Rating:  Summary: A HAUNTED PLACE...IN OUTER SPACE! Review: The year is 2047. Seven years earlier, the Event Horizon, an exploratory spacecraft which was designed to warp from place to place in the universe, disappeared along with the entire crew. It was deemed the worse space disaster in history. Now, a faint signal has been detected in an orbit outside of Neptune. Captain Miller (Laurence Fishburne) and the crew of the Lewis & Clark, a deep space salvage ship, is dispatched to investigate. Along for the ride is Dr. Weir (Sam Neill), the creator of the Event Horizon. Dr. Weir is a troubled soul, haunted by the suicide of his wife due to his excessive workaholic habits. The crew learns from the good doctor, after initial disbelief upon learning the Event Horizon has returned, how the ship warps. He designed the core of the ship which creates a black hole which the ship slips through. Where it's been, as well as the disposition of the crew, is the reason why they are going. Upon reaching the ship, the crew finds life readings all over the ship, but temperatures on board so cold, no human life could possibly survive. Upon entering the ship, Captain Miller and the crew experience strange event after strange event. The ship can somehow read their deepest fears, and toys with them. Eventually, the crew discovers that the ship had gone to hell and back. Dr. Weir effectively flips out and causes all kinds of damage. The sets, costumes and environments are sleek and very detailed, and the story itself is very good. I believe Ghost Ship is almost a replica of this movie. If you see this movie, see Ghost Ship and you'll see what I mean. It's not a perfect film, but it has a few good scares, and many creepy moments which will stick with you after you see it.
Rating:  Summary: FREAKY Flash Cinematography At It's Best Review: This is one of the scariest sci-fi movies that I have watched to date. It actually ranks in my top 25 for scariest movie of all time. This is a movie that holds your attention until the very end. It's kinda like Alien meets Exorcist meets Hellraiser! The sets are JUST AMAZING and the acting isn't all that bad either. Sam Neil and Larry Fishburne aren't my top actors picks but they do a believable job in this film. The special effects are FABULOUS and worth the price of the movie alone! Lots of flash cinematography that seeps into your poor little brain and you JUST can't forget. THAT'S what makes this movie UNFORGETTABLE!
Rating:  Summary: The Exorcist in Space Review: Event Horizon just happens to be a killer movie, however the director Anderson also just happens to be a completely incompetent filmmaker who has gone wrong with every step he has taken after making this one which really is hard to imagine, except to say that maybe there is more to a film than just the director. Event Horizon proves that point with a powerhouse performance from Laurence Fishburne and Sam Neil. This is the movie which showed that Fishburne could do sci-fi. It also proved that he could be a leading man in a big budget movie. Neil reprises his "Omen" career making character and does wonders as the scientist with a dark side. The rest of the cast are fully functional but do sometimes appear a little wobbly. The Event Horizon is the Exorcist in space. The title of the film is about a ship that has completed the first space warp but the crew have vanished leaving behind a cryptic and often horrific trail of evidence that suggests that warp jumping is a little more than just opening up doorways through the cosmos. It is more like opening up a doorway to the unknown. But let's get back to why Event Horizon happens to transcend the confines of its sham director. Philip Eisner has given us a damn fine script even though it borrows elements from other films and gives them a twist, but people here seem to think that Event Horizon is a total fake because they have seen something before. Well of course they have seen something before because the Cinematographer happens to be none other than Adrian Biddle the same guy who shot ALIENS. It has a lot in common with the look of that movie. We also have Joseph Bennett the set designer of films like Hardware (Directed by Richard Stanley) on board so Event Horizon has a dream production team working on it. In short Event Horizon is a great movie and a damn scary one that had trouble passing the censors. If you like scary movies and scary sci-fi then Even Horizon scores in aces.
