Rating:  Summary: Another awesome schlock film from Troma, of Course. Review: Cool movie, The Toxic Avenger is an instant cult classic. The original movie is extremelly well done and fun to watch. I also like the way that it includes material that most other film makers would not dare to use in a film. Example: The kid on a bike being pursosley killed for the amusment of criminals. I liked the fight scenes because they were comical and had a lot of blood and gore. As for Toxic Avenger 2, it was not as good as the first one. It was okay, but the focused was changed from comical gore to crnball gags. And Toxic Avenger 3 was so incredibly bad that you would have to be a complete imbicile to enjoy it no matter what. Part 3 was so incredibly bad, they basically recycled the plot from part 2, took the audience for complete idiots by ignoring nearly everything from the last movie, having Toxie accept a job from the evil Apocalypse Inc. Company he defeated in the last movie, as if he was supposed to not remember who they were. They also brought back bad guys who Toxie killed in the last movie. And they incorporated absurdely and heavy religious content into the script that did not fit well into the script. And even at just around 90 minutes long, Part 3 drags and the storyline often makes no sense at all. So in conclusion I would highly recommend the original movie, say watch the second one if you have time, and don't even bother with the third one. And the Upcoming Toxic Avenger 4:Citizen Toxie looks promising. I do hope that they gring back more of what worked so well in the first movie.
Rating:  Summary: Possibly the best comedy/horror B-Movie out there! Review: When I got this on VHS, I expected just the fun that was awaiting to happen. As soon as I saw Melvin and his clownish encounters with Bozo's gang, I couldn't do nothing but laugh hysterically. You should really see how much of a nerd Melvin is. As cheesy as the movie is, it's a classic and it contains non-stop cheesy action, comedy, gore, and everything you can wish for. The story is basically about a 98 lbs nerd named Melvin who works at the Health Club and gets tossed and bullied around. Eventually he gets chased out a window and falls into chemical waste and burns, goes home and voila! becomes The Toxic Avenger! now the rest of the way, you'll have to watch for yourself what he does. I recommend it to all the people out there who enjoy cheesy flicks like 'Killer Klowns from Outer Space' and 'Revenge of the Nerds'. This is the best Troma film ever! hahaha.
Rating:  Summary: Troma's best Review: This is definitely one of Troma's best. Peace out!
Rating:  Summary: Oh my god!!! It's the Toxic Avenger... Review: It all started with a Mop Boy... His name was Melvin... Hated by just about everyone, they tortured him. After being cruelly humiliated, the hapless Melvin plunges head first into a barrel of some kind of toxic waste, to emerge the next day transformed into: The Toxic Avenger!!!One of the Troma Greats, the Toxic Avenger is a classic movie in which good seeks out evil, and finds true love... It is a shame that there are only five stars, because this movie breaks the limit. Go for it, you won't regret it at all!!!
Rating:  Summary: The Best B-Movie of all time! Review: This is definitely a DVD movie worth owning if your a fan of B-Movies and Horror, the DVD is awesome with lots of good extras including some missing scenes from " The Toxic Avenger" including an Audio Commentