Rating:  Summary: Hillariously Funny! Hahahaha~! Review: I LOVED this movie. I feel it is the funniest animation movie to date. The plot was good, the characters were realistic and cute, and the whole movie had funny lines throughout it for adults to be humored by! Kids will love the video too! It's a must have for EVERYONE!
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Story for all ages! Review: I watched this movie in English class the last couple days of school. I didn't know what to expect. I was quite pleasantly surprised to find a great movie. It's created with little special in terms of graphic effects...I mean, it's fabulous work but nothing new. But the story takes you away. It's something different, not the cliched, overexagerated and most overdone story found in the terrible SHREK. It has bits of everything, freindship, royalty, betrayl, love/hate, all kinds of relationships...but most of all there's comedy. The reocurring character of Scrat brings a fabulous air to some scenes...and the ending, let me say is perfect! The jokes are well done, while many are aimed for children, teens and adults will appreciate many of them, and laugh along with the youngsters many times. I watched this among many 16 year olds and most everyone enjoyed the movie. If people that age enjoy it, everyone should!
Rating:  Summary: The Two-Disc Version Review: As a story, "The Ice Age", is a ten, a wonderful, "buddy film", and a movie filled with good themes for viewers young and old. The movie strikes a balance without preaching at the audience, and as a story it is as good as much of what PIXAR has done. The animation is not at PIXAR'S level, but these guys do not have the financial backing of The Disney Corporation to pay their distribution costs. The short film about Scrat's continuing adventures show the folks that put this film together have the animation talent, I believe it was strictly an issue of this being their first feature length film, together with a studio entrusting to them the resources, with all the attendant expense and risk, that kept the animation of the Scrat short from being matched in the feature. Now that they have produced a box-office home run, I look forward to whatever they put on the screen the next time around. The short film they won an Academy Award for is also included on this set of discs, and it too confirms their animation and story telling ability. One major difference from PIXAR is in their approach to bringing the voices to their characters. They have the actors work alone, and this is demonstrated in the extras the discs provide. PIXAR makes a point of putting the people together when they record so they can interact as their characters interact on the screen. I don't know if this made any difference to the final movie, but I found the different philosophies noteworthy. The work required to bring one of these computer animated films to the screen continues to amaze me, and I think having another company doing these films together with PIXAR and DreamWorks is good for consumers, competition will keep everyone pushing the limits of what they can produce. The actor who really seemed to enjoy the process the most was John Leguizamo, and watching him produce the voice of the Sloth was a treat. This is a great film, with excellent extras, and 2 very good short films, well worth your spending of dollars and time.
Rating:  Summary: You will love this movie!!!!! Review: When I saw this movie, it made me laugh and even cry. Everything in it was funny. The people who voiced the characters were born to play them. I saw the movie 9 times!! No matter how many times I see it, it will always make me laugh and cry. Everything looked like it was real. The music was touching, even the movie. If there is anyone who says it was dumb, they'll be getting a big black eye. Teenagers can enjoy it too, no matter how old they are. I bet it could win an oscar for anything it is nominated. Everyone loved it and it was the #1 movie of 2002 spring. This movie is a heartwarming film and I will never get tired of it. I even do know that a lot of people will never get tired of it too. I love this movie!!!
Rating:  Summary: Wholesome fun for all ages. Review: It's refreshing to find a video that is so well done with wholesome values; no apparent hidden agenda. Excellent graphics and a poignant story line make this movie an excellent choice for the whole family.
Rating:  Summary: The stale aroma? Not a mammoth, but a jumped-on band wagon. Review: I'm not sure what stunned me more about Ice Age: how a movie so many people loved could be so poor, or how so many people could absolutely love such a dud. Here's the cinematographic context: by the time this movie came out, the bar was already very high in the computer animated kidult movie stakes: the Toy Story franchise established the genre as a serious commercial and technical proposition, and Shrek established it as a serious artistic one. Ice Age comes along on their coat tails, aimed establishing nothing except direct access to your wallet. Of these two predecessors, Shrek is the fairer comparison, because its plot is very similar to Ice Age's: grumpy large beast, minding his own business, finds himself saddled with (i) a quest he really doesn't want (ii) and a wisecracking small beast he really doesn't want. Havoc ensues. Happy ending. This time, instead of an ogre, we have a mammoth. Instead of a donkey, a sloth. A quick witted, fast talking sloth, at that (ever hear of such a thing?). But, alas, not half quick witted enough. Here's the difference: Ice Age's Sid the Sloth is played by a session man, a professional voice-over artist, clearly reading verbatim from a rough house script, in a lisping Elmer Fudd voice. Shrek's Donkey is played by one of the funniest stand-up comedians on the planet, and while he must, one presumes, be looking at some sort of script, he sounds like he's ad-libbing every line. And that, in Ice Age, is pretty much all you get for dramatic activity: a smart-arsed Sloth. But added to that - or subtracted, more like - Ice Age has nothing of the multi-layered humour or visual complexity that makes Toy Story and Shrek such a pleasure to watch again and again. Instead of a babbling, teeming mass of hysterical bit-parts and cameos (a characteristic of both Shrek and Toy Story is that there is always something going on in the background) Ice Age features a background of ICE. Fairly easy to animate that, you'd think. It's a reheating of the classic western the Three Godfathers, apparently. This is meant to make it somehow all the more worthy. But it just means the plot is that much less original than it already seems. To sum: little of the wit, none of the warmth or appeal, and a fraction of the technical wizardry of its illustrious predecessors. The only thing it does have in common is the jokes. The SAME jokes. Avoid.
