Rating:  Summary: Elmo: The Movie Review: Elmo and his beloved blue blanket are inseparable. When Oscar carelessly tosses the fuzzy blanket into his trash can, Elmo dives in after it. He is suddenly plunged into Grouchland - the land of Grouches, stinky garbage and the greedy Huxley (Mandy Patinkin) who hasn't learned how to share. Elmo and all his friends from Sesame Street embark on a fun-filled adventure with one mission - to rescue Elmo's blanket. On the way, Elmo encounters a giant chicken and even the Queen of Trash (Vanessa Williams) herself! It's a grouch-loving good time filled with fun, sensational songs and all of your favorite characters!SONGS:"Together Forever" - "Welcome to Grouchland" - "Take the First Step" - "Make It Mine" - "I See A Kingdom" - "I'm A Little Teapot" - "Percious Wings"
Rating:  Summary: Great kid's flick Review: This was a great movie for small children. It is also enjoyable for adults also. I found it to be very cute and entertaining! It is about Elmo, and how he gets in a fight with his friend over sharing his blanket. Well, alot of things go wrong and Elmo's blanket ends up at Grouch's trashcan. The Grouch throws the blanket down the garbage can and Elmo dives in after it, only to realize that it has been spirited to a place called Grouchland. What he dosen't know is that Grouchland is being ruled over by a guy named Huxley who has a problem with sharing things, and he has been stealing from the townsfolk, always telling them, "If I touch it...it's MINE!" Elmo has to figure out how to get his blanket back, with the help of many colorful characters. The whole movie is great for small children. It teaches them the value of friendship and sharing, which is something they need to know about at a young age. The movie also allows the children to participate in certain scenes (ex. singing along, helping Elmo to blow raspberries, helping Elmo find his way through a dark cave). Overall, this is a great movie for children, and I really did enjoy it, which is why I have to recommend it!
Rating:  Summary: cute video Review: My 18 month old daughter adores Elmo. She will literally sit down for the entire movie. When we first got the video, the only part that she liked was in the beginning when Elmo was in his room up until Elmo ends up in grouchland. After that, she would lose interest quickly. But now, she enjoys her elmo movie and calls him "Em."
Rating:  Summary: Proceed with Caution Review: Our 16 month old son loves "The Best of Elmo" and whenever Elmo is on Sesame Street he tunes right in. We bought this DVD with high anticipation and ended up returning it. He had ZERO interest in this video, and neither did his parents. He may have been too young for this particular Elmo DVD, which is why I suggest you proceed with caution. In my opinion, it's for ages 3+ and maybe 4+.
Rating:  Summary: 21-Month Old unhappy Review: I wouldn't say my 21-month-old grandson is especially sensitive, but he did not view but the first few minutes of this video. When Elmo slid down into Grouchland he cried, "Elmo!" in a frightened, teary voice. His mom comforted him and left him to view the rest. When Elmo's blanket was snatched the boy sobbed,"Elmoooo!" and cried and cried. The video was turned off and he and mom had some hug time. It may be that he was just too young and in a few months will enjoy this video.
Rating:  Summary: Didn't make it through 10 minutes Review: My two year old son is an avid Elmo watcher. He can't get enough of the furry red guy. This movie seemed like a natural to add to our growing DVD children's collection. That's why I was completely shocked that my son was "traumatized" by this story. Elmo's blanket gets torn when he is reluctant to share with his friend. This scene sent my son into hysterics. Elmo's blankie happened to look exactly like my son's and we had to locate his blankie and make sure it was okay. Once he was calmed down I continued the movie. The following scene shows Elmo's blanket falling into Oscar's can and subsequently being sucked through a "do not open" door. My normally outgoing, and well adjusted son broke into shrieks once again. That's where we ended the movie. My son has no attachment to a bottle or pacifier, but he loves his blankie. The content of this movie may be too upsetting for a child with a similar love object.
