Rating:  Summary: Vastly Overrated Review: I am shocked by the cult following of this film, as it is vastly overrated. The film TRIES so hard to be clever, rather than just naturally being clever. The script is mediocre at best, particularly the dialogue, and does not present twists and turns that seem intelligent or even original. The character development is non-existent and the direction is quite weak. Many of the characters seem miscast, since the peformances are bland overrall (including Gyllenhaal), but this also can be attributed to the weakness of the director. I am reminded of the films by Hal Hartley, which also seem so disappointing in the painstaking way the filmmaker tries to be clever and bizarre for the sake of being clever and bizarre. In a good film these elements seem natural and an integrated part of a good story. "Donnie Darko" offers none of these things and is really just a fair film exercise by a recent film school graduate. Hopefully, Richard Kelly will improve with time and through the future work he will undoubtedly get from all the attention given to this film.
Rating:  Summary: A tad confusing for those who ______ Review: You know, somehow I missed this movie. I didn't even know about it until the title was mentioned after a local alternative station played "Mad World". I picked it up for $10 in a local store's bargain bin.Anywho, the movie was great. I'm probably missing the whole point somehow, but I perceived it as a big wad of despair, mixed with life-affirmation and the constant threat that one side of your confused self is right. Kind of like a mix between American Beauty and The Butterfly Effect. I'll end up watching it a second time sometime, but the first time around, I didn't figure out whether everyone involved in the story was granted an epiphany at the end of the movie or if Darko himself was responsible for the visions he received.
Rating:  Summary: Brilliant film Review: Fortunately people that were NOT smart enough to understand this movie were smart enough to write a review. That's definately a positive note! This movie is absolutely brilliant and is one of the best movies ever made. Definately give this movie a chance if you're interested. I believe that the people that gave this movie bad reviews either: A) Didn't like the title thus not giving it a chance. B) Don't pick up on themes and would rather find appeal to Beavis and Butthead. C) Wanted something to complain about thus using this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Like no other film ever made........simply brilliant Review: I had seen it in the theater when it was released and had to go back to see it again. Being a fan of time travel movies, this was that and even more as I discovered. Along with another great time paradox movie 12 Monkeys, I have my own copies of both films. Like 12 Monkeys, it's one of these pictures you can see over and over and find something you missed. I will add that the casting is brilliant in Donnie D (like 12 Monkeys), as the actors chosen to play these characters exhibit the perfect amount of quirkiness that was needed for their roles for the film to work, in the way it does. All the elements of the film that were employed together, time travel, teen angst (as controlled by PROZAC, an accepted practice for just about any ailment today), the "political correctness" of the 80's (including the accurate 88' election timeline between Democratic hopeful Dukakis and Republican G. Bush senior, when many banked on and hoped a Dukakis win would have ended the Reagan/Bush era that still haunts us even today with our current Pres G.Dubya Bush), the music, disillusionment, hope, innocence, spirituality, horror and love all combined and interwoven into the story are what make this film this what it is. This perfectly accurate snapshot of the October 1988 timeline used in the film as the backdrop are what makes and gives this film the feel it has. Understand that October 1988 was the specific point in time selected for this movie for a reason and needs to be noted. Imagine where our country would be today if Dukakis had won. Another note I wanted to make was that this movie was realeased in theaters on October 26th, 2001, just 6 weeks after September 11th attack. This was the first film I went to see after the attack. The jet engine falling into the house in the film was very ironic in it's timing to a current major world changing event and the realese date of the film. It shook everyone up in the theater including me. The audience I'm sure like me thought immedietly of the planes hitting the twin towers, the death and destruction that was played over and over in the news and film footage. Just the image of this falling jet engine out of the sky crashing into the house in this film alone was very powerful, and the fact that it happened to be this now dark "symbol of terror" in both the film and in real life, post 9/11. This "symbol of terror" was just one of the objects we had been seeing everynite for weeks on our TV screens crashing out of the second Twin Tower and onto the streets of New York on 9/11, and was now being used in this film I was seeing just after the attack was chillingly ironic. It was chilling to see this scene playing out on the big screen just weeks after being witness to one of the darkest events in our countries present history. It had a very powerful impact. This event happens somewhat early in the film and is THE pivitol event to the storyline. In the theaters after the crash thundered through the theater in Dolby THX surround sound with 1000 watts, the audience was so captivated from that point on that you could hear a pindrop between lines of diologue. The 9/11 event did influence my first perception of this movie and perhaps the impact it has had on me since. It made me THINK. I then began to wonder, what if DUKAKIS was actualy elected? Would we have been attacked? It was a very weird coincidence this movies release coinsided with one of the worst events in American history, and that a part of the storyline happened to capture another period of time that could have changed it all. Quite a revalation I had watching this film that day in the theater. I walked out of the theater stunned. By the way, I did vote for Dukakis, adding to the irony. October, 1988 was a pretty weird time and so was October, 2001. So coincidently it had to be a weird movie. Right? Donnie D is provocative. For those who did not like the film, look up the definition of provocative. For those who may not "get" the movie, your were'nt supposed to. It's only supposed to "get" you to think. So if you didn't "get" the movie.....perhaps the thinking part is hardest for you to "get".....and not the movie. The fact that there are over 550 reviews on Amazon on this film as of 3/7/2004 reflects it's impact. Another interesting point is that this was Drew Barrymore's own film companies very first release. She IS listed in the credits as "Executive Producer". She knew it was a brilliant concept and screenplay and wanted to be a part of it. She waived her usual acting fee just to be in it and play the part she wanted as one of the teachers. On the DVD extras, she shares her comments. Check it out.
