Rating:  Summary: Censorship and Revisionism Ruin a Classic Review: The fact that they went back into the movie and changed all the guns the officers were carrying (when chasing the kids) to walkie-talkies is bad enough. The fact that they actually edited out the line the mother tells her son ( "No, you're not going as a terrorist." ) just ruins it for me. When I buy a special edition DVD I get it to get the original shots, not something that has been hacked and slashed to approval of censors. Definitely Thumbs Down.
Rating:  Summary: A Child's Vision of the World Review: This film could not be made in our technologically advanced cynical world of today.It would be much noisier and the focus would be more on marketing than actual story.E.T. is a child's vision of the world.This little creature could represent a wounded deer,a dying man.Anything on the verge of extinction that adults would destroy in the name of science.Children on the other hand,being closer to nature and without the dulled senses of routine,find friendship much more important than destruction.I saw it in the theathre when I was around 9 years old and it has always left a very sad impression on me of the way the human race views animals,views life itself.In this story only a small boy seems to recognize the beauty of caring and compassion.For the human race would eventually destroy E.T. in the name of progress just like it has done of most of the natural world.Very honest and with a message that most people will never really understand unless their under ten.A better and more innocent way of being.
Rating:  Summary: Warning: politcally correct editing Review: This DVD is not only enhanced, but it's also been edited for "political correctness". In at least one scene, Federal agents who were holding guns in the 1982 original, are now seen holding radios (or nothing at all) in this DVD version. You might want to ask yourself why Steven Spielberg thinks its bad if children see Federal agents (who are supposed to be the good guys) holding weapons, which is what they do every day.
Rating:  Summary: Spielberg's Blockbuster Fantasy For Entire Family Review: The sale of "Reeses Pieces" suddenly surged, "E.T. phone home!" became the catch-phrase, while children and parents alike pondered the term "penis breath". -- It was the summer of '83, and the world couldn't get enough of "E.T.", another brainchild of Hollywood's Wunderkind Steven Spielberg, and the biggest blockbuster movie since "Gone With The Wind". The time was right for a sci-fi fantasy for kids that would also draw great crowds of "grown-up kids" to the theatres. The Disney Production was the very first to require a PG-Rating, quite a departure for the previously 100% family-oriented (and G-Rated) Disney Studios. Aside from a few mildly violent scenes and "no-no-vocabulary", there was nothing to keep even the youngest of viewers away from this cinematic delight. -- The story of a boy who first hides, then protects "E.T.", an adorable 3 ft. tall alien from outer space who was left on Planet Earth by accident, is a feast of laughs and touching moments, throughout the nearly 2 hours of running time. Your eyes will be misty by the time everything is worked out in the end. -- Steven Spielberg pioneered the inclusion of "sponsor messages" in video versions of films, enabling him to drop the excessive purchase price (up to this time around $100.00 per VHS tape!) to an affordable level ($29.95). As copies of the "E.T." videos flew off the shelves (setting a sales record that was not to be broken until Disney's "Lion King"), other studios followed suit, and eventually video versions of theatre releases cost less than 2 meals at McDonald's. -- "E.T." was the pioneer for many great films to come. To me, there never will be another film quite like this one. I give it my highest recommendation! *****
Rating:  Summary: The best movie ever seen... Review: The film is the most echanting ever...I was 8 years old when I first saw it. "E.T." just found a permanent special place in my heart. It made me cry then, and still makes me cry now. In my opinion, "E.T." is more a story of frienship between a 10 year old boy and an alien, than a sci-fi movie. The music is glorious and magical. But most of all, "E.T." has wondrous special effects. IT'S AN AWESOME CLASSIC !!!
Rating:  Summary: waiting Review: i would like to see E.T. on DVD. Maybe the studio is waiting after the 20th anniversary rerelease of the movie, next year.
Rating:  Summary: Steven Speilberg's Best Movie Review: This is one of those movies that people are dying to find on DVD. I'm guessing that it's gonna come out after it makes it's 20th Anniversary re-release into theaters next year (yep, that's what I heard). Anyway, the movie... The story is incredibly original, because the alien is found by a young boy named Elliot, rather than adults. Elliot and E.T. form an unexplainable bond, and Elliot finds himself feeling E.T.'s feelings (including drunkenness while he's at school, because E.T is hitting the bottle at home). The final scenes of the movie provide a "what if" type scenerio, portraying the nightmare of government intervention, even though they were trying to "help" E.T. The dialogue in the movie is well written, several scenes are just classic, and most viewers are drawn into the story from beginning to end. The score by John Williams is one of his best ever, right up there with the Star Wars score. Drew Barrymore plays the little sister of Elliot's, one of the most lively characters in the movie. The symbolism of the flowers dying and coming back to life is so original. Steven Spielberg, if you're out there, you should be PROUD of this movie. Well done! I can't wait to catch this one in theaters next year. If you've never seen it, rent it now! It's one of the best.
Rating:  Summary: The classic movie of 1982 Review: E.T is a classic. Who can ever hate such a great movie as this. This is one of the best Steven Spielberg movies ever made. I absolutely love this movie. Not only is the acting classic but the soundtrack is classic. Suprisingly though its sister movie is Poltergiest which does not even correspond with this film its filmed in the same neighborhood and the John Williams music is very similar in Poltergiest. I think everybody has seen this movie so there is no more to say about it its just a classic movie about a friendly alien which is rare in alot of movies.
Rating:  Summary: touching,entertaining...and great Review: This movie is the single best science fiction movie ever. If your a movie buff and you don't like this movie then your not really a movie buff. Some people may diagree but i think this movie is both a classic and an epic. It has very unique story line. I mean it probably has one of the most memorable scenes, I think you know which one i'm talking about. The scene when there flying in at night and the bike goes past the moon. If you haven'tseen it yet go to the video store tonight and rent it you wan't regret it.
Rating:  Summary: Boring, But Not So Bad! Review: This movie has nice special effects. But, it gets kind of boring during the middle of it. I can honestly say I don't want to ever watch it again. Well...maybe in about five years or so. I don't understand why the movie had to be so emotional, though. That's what really gets me. I never cry to these movies. I guess that's what makes me think this movie is boring. I would recommend this movie to die hard cry fans, whom always cry, during the, "I'm sorry, but I've got to go" scenes.