Rating:  Summary: Peter Jackson's gore-filled comedy debut film Review: Peter Jackson is a genius. I cannot say enough about that. This may be "Bad Taste" but it's just too good to pass it up. Peter KNOWS how to get people's attention. Just look at the movie cover. An alien flipping you off with an AK-47 and the title "Bad Taste" ? GENIUS!!! As many people in the past, they had to rely on the old Magnum Video version with the cheesy Movie rating system on the back. The sound was no so good, and the picture was a little dark and blury at times. Now that Anchor Bay (Those guys rule!) have re-released it along with many other cult classics not to mention Eurohorror movies all in DVD format in their glorius letter-boxed UNCUT versions. Another thing that amazed me were the special effects and how he used them. Chainsaw dismemberments, machetes though the neck, sledgehammers bashing people's brains out, ripping off various limbs...It just doesn't stop. And all of this is done for the comedy effect. The guy who keeps holding his brains in with a belt, the rocket missle accidently hitting and exploding the cute-looking sheep, and then there's that weird blue vehicle that has a cardboard-like figures of The Beatles from the cover of "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart Club". I'm not going to ask what THAT was all about, but it was just funny. People, this is a classic. Pick it up and become a devoted Peter Jackson fan such as myself.
Rating:  Summary: A Great and Disgusting Time! (4.5 stars) Review: Peter Jackson's directorial debut, "Bad Taste," is a hilariously good time involving a whole lot of blood, guts, brains, the chugging of vomit and tons of laughs. Done in the true slapstick-horror fashion, this is a disgusting and pleasantly demented flick that refuses to take itself seriously. It's over-the-top in every way, and that's what makes it so fun to watch. It's not recommended for people with weak stomachs, but people looking for carnage and laughs will feel right at home with this.
It doesn't have the most scientific or complex plot, but why should it? It involves aliens from another planet that are disguised as humans--acting more like zombies, but they move a lot faster and are handy with automatic weapons. The aliens are here for one thing only... hamburger meat--made from humans! They have already completely massacred an entire town and plan to do the same to the rest of the world! Now, it's up to a couple of goofball assassins to save humanity and take these extra-terrestrial psychos head on... God help us all!
This was everything I was hoping it would be. It's completely over-the-top, ridiculous and a real gross-out event. What more could you want? This isn't a movie where you're looking for brilliant acting or directing. You just want to enjoy yourself. The movie is purposely goofy, as it is never afraid to make fun of itself in many ways. The best way I can describe this is it's "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" meets "The Evil Dead." It's not scary, but since it is slapstick-horror it doesn't really need to be. Considering how low of a budget Jackson and company had, it has some pretty cool and disgusting special effects. I could never make something like this, that much is for sure.
As I said in the beginning, it's not recommended for people with weak stomachs. Sure, it was made on a low budget, but the special effects are still disgusting enough to make you feel sick if you're not up for it. You also have to not take this seriously. If you try to take it seriously, then you will loathe every second. Just sit back, relax and enjoy the chaotic freak show. The limited DVD edition offers a really neat changing-cover. The picture and sound is as good as it can get (the sound is the real prize, allowing you to hear all the squishy-squishy joy of blood and brains splattering all over the place!). Special features include the theatrical trailer and a making-of documentary.
"Bad Taste" is for anyone who has a sick and twisted sense of humor, and who is in the mood for something extremely goofy. I think Peter Jackson should revisit the genera again in the near future, as he really shines in it with this movie. I'm sure he has a lot of fun with it, too. Again, not recommended for the weak, but if you're looking for all the blood and guts you can handle while laughing at the same time, it's all right here. A great gem that is bound to entertain you over and over again. -Michael Crane
Rating:  Summary: Knockout DVD Review: The Movie: One of the funniest I have ever seen. This movie is like Friday the 13th Part 6, buth with aliens instead of Jason and a different plot and lower budget.
The Video. Quite Good, considering the $11k budget.
The Audio: Anchor Bay went overboard. DTS 6.1 ES? What the?
The Extras: A bit slight. A Featurette, A Mini-Bio and a Trailer.
The Packaging:Creative, Sturdy, and Innovative. The disc holder is very creative (buy it, you'll know what I mean.)
Overall: More like a 4.7/5, which translates to: 94%, or an A!
Rating:  Summary: GROSS OUT FLICK Review: This is a funny gross out movie that will keep your interest through the whole movie. Evil aliens (all dressed the same) in human form invade earth to sell mankind as meat. Be prepared to see flying guts, splattering brains, exploding sheep and guzzling vomit. No nudity, sexual scenes, very little profanity. Kids and adults will love this disgusting movie. The end has a very comical twist. Peter Jackson fans must see!
