Rating:  Summary: one of the most original movies of 2001 Review: This is up there with Memento as one of the top films of last year. The 80's references were great. There were the obvious ones like the Smurfs and the not so obvious, like how at the end, on their bikes, the kids look just like the kids in ET. The music was amazing and haunting. The ambiguity of the ending was a big risk, but I think it paid off. This is one you need to watch over and over again to analyze and think about. The DVD extras shed some more light on the storyline and the music video is a nice bonus. It's impossible to read the book in the extras on a 19" screen, but luckily you can get it on the official website. The book puts a whole new twist on the movie.
Rating:  Summary: Astounding Film Review: This supernatural-thriller-sci-fi film is made even better due to wonderful cinematography and a breathtaking soundtrack. With a very dark American Beauty feel for pacing and convincing performances from sympathetic characters this film didn't make nearly enough of a splash for its major release. Hopefully, it will find its more deserved recognition as a sleeper cult film.The subject matter of the decay of middle america, the concepts of mental illness, the stigma of life in parichial towns and the layers effects of time travel and fate carry a beautiful love story and themes of metaphysical growth and triumph. I can't give this film enough praise. There isn't a bad element. Visually appealing, cerebrally stimulating, emotionally moving, well performed and scripted. Watch it. You'll thank yourself.
Rating:  Summary: Cult Classic Status Beckons! Review: Richard Kelly's remarkably assured directorial debut, "Donnie Darko", could be earmarked as the teen movie version of Paul Thomas Anderson's "Magnolia" with a surreal sci-fi edge. Unfortunately, despite having the likes of Drew Barrymore, Mary McDonnell, Katharine Ross, Noah Wyle and Patrick Swayze in a to-die-for ensemble cast and probably the best poster of 2001 (not to mention a seriously deranged web-site), it fell by the wayside at the box office. Many blame its sort-of unintentional mirroring of September 11 for its lack of drawing power; others claim a misleading ad campaign was to blame (ignore the "classic psychological thriller" plaudit on the DVD sleeve); many found its similarities to Sam Mendes' "American Beauty" and the aforementioned "Magnolia" too much to stand. However, there is still a lot of enjoyment to be had with watching "Donnie", thanks in large part to an admirably tender tone often missing in today's movies. Kelly's script, unfortunately, does bear quite a few likenesses to Paul Thomas Anderson's three-hour opus, not least in Donnie and his psychologist, Dr. Thurman's, discussions about God, an unerringly supernatural ring to all of the preceedings and Swayze's role as a motivational speaker with some rather humiliating dark secrets (and, unfortunately, Swayze doesn't match Tom Cruise's Frank TJ Mackey for audience enrapturement). That said, "Donnie" trades in some David Lynch-style moments to keep the audience happy, not least in Donnie's eerie messanger, Frank, the six-foot-tall bunny rabbit. And Kelly's direction is a lot less harsh on his protagonists than Anderson's was, giving the film a more involving emotional centre than Anderson's polarising epic. Though it doesn't match "Magnolia's" scale budget-wise, Kelly belies the film's average budget ($5 million) much like Darren Aronofsky did with "Requiem For A Dream". The film is effortlessly secured in the '80s with a very decent pop soundtrack (though lack of money prevented the filmmakers from releasing a 'various artists' soundtrack) and is very well shot by director of photography Steven Poster (particularly highlighted in Donnie's scenes with Frank in his bathroom). Kelly also manages to worm in some decent digital effects, from the "Abyss"-style 'time spears' to the apocalyptic sky effects. And, having gained a hell of a cast for his first feature, Kelly duly delivers on the acting front also, particularly in his lead Jake Gyllenhaal. Gyllenhaal epitomises the film's sweet, moral centre as well as the thick paranoia set throughout, and emerges alongside "Ghost World's" Thora Birch's Enid as 2001's most beguiling teen hero. He is ably supported by the rest of the ensemble, particularly Beth Grant as gym teacher Kitty Farmer, Jena Malone as his girlfriend Gretchen and, especially, Mary McDonnell and Holmes Osborne as his worried parents. The character Cherita Chen, however, stole my heart shamelessly. A lot's been made about "Donnie's" juggling of genres, switching quite quickly from domestic drama to black comedy to teen romance to apocalyptic sci-fi in leaps and bounds. There is no denying, though, that Kelly is a talent to watch in the future, considering the remarkable debut he's made here. The DVD, meanwhile, is crammed full of supplemental material, including two audio commentaries (one of which done by the producers and near enough the whole cast) and extensive deleted scenes featuring more substantial acting work, particularly from Drew Barrymore and Holmes Osborne. Buy it now!
Rating:  Summary: Not brilliant Review: I bought this based on the reviews you have read below mine. What a disappointment. Convoluted and complex, it leaves the viewer confused and dissatisfied. What is the point of the phone number on his arm, what does Drew Barrymore's character add to the story? Maybe I am missing the finer points of the intricate plotline, but then again, the key feeling I felt at the end was one of apathy... I did not particularly care. The ending is obvious, and not a surprise. Granted this is better than Final Destination, but if that is the benchmark, then we can all find better things to do in 'approximately 98 minutes.' One to watch if you must... not buy. Avoid, unless you are an undying fan of 'Sixth Sense' in which case I would redirect you to the black and white classic, 'Dead of Night' which is infinitely superior to this.
