Rating:  Summary: I can see why this is a cult classic! Review: Imagine you never ever heard of this movie. If someone were to ask "Have you ever seen A Boy And His Dog?", what image would come to your mind? You imagine a little boy playing with his faithful dog, right?
Well, whether you would or not, that was definitely me. All I heard about this movie was that it was set during a time when the Earth was ravaged and that the movie was about a hungry/horny boy with his faithful dog who complains about his libido all the time.
What came to my mind was an image of a 13-14 year old boy and a dog wandering around the desert looking for something to do. Of course, if I had known this movie got an "R" rating, a more accurate image would have come to my head.
I was very surprised by this movie. Aside from the fact that the movie shows pornography and rape, it also portrayed the main character as some kind of a sex addict. Since I had originally thought the movie had a "PG" rating, I didn't even think it had any of these.
I found myself stumbling upon a very strange movie, indeed. You could clearly see that this is from a non-PC time because aside from the fact that it shows women as sex objects, it also shows the main character choosing his dog over a woman that claims "she loves him". Now, aside from that, he does something that women today would consider VERY sexist. I thought it was cool as hell, but hey, that's me.
Anyway, a number of things got me confused about this movie. Now, of course there would be very little people, but why are there so much less women? Did the men have some sort of gene that allowed them to survive nuclear war better? Aside from that, why did they kill women so frivolously if women were in short supply? None of it seems to make any sense to me. The thing that really hit me, though, was the lack of commitment in EVERYONE. Considering the human race seemed to be on the verge of extinction if something wasn't done fast, why were so little committed to having children? Food didn't seem to be a factor since one scene showed them giving away food in order to see a pornography movie. Was wondering the desert with your pals digging up old cans of food so much fun that you didn't want to bother having children to make sure your species don't go extinct?
Of course, that is just the gist of it. There seems to be A LOT of unexplained or unplausible stuff in this movie, but then again, you're probably not watching this movie for the plausibility.
Despite the strangeness, I actually like this movie. It was fun seeing the teen kid argue with his dog about women. It certainly was touching to see how loyal they are to each other. How many guys today would give up a woman for their dog? Even if the woman was a conniving wench and the dog was loyal beyoung belief? Not many, I bet.
Overall, I consider this movie to be excellent! Pick it up if you can. It's very good.
Rating:  Summary: Bizarre, blackly comedic, fun Review: In the annals of low budget, post apocalyptic science fiction, you would be hard pressed to find a film stranger than director L.Q. Jones's cinematic adaptation of Harlan Ellison's "A Boy and His Dog." Here is a film that fairly screams cult classic despite its rather unexceptional backstory. In the year 2024 (or thereabouts), humanity teeters on the brink of ultimate destruction. Not one but two nuclear conflagrations have reduced most of the planet's denizens to scruffy, underfed ruffians. Why did the wars in this movie occur? Who knows? During the Cold War we all expected a nuclear exchange to break out any day over any number of reasons. Perhaps the Soviet Union would invade Western Europe. Maybe the United States and Russia would exchange volleys seeking control of Persian Gulf oil. Even a spark in a third world nation presented humanity with the threat of utter annihilation back in those days. One could argue that the nuclear threat hasn't gone away today since both the United States and Russia still possess arsenals. Even worse, proliferation means other countries with far less self-control already have or will soon have the bomb. Whatever the reasons for nuclear war, they are far less important in this film than life afterwards.
Vic (Don Johnson) roams the blasted plains of post-apocalyptic America with his trusty pooch Blood. Interestingly and weirdly enough, the two are able to communicate through a psychic link obviously brought about by too much exposure to radiation. Boy and dog spend all of their time looking for food, a challenge in a world where supermarkets tend to lie under tons of atomically fused soil and where one must battle roving packs of pirates for a can or two of preserved fruit. More important than procuring food is Vic's desire for locating women, any women but good-looking ones are better, in order to fulfill age old desires. It is this food/female combination that forms the central tenet of Vic's relationship with Blood and vice versa. The dog can quite literally sense the presence of women in the area, much to Vic's delight, but Blood insists on food before disclosing the location of the female in question. Blood's demands frequently result in flaring tempers, heated exchanges, and elaborate negotiations, but both eventually get what they want and, more importantly, possess an extreme loyalty to one another when the chips are down. A good example comes when weird shrieking creatures arrive on the scene and Blood helps Vic escape from them as well as from a band of hostile men. It's good to have such a loyal companion in this post-apocalyptic world.
