when it first aired, but im lucky enough to have a multiregion dvd player so I orderd it here. I was always a bit skeptical on how it would turn out, thinking that because it was just a miniseries and not a movie, the effects would be lacking, but I was amazed at what has been achieved. The effects are movie blockbuster quality and the story line and acting is great! even for an 18 year old student studying film at university. I cant wait to see it again. The show gives a real insight into a differnt view on dinosaurs. While jurrasic park may have been dinosaurs with a human buffet, this show lets us see humans and dinosaurs co-exist. Even one of the main characters, Zippo was crazy enough to crack me up. Overall its a great series, Its basicly a blockbuster movie for television. I recomend it to EVERYONE!.
Rating:  Summary: poor quality VHS tape Review: I loved the colorful illustrations in the Gurney book, Dinotopia, and was SO disappointed in the quality of the VHS tape. How could they sell something so blurred and grainey? Can anyone tell me if the DVD is clear and sharp? The colors in the film were dull and muted. The story changed for the worst and the acting quite bad.
Rating:  Summary: Mixed Feelings Review: Children would love this movie. It's full of action, magic, and enough dinosaurs to satisfy a young enthusiast for life. Karl, David, and Marion are fun to watch, and the brothers' struggles to adapt to Dinotopian life are amusing and delightful. The colorful sets, graphics, and local traditions draw you into the world and leave you wanting more. Adults would feel differently. Even if they were able to suspend their disbelief after the plane crash (they couldn't see the storm before they were in it?), they would find it difficult to stay engaged with the story after the confusing behavior of several of the characters (Karl and David blindly trust Crabb's suggestions although they state he is untrustworthy?). The complete disregard for logic becomes even more apparent as the story continues. The dialogue is stale and forced, but Leitso and Miller do the best that can be expected with lines such as, "What is this place?" and, "Dinosaurs died out millions of years ago!". If the viewer manages to make it to the T-Rex scene (why did they abandon the "busses"?), they are given the treat of seeing the beautiful female trip and fall while running away, and then looking terrified as two T-Rexes approach for a snack. Several sub-plots are abandoned before resolution (Crabb is not punished for his crimes to Zippo, the relationship between David and his female co-cadet is never developed, and the reason that the T-Rexes traveled in a pack is never revealed), and some major plotlines are never settled, the most noteworthy example being the love triangle. The characters are capricious, changing their attitudes and personalities with each new scene. The animosity between the brothers is all talk (and one wussy fight). You never get the feeling that they really don't get along, besides when they say they don't. All of this comes together for an abrupt ending that leaves you wanting more-explanation, that is. There is one thing that saves it for the adults-Crabb. Rather than being the stereotypical black-hearted villian, he is an odd mixture of good and bad that keeps you guessing whose side he's on. Or maybe he's just capricious, too. I gave the movie two stars for the sense of child-like wonder I felt as David learned to fly. I shouldn't have given it that much, with all the plot discrepancies, but I truly felt as if I were there, and that's a difficult sense to invoke.
Rating:  Summary: Fun romp based loosely on the picture books Review: Lavish adaptation of the picture books, as half-brothers Carl and David wash up on the shores of Dinotopia after the plane piloted by their father crashes into the sea. After some difficulty and sullenness, both join into the Dinotopia experience (where man and intelligent dino live in harmony, most of the time), and when crisis comes to the land, they suddenly are sure they know how to save Dinotopia. But it is not that easy . . . A fine cast, but the scenery steals the show, a rugged and beautiful land is created for us. Important not to take it too seriously. The writers left all sorts of mild errors in (how did the boys get to Waterfall City without money? Why would a society like Dinotopia elect a dunce as mayor? Had someone washed out of pilot training before? They say no, but they certainly ACT like people had), to say nothing of the physical, biological and other scientific impossibilities. But don't worry about it. "Just repeat to yourself it's just a show and you really should relax." Just enjoy the ride.
Rating:  Summary: DinoMyte! Review: I have never been a big fan of dinosaur movies, (I hated Jurrasic Park), but this I loved. This dvd has terrific scenery, and I loved the interplay between the characters. I didn't care for Carl much at first- he steals and cheats a good bit- but later, when he takes charge of 26, his darling little Saurian partner, his better nature emerges. I could sympathize with David, being sent to the Skyback Core when he seemed to have no flair for flying. Kids are always a little confused when they are told to do something they don't seem to be good at. I loved Zippo most of all! There were so many unanswered questions when the series ended. Is Crabb still alive? What about Marian? Is she in love with both of the brothers? And will Romana Dennison emerge as a possible love interest? Can't wait for the TV series!