Rating:  Summary: Perhaps the Definitive Cult Classic Review: Absolutely crazy horror comedy and Peter Jackson's (who is now busy making 'Lord of the Rings')debut movie. Gore and blood abound as 'The Boys' are called in to get rid of an alien menace killing townspeople to use them as the latest fast-food taste sensation on another planet. At one point, one of our heroes, Derek, falls off a cliff and splits his head wide open - the rest of the time he has to wear either a hat or belt on his head to keep his brains in! Exploding sheep, aliens eating brains and vomit, 'The Boys' killing everything in site and a starship in the size of old house - this film has it all and twice over. All done with more than a hint of humour, this extremely black-comedy, blood drenched from beginning to end will make you laugh hysterically and feel a bit grossed out at the on-screen display. Directed with passion, made over four years' worth of weekends with a bunch of friends and virtually no-budget, this cult classic is essential viewing for all horror fans, especially those who enjoy cheesy humour. If you like 'Evil Dead 2' and the Monty Python films, you'll love this - watch it now!
Rating:  Summary: Anchor Bay's Bad Taste: Good Taste! Review: After the success of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, it was pretty much inevitable that director Peter Jackson's old classics would be released to DVD. Already available in a plain, single disc edition, DVD wonder Anchor Bay has re-released Jackson's Bad Taste in a limited 2-disc DVD pack. THE FILM Bad Taste was a sensation it was released, and it is a major cult film now. Peter Jackson's 1987 debut picture finds four alienbusters coming to a New Zealand town, where the discover the town overtaken by aliens. Of course, these aren't your everyday Sigourney Weaver aliens. Un-uh. These guys are part of the intergalatic food chain Crumb's Crunchy Delights, and all they want is some major human flesh to chew on. Hmmm ... Being Jackson's debut, the film obviously can't meet up to later hits like Braindead (a.k.a. Dead Alive) and Lord of the Rings, but there's some talent in here yet. It seems like a backyard picture, and I suppose that's one of the reasons it's so popular. What I do know is that it's gory, entertaining, and the most digusting film I've ever seen. [7/10] THE VIDEO Anchor Bay has done a terrific remastering job. There isn't any grain anywhere. A flawless work. [10/10] THE AUDIO As all the voices in the film were dubbed after shooting, many times the words didn't meet the mouth movements. Well, Anchor Bay has - somehow - fixed this problem with its lovely DD 5.1 remix. No problem here. [10/10] THE EXTRAS Well, if you consider the fact that it's a Limited Edition (of 50,000) an extra, then we got that here. Anchor Bay's double-disc set includes a Peter Jackson bio, the film's trailer, and a very good documentary about the film: "Good Taste Made Bad Taste". I think fans of the film will be pleased. [7/10] Cult film fans won't wanna miss this DVD release. If you're a fan of disgusting horror or sci-fi with laughable comedy thrown in the middle, then this is the movie for you. Those with a weak stomach will want to stay the hell away from this baby, though! OVERALL SCORE: [8/10] ---------------------------------------------------------------- THE FILM: [7/10] Disgusting, funny, and very entertaining. Essential for horror fans. THE VIDEO: [10/10] A beautiful remastering job. THE AUDIO: [10/10] Nice DD 5.1 soundtrack. THE EXTRAS: [7/10] Very satisfying. OVERALL SCORE: [8/10] Fans of the film won't wanna pass this DVD. - Thomas Benton
Rating:  Summary: ...Derek's don't run Review: Bad Taste introduced me to the wonderful (sometimes sick) world of Peter Jackson. Yeah, yeah, I know, he will always be known as the guy who made the Lord of the Rings come to life on the big screen. But to me he will always be known as Derek and Robert. Derek, Bad Taste's lead hero is one of the zaniest (and dorkiest) horror stars to wield a chainsaw. His grunts and groans towards the end of the film crack me up everytime (especially after he slices one of the alien baddies' face in half). Derek's skill with the Stihl rivals that of Leatherface or even Ash. Robert, one of the aliens in human form, is obviously a handicapped extraterrestrial moron. Robert's character doesn't serve much of a purpose other than cheesy antics followed by gruesome scenes of having a rather long knife hammered into his heel, eating some chunky brains right out of the head of a recently capped alien, and a gag inducing close up of Robert's hot, steamy, regurgitated lunch creating a warm, chunky pudding for his fellow aliens to much on... mmmm. Its also cool to see Peter Jackson in such different roles, you can bearly even tell he plays both. This is fun to watch. The imaginative kills (chainsaw, followed by chainsaw-ist, through the head of an alien out through the ass) the one liners ("...I'm born again"), the New Zeland accents ("Did ya have to drink some chuck?", and the obvious devotion the director and crew had while working on this film make this Peter Jackson's best. Lord of the Rings was cool, I guess, but nothing comes close to PJ's debut. Suck my spinning steel sh*thead.