Sadly, it takes a strange series of events for Vic to learn how important Blood is to his well being. Predictably, the trouble starts with a woman, a very attractive woman by the name of Quilla June Holmes (Susanne Benton). After Blood sniffs her out for his buddy Vic, Holmes lures our young hero into what can only be described as a dystopia that would give George Orwell nightmares. It appears Vic has a very special trait highly sought after by Topeka, an underground society led by Lou Craddock (Jason Robards) and a couple of other people, and that trait is fertility. Vic's vital fluids will help this community repopulate itself, but the whole thing isn't as much fun as it sounds. First, these people are weird on a metaphysical level. The whole community strives to reproduce a vision of America, but it looks like they culled their ideas about the pre-war United States from books written in the 1950s. Marching bands and picnics form the crux of the society's activities, and people wear attire that makes them look like parodies of American regional types. Second, these people look bizarre and act in strange ways. Craddock, along with the rest of the citizens, wears this hideous white pancake makeup that is truly frightening. Loudspeakers blare a constant litany of recipes and other news announcements. Yikes.
The conclusion to the film is downbeat yet fits perfectly with the off the wall antics of the preceding ninety minutes. And everything about "A Boy and His Dog" is off the wall. You want to see a pack of pirates digging for food in the desert? A bunch of folks watching a blue movie out in the middle of nowhere? Here's your film. This is such a strange jaunt into the realms of the odd that the idea of a human communicating with a dog seems perfectly normal. Speaking of Blood, it's the same dog that played Tiger in the Brady Bunch. The person voicing this animal is a real hoot, what with the off color limericks and world weary sarcasm that dominates his discussions with Vic. For his part Don Johnson does remarkably well in a role that requires him to act opposite an animal in a believable way. It is Jason Robards, however, who steals every scene he is in as the tyrannical Lou Craddock. Everyone knows this actor was a real talent, but it's nice to see him take on such an offbeat role. I always like an actor or actress who steps outside the conventional, and Robards definitely does that here.
Extras on the disc aren't plentiful. There's a trailer, of course, that tries to play up the controversial elements of the film. The real treat is the commentary with L.Q. Jones; he discusses every element of the movie from the low budget to working with Robards. One intriguing anecdote involves the scene where Craddock eats the sandwich while talking with his associates. Jones relates with great glee how the sandwich was rotten yet Robards refused to interrupt the scene in any way to voice his displeasure. That's professionalism carried to the nth degree, wouldn't you say? "A Boy and His Dog" might not appeal to many viewers, but it's definitely worth watching for the cult film fan.
Rating:  Summary: Harlan likes it. Review: It may not be a perfect adaptation (actually, only the robotic "Michael," the strange pumping machine, and the last line of the film are major differences), but it fares much better than I thought it might when I first had a look. It is low-budget, but the interplay between man and beast, as well as some surprisingly good acting, make up for the lack of funds. It could have been very bad. I've noticed in my screenings of this film for friends, that women tend to dislike the film very much. This could have a lot to do with the ending, which despite what a previous reviewer has said, is quite unambiguous and easy to understand (my 61-year-old mother got it, and actually liked the film). The ending, which is a bit shocking at first, simply fails to fully evoke Ellison's original, more subtle approach. Harlan Ellison, a man not easily pleased by adaptations (especially of this story, arguably his most personal--at least at the time), has said he really likes this film, but the last line bugs the heck out of him. For those of you who haven't read the story, you should know that Vic never took a bite at the end. He did what he had to do for Blood, but couldn't bring himself to eat. A boy loves his dog.
Rating:  Summary: Charming, weird, but worth the visit Review: It's hard to describe this movie. But, it has to be seen (and the last line IS the movie) to be appreciated. Words don't do it justice; just see it. You will either love it or hate it. And you'll never forget it.
Rating:  Summary: Man's best (only?) friend Review: It's the future once again and the world has obliterated itself through nuclear destruction (once again.) Don't despair! This film is really a "buddy" picture about two characters, Vic and Blood, surviving in a post nuclear world. The only thing is, Blood is a telepathic dog and the "brains" of the operation. Vic provides the brawn and the two roam the desert wasteland, a veritable land of opportunity for those with enough greed and power (some things never change), in search of food and for the less evolved, women. It is this all-too-human weakness for sex that ends up tearing Vic away from the only thing in this world a boy can trust . . . his dog! Vic is lured to an underground world of smiling faces, bright colors, and pretty girls but "the good life" is a fraud. Jason Robards delivers an excellent performance as the leader of this underworld. This film inspired countless copies (Mad Max) over the years and the last line of the film has become deservedly famous in cult movie lore.
Rating:  Summary: Nothing Is More Important to a Boy than His Dog Review: It's the year 2024, and most of the Earth's nations have been demolished by yet another world war (the latest being WWIV). In this postapocalyptic world, slow-witted survivor Vic (Don Johnson) forages through the ruins for food and women with the help of his faithful dog, Blood (voiced by Tim McIntire), with whom he is able to communicate telepathically. Blood, more intelligent and more cultured than his young "master," often gets impatient with Vic's immature behavior and lack of interest in his attempts to educate the boy, but he nonetheless loves Vic and sticks with him to help him survive. And after several minor adventures and one huge misadventure, Vic does learn one incontestable actuality: Nothing is more important to a boy than his dog. Based on an award-winning novella by the curmudgeonly SF writer Harlan Ellison, A BOY AND HIS DOG was adapted and directed by character actor L.Q. Jones and co-produced by Jones and Alvy Moore (the latter probably best known for his portrayal of scatterbrained Hank Kimball on TV's GREEN ACRES). While Ellison has said many times publicly that the film is the most faithful adaptation of any of his works, he has nonetheless complained vehemently about some of Jones' "adjustments"--most notably the minor addition of some gross or vulgar dialogue--and tried unsuccessfully to get them changed. Whether or not Ellison's complaints have merit, A BOY AND HIS DOG has come to be regarded as a science-fiction classic, its popularity undoubtedly due to its likeable characters who, despite their constant bickering and individual quirks, are redeemed by their committed friendship and their sarcastically humorous approach to survival. The performances in A BOY AND HIS DOG are top-notch. Johnson convincingly portrays Vic as a filthy scavenger who, in spite of his dire situation, still manages to remain a decent human being at the core. Tim McIntire's vocal characterization of Blood embodies Ellison's original concept of a mutant pooch with a caustic ego that is balanced with just the right amount of off-beat humanity, and this portrayal is enhanced further by the outstanding on-screen performance of Tiger, the canine thespian that portrayed the family pet on TV's THE BRADY BUNCH. In his supporting role as the governor of a subterranean dystopia, Jason Robards is delightfully smarmy. And when beautiful Susanne Benton bares her ample "talents" on the screen, that's a lot of fun watch, too. With A BOY AND HIS DOG, Jones' intention is not to make deep socio-political innuendos or to meet the average action-fan's prosaic expectations, and sentimentality is obviously far from his mind. Instead of serving up a dull postapocalyptic survival-of-the-fittest thriller or a cliché love-among-the-ruins drama, Jones gives us a wry black comedy that doesn't take itself too seriously. His direction is tight, his staging often inventive, and the dialogue--while MOSTLY lifted directly from Ellison's story--is often sharply sardonic and frequently witty. With this AND the outstanding performances he elicits from his cast, Jones creates a realistic world of future desolation, but he peoples it with central characters that learn to deal with the nightmare while still maintaining their humanity...and a sense of humor. Several DVD editions of A BOY AND HIS DOG have been available over the past few years, and all have delivered good letterbox widescreen digital transfers. The current offering from First Run Features is an anamorphic widescreen version, and it also contains an interesting feature commentary and theatrical trailers. All in all, A BOY AND HIS DOG is a wonderful interpretation of a classic SF novella, and this DVD will make a great entry in the film collections of SF fans who love quirky non-mainstream films.
