Rating:  Summary: C'MON This deserves a DVD!!!!!! Review: Alright, for those of you seeking a truly exciting sequel...well, here it is. This is one of the best number2 movies ever made as it outperforms the first. Nevermind the fact that we have to watch the Lethal Weapon persona of Danny Glover without Mel, this is a great movie in its own right. Arnold was a more menacing target for our first assasin, but Danny has a large cranium as well, one which the predator measures and finds to his liking. The Urban setting is not quite as frightening as the jungle....but the streets of a major city are pretty much a jungle in themselves. Buy this movie, it's a lot of fun and the ending is better than most movies you'll ever view.
Rating:  Summary: Where's the DVD? Review: I do in fact like this a little better than the first. Maybe it's the cheesy gang war between the Columbians and the Jamaicans or just King Willie. It's been overlooked for too long! I mean come on, Alien 3 got a DVD! I refuse to the buy the first one until this is released. Also, I want WIDESCREEN!
Rating:  Summary: Whoa... what was I on...? Review: There was a time when I thought 'Predator 2' was better than the first. It was a long while ago, around the time it first came out on cable. For some reason, at the time I liked it more than Arnie's outing with the otherworldly hunter-killer. But after watching it for the first time in several years just recently, I can honestly say I don't understand how I considered this to be even remotely as good as the first 'Predator'. Oh sure, it's got a semi-decent level of cheesiness to it (something I always look for in a flick), but P2 just ain't got the goods. Danny Glover's character, the movie's 'hero', is not all that impressive. Here he's basically just an inferior combo of his and Mel Gibson's personas from the 'Lethal Weapon' flicks. He also suffers from not having quite the physical presence and big-name appeal that Schwarzenegger had in the first go-round.Another thing that brings this one down a notch: the casting of Bill Paxton doing what he does best (or worst, depending on your point of view): playing a smarmy, smart-alecky, really annoying guy. I felt relieved rather than terrified when he gets offed by the Predator that's stalking drug lords & Jamaican posses throughout the slums of L.A. Speaking of killing Paxton, he's the only actor who's ever been 'taken out' by a Terminator, an Alien, and a Predator. Throw THAT one your movie-geek posse the next time you host a DVD watching marathon! Show them how much of a buncha posers they really are! But, there were some upsides. Aside from the all-too-merciful death of Mr. Paxton's character, I thought the climactic one-on-one battle between our hero and the Predator on board the aliens' space ship was pretty cool in a hokey way. And I liked a major city being the main setting for the action; you know, that whole 'concrete jungle' mystique and stuff- or something. Other than those parts, however, I think you'll be in for the longest 90 minutes of your life here. So unless you're really curious or desperate, or like really silly cheesy flicks, just shelf this one and give the first 'Predator' another viewing! Consider yourself warned... 'Late!
Rating:  Summary: Bad Film, but amazing climax. Review: If you can get through the two hours of this film seeing Glover being mis-cast in this role, and card-board characters everywhere that you don;t care what happens to them, you get to see the inside of the ship where the Predator and his fellow alien hunters live. You even get a glimpse that these creatures have a very long life span. The climax alone carries the whole film. Very good music score by Alan Silvestri.
Rating:  Summary: better than predator Review: Predator is great, and Predator 2 is better! I agree with other reviewers that it stands alone and is not just a sequel, but still glorifies the Predator the same way that part one did. The effects and acting are better, as is the story and the music score, and the film has more replay value. Some people are missing the point. Why would they put Arnold in part 2? Why is Danny Glover such a bad choice? Hes not! He is tough and angry as the murderer of his friend (the pred) has made things personal. His acting is great, much better than ANYONE in part one let alone Schwartzenegger. But once confronted by the predator he is terrified, and goes into survival mode, while still wanting revenge. The conclusion is great, although perhaps blowing up half of LA would have been better. People misunderstnad what the Predator is doing in this film. He is hunting down Harrigans friends in order to attract him to a 'one on one' much like Arnie in part one. Its not just a senseless killing spree the Predator is on, he picks a target he knows can fight and he fights them! He lined up Harrigan as a foe after his brave fight in the first scene, and leads him on. The subway scene and subsequent chase are deliberately to challenge Harrigan, as is the scene at the graveyard. In addition to this is a coverup operation to capture the Predator, which the Predator masacres in the best scene within the whole franchise at the slaughterhouse. And the Predator trophy cabinet!! Thats the best idea bar none with an alien drone skull together with a human one. The sequel has humour without corn, and together with Predator makes for a great series which really should be continued into part 3.
Rating:  Summary: where's the damn DVD version of this? Review: I just wanna say that this movie is awesome, and in my opinion better than the first. I see the original for sale on dvd at every store I go to and i'm just wondering where the sequel is. It's out on dvd in the UK, but that doesn't do me any any good since my dvd is not coded for region 2 or PAL. So lets get this great action sequel out on dvd, so I can enjoy it even more.
Rating:  Summary: Unless your a huge fan watch the first predator instead Review: Being a Huge fan of the first predator movie I was really looking forward to the second predator movie. Man was this a disappointment! This movie was based on the first Predator comic book that Dark Horse comics produced in the late 80's - early 90's. I'm sorry to say that the comic book is way better than this movie. What makes this movie so bad is the script, the acting and the direction. In the comic book it's Dutch's brother that comes up against the Predator. In the movie it's Danny Glover. Danny Glover is a good actor but the film doesn't take it self seriously so his acting talent is wasted. Danny plays a cop who's caught in gang war between the Jamacians and the Latino's for control of the city's drug trade. The drug lords in the film are depicted as cartoon characters, and the action is so over the top that the director succeeds in destroying any sense of reality or suspense. The suspense of the first film was what really made it outstanding. In addition I found it hard to believe that Danny Glover could kick a Predator's butt when Arnold got thrown around like a rag doll in the first one. There is one reason for seing this film. Look for an Alien skull and Alien Queen skull in the Predator's spaceship. This was an in joke between the Dark Horse comic creators and the Director. The Video itself is a decent enough transfer, the sound is okay, although the sound track lacks the pulse pounding excitement of the first movie. If you need a Predator fix and your copy of the first movie is worn out pick this up, other wise stay away from it. ...
Rating:  Summary: Predator 2 Review: Excellent as good as the first, where's Predator 3 and why hasn't someone put this ave. 4 star rated movie on DVD yet?
Rating:  Summary: Just as good as the first movie! Review: Just as good as the first movie! This is the ultimate movie yet! I really loved the effects of the Predator in his invisible state, this is a must-see movie!
Rating:  Summary: Predators RULEZ Review: Da der englischen Sprache nicht sonderbar mächtig bin, schreib ich das alles mal in Deutsch... Sorry. Ich muß gestehen das ich den Film bereits mit knapp 14 Jahren im TV gesehen habe. Eine bestimmte Szene finde ich absolut genial. Also: da steht ein kleiner Junge mit Spielzugknarre und sieht den Predator (natürlich im getarnten zustand) auf einem Baum. Verwundert nähert er sich dem Predator und fragt diesen schließlich: "Willste nen Bonbon?" Einfach großartig. Doch für alle zartbesaideten unter Ihnen sollte ich erwähnen das der Film wahrscheinlich "etwas" zu blutrünstig sein könnte. Aber für alle Predator-Fans (wie ich eine binn) muß ich den Film unbedingt empfehlen. Was mich nur wundert: Warum verliert der Predator immer??? Seltsam. Es wäre doch viel schöner wenn er gewinnt, oder? cu --- Susan (Predator_SI)