Rating:  Summary: Moments of brilliance Review: This is a flawed movie that has enough moments of brilliance in it to carry you through the rest. All of the actors are fantastic in their roles (although some of the charicatures in the film remain just that, despite the good acting). Especiialy Jake Gyllenhaal's acting is brilliant -- taking up the role of a schizophrenic Holden Caulfield-type character perfectly. The story is intriguing. The directing and cinematography, brilliant. This is a movie with great emotional punch, but which fails to come together logically in the end. It's a time-travel story with holes in it, and although the holes in logic are filled with touching, emotional moments, the holes in logic are still present. Still, despite the logic-problems, I give it four stars because it has so many moments in it that I can personally relate to. I think anyone who remembers the confusion, ackwardness and frustration of being an adolescent should see this movie, because, truth is, Jake Gyllenhaal brings Donnie Darko to life in the moments when he seems most sane -- when he seems like a kid too smart for his own good, unsure how to deal with a world that isn't the way he would have made it, if he were in charge. If you watch this movie and you remember those ackward adolescent moments you experienced when growing up, you'll find something in Donnie's character to which you can relate. And something in the story that touches you, in one way or other.
Rating:  Summary: I am left speechless. Review: I am left speechless. I literally just finished watching Donnie Darko and it has left me without words (and that's an extreme rarity for me). And now I know I want to buy the movie. Yes, it is very original, but also it's very thought-provoking. I think a few more viewings (and by few, I mean a lot) will be necessary. Especially, I after I buy it. Donnie Darko is the story of a teen coming face-to-face with his dark reality. A strange bunny man visits him during his delusions with talks of time travel and mischievous acts. Drew Barrymore and Patrick Swayze have minor roles in comparison to Jake Gyllenhaal's part, but all the characters have important roles. I wish I could write a better review and maybe I will once I can regain my thoughts back. But for now, this is my first reaction and it's a great one. A fantastic movie.
Rating:  Summary: Donnie Darko Review: I went into my room to watch this movie, I was skeptical, because it was compared to "Final Destination", which I did not like at all. Lets just say that I am glad I watched it. The movie, stars the kid from "Bubble Boy" who did an amazing acting job, and with roles as diverse as "Donnie Darko" and "Bubble Boy" I consider him an artist, and am happy that he hasnt been type cast into "stoner" comedy roles, because he did an amazing job. Any way I digress, the movie was stunning, not only visually, but conceptually. It had a "david lynch" type feel to it, but easier to follow. The imagery used in the movie was great, especially the bunny, and the "spears" from his chest. And like any other "lynch" type movie you walk away thinking about how it all broke down in the end, wondering exactally what happened... Dont let the super-heroish title fool you, the movie is anything but super hero based film.
Rating:  Summary: Would give this 10 stars if I had a choice! Review: This is one of the best movies I have seen in a long time. I loved it so much that I plan to buy it. First of all, get it on DVD so you can see all the extra stuff, including the director's comments. Second, watch this movie more than once. Than visit their website. This movie was described as "American Beauty meets the Twilight Zone". That it was. It is not your run of the mill typical movie. There is a lot of depth and hidden things in it. It has already been described by other reviewers. I would just like to say that this movie is FANTASTIC! BTW, the song Mad World is AWESOME, and the video clip on the DVD is even better. Finally, I want to end with I am not a teen ... I am 35 and still think this is a great movie.
Rating:  Summary: "It's meant to be ironic" Review: Although I've read many of the fine reviews of this film, and have agreed wholeheartedly regarding it's humor, acting, script, art direction, etc., I feel that most of the reviews have missed the point of this film. This is quite understandable, since I must admit it took a couple of repeat viewings for me to "get it". The film can be summed up with Drew Barrymore's character's pronouncement at the PTA meeting: "It's meant to be ironic." This film is soaked in irony. I won't reveal all the details of that irony for those who haven't had the pleasure of seeing it and pondering it for themselves. What I will say is that the irony and the "things are not as they appear" and the "what appears good may in actuality be a force of evil and vice versa" themes of this film are both something that all humanity can relate to. Sparkle Motion's talent performance is truly, on reflection and in retrospect, a celebratory moment. The film expresses these truths in very original, thought provoking, humorous, and emotive ways. It is on repeat viewings that I've come to determine that this film is not just great, it's actually quite brilliant.
Rating:  Summary: There's nothing quite like it - I love this movie! Review: I purchased this DVD this past Tuesday since I heard it was a great film from my friends and cousins. Coming into this movie with the plot outline I read a few weeks back really led me to a totally different place, but after seeing the movie I am thankful it went the way it did instead. It is truly amazing. This is an excellent movie which sort of defies classification: thriller, mystery, sci-fi, horror - it just doesn't seem to fit altogether in one category in particular. I have not felt so in awe after a movie since Fight Club. It is just so beautiful. The camera shots, the scenery, everything is so beautiful. The mood is set so well. There is a certain "ambience" which the director/writer Richard Kelly (27 - 28 years old) is able to create which alternately gets you laughing, thinking, or just sends chills up and down your spine. The plot is mind blowing, really really mind blowing. So much information to process, so many mysteries, so many thoughts it is hard to say anything but "Wow". I am lost in my chills and my hollow stomach, and I feel thoroughly satisfied. You can not watch this movie just once, it just won't let you. The experience watching this movie is one of the most gratifying experiences I have ever felt. I love this movie. And even if you didn't get the ending, you can't but help enjoy the creepy atmosphere which runs through this film. There is nothing quite like it and probably won't be for a long time.