Rating:  Summary: All Time Favorite Review: Ground Hog Day is beyond 5 stars. I was once asked what my favorite movie is and I thought a moment about blockbusters and award-winning films I've seen throughout my life and immediately picked Ground Hog Day. I based my decision on the fact that whenever I flip through the channels on cable and this movie is playing (doesn't matter what time either), I will sit through the remainder of the movie, no matter what point in the story I come in on. The whole time-loop/stuck in Ground Hog Day (of all days of the year) is brilliant and it couldn't have been done with anyone else than Bill Murray. Bill is stellar in this movie. In fact, I love this movie so much that we've named the ground hog that lives under our shed "Phil" ("don't drive angry"). I highly recommend it, but be prepared to be hooked to the point where you might see it on cable at 2am and continue watching it to the end!
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful Film With A Unique Concept Review: First of all, let me say that I've never been a big fan of Bill Murray. While he can be funny at times, his humor seems to be rather pretentious and unsophisticated.I rented this movie one night on a lark. To say that I was pleasantly suprised would be an understatement. Finally, there exists a film in which Murray culls some of his comedic excesses for the purpose of making a movie that can appeal to moviegoers of all ages. The plot employs a device similar to the one in "It's A Wonderful Life" or even "A Christmas Carol." Playing a small-city TV newscaster forever in search of a bigger and better broadcasting gig, the obnoxious, shallow, and self-absorbed Murray is sent to cover Groundhog Day in Puxatawny, Pennsylvania. Murray is then inexplicably forced to relive the day over and over again. At first, Murray lives in denial at his circumstances, but his shallowness quickly adapts to the situation as he tries to take advantage of his guilded cage. He uses the carryover of knowledge and experiences gained from his reliving of Groundhog Day to rob an armored car, seduce a woman by learning all about her and then pretending to be an old forgotten friend in a 'later' Groundhog Day, and behave increasingly like an uncouthe idiot during his repeated broadcasts of Puxatawny Phil's (the name of the groundhog) appearance. He knows that regardless of whatever offense he commits, he will emerge unscathed because the day will simply end and be repeated. However, even someone as shallow as Murray's character begins to learn that his 'victories' are fleeting and ultimately unfulfilling. This emptiness drives him to the point of madness and he eventually tries to kill himself (several times). He actually succeeds each time, but reawakens in the same hotel bed every morning to the tune of the same Sonny and Cher song, "I've Got You, Babe," on the radio. Finally, Murray realizes that perhaps he would be better off putting the time to better use. He learns to play the piano (going from beginner to an accomplished player in who knows how many Groundhog Days), reads books on philosophy, takes up ice sculpting, and actually tries to get to know and help the people in the small town around him without the intent of taking advantage of them. Only then is he finally released from his prison. Murray's transformation from scoundrel to all-around good guy is done very well, and there are some genuinely moving moments in the movie--such as when, despite his repeated best efforts, he fails to save the life of a homeless elderly man that he knows is destined to die. It is in these scenes that Murray shows he does have the ability to handle an acting role that requires him to be sincere and serious in a convincing manner. The supporting cast is excellent, including Andie McDowell and Chris Elliot--both of whom don't know what to make of Murray's sudden conversion (which, from their perspective, occurs in only one day). Highly recommended. Certainly Bill Murray's best movie to date (including "Caddyshack" and "Stripes").
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Comedy that is Truly Uplifiting Review: This movie is probably one of my favorite movies of all time. The tone of the movie is set so right with Bill Murray as Phil. He is in his element. The movie is hilarious, but Phil does a great job of reenacting his days over and over and over again. This movie was released a long time ago, but the dvd sales rank is 431. That is still pretty high considering how old this movie is. The real thing that catches my interest with this film is the way it conveys drama, yet is uplifting. Although Phil runs into some tear-jerker moments that make you feel sad, the movie truly uplifts your heart in the end and makes you feel great. I have seen countless movies that were dramas, and they left me feeling depressed. I really love how Phil starts to realize that you have to make the best of things. The movie is really great. I can't understand why this movie would receive a negative review. Each day is truly interesting considering you have seen it, but Phil changes his routines, and changes a great deal over the course of the film. 5 stars. I recommend this movie to anyone who just wants to feel good.
Rating:  Summary: Felipe Sahurie says "It's Murray's Best" Review: Bill Murray has achieved his best acting role in Groundhog Day.Probably my first or second favorite movie for so many reasons.First, he has very good supporting and co-actors.Way to go Bill Murray!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: oh boy Review: I hate this movie with a passion. The darn film is a total repeat and therefore is totally annoying and pointless, I am still angry with myself for watching this peice of trash.