Rating:  Summary: GREAT PREMIRE FOR PETER JACKSON!!!! Review: This movie is one of the best low buget films ever(along with El Mariachi and Resivoir Dogs). It is violent as hell but in the very funniest ways. Its chessy(but in a good way)and it is amazingly funny. This movie is great, you should give it a chance and rent it at least. Great, Good, Fantastic! What else can i say.
Rating:  Summary: Micro-Budget Masterpiece Review: This movie is too much fun. This is schlock of the highest caliber. Peter Jackson's considerable talent is on full display in his debut feature film. The camera work and the editing are amazing. The physical schtick is impeccably timed and photographed. Despite the nothing budget, the technical aspects of this movie are outstanding.Peter Jackson stars as Derreck(sp?), the sadistic, snivling scientist whose four man government agency, the Alien Investigation Defense Service, has been called upon to thwart a hostile alien invasion of a small backwoods town. Jackson's Derreck is revolting and charasmatic at the same time - a truly original anti-hero. The aliens are actually employees of an intergalactic fast food chain that has just begun marketing human meat - and it is evidently delicious. Can our four heroes save the relief worker (con artist) and foil the aliens' evil plan? There are some great gags in this movie including a Monty Pythonesque exploding sheep and a recurring joke involving Peter Jackson's character's cerebellum continually falling out, being trodden upon, and then being stuffed back in. This is an extremely enjoyable movie. For optimal enjoyment, watch it with plenty of alchohol and a couple of friends.
Rating:  Summary: Micro-Budget Masterpiece Review: This movie is too much fun. This is schlock of the highest caliber. Peter Jackson's considerable talent is on full display in his debut feature film. The camera work and the editing are amazing. The physical schtick is impeccably timed and photographed. Despite the nothing budget, the technical aspects of this movie are outstanding. Peter Jackson stars as Derreck(sp?), the sadistic, snivling scientist whose four man government agency, the Alien Investigation Defense Service, has been called upon to thwart a hostile alien invasion of a small backwoods town. Jackson's Derreck is revolting and charasmatic at the same time - a truly original anti-hero. The aliens are actually employees of an intergalactic fast food chain that has just begun marketing human meat - and it is evidently delicious. Can our four heroes save the relief worker (con artist) and foil the aliens' evil plan? There are some great gags in this movie including a Monty Pythonesque exploding sheep and a recurring joke involving Peter Jackson's character's cerebellum continually falling out, being trodden upon, and then being stuffed back in. This is an extremely enjoyable movie. For optimal enjoyment, watch it with plenty of alchohol and a couple of friends.
Rating:  Summary: Extremely entertaining stuff from New Zealand Review: This movie may not be as famous as Jackson's masterpieces, "Braindead" (aka "Dead Alive") and "The Frighteners", but it's also well worth watching for everybody who loves at least one of these two examples of "splat-stick" horror. The story is as weird as you might imagine - about some quite unconventional freaks from Alien Investigation Defence Service (note the pun?) who fight off aliens that have discovered human race as the new source for junk food. Writer/director/producer/director of photography/editor/etc. Peter Jackson also stars in the role of nerdy agent Derek, who falls down a cliff, is assumed dead by his buddies and dispatches the alien plague on his own, wielding a monstrous chainsaw and other amiable stuff. Unfortunately, the fall has left a hole in his back head whence from time to time he loses some of his brain matter... I have first seen "Bad Taste" in cinema (followed by "Braindead") and boy, it was - great. Hadn't been laughing like that for long. The title is well chosen for this movie - the end becomes extremely visceral! Well - if you have enjoyed "Braindead", you will LOVE "Bad Taste"!
Rating:  Summary: "what are you doodyhodders doin' on my planet?" Review: When i first got bad taste i was verry surprised at how great the packageing is , theres a holographic cover aswell as a nice plastic sleeve . what else would one expect ? its is after all , an Anchor Bay dvd.after finaly getting to view bad taste on something bigger than a computer screen i was verry pleased ! this movie rocks so much . my only complaint is that it lacks specal features . theres a great documentary called good taste made bad taste wich does rock but other than that , all you get is a written bio. on Peter Jackson and a trailer ; wich is dissapointing but everything else easely makes up for it . it says on the cover "from the director of LORD OF THE RINGS" i hope some fans of l.o.t.r pick it up because of that and realise it doesnt take a zillion dollars to make a great movie .
Rating:  Summary: GREAT FIRST MOVIE Review: Who would have known?! From Bad Taste to Meet The Feebles to Dead Alive to Lord of the Rings!? I know he had a couple of other movies in the mix there but, wow.
Bad Taste starts off great and rarely lets up, normaly first movies hold back a little, but not this little gem, it starts with open head wounds and spilling brains and has some pretty over the top gore after that, and after that and....I think you get the point. This movie is not for the squeamish and probably not for most LOTR fans, but if you are in the mood for something different try this.