Rating:  Summary: I would not recommend this one. Review: First of all I love these actors to bits and the story does sound good. Spacey could be a man from another planet, here visiting earth, who gets caught up in psychiatric evaluation program when he is admitted to hospital for talking strange to a cop. It has all the hallmarks of what could be a great film.Sadly it is very long and boring and the film never really does explain much. One of the main problems with this film is that we have seen it done before.. and better. The next problem is that Bridges character sometimes defies belief. One moment he has almost solid evidence that Spacey is an alien. Next he is treating him like a patient. This juxtaposition is incorrectly proportioned in the film and gives Bridge's a lack of credibility. When we the audience have seen something that makes Spacey an alien, Bridges is treating him like a patient and when Spacey does something that makes us think he is mentally ill, Bridges is treating him like an alien. Then we have the whole problem of how this is never really resolved and the director just lashes on with heaps of sentimentality to help mask the films many flaws. To be honest I did not want to watch this film past the first 20 minutes and it was very hard to stay with it until the end. I have reserves about it and feel that although Bridges and Spacey do try to do wonders with their characters it simply does not gel. Go watch "One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest" instead.
Rating:  Summary: Jeff Bridges is Excellent Review: This is one of those movies that you will either get into or you won't. The premise is interesting and at the same time totally preposterous. There is some serious suspension of disbelief needed to get through this film. What makes the film passable is the wonderful performance by Jeff Bridges and the twist near the end in the story where the the past of Spacey's character starts coming into play. I liked the acting for the most part. Some of Spacey's work was the same old same old, but he got better as the film progressed. Jeff Bridges really makes this film. He has a very difficult role.
Rating:  Summary: Spacey and Bridges deliver!!! Review: If you get this far in reading reviews then you already know the storyline and ending so I won't be spoiling it for anybody. First off, you have to have a soul to appreciate this film. I just got totally absorbed into the film and the characters. Sad though parts of it are, I still think that, overall, this is a feel good film. The people who slam this film probably watched it from a totally detached point of view in which case I can imagine them finding it boring and slow. It's not the sort of film that you put your brain into neutral and then just simply watch. I was captivated to the point that I didn't let anybody into the room while I was watching it for fear I'd miss a single important phrase or word. Generally, I myself like action films, but I found this film a breath of fresh air. Not surprising, I don't suppose, considering 'Starman' is also one of my favourite films. I must admit, I was a little dissappointed with the ending, but only because I wanted it to confirm my thoughts on whether Prot was an alien or not. In a way it did, but it still left you guessing a bit. There were a couple of keys points that made me believe Prot was who he said he was. The first was that he openly recognised Robert Palmer in the picture album at the end, and said, very seriously to Jeff Bridges, to look after him when he'd gone, which he did. At that point I realised that Prot was occupying Palmer's body. The other key point was that after Bess had dissappeared it showed her note saying 'I have no home', making her an obvious candidate to go with Prot. I also agree with another reviewer's observation with regard that barely noticeable little smile Spacey gave in the wheelchair at the end of the film. I am going to watch this film again to see if I can pick up any other clues, something I had to do with another Spacey film, The Usual Suspects. All in all, a very enjoyable film, and brilliantly acted by Kevin Spacey and Jeff Bridges.
Rating:  Summary: This movie is AMAZING!!!!!! Review: I am into alot of science fiction movies, but I don't even know if this would fit into that category. I am not a fan of drama films, but I do like drama films that blend in with the supernatural, or things that are just out of this world. In this case K-Pax is that type of film. I didn't actually want to see this, I've seen the commercials but I didn't know what the film was about. I started watching it and the story really got me into the film, and got me thinking about the way we all live. The movie gives you a real kick, and makes you realise you have to live your life, because we don't have much time. The story in this film is incredible, and there are actually two stories at once, and this film is also a mystery till the very end. The end is actually a twist, but it was a great ending, to an amazing film. Even after watching it you still think about it, you ask alot of what if questions to yourself. It makes you wonder what's out there, and for a movie to have that big of an effect on someone would make it something real special. Whether you're into these type of films or not you should give this movie a chance. It definately made me respect people more than I already do, and it shows you that you should really respect other peoples beliefs and give them a chance as well. It will make you laugh and think but even more so it will make you realise there is alot more to life than what we think. It's a great movie but it's also a sad movie. It's very dramatic, and I don't think this would be a film for younger audiences, children could not comprehend the meaning of this film and what is going on in it. The acting is incredible, I was never that big of a Kevin Spacey fan but he blowed me away with his performance. It's also a change for him too, most of the films I have seen him in, he has played a villain, or an evil person. But this one is totally different, I don't care who you are, or what you're into, this is one of the best films I have ever seen and I regret not watching it any sooner. A must buy, so don't wait any longer, and watch this film.
Rating:  Summary: ONE FLEW OVER THE E.T.'S NEST? Review: You can't beat this kind of acting plus an occasional whack of humour. Simply put you'll be hooked from the first minute and if drama is your thing, you won't be dissapointed until the denouement. Kevin Spacey again showcases his phenomenal acting talent and is well backed up by Jeff Bridges. Spacey's role was almost custom-tailored to him -- eating unpeeled bananas, sitting in a tree, giving his shrink a hard time with quickness, wisdom and memorable quotes! I personally liked the background score and the cinematography as well. A word needs to be said of the theme. Although in hindsight a little trite with a somewhat predictable ending (to me), the dangling question of a psychiatric patient being an alien or just a human oddball was entertaining, and thought provoking. It's not easy to make a film where the question of fantasy or reality is not decided. You present an evidently normal story, then release some supernatural malarkey and ask the audience to accept the paranormal occurrences as natural. K-Pax achieves this feat very cleverly I think. A pensive, heartwarming drama although perhaps a touch too long. Recommended rental.
Rating:  Summary: Great movie... and yes the end is good too... Review: I loved this movie. When I first saw it, it was only half way in, but the movie is still great. You learn about an alien named Prot. Well, he thinks hes alien. It's beleivable though. There's no denying the fact that he is strange. The performances are wonderful, as said in many reviews. I don't want to tell you anything, but the ending is perfect. The ending isn't quite the lame and crappy, "Make your own conclusions!" ending. It tells you what happens, but in a mysterious way. The music and cinematagraphy is wonderful. I enjoyed seeing the house, the night time effects, and the lighting. The sun rising is used to a full extent, and its used to tell the k-pax dude when his time to leave is. However, this movie in all fairness is quite above average. It is long, not too long, but long enough to make it worth seeing. 2 hours or so. Like one our and 45 minutes keep you there. I didn't want to leave. The main thing about this movie is it is a sad movie. Its one of those movies where you don't break down crying, but get a tear or 2. Of happiness or rather emotional saddness, I did feel that I was on the verge of crying. Overall--->5 Stars ___Ül†ímãtë___
Rating:  Summary: Escape is only a planet away Review: This was a very moving film. Both Bridges and Spacey brought an excellence in performance to what is, on the surface, a straightforward psychological investigation (albeit Bridges does wonderfully the psychiatrist who almost wishes to believe in his patient's alien-ness) but underneath is a study of the alienation of the mentally ill amongst us.
Rating:  Summary: K-PAX EXPLAINED Review: I never saw K-Pax when it was in the theaters, as the trailer left me cold. Later I purchased a used VHS because it was a buck. To my surprise, K-Pax is now one of my all-time favorite movies, and I've watched it perhaps a half-dozen times. Interestingly, with each viewing I learn more. The movie is blessed with many subtle turns. Here's what I've learned: 1) Prot is definitely an alien. There are two irrefutable clues to this: He sees ultra-violet light (which humans cannot), and is immune to powerful psychotic drugs (which humans are not). But it's not so simple. Prot's a "walk-in." Meaning (as Prot explains during hypnosis), he comes to earth whenever his human friend needs him and, apparently, enters his friend's body - the two becoming one. And this alien/human hybrid can travel via light beams (hence Prot's going north for a few days while institutionalized). 2) When Prot's human friend experienced a profound tragedy five years earlier, Prot took over the human body. 3) When Prot departs at the movie's end (apparently taking Bess), the body of his friend remains. Thus, there is no ambiguity. Prot IS alien; he simply inhabited a human body. This is a great, well-acted and well-edited movie. Vastly underrated. And it reminds us humans about something important: We are, indeed, at a very primitive state of evolution. The question is: Will we evolve further?
Rating:  Summary: A Sense of Wonder Review: This delightful movie allows us to see ourselves and our surroundings through an outsider, who is both kindly and objective. Prot (Kevin Spacey) is visiting our planet via light transference from a planet in another galaxy, K-Pax. He quickly finds himself in a psychiatric facility directed by Dr. Mark Powell (Jeff Bridges). Spacey and Bridges are seamlessly matched. Prot is brilliant, compassionate, peaceful and caring. But is he a delusional psychotic? Dr. Powell becomes passionately involved with the answer. Kevin Spacey has an elusiveness about him that is perfect for the part. I will not say Jeff Bridges gives "his usually solid performance" (how often his brilliance is so summarily described!). He struggles to believe or disbelieve and almost becomes a part of the mercurial Prot. The music and photography are at one with the wonder that is being proposed. Make up your own mind about the reality of Prot and K-Pax. -sweetmolly-Amazon.com Reviewer
Rating:  Summary: Nice movie bad ending Review: Nice acting, nice cinematography. But the end is not clear, so if you are puzzled throught the all movie about him being an alien. Well the bad news is you will still be guessing that after the end of it.