Rating:  Summary: Nothing Is More Important to a Boy than His Dog Review: It's the year 2024, and most of the Earth's nations have been demolished by yet another world war (the latest being WWIV). In this postapocalyptic world, slow-witted survivor Vic (Don Johnson) forages through the ruins for food and women with the help of his faithful dog, Blood (voiced by Tim McIntire), with whom he is able to communicate telepathically. Blood, more intelligent and more cultured than his young "master," often gets impatient with Vic's immature behavior and lack of interest in his attempts to educate the boy, but he nonetheless loves Vic and sticks with him to help him survive. And after several minor adventures and one huge misadventure, Vic does learn one incontestable actuality: Nothing is more important to a boy than his dog. Based on an award-winning novella by the curmudgeonly SF writer Harlan Ellison, A BOY AND HIS DOG was adapted and directed by character actor L.Q. Jones and co-produced by Jones and Alvy Moore (the latter probably best known for his portrayal of scatterbrained Hank Kimball on TV's GREEN ACRES). While Ellison has said many times publicly that the film is the most faithful adaptation of any of his works, he has nonetheless complained vehemently about some of Jones' "adjustments"--most notably the minor addition of some gross or vulgar dialogue--and tried unsuccessfully to get them changed. Whether or not Ellison's complaints have merit, A BOY AND HIS DOG has come to be regarded as a science-fiction classic, its popularity undoubtedly due to its likeable characters who, despite their constant bickering and individual quirks, are redeemed by their committed friendship and their sarcastically humorous approach to survival. The performances in A BOY AND HIS DOG are top-notch. Johnson convincingly portrays Vic as a filthy scavenger who, in spite of his dire situation, still manages to remain a decent human being at the core. Tim McIntire's vocal characterization of Blood embodies Ellison's original concept of a mutant pooch with a caustic ego that is balanced with just the right amount of off-beat humanity, and this portrayal is enhanced further by the outstanding on-screen performance of Tiger, the canine thespian that portrayed the family pet on TV's THE BRADY BUNCH. In his supporting role as the governor of a subterranean dystopia, Jason Robards is delightfully smarmy. And when beautiful Susanne Benton bares her ample "talents" on the screen, that's a lot of fun watch, too. With A BOY AND HIS DOG, Jones' intention is not to make deep socio-political innuendos or to meet the average action-fan's prosaic expectations, and sentimentality is obviously far from his mind. Instead of serving up a dull postapocalyptic survival-of-the-fittest thriller or a cliché love-among-the-ruins drama, Jones gives us a wry black comedy that doesn't take itself too seriously. His direction is tight, his staging often inventive, and the dialogue--while MOSTLY lifted directly from Ellison's story--is often sharply sardonic and frequently witty. With this AND the outstanding performances he elicits from his cast, Jones creates a realistic world of future desolation, but he peoples it with central characters that learn to deal with the nightmare while still maintaining their humanity...and a sense of humor. Several DVD editions of A BOY AND HIS DOG have been available over the past few years, and all have delivered good letterbox widescreen digital transfers. The current offering from First Run Features is an anamorphic widescreen version, and it also contains an interesting feature commentary and theatrical trailers. All in all, A BOY AND HIS DOG is a wonderful interpretation of a classic SF novella, and this DVD will make a great entry in the film collections of SF fans who love quirky non-mainstream films.
Rating:  Summary: An absolute must for the eccentric imagination. Review: Keep it to yourself or they'll be selling Vic and Blood action figures to the kids. Truly a masterpiece. It's better than it was twenty years ago, it's on DVD! This is a must!
Rating:  Summary: A Valiant Failure Review: Like many artifacts of the 60s & 70s, y'hadda be there...at least in order to feel a protective fondness for what is without question a very flawed movie. The miracle of this film was that it was made AT ALL. (Due in no small part to the tenor of the times it sprang from. The shackles on pop culture and genre fiction were loosening, allowing for more serious themes and treatment; of course, two years later STAR WARS would tighten the shackles again.) I'm a little amazed at the many posters bitching about cheap sets, poor fx, etc. Does everyone watch a movie EXPECTING a 50-million-dollar budget and CGI up the wazoo? If so, we're in deeper trouble than I thought. I look at A BOY AND HIS DOG with great affection as a sincere attempt to do something different, provocative and heartfelt, and although it's informed by a naive leftist worldview I don't share, there's a great deal of audacious creativity at work here that transcends many of the budgetary limitations. You'd think oddities like this would be treasured as artifacts of a more open and experimental period in movie history, rather than derided for falling short of INDEPENDENCE DAY's store-bought bombast and opticals. Go figure...
Rating:  Summary: Wow, someone had a lot of fun making this. Review: Mid-70s post-nuclear apocalypse movies are not a genre I generally enjoy. "A Boy and His Dog" (one of the first of the type) is the exception that proves the rule. The shattered world above is not the interesting part of this film, and it moves slowly for the first hour while we're in it. What keeps us watching is the great dialogue and interaction between Vic (Doh Johnson) and his dog, Blood. Vic and Blood can talk to each other, and the dog is rather smarter than Vic. Once we go "downbelow," into the survivalist enclave called "Topeka." One reason I didn't give this film 5 stars was the slowness at the start; the other reason was the poor quality of the DVD transfer. If ever a movie cried out for remastering, this is it: it really does look like they just transferred it from VHS. There is a commentary track with film critic Charles Chaplin, director L.Q. Jones (this was his last film directing), and John cinematographer Morrill. It makes for interesting listening. If you like this genre, this is an essential film to add to your library. If you're not as fond of apocalypse movies, call this one a rental.