Rating:  Summary: Scared the Bejezus Outta Me... Review: Whoa! Holy moley! This is a frightening one. I'm not usually impressed with horror movies, and even less frightened by them, but "Event Horizon" breaks the mold.This film gave me nightmares for quite a while. The imagery and themes are very disturbing. I really never gave the concept of "Hell" much thought, but now I see it as a place to be avoided at all costs. But seriously, I really was blown away by this movie. Call it "The Shining" in space, but even more frightening. It has the perfect combination of horror, suspense, special effects, and cast. The horror elements are successful on the obvious AND subtle levels (psychologically) and THAT is what makes this movie kick. Only complaint: We needed a bit more of an explanation at the end to satisfy the huge build-up. I don't know. Watch it with someone else, though.
Rating:  Summary: DOWNHILL ... Review: This must be one of those scripts that the actors read it, then say "THis is bulshi...", but accept the job, because they have their bills to pay! The movie starts very well, concentrating the audience's attention, then is all the way downhill, getting worser and worser. Sam Neill is laughable as the villain.
Rating:  Summary: Horrific and Bloody Review: The quite decent SciFi special effects are eclipsed by the gross and bloody horror scenes. This is the only movie in my collection of 600 titles that I intentionally physically destroyed. I would not want anyone I loved to watch this movie. Some of the scenes were so graphic in their gore that I think my brain was damaged! Stay away from this one.
Rating:  Summary: Brilliant! Review: Horror? Sci- fi? It's brilliant at both, with decent acting and good F/X. It had the same eerie feel to it as the first 'ALIEN' film did. I recommend this cool film.
Rating:  Summary: actually scary horror movie Review: ok, the movie will scare the hell out of you. the science is unbelievable but very interesting, but lets keep in mind people it is science "fiction". Lauence Fishborne is just scary even if he played a happy ice cream vendor. Event Horizon takes the formula for horror movies and rearranges it, contourts it, takes out one-liners, and adds movie quality to it. Not the best "movie" but the best "horror movie" i have seen, and problably ever see. so have fun having your mind messed with. enjoy
Rating:  Summary: Money In / Junk Out Review: Sam Neill, father figure of Dinsey proportions, is cast of the manifestation of evilness and is goes downhill from there. Even the gore takes a dive at the end, when Sam Neill's close ups reveal a very shoddy make up job and eyes that were previously gouged out (and albeit scary 3D pits) come back and add to the camp. If Hollywood is going to do camp, it should use a camp budget and it will have a camp feel- others on my Money In / Junk Out list include: Waterworld (Mad Max on high budget low return), Titanic (you don't need 200 mill to do a love story), Godzilla (was there a story?), Armageddon / Deep Impact (the bane of capitalism is to have two studio pay big bucks to make the same movie at the same time and still not get one iota of inventiveness ) Money In / Junk Out ©1999 Oceanic Multimedia
Rating:  Summary: Decent horror; uneven science; pretty good transfer Review: Combining hard sci-fi and horror elements, the well-crafted but highly derivative EVENT HORIZON manages to entertain on repeat viewings. Paying homage to (or ripping off, depending on your point of view) such films as ALIEN and THE SHINING, this film has some pretty good scares, even for the hard-boiled horror fan. The production design is first-rate, and the visuals (such as the ship in zero-g) are really nice. The Dolby Digital sound is OK, but not the best, with the way-too-exaggerated difference between the volume levels of different scenes being especially distracting. While there is a reasonable effort to base the film on sound science, some variances are particularly egregious. Having the ships gently floating in the upper Neptunian clouds while supposedly in orbit immediately comes to mind as a cinematic crime against nature. The DVD has no audio commentary or other special features, which would have been nice. The video transfer to digital is pretty good, but not the best.
Rating:  Summary: Abosulutey Chilling Review: I'm not easily scared by movies, but wow. This was a terribly frightening film. First things first, this is not a science fiction film. It is a psychological and sometimes graphic horror film that just happens to take place in future. If you can ignore the sometimes large plot holes and lapses in judgement (which tend to cloud current horror movies) and are looking for a good old fright fest, this is the film for you. There is a good deal of forshadowing that tends to ruin a bit of the film, but it isn't big enough to hurt it too much. The acting is top notch, even though many of the characters are paper thin. Despite this, this movie has so many jumps that are well deserved. It will make you scream and cover your eyes in parts and make you get up and walk around in the extremely tense middle. Overall, this is a very tight, gripping and frightening film with good performances and a fast paced style of directing and editing. Kudos to everyone involved in this film. They are well deserved.
Rating:  Summary: Cor blimey, what a trip :) Review: When I first saw this movie I spent most of my time on the edge of my seat saying 'Cor Blimey' and other unprintable sayings. I had to watch it again just to make sure of what I'd seen and incase I'd missed anything (even though it cost me another fiver at the theatre :). If you don't like (very grafic) horror with your SCI-FI then this isn't the film for you, but if you're like me then thats just part of the thrill. It has some really heart stopping scenes (i.e. the ships ducts with Sam Neil) deliverd perfectly with good acting (Neil, Fisburne) in the dark atmosphere of the seemingly derilect ship. Watch this, but watch it a night, in a dark room, by yourself, with the surround sound turned up. What a rush :). The translation to DVD is very good but the lack of good extras is a little disappointing. Still a must have for all SCI-FI/Horror fans.