Rating:  Summary: Good, creepy movie. Review: Please ignore "The Movie Review Legend" and his coffeehouse pseudo-intellectual review that just goes on and on...reminds me of 'Comic Book Guy' on the Simpsons. If you want a movie that is of the same vein as Dawn Of The Dead, Night Of The Living Dead, etc.; then this is something you'll love. If you didn't like those movies, you won't want to bother. It's pretty difficult to describe a movie that's about 90 minutes long as 'slow'. It's all about building a sense of dread with minimal flashy special effects. Great directing job by Danny Boyle(Trainspotting and Shallow Grave.)and a great cast. It's the first horror movie in a long time that could actually scare me, which is saying a lot. A final note to "Review Legend", they're referred to as 'infected' in the film, not zombies. So a large chunk of your attempted slamming review was completely irrelevent.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best horror movies of the past 5 years. Review: I haven't actually seen this movie, but I've heard that it's really good.
Rating:  Summary: "THE MOVIE REVIEW LEGEND" = complete moron. Review: THE MOVIE REVIEW LEGEND from Hazel Green, KY speaks of ignorance in this film, because the infected are referred to as zombies. in real life, mr. review legend maybe people are as intelligent as you and don't understand that zombies must first die.. those idiots, i can't believe they didn't know that! (note my heavy sarcasm and inference to the fact that mr. review legend is a true geek) Also, if you would have known anything about England, you would have known that GUNS ARE ILLEGAL. Therfore having a gun would actually be more of a question in the movie. Hopefully now that hopefully put your mind to rest about such issues and shut you up, you ignorant bloke, I'll continue with my review.28 Days Later is intelligent, thought provoking, and creepy. If you're looking for a movie like Resident Evil (which I actually enjoyed, but for other reasons) then this isn't your movie. If you're looking for "bloody zombie action" then this isn't your movie. If you want to think, be thouroughly creeped out, and enjoy a well written and extremely well directed movie with amazing cinematography and acting, then this is your movie. I could see why some people would get bored from the movie, but my guess is that they are uneducated and their opinion probably doesn't matter much anyway. Buy this movie, watch it lots of times, then watch it with the commentary, and then watch the making of this movie, and have it become one of your favorite horror movies like it has become one of mine.
Rating:  Summary: In Response to THE MOVIE REVIEW LEGEND'S Review Review: For Starters, 28 Days Later wasn't billed very well. Not technically a Zombie picture. Not technically a Horror picture. More a cross between Omega Man and 12 Monkeys with a bit of a nod to Day of the Dead. But it's still a pretty good flick. Secondly in response to your bitching about the fact that nobody went and got a gun to defend themselves...well...the movie is set in the UK. In case you didn't know, guns aren't legal in the UK. You can't just pop down to Wal-Mart to get one like you can in good ol' KY. The film was not what I expeted from the advertising, but I didn't let that little bit of disapointment ruin the film for me. It was very atmospheric and had some nice tense moments. Not the best "Horror" film of all time, but certainly not the worst. If you want to see a one star movie worthy of your rant, see Cabin Fever. Now THERE is a SH*T FEST.
Rating:  Summary: The absolute, unequivical, WORST MOVIE OF ALL TIME Review: Where do I get started? How about in the toliet where this cheesy,worthless, crappy movie belongs. The movie is set in post-apocalyptic Britain, which has been rendered desolate by a biological virus that has turned the inhabitants into.....egadddsss....blood puking, red eyed, f***n zombies!!! Actually, they aren't even zombies. To become a zombie you first have to die, so why the hell are they referred to as zombies? Just a prototypical example of the placidic ignorance that oozes from this piece of s**t, low budget,cellar quality, over-hyped sh** fest of a movie, or how about instead of movie we call it a two-hour insanity inducing torture device? The first half-hour or so features the star (hahhhhahhah) walking around a deserted London. And he walks, and he walks, and he... get the picture? The writer must have thought that he was doing a brillant job to evoke the solitude of the post-apocalyptic atmosphere...ever here of overkill pal? At this point in the film I wanted to walk out (My God how merciful that would have been!)and get the hell away from this cursed sh**fest, but I was accompanied by friends and didn't want to leave because we did *pay*, yes actual money to see this sh**. So this dumba** guy wonders around, looking stupid (although he didn't have to look hard) and taking in the freakin scenery. By the way, he had been in a coma for 28 days, hence the name of the sh**fest 28 Days Later. And he walks and walks some more...HE LOVED TO WALK! Finally he comes into contact with SURVIVORS! Wow! Zowsers! But guess what? Even though they are fighting for their lives, outnumbered a zillion to one by these plauge victims (oh sorry, ZOMBIES)they do not get a SINGLE GUN? What the hell? Who in their right freakin mind would not go get a damn gun in this situation? So these two survivors hook up with the star, a great Omega Man rip-off, I still can't remember his name, nor do I want to! So the zombies chase them (ohhhhhhh) and they run to this dumbass building where they escape and meet more survivors! Yes! They talk about how it never rains and they don't have water. At this point my mind is friggin numb it would have taken electric shock therapy to resucitate a response from my poor brain. Then the Zombie Possee as I call them, get a message from this radio that says more people are alive! I'll be damned! For an end of the world scenario there sure are a lot of surviors! They then begin their journey to Eden away from the plague infested city, and almost get caught by the *scary* zombies. On their way to Eden they find a small farm. They sit and talk and look around, damned exciting stuff eh? Oh man this is such a thrilling flick! Look out Exorcist your mantle as scariest movie ever is barely holding on! They then drive off in search of... yes 'Eden'. They find army soldiers at a military base, the dumb looking Omega Man rip-off is like..."Whoa dude... this is heavy sh**." If they had gone out on the streets of L.A., found a drunken bum, who could not speak it would have been an infinitely better choice for this film's star! The budget for this film looked like it was around $100,000; counting the knock-off Omega Man's salary! After they find the source of the radio transmission the Zombie Possee discovers that these military men want to take the women of the party and party with them! The Omega knock-off pulls some big time heroics and gets the living sh** beat out of him! And to add insult to injury they take his women! The army commander takes Omega out to meet his pet zombie. He says that he keeps him so he can find out how long it takes them to "starve" to death. Another mile-wide in this dumbass flick's plot. They explain nothing about why they "starve", what in the hell are they talking about, starving? Holey plot Batman, this movie sucks! So the Omega-knockoff eventually gets free and rescues his lady friends. Omega then gets in a car with them and crashes the compound's gate...then those famous words appear... 28 DAYS LATER (Damn!! Can you stand the suspense?!) Omega and the girls find them a nice little country cottage and are living happily ever after, when all of a sudden a plane flies overhead! END OF SH## FEST. Final Analysis: I mercifully spared you the horrible details of this sh&& fest. Zombies that run around and puke blood, and starve to death. Aren't zombies flesh-eaters? Don't zombies actually have to die to be zombies? The WORST paced movie I have ever seen, bar none! So damn slow you think your brain has been placed on slow motion. I was literally aching physically and mentally after this abhorrid sh** fest. And the promos said: "The scariest movie since the Exorcist!", "Out of your seat zombie attack scenes!" Bullsh**. This movie wouldn't scare a damn fly. The actors were horrible, the cinematography looked like sh** ( a 10 year old camcorder would exude more quality), the movie was SOOOOOO DAMNED SLOW, oh God. My whole purpose of writing this movie is to save you some pain (watching this sh**), and wasting hard earned money to see this wretched Omega Man knock-off. If you want to see a classic end-of-the-world thriller watch The Omega Man starring Charlton Heston in a damn fine movie!
Rating:  Summary: A Worthy Film Review: Night of the Living Dead may have been the original, but this film is far from a rip-off. Yes, it does take elements from The Omega Man and other horror/sci-fi films, but I wouldn't go as far as calling it a rip-off. The movie has scary elements almost like the Resident Evil and Silent Hill video games, but has a much better and realistic plot. Danny Boyle put on his thinking cap for this piece of art (This film is one of my favorites, alongside Pulp Fiction, Fight Club, Ed Wood, and Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl). This is more of a feel-good film than a cinematic masterpiece. The audience, small as it may be, is kept on its toes throughout the film. I have not yet purchased the DVD with alternate endings, but guaranteed they will be decent enough for my money. If you are a horror freak, and this movie doesn't grasp your interest, try out George A. Romero's Night of the Living Dead or Dawn of the Dead (A remake is in the works set for 2004!)
Rating:  Summary: HORRIBLE.... don't buy this movie Review: Put it into kinder words. 28 Days Later makes the Blair Witch Project worthy of an oscar. Don't even bother
Rating:  Summary: A DVD With Nice Extras Review: Advertised as a fright filled horror film, 28 Days Later is more accurately a science fiction suspense story. 28 Days Later is a mix of apocalyptic films like 12 Monkeys and Omega Man. Much like Omega man, this film also features an interracial relationship between the two main characters Jim (Cillian Murphy) and Selena (Naomie Harris) and the similarities don't just stop there. One drawback of this film is in its opening, a back story, which unnecessarily shows us how the rage virus began through primates in a laboratory. The film would have started off to a better pace if we were instead introduced to Jim awaking in the hospital only to find the world around him desolate. After he awakens he soon partners up with the last remaining survivors in a depopulated London and together they seek out others to pair up with as they battle off the infected, whose only aim here is to kill or infect others. Depending on how you view it this movie either borrows or steals from the other apocalyptic science fiction and horror films already out there. I found it enjoyable, but I kept feeling as though I were watching a remake. Now onto the DVD. I enjoyed the interesting yet implausible alternative ending which has been included on this DVD. It is a story board sequence acted out by the director and the producer and presents an ending void of the soldiers scenario and deals with Jim's further search for a cure to the rage virus. In that version Jim sacrifices himself in order to save Hannah's father and his relationship with the women characters never materializes. The DVD also includes three other alternative endings none of which work for me as well as the theatrical one but which are great to see. The picture is sharp which one would expect from DVD. The director commentary is some what brief and vague in most areas, it seems they were watching and not describing during the most part. A short making of is here as well as something about the rage and I did not watch all of this short either. If you enjoyed this film or enjoy seeing alternative endings and deleted scenes this DVD works well.
Rating:  Summary: A great end of the world/zombie flick... Review: I saw this in the theater this summer not really knowing what to expect. The first few minutes of the movie I was thinking, " Great, I just spent $8 to watch a cheesy low budget flick." But as the movie continued I began to really get interested in the characters and their reactions to what was going on. The movie turned out to be one of the best films I saw this year. The biggest downside to this DVD will be the medium in which the movie was filmed. The film has a grainy quality for a "stylish" effect. While the grainy-ness properly sets the mood, it definitely won't be flattering to my expensive HDTV. This will be a great addition to anyone's sci-fi/horror collection.
Rating:  Summary: Zombies? What Zombies? Review: I didn't see any evidence to believe that these "Rage" induced people were zombies? Sure they metamorphisized in an instant, but that doesn't mean they died and came back. Don't tell me that they died and transferred in a second. With that out of the way, let me say that "28 Days Later" was very well filmed. Some of the images in the movie really put you into that claustraphobic mindset. Knowing where they are and that at any time they can fall pray to the "Ragers". I call them the "Ragers" 'cause that's all they are. I like the fact that you become one instantly. Not like a zombie flick where you get the virus, you get sick, you die, you come back. This movie cuts all that. I didn't feel it was a "horror" movie though. There wasn't that sense of "What lies around the next corner". In fact, towards the end, you almost were rooting for the "Ragers". Not like Dawn of the Dead, Day of the Dead, or even Night of the Living Dead, where you had that sense of isolation and fright. Those are classic horror movies. This one is an intense suspense movie. But, zombie-horror flick... I highly disagree.