Rating:  Summary: Peter Jackson's first film is sure to become a cult classic Review: Boy, where to begin on this one. If you've seen Peter Jackson's seminal horror-comedy masterpiece "Dead Alive" (a.k.a. Braindead) you know what you are in for. A slap-stick gore comedy set in a small New Zealand town, Bad Taste concerns a group of aliens who land to make fast-food out of the locals. A group of government specialist is sent in to investigate, and ultimately destroy the creatures. Peter Jackson filmed this over four years with his friends, and plays two roles himself. A fair warning though, this movie lives up to its title. If you don't think you can handle exploding sheep or regurgitated, green alien soup, stay far away from this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Doesn't live up to the hype... Review: I am a huge fan of horror/gore movies. For years I have heard about this movie with people talking about how good it is, how gory it is. Finally I shelled out the cash for the DVD and was really dissapointed. Other reviewers have described the plot well enough so I won't delve into that. I will say that you should probably rent this before buying it. If you are looking for crazy gore I think that you would be better off with a movie like the directors cut of Citizen Toxie or maybe one of the newer japanese gore movies (which blow away everything I've ever seen before).
Rating:  Summary: Not Bad! (For a Beginning) Review: I must admit, Peter Jackson's earlier films (Dead-Alive, The Frightners, and Meet the Feebles) made me cautious about seeing The Lord of the Rings. Not everyone can make Citizen Kane or Blood Simple the first time. Bad Taste is a lot like El Mariachi in how it makes you wonder just how much money do you need to make a movie? If you watch the movie as a "serious" sci-fi horror film, then you'll hate it, as people have. Bad Taste is sick, yes, but it's odd how in the ways the Evil Dead movies are made, on the surface as horror movies, but actual comedies. The special effects are corny and the dialogue could have been written by a ten year old and most of the actors look like rejects from a garage band, but that's the whole idea. Bad Taste was the training wheels. LOTR is the Tour de France. Peter Jackson has grown and for what it's worth, Bad Taste will always be the movie that got him going. Gross-out humor doesn't always have to be about flatulence. How about eating brains?! The scene of Derek (PJ) torturing alien Robert (PJ again) is cleverly done.
Rating:  Summary: very funny Review: I was 8 when I first saw this movie and until now its still the most hilarious film ive ever saw, the brains, intestines blood etc. . I like it when peter jackson fall off the cliff and one part of his brain was missing and then he just tie his broken head with his belt and still manage to live but in the end he becomes a freak and even forgot his comrades. dont watch it if your eating .
Rating:  Summary: My dirty little secret... Review: I've had close friends advise me not to repeat this; but it would not be far off to call this movie my all time favorite!
WARNING: Use with caution! People with a sense of humor may experience one or all of the following symptoms when viewing this material: Convulsions, a temporary inability to breathe, and involuntary rolling on the floor! If you experience ANY of these symptoms, _PLEASE_ immediately press the PAUSE button! 'Cause the laughs come fast and furious at times, and you don't want to miss a thing!
