Rating:  Summary: not all the hype Review: First of all, if you're looking for a movie to be scared by, this is not it. As a matter of fact, this movie is probably more laughable than it is frightening. Basically, it's about a crew of scientists who go into space looking for a lost space ship whose crew mysteriously disappeared. The bright idea for the movie fizzles out halfway through and the potential it had as a plot dissolves as does the movie's credibility as being anything more than just another sci- fi flick. The movie is not scary and at times it is actually quite boring. If you want somethig better to chew on this weekend, how about SCREAM or JOYRIDE? I'm not saying you shouldn't watch the movie, I'm just saying, it's not all the hype.
Rating:  Summary: An atheist's nightmare Review: I have to say right away that horror movies (with a few exceptions) don't scare me often. I'm a cynic, a realist, and have a firm belief in science as the answer to any theological question. However, "Event Horizon" scared the crap out of me. It wasn't the violence (although, yes, some scenes were very disturbing). It was the entire concept that got to me. It made me question everything I've believed in very strongly for most of my life. It made me ask myself, "What if I'm wrong? What if Hell really does exist?" The idea of winding up in the "place of complete chaos" that existed for Hell in this movie kept me up at night for weeks after seeing this movie. The scene that bothered me the most was when the rescue team view the log of the doomed crew of the "Event Horizon". I don't know about you, but it was the voices and the Latin on the tape, not the images themselves, that scared me. And while the movie did digress a little bit into relentless violence, I was on the edge of my seat until the very end. I thought Lawrence Fishburn was great, and Sam Neill played a credible villian who was more than a one-dimensional character. You even feel for him at certain parts of the movie.I would not recommend this movie for anyone with a weak stomach. But it's a movie that will make you think, which is rare for a horror movie. I got way more than I bargained for.
Rating:  Summary: Scary Stuff Review: I am not easily scared by movies. In fact, I often find myself laughing at the exact time that others are covering their faces or walking out of the room. However, there are two movies that I have seen in my life which have, quite frankly, scared the cr_p out of me, this being one of them. I first saw it at 13 or 14 years old with my best friend on a sleepover in my living room. Scary dreams followed that night. I watched it again just a month ago and, now being 19, thought perhaps it wouldn't have the same effect... but it did. This movie is well done with some amazing acting done by both Neil and Fishburn. I'm not a movie expert and I don't have anything "professional" to say, just that in my opinion, if you're looking for a scary movie... go for this one.
Rating:  Summary: Worm Holes in Hollywood Review: Not a terribly bad film, but not terrible good either. When astrophysics meets philosophy meets horror in space, we have crossed beyond the event horizon and into the realm of a very strange film. For space effects, though, 'Event Horizon' is top-notch. The plot is engaging enough, but there's just something about the horror parts which is laughable. Physically forcing humans through space-time phenomena and the 4th dimensional space-time manifold until they turn into psychotic, gore-encrusted victims would have made Plato, Bergsen and Einstein cringe. The movie is worth seeing once. Beyond that I'd have to question YOUR sanity.
Rating:  Summary: ok movie Review: This isn't a *great* movie in terms of plot or dialogue, and it's a pretty...ropey movie in terms of continuity / scientific plausibility, but if you can sit through an episode of Voyager without trashing your TV in a pedantic rage then its deficiencies in those areas won't in themselves suffice to make you hate it. If you really, really loathed this film - and it seems a lot of people did - then the chances are it's because it messed really badly with your head. What's great about Event Horizon is that it deliberately sets out to make the audience feel sick, scared, traumatised and uncomfortable in their own skins. That's why I didn't, because I couldn't, watch it all the way through the first time. The reaction of Sean Pertwee's character to the floating torture-chamber that is Sam Neill's mad scientist's pride and joy is that the ship is "...". Event Horizon the movie, too, is deeply ... You can feel the...-upness of that dark dimension of chaos and carnality seeping out of the ship's core into your own living room. What drives the film's characters mad is that they are "shown things" which are beyond their ability to endure witnessing, yet which also come from somewhere deep within themselves. Event Horizon tries to do the same thing to its audience: to play devil's advocate. If you *do* stay and watch the film all the way through, you are complicit in the discomfort it causes you. Blaming it on the director is a cop-out. Admit it, you wanted to know (and see) more...
Rating:  Summary: Hat's off, easily one of the creepiest movies ever made.. Review: Event Horizon was not only one of the most visually stunning movies of all time, but also one of the creepiest and warped movies EVER! I think Sam Neil played his character brilliantly, it definitely kept me in suspense until the bitter end. Which of course I thought would never come...
Rating:  Summary: Good until the end. Review: The movie is classic Stephen King, mixed with scifi, and a touch of Alien. Many parts are suspenseful and scary. I think that they tried to squeeze to much into such a small movie but they did a good job overall. The movie did take a down turn toward the end and started to make me more sick than scared, there was less suspence and once you found out what was going on the movie went downward. However overall it was good, and great to see late at night with the lights off and the sound up. But rent it before you buy it.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome Review: When I first saw it I was expecting a sci-fi movie. Was I pleasantly surprised! I love horror movies, and this is one of the best I've ever seen. It had a plot, good characters, and it was Scary! Wonderful, interesting, very scary horror movie (and not a dumb one, like the recent teenage "horror" movies). Easily on the same level as Hellraiser and Nightmare on Elm street.
Rating:  Summary: Some of the most disturbing imagery is right here Review: The first time I saw this film about 3 years ago I swore I'd never watch it again. I was so freaked out over the disturbing images of "hell" in this film that I could hardly breathe. Since then, I have watched it numerous times and have faced my fear of this film and have grown to appreciate the makeup and special effects design in this film. If you really want an up close and personal look at the flashes of the dimension of chaos, then buy this DVD, and watch it in slow motion. It is some really disturbing and violent images that I still have a hard time looking at, but I appreciate the effects that must have taken months to construct and film. The set design in the film is also really great. Other than the technical stuff in this movie, the acting is pretty good, and the overall concept and storyline of the film is just great. This is definitly one of the great sci-fi/horror films.
Rating:  Summary: Satanic Oedipus in space Review: Sam Neill must have been out of his head to take this role... and I've got to wonder what Laurence Fishburne was doing in this one, as well. Sam Neill's character in particular - yuck. What a freaking gore fest. This is like they took "Alien" (minus the alien) and "Hell Raiser" and put them in a blender. The space crew is very reminiscent of "Alien"... crew has a job to do they couldn't get out of, all in stasis for a flight to the orbit of Jupiter. They hear a distress beacon from "The Event Horizon," an experimental ship that disappeared 7 years earlier on it's maiden voyage of space-folding their way to the end of the universe. En route to the ship, it's creator, Dr. Weir (Sam Neill) is already having very disturbing visions of his wife with her eyes gouged out. This is just an appetizer... the entire film features disgusting disembowelments, eye plucking, blood spattering, head exploding gore. Sometimes the unseen is far more frightening than the seen... they would have been more successful without the gore in making it a more cerebral flick. When the crew docks with the Event Horizon, things start going wrong from the get-go... folks are hearing things, seeing things, feeling things... and they're not seeing angels... they're seeing people on fire, children with leprosy... just gross, disturbing stuff. They hear the crew's last log entry which includes blood curdling screams and someone yelling, "save yourself from Hell!" in Latin. That would be the cue for most normal human beings to get back in their ship and go back to earth without looking back... but no, this crew stays and stays, trying to find out what happened. They take a visit to the core of the ship that has a central drive that enables the space-folding (faster than light flight)... it looks like something from "Harry Potter." Lots of medieval looking gears and the sphere shaped room is full of pointy-sharp spikes... the minute you see it you know that at least one crew member is going to get accidentally impaled on one, and you're right -that's what happens. When there are sudden power outages, Dr. Weir crawls through some of the guts of the ship to find a shorted circuit... this is one of those purposterous sci-fi scenes that's spoofed in "Galaxy Quest".... a ridiculously shaped room that goes on forever, for no reason. There is some really good acting and there are some very believable scenes, but the film falls on its face. There are many scenes in which characters pluck out their own eyeballs... not for those with weak constitutions, that's for sure. Despite the few good concepts and scenes in this movie, I really can not think of one scene that makes sitting through this film worthwhile. It is a haunted-house gore-fest that happens to take place in a space ship - that's about it. The trailer led you to believe there was much more to this film... such are the beguiling ways of trailers. There are not enough special effects to make this film even worthwhile to those seeking eye-candy (pardon the ironic pun). This is not the worst film I've ever seen, but on the stink meter, I'd give it a rating of: rotting fish.