Rating:  Summary: Cute Story & Characters we can care about! 4 Stars Review: Lately I have been a bit let down by the story content of the animated offering which don't seem to be keeping up with the soaring technology that showcases these stories. "Ice-Age" is an exception as it is concise and interesting and is over so fast I found myself wishing it would just go on. While the technology is impressive as seen in the remarkable fire, moving water and smoke filled scenes, the technology is used sparingly which is good as it lets the story shine and it does. In addition to a neat and clever story the voices of the characters fit and the plot really books avoiding getting bogged in songs that don't further the plot [like some of Don Bluth's epics].I have not yet seen the special DVD features, but I did watch the film twice on our first showing on DVD. This film compares very well to the Lion King but has less music and a faster cleaner plot. 4.5 Stars! Ice Age 2 anyone?
Rating:  Summary: Not for a teenager Review: I am 17'ish. And having seen the add's in the movie theater and On-Line, i thought this could be a really funny movie, which the trailer was. Sadly enough though, the trailer was the beggining of the movie, and after that it went down hill. The animation (computer graphics) was "OK", it was not full of detail like some movies are, yet it does not look like it was made in a year. The sound is very peaceful in general, and fits in with the story. I was under the wrong impression of this movie, thinking it would be a comedy. Instead, it is a more child directed movie, and it might be very good because of the lack of violence and short time (1 hour 15 min, for kids with short attention spans.) The low down, is that its directed to children, and I found it rather dull, seeing how im 17. ~hope this helps.
Rating:  Summary: Children and Adults Will Surely Love This Movie Review: Young and old ones alike will surely love this computer animated masterpiece. The movie is centered around three ice age creatures; Sid the Sloth (John Leguizamo), Manny the Mammoth (Ray Romano), and Diego the Saber-Toothed Tiger (Denis Leary). Sid is left behind when his family left to go south for the winter. He soon comes upon Manny. All the while, Manny is trying to get rid of Sid. While walking, Sid and Manny come upon a woman and baby in a river. They had been forced away from their tribe after a group of saber-toothed tigers attacked them. The saber-tooths were seeking revenge for an earlier attack by the humans. The lead tiger wants the child returned to him alive, so he sends Diego to bring back the baby. Sid and Manny are determined to return the baby safely to the tribe. Along the way, a bond grows between Manny, Sid, and the baby, and eventually even Diego comes to care for his new little herd and he defends the others against an attack by the remaining saber-tooths. I thought this movie was first-rate. The voices chosen for the animals were perfect. I especially liked Sid's wise-cracking manner and Manny's strong determination. The computer graphics are exceptional and the story is truly heart-warming. My two young children enjoyed this movie immensely, and I'm sure its one we will be viewing over and over. This movie deserves a place alongside other animated classics.
Rating:  Summary: You'll fall in love with the characters! Review: I liked Manfred the Mammoth the best! I watched this DVD only a couple of weeks after watching Monsters, Inc, so I tend to compare them. I enjoyed them both very much, but if I had to choose one, it would be Monsters, Inc. As you can see from my reviews, I don't watch many movies/DVDs, so when I do, it's a special occasion. One thing this movie has in common with Monsters Inc is the tender loving care that the "big guys" have for the "little guys". In Monsters, Sully (the big monster) becomes very fond of "Boo" who he protects from the ill-intentioned characters. In Ice Age, it's Manfred taking care of a human baby and trying to return him to his "tribe". Ice Age has a lot of very funny moments - some that only the adults will get, but plenty for the kids to enjoy. Having viewed it shortly after Monsters Inc, I give it 4 Stars because I don't feel it was quite as brilliant or quite as creative as Monsters. However, it's great to see another movie company besides Disney able to make these excellent animated movies! Watch this movie with your children - little ones might be a little scared. Be sure to watch the extras that come with the DVD - isn't it fun to have these DVDs chock-full of extra stuff?? Ice Age would be a great Christmas gift for the whole family to enjoy!