Rating:  Summary: Buyer Beware Review: I like suspense, horror, cult stuff etc. This film sucks. Plot is thin, filmmaking is high school; it is not a keeper. It is not even worth watching. I cannot believe anybody gave this a rating; your time is better spent watching a box of cheerios.
Rating:  Summary: Cult Classic Review: Chuttup to all those people who don't like this movie! You should be eaten by Hungry Hungry Hippos. Okay just named two references to the movie and fans would know exactly what I mean! (And would call me a dork) Like "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" or "Empire Records" (Damn the man, save the empire) Donnie Darko is another cult-classic film about or catering to Generation Y and Z--the generation who like to think, who speak fast and care more about others then themselves. (No offense, Generation X, its not your fault you were all products of the Me Me Me Eighties) We're not sure *exactly* what the film is trying to say but all the themes are here--loneliness, being different, depression, dying, love, parents, future. Donnie Darko escapes death when a demonic looking bunny tells him to get up and go out to a golf course, to prevent being crushed by a plane engine that falls out of nowhere...perhaps through a time travel barrier from the future...? Things get just plain weird though, when he has imaginary dreams, the bunny tells him the world will end in 28 days (Perhaps not 'the world' but Donnie's world?) he sleepwalks and uncovers secrets of people in his town unintentionally (or intentionally...?) and people he loves get hurt. Donnie is afraid of being alone. Especially of dying alone. But sometimes sacrifice is the only way to let the people you love live...and to never be alone. Whatever your stance on this movie, it will keep you up all night.
Rating:  Summary: Amazingly Strange and Enjoyable Review: This is one of those movies that simply requires a second viewing (and perhaps a third) before the true meaning can be seen clearly. However, that doesn't mean that the first time around is dull. This film is dark, twisted, funny, sad, well-acted, and, above all else, like nothing you've seen before, or will see again. Jake Gyllenhaal plays the title character seamlessly, which, considering the complexity and ultimate weirdness of Donnie, is a tremendous accomplishment. I loved the ending, and the way that all of the characters were a touch strange. Drew Barrymore did an excellent job at creating a meaningfull, in not large, character. The story line, and I mentioned, takes a severe twist at the end and is complicated throughout, but you'll love it the first time, even if some things are unclear until the next.
Rating:  Summary: What The ?????.............. Review: wow. i have no clue as to the piont of this movie. it wasn't really scary, it wasn't funny, it wasn't action packed, and overall it made hardly any sense....MY KIND OF MOVIE !!!! this was the most screwed up, out there movie i've seen in a long time. Frank is the best part, though. it's sort of like a mix between Terminator, and bugs bunny,.....anyway i can't really explain it so you'll just have to watch it yourself!
Rating:  Summary: Murky. Review: 4.5 stars. This is a mind-bending tale of a trapped, rebellious, free-thinking young man beset by the unusual circumstances of his strange existence. If that sounds a bit vague, I only made it so to illustrate how I don't want to give away the incredibly interesting plot of the film. If I write about scenes from the film and how they affect later scenes, or reflect earlier scenes I might give away the ending. This movie is layered with intriguing ideas about time-travel, psychotic behavior, and sacrifice for the greater good. I may have just said too much. Anyway, this is a really good movie with solid acting, wavering perspectives, and a great, albeit slightly ambiguous, ending. Have fun mulling over this one.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Ride Review: What happened when I first heard of this movie? A giant bunny comes to a high school student throughout the movie and tells him to create certain acts of crime such as arson, vandalism, etc. Ya, I had that same look on my face. Seems a little odd, but this movie is definitely one that will get you thinking. With the dark themes and a rather odd sense of humor at times it just makes the movie all the more pleasing. It's a great movie to watch if you really want to get the wheels in your head turning. The cast was wonderfully put together with familiar stars. The lead role of Donnie Darko is played by the handsome Jake Gyllenhaal (not a bad thing to look at ;) ). I'd recommend this if you are looking to start a conversation with someone on what you think the main points of the movie are and what it means to you. And because it can get somewhat confusing at times I'd suggest that you clear your mind and be open to the journey that is awaiting you. I would definitely put it into a category with my top 5 favorites. This is a a movie that you definitely don't want to miss. It has a deep meaningful message and such interest that you will want to watch it over and over again.