Rating:  Summary: Better Than Expected. Review: I know that most toddlers and preschoolers seem to love Elmo, but I have to admit I really don't like that furry red monster Muppet much. ... However, I do love Sesame Street and have enjoyed just about everything I have ever seen that featured the Muppets. So, I watched THE ADVENTURES OF ELMO IN GROUCHLAND with an open mind full of trepidation. I was rather surprised. Elmo didn't seem as annoying as he usually is. The movie was fun and though meant for children, contained several points of humor for parents and other adults (the Sesame Street gang is largely a group of Muppets after all). There was a nice moral and the guest peformances of Mandy Patinkin as the evil Huxley and Vanessa Villiams as the Queen of Trash were rather enjoyable and added a touch of class (another Muppet trait) to the movie. I especially liked the breaks in the film by Bert and Ernie that may help ease the youngest child's fears, but also provide some great comic relief for nostalgic adults. A delightful film that most children 5 and under will probably enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: Now I know why Elmo is so popular Review: Never let it be said that I've forgotten the way to Sesame Street. It had been quite a while since my last visit, but it was great to see all of the familiar faces again: Bert & Ernie, The Count, Grover, Oscar, Big Bird, etc. I was rather surprised to see that some of the human actors I remember are still Sesame Street regulars, as well. Then there's Elmo. Up until now, I only knew Elmo from all the commercials for Elmo-related products, so it was good to finally see just what all the fuss has been about. He's a cool little monster, and it's easy to see how he has become so popular with the youngsters; I especially love the way he always refers to himself in the third person. I also was gratified to find out just what lies inside and beneath Oscar's garbage can after all these years. Throw in some music and dancing as well as a couple of notable guest appearances, and you've got yourself a movie I really enjoyed. Elmo really loves his blanket, and he could never bear to part with it. He loves it so much that he doesn't want to share it, even for a few minutes, with one of his little friends. About this time, a series of humorous mishaps occur to land Blanket (it's essentially a character rather than an object) inside Oscar's garbage can. Elmo dives it to get it, only to be transported (along with Blanket) to Grouchland. This is a strange new world for Elmo, a place where you aren't supposed to ask for help or be kind to others. Elmo's beloved blanket ends up in the hands of the mean and greedy Huxley (Mandy Patinkin), a man who lives by the creed "Whatever I touch is mine." In order to get to Huxley's house and reclaim what is his, Elmo must overcome a number of challenges placed in his way and must even pass the ultimate challenge of the Queen of Garbage (Vanessa Williams). There is of course a message to the whole story, with children (and adults) seeing why it is important to share what you have rather than be greedy. I'm not sure I would have wanted to see The Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland at the theatre, but youngsters would surely have loved such an experience. Elmo asks the audience for help on several occasions, so parents should be prepared for having their kids yell out helpful words and sounds from time to time (FYI - I wouldn't recommend sitting directly in front of your children during the Queen of Trash sequence). Parents also shouldn't worry too much about children becoming too upset over Elmo's misfortunes. Whenever things start to look bad, Bert comes out and has the movie stopped and Ernie explains to him that there's still time for a happy ending. I have to say I really loved this movie. It is funny, the musical scenes are quite good, and I can't get enough of seeing Elmo getting down with his bad self. This movie has everything that makes Sesame Street so great, and now I'm wishing I would have bought the DVD instead of just renting it.
Rating:  Summary: My toddler loves this Elmo movie! Review: This was a total surprise for us. My toddler watches a number of Elmo videos, but he seems to like this one best. It has an actual story that teaches a good lesson about sharing. Most importantly, when things get a little scary or sad in the movie, the reel stops and Ernie and Bert talk your child through the scene. The music is very enjoyable, and my two-year-old is fascinated with the characters. There is a risk that the lesson of not saying "mine, mine, mine" might be lost on a child so young. But the movie has captivated my son.
Rating:  Summary: Great for toddlers! Review: My almost two year old loves Elmo! We have several Elmo's World videos and now this movie and this is her favorite by far. The story is cute, the songs are great and I think the message of sharing is a good one.