Rating:  Summary: Do you see? Review: Years later this film still sticks in my mind just about the same way The Exorcist does. This is one visually disturbing film. I have to wonder if a lot of the work put into this film came from horrifying dreams. This movie is masterfull at psyching out the viewer. The unexpected becomes the obvious in the blink of an eye. Perhaps what disturbed me most about the film was the fact that much of it's imagery seemed hauntingly familiar to me in my own nightmares. The dialogue and the souless eyes sent me into chills so close to my heart that I found myself looking away from the screen on at least 2 occasions. This is coming from someone who can sit through anything, anything. I still have trouble watching it, always apprehensive at first. However, I welcome it's scarey appeal and originality. Character developement is great. The unseen driving force behind Dr. Weir's personal agenda probably becomes the most suspensefull aspect of the film. The exploring crewmembers become closer to eachother as the story developes. Their relationships were already established at the beginning of the film but the fact that they became even closer as things got considerably worse made this viewing experience seem even more real. Great performances all around. Lawrence Fishbourne puts such a brilliant sense of courage in his character in the face of such awe inspiring fear. His last lines are like a punch in the gut. You want to raise your fist in triumph but at the same time you see that he's displaying the absolute human spirit and how resiliant we can be against all odds. He is afraid but he remains determined. Amazing. Face your fear and you will definitely SEE.
Rating:  Summary: One word: ripoff. Review: This movie is a complete ripoff of numerous other plotlines. As everyone who's gone this far knows, the movie starts out just like Alien. Basically, a ship that's capable of travelling through two points in a four-dimensional plane by creating a singularity of the dimensional gateways using a Triple Supermagnetic field to immitate a black hole is lost beyond Neptune. (didn't catch that? Take a second to digest it). The ship happens to have gone to an unknown place in the universe, or in any other universe, that has the appeal of ultimate suffering (call it Hell for the time being, because that's basically what it entails). Does the plot sound farmiliar to anyone? Well, any fan of the raging computer game Quake, or the movie/series Stargate would of course be reminded. Quake's plot focused around the same idea - except rather than travelling across a singularity and teleporting to a different point in the fourth dimension, the "Slipgate" technology used another sort of analogous technology that teleported by piercing throguh a fourth dimensional gateway and travelled directly through a fifth dimensional plane. The fifth dimensional plane happenned to carry it across a parrallel universe, which happenned to be hell or something like it. Despite these obvious similarities and scientific innaccuracies, the movie didn't fail to entertain on its own level. When I saw it in a theatre several years ago, the concept of it scared the crap out of me. The graphics and enviroment are gruesome but realistic, as well as much of the physics. Some parts were flawed, among them when one character falls into space without any protection he survives for at least 5-10 seconds (in real life the blood pressure would cause one to explode immediately). I would give it two stars out of five, mainly for lack of creativity.
Rating:  Summary: Event Horizon: One HELL of a scary film Review: Recently I bought this film on DVD because I enjoy it so much, even after many viewings over the years. Event Horizon, for the uninitiated, first-time viewer, is a shock to the senses. It does not play by the traditional rules of sci-fi horror flicks. It plays tricks with the mind, leaving the viewer frightened, but more importantly, deeply disturbed by the images. Very few films have been able to scare me so deeply other than The Shining, Suspiria, and Ringu. Event Horizon takes the elements of psychological horror and brilliantly combines them with physical revulsion and gore. The first time I saw this movie was in a half-empty theatre in Muncie, Indiana. I was terrified so much I couldn't sleep. Sure, the acting is not perfect, and maybe this film could have been better if the writer had spent more time with dialogue, but all in all this film is superb for it's genre. One of the film's greatest assets is the ship, the Event Horizon. I was amazed at the detail involved. It was part Alien, part Cathedral Norte Dame, and part Heironomous Bosch's vision of hell. There's something deeply unsettling about a disembodied voice hissing in Latin, which is revisited by the crew in the film several times, but what Paul T. Anderson does that really goes out on a limb is actually "showing" what happened to the missing crew. I was truly not expecting this when I saw it. Larry Fishburne and Sam Neil are well placed in this film, and the rest of the cast are fine actors as well. As I recall, two of the UK actors went on to star in "The Patriot" with Mel Gibson. My judgement of the criticism this film recieved was that the reviewers were just plain disturbed. This movie uses flash imagery to push the right psychological buttons that leave the viewer unable to forget what they've seen. I'm a film snob, and I love this movie! If you want to be scared witless, then watch it alone in the dark. The score is creepy, but the special effects are amazing. This is great stuff, and I highly recommend this film!