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie but so/so DVD. Review: When I first bought my DVD player two years ago. DVDs made by Colombia/TriStar were among my first purchases. Since then I kind of don't have much interest in movies made by the Colombia/Tri-Star studios. In almost thrity years of regularly going to the movies, very few pictures that I have enjoyed have actually come from Colombia Pictures. GroundHog Day was among the very few, and when it was released in 1993, I enjoyed it very much. I liked the fact that it's an honest romance. It made a good screenplay. Harold Ramis directed it with a good professional manner that is rare in many of today's film makers. Bill Murray and Andie McDowall are wonderful in the roles, and it make a fine film to add to any video/DVD library. Regretfully on this disk, the film itself is the only good thing about it. This "Special Edition" is not so special. It just has one making of featurette that runs barely 15 minutes. It's really only a collection of interviews with five people, some outtakes of the production, and some still photos, and that's it. One would have liked to have seen more here, but there isn't. And it's enough for me to say, that I will not be buying anymore Colombia-TriStar DVD disks in the future,(unless I come across a movie that I really enjoyed). but I am not sorry to have bought this one, because there is a good movie on it.
Rating:  Summary: One of the funniest movies ever made Review: Phil Conors ( Bill Murray) is a TV weatherman that is rude, conceited, and full of himself. Every year he gets stuck having to go to Punxsutawney, Pensylvania to cover the Groundhog Day festivities. Going with him this year is his sexy and cheerful producer Rita ( Andie McDowell), and his smart-mouthed, yet somewhat nerdy camera man Larry ( Chris Elliot). Phil wants to get out of town as soon as possible, but is snowed in when an unexpected blizzard hits. But things are about to get even worse. Phil wakes up the next morning to discover that it's Groundhog Day all over again. He is forced to live the same day over and over. But the more Phil is forced to repeat it, the more he comes to care about the town and those around him. But life really starts to get complicated when he finds himself falling for Rita. "Groundhog Day" is one of the funniest and most original films ever made. Bill Murray has made a lot of outstanding films. But in my opinion, "Groundhog Day" is his best one. The repeating day is amazingly done. All of the actors do an extremely good job making each day look the same. The laughs that this film brings are non-stop. I even found myself rewinding scenes for a second and third viewing at times. Bill Murray is amazing as Phil Connors. Watching him play both roles is great. The first being the one who hates everybody and only cares about himself. Watching him try to kill himself over and over will make you laugh extremely hard. The other is the one that adjusts to live in Punksatawney and learns to care about those around him. No matter what he does, he will make you laugh. Andie McDowell is great as Rita. Her sweet and caring nature works well against Murray's negative attitude. The chemistry between her and Murray is amazing. One of the best romance stories I have ever seen. However, my favorite character was Stephen Tobolowsky's Ned Rierson. Every different time Ned and Phil meet, provides for the funniest scenes in the film. "Ned, I'd love to stay here and talk with you. But I'm not going to." Chris Elliot and the rest of the town are also all outstanding. No matter how many times you see this film, you will never find it boring, repetitive, or less funny. In fact, you laugh harder with each viewing. The story, romance between Phil and Rita, and the great all around acting make Groundhog Day one of the best comedies ever made. The DVD is great, and the documentary : "The Weight of Time", is worth the price alone
Rating:  Summary: The Best Movie Ever Made? Review: It just might be. It is certainly something to have in your collection because there is so much more you discover every time you see it. Perfect vehicle for Bill Murray's lovable scoundrel personna. Thought provoking and funny.
Rating:  Summary: "I'm betting the train'll swerve first." Review: When Bob Whiley doesn't spend his day the way fate wanted, he get's a second chance. And a third chance. And a forth chance. etc.. Groundhog day is a comedy classic and deserves it. Bill Murray is great. Starring Bill mUrray
Rating:  Summary: Groundhog Day Review: There is so much to this film! You have the whole "Kabbalah" thing going on. You have the idea of improving yourself. The idea that one small thing you do can impact other people way beyond what one would think. You have the love story... It's just a good film. And it's funny. I am NOT a Bill Murray fan by any stretch, but this is a good flick. Check it out! Deep comedy--but still way funny! This is my favorite Bill Murray movie. He does an excellent job of playing each scene anew, as well as showing you how terribly trying it would be to repeat the same day OVER and OVER and OVER. He's magnificent in this film.