If you have an irreverent sense of humor, don't mind gratuitous splatter, or don't have your head screwed on quite right, you CAN'T miss with this movie.
This movie knows its audience, and has no pride. If you are offended easily or have a suggestible stomach, just keep moving. There's nothing here to see.
I spent a good bit of my misspent youth in hysterics watching this movie over and over again with my friends. And the great thing is that you see something new almost EVERY time! We discovered this movie quite by chance, and had little expectations for it, other than to kill an hour or so. It so exceeded our expectations that it began a tradition that continues to this day, "Bad Movie Night", where we scour the low-budget movie bins and take home something that screams "DOG"!
You can't imagine our outrage when someone stole the only copy from our local video store, and since it wasn't available for purchase in the U.S., we were unable to get our near weekly "Bad Taste" fix for many many years. Dark days, my friend. Dark days.
(This review is a variation of one that I've given several times over the years, and though I grant amazon.com permission to reproduce as many times and in as many forms as they wish, I do not relinquish ownership.)
Rating:  Summary: The Bastards Have Landed! Review: In celebration of THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING joining the 11 Oscar Club (11 is the most Oscars won by a movie; BEN HUR and TITANIC hold this distinction as well), among them Best Director for Peter Jackson, I purchased his directorial debut BAD TASTE yesterday and watched it this morning. I must say, everyone who knows Jackson by his incredible endeavor of bringing the blueprint for the fantasy genre to life (it was well worth the wait and the effort IMHO) are going to be in for quite a shock when they see what he did before LORD OF THE RINGS! BAD TASTE is a horror/comedy in the tradition of the EVIL DEAD movies, RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD, and RE-ANIMATOR; a quartet of commandos set up for alien activity take on an alien fast food restaurant chain whose specialty is human flesh! Along the way, the leader Derek ("I'm a Derek. Dereks don't run.") quite literally loses his brain after a nasty fall, a charity collector becomes part of the menu, heads splatter, guns go off, a sheep is blown to bits, and vomit is consumed ("I think the gruel is ready.") BAD TASTE is the most cartoonish of the horror/comedy wave of the mid-1980's; it's like Looney Tunes with a Grand Guignol sensibility. This movie is like THE A-TEAM on acid; just imagine if those guys ever had to face alien invaders! But what appeals to me about BAD TASTE is the simplicity of the story and the execution; the special effects and the one-liners are the stars of this movie and the script and the plot are thin enough to accomodate the smirking attitude of the whole movie. A short film that slowly became something much more (an international cult classic), Peter Jackson's BAD TASTE is extremely recommended for cult horror enthusiasts, gorehounds and low-budget buffs alike! Gotta love that cover art with the alien flipping the bird! The limited edition made it holographic so the other finger could go up (the British bird-flip) like on the standard release. The limited edition includes a little documentary on the making of BAD TASTE. This gives you some insight on Peter Jackson when he was starting out in the film industry. Yes indeed, this man has come a long, long way since this little film and now he is a highly respected and imaginative director.
Rating:  Summary: A diamond in the rough Review: It is no surprise that when hollywood decided to do the biggest film project in the history of movies(three major feature films in two years), that they chose Peter Jackson to run the show. This guy is what directors are made of, pure genius. Bad Taste is Mr. Jacksons first feature film. And, you can kinda tell from the production value. But, still for being low-budget, this is an excellent piece of work. Its about some town in New Zealand, that is invaded by aliens. The aliens take human form and set out to hunt for dinner(humans). I don't want to give to much away but there are extremely graphic scenes involving brains,blood, and vomit. The acting is sub par but what do you expect for a b-movie. I have never(and probably never will witnessed anything like this movie). If you are into graphic violence, dark humor, and just plain screwball comedy. Or if you would like to see Peter(Lord of the Rings)Jackson's earlier work, I would recommend Bad Taste. Your in for a treat.