Rating:  Summary: Not at all as described Review: Based on a lot of great reviews, we rented this movie thinking we were in for a good old fashioned horror movie. Not! It was a very boring movie, and actually quite silly. Not worth the time.
Rating:  Summary: hehe now this film was GOOD! Review: I liked this film alot even though i woz a little tipsy at the time!! It was a brilliant film with detail to the very last second but in some places it was a little bit confusing. there were characters dropping like flies and you did get confused with who was died and who wasnt. i would recommend this film to anyone, just aslong as they didnt mind see zombies because there were lots!
Rating:  Summary: Have we not seen this before? Review: This horror film looks like something out of the late 20th century of movies made that fit into that genre. Nothing really special here except that there is a lot more action than you would expect. It also seems to play out a lot more realistic than one would also expect.
Rating:  Summary: Don't waste your time and money......... Review: I must say, this has to be one of the worst films I have ever seen and I absolutely love movies, especially horror films. I found it to be very slow with an all-too-familiar plot. Unless you have a couple of hours to kill and are deperate, don't bother with this movie.
Rating:  Summary: 28 days worth of crap? Review: I truly wanted this movie to be good, I really really did. There have been so few good scary movies in the past 10+ years (and please don't say Blair Witch or Scream -those don't equal scary). I had the feeling this movie was named "28 days later" because that's how long it felt to watch it!But, alas, it's not scary in the least, and in fact, it simply isn't even good. It's yet another movie which concentrates on cheap noise or things jumping out at you with loud crashes and screams to voice its "scares." As for original, umm no. It steals many concepts and just changes them a touch. Such as the "zombies". Clearly they are "zombies", but they aren't called that....rather just people infected with the "rage" running around killing everything in sight. But come on! A good portion of the plot is taken straight from "Night of the living dead" and other parts are taken straight from other zombie movies. And man, I'm so sick of movies where you notice the director more than the show. *wink wink* any one every think the reason behind that is because if the director didn't scream "HEY LOOK AT ME" every shot than people would see how flawed the movie is? Ohhh look how artsy my camera work is....ummm sorry Mr Director but all I was noticing was poor character development, boring dialogue, and very predictable "scare-speech-run-scare-speech-run" pattern mixed around supposedly clever camera tricks ....bah humbug. I believe this will be yet another movie where the "hype" will eventually die out and people will see it for just how bad it is. Blair Witch and The Ring are two other movies which are tarnished, or are starting to tarnish now that time is past...28 days will soon follow.
Rating:  Summary: A PSYCHOLOGICAL THRILLER,NOT A HORROR MOVIE. Review: This movie has been unfairly criticized for being something it's not.It is not a zombie horror movie,but a movie dealing with real issues such as human nature and the state of society.A very real depiction of the breakdown of society by a viral plague and man's instinct for survival.The movie has a very dark atmosphere which adds to the psychological horror one may experience while delving into the movies.Superb acting performances by the cast and a very original script which makes it an original movie.A very disturbing image of our own natures and the brutal violence inherent in man.People who have negatively reviewed this movie simply did not understand it and were expecting a zombie flick.BUY THIS TODAY YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED!!!
Rating:  Summary: One of the best films of 2003 hampered down by a poor ending Review: 28 Days Later was one of my most anticipated films of the year, since i first saw the teaser i knew i had to see this. And when i finally saw it in theaters i didnt come out dissapointed. 28 Days Later is NOT a rip-off of the George A. Romero zombie films. Alex Garland & Danny Boyle addmited that it does have plenty of homages to those films and it shows in plenty of the scenes throughout the film and besides many other films do this all time and i dont see anyone complaining. Acting was very good, specially by Naomie Harris she brought her character alive. The characters here are mostly well developed and they feel like real people. The script is fine, is not going to win any Awards but it works for the film, the conversation between the Army guys at the table really struck a chord with me. The cinematography as many have criticized as "ugly" well that is the point, and it really works for the film. Also i see a lot of criticism for the "zombies" not being "zombie-like" well guess what? That is just part of the media hype, first of all these are "Infected" people who are alive and sort of mentally conscious, "Zombies" are dead and they are just reanimated with no soul, the scary thing is the sense of urgency created by how rapidly the virus infects the body. Also someone pointed out that it was ridiculous for the virus to be created from the monkeys watching "violent" images from the TV's at the lab-Easy, this is what is done in laboratories all the time, they do it with people, cells. Its nothing out of the normal, however the virus was not created like this. I think that the reason why a lot of people disliked the film is because of the critical hype created around it, you know what i mean stuff like "The scariest film since The Exorcist!" but remember this has been done to a lot of horror films released in recent years (I.E. The Others, The Sixth Sense) I also think that peole go in expecting too much "action" in their films, while forgetting about important things like character development,and other elements. However 28 days later suffers from a few minor things that require suspension of disbelief, like the afromentioned part where the taxi goes over the smashed cars, or the Hamburger stand scene and a bad ending, and some parts made me cringe because they felt out of the film. Fourtanely they do not completely ruin this otherwise excellent film.
Rating:  Summary: So boring!!!!! Review: Why did this movie rate such good reviews? Not scary, just mundane.
Rating:  Summary: Scary? Hardly. Interesting? Yes. Semi-Spoiler. Review: There is a point in a movie, in which certain points, and plots lead up to a "fright scene" in which something falls. A monster (or a cat) jumps out of nowhere...and the music, along with the sounds are blared to make you jump in your seat. Yes, these kind of movies have begun to get lame not only because you have started to see it coming, but the whole "mood" and the music leads up to TELLING you, before it really happens. However... ....This film is different. It brings you up on the enviroment. The lonely atmosphere of a world seemingly empty except for ONE person. "THAT" is what I truly enjoyed about the movie. There's a scene (the first death in the movie) that is so sudden, and seemingly done without hesitation that you're just simply "awed" by what you've just seen. I liked that. As I liked this movie. I would have given it 5 stars, had it not been for the ending. ((!!DON'T READ IF YOU HATE SPOILERS!!) Was it really necessary to show ONE ending, and then another? I didn't think so. Which is why I gave it the rating that I did.
Rating:  Summary: A Zombie Movie Homage. Review: A really close friend of mine recommended that I see 28 DAYS LATER. I highly respect his taste in film and the first opportunity I had of watching the film after it arrived on DVD, I rented it. I enjoyed what I saw, though it wasn't quite like I was expecting. From the previews and trailers and even reading the blurb on the back of the package, one would think that 28 DAYS LATER is going to be a horrifying masterpiece of terror. Unfortunately, except for an unexpected car alarm that goes off in the middle of London, there really isn't anything too frightening about the film. Instead, the movie is basically a hodge-podge homage to the zombie films of the past that offers hope about the state of humanity. The plot of the film is rather simple. A psychological virus first tested on monkeys is accidently unleashed in Great Britain. It is a highly contagious disease that is passed through the blood and other bodily fluids, changing humans into wild carnavorous beasts that eat raw flesh. The main character of the film, Jim, awakens alone in a hospital bed 28 days after the virus was first unleashed. He wonders through the empty streets of London and eventually meets up with a couple of other survivors who are uninfected. They eventually meet up with a couple of other survivors and in the hopes of meeting other survivors head to a location where a cure to the disease supposedly exists. The people broadcasting the signal are a group of soldiers loyal to their commanding officer. They have a cure, but it's not quite what Jim and the others expect. For a zombie movie, 28 DAYS LATER really isn't that gory. There really isn't much blood shown. In fact, outside of some foul language and a little violence, the movie is relatively tame. Some will be frightened by the zombies (basically a person's eyes turn red and blood drips out of their mouth) more because of the way the movie is filmed. However, more frightening is the nature of the soldiers and the questions they raise about our own humanity. The philosophical and psychological questions that are raised after encountering this band of mondern mauraders is more chilling than any physical violence caused by the infected. As mentioned earlier, 28 DAYS LATER is a homage to zombie movies of the past. I couldn't help but be reminded of THE OMEGA MAN and DAY OF THE DEAD while watching this film. Influences from 12 MONKEYS to EVIL DEAD can be seen in the movie along with several others. Overall, 28 DAYS LATER is a fairly enjoyable movie that's not to scary to watch. My favorite part in the film were the scenes filmed in the empty streets of London and the scene right before Jim is supposed to be executed and he learns the secret of the disease. The alternate endings that accompany the DVD are interesting to watch and the commentary is quite informative. A decent film from one of the UK's more interesting directors.