Rating:  Summary: More gross-out than scary, and a total waste of time Review: I've had the misfortune of seeing this movie twice. The first time, I expected an intense psychological thriller that would bend my mind over and prison-rape it. Instead, I was subjected to an utterly pointless and disgusting two-hour-long bloodbath. Some years passed, and after considerable professional therapy, I was able to put this bad memory behind me. Then, a little while ago, the sci-fi channel ran this movie. Not having anything better to do, and wondering if this movie was really as bad as I remembered, I watched it again. I have the following things to say about it: (1) The set designs are freaking AWESOME. The acting is dead-on. The special effects are gorgeous. There are some genuinely creepy scenes, too. Basically, everything about it rocks except the plot. If you're looking to see some beautiful environments littered with corpses and splashed with blood, then this is the movie for you. (2) The plot is stupid. A ship accidentally goes to Hell, then returns to our universe with a little chunk of Hell still attached to it... somewhere... maybe in those tunnels that use circuitboards for wallpaper, or in a secret compartment under the captain's chair. Anyway, there's a little souvenir from Hell on the ship somewhere, and it basically causes the crew to have such horrible hallucinations that one by one they either commit suicide or tear their eyes out because dammit, they're tired of seeing dead people's guts all over the place! Of course, the guy who built the ship is secretly in love with it, despite the fact that it's trying its hardest to kill him, so he starts yammering on and on about how the ship wants him to be its new crew (even though this ship very clearly does not like having ANY crew). And so on and so on until everyone is dead. You know, actually, this movie could be very entertaining. Just get a bunch of friends together on the couch, split a six-pack or two, and MST the hell out of it, pun intended.
Rating:  Summary: It's awful. Awful entertaining!!! Review: There's no denying how bottomlessly dumb this movie is, and how it shamelessly lifts its plot from countless other sci-fi movies that are better than Event Horizon (or "E.V." as its fans call it). As you probably already know, it starts out like aliens, and then they board the Event Horizon, which has the stink of evil all over it from having traveled to hell. From there, the hapless crew has hallucinations of their worst fears, acted out in little playlets ala every episode of Star Trek you have ever seen. Nothing new here... However, I was riveted throughout this tawdry little chunk of cinematic glop for pretty much one reason, which is, quite simply: GALLONS AND GALLONS OF OOEY-GOOEY BLOOD!!! It's a very sticky, clumpy, drippy little thriller of a film. It's the kind of film that reminds make-up artists why they never bothered to focus in school as children and, instead, play with their food at the dinner table trying to perfect their "smear" technique. Probably the best thing about the unbridled gore in this movie is that it is all so laughably unnecessary. Eyeballs explode, people are mercilessly impaled, and brains ooze like microwave lasagna. I recommend watching it with a jumbo meat-lovers pizza for a "feel-around" effect whilst viewing. Since this movie exceeded its budget in set design and blood (mostly blood), it had little left for anything else. They had to hire a bunch of idiots to star in it, and since they were paid to merely be idiots in the film, nothing was lost on this front and they succeeded brilliantly. In closing, if you have a free night and your shower does not need re-grouting, I can whole-heartedly endorse "E.V." Why did I subtract a star? I don't know...look, it's still a dumb movie, okay?
Rating:  Summary: one of the greatest Review: PEOPLE ARE SAYING THIS MOVIE HAS NO PLOT? WRONG. Sam Neills character invents this portal device that can bend space so instead of flying from point a to point b which takes millions of light years, point a folds over point b which takes second. The problem is the portal device is actually a connection to Hell. So whoever is on ship with the teleport device, is stalked by hellish visions and the longer ther're on the ship the stronger the visions, and eventually their hallucinations become real. That is genious. This movie is better than Aliens, Aliens 2, and Aliens Resserection. I love the gore, the violence, and the way people die. The greatest part was when that kid jumped out of ship in to space without a suit on. His veins started bulging out of his skin. But that's all I'll say other than it was a bloody scene. I don't want to ruin the scene for anyone who hasn't seen it. This is a must see.
Rating:  Summary: this is an awesomew movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review: first of all this is the bloodiest movie i have ever seen my lord make sure the young ones are tucked away before you watch this movie it is the future of horror movies it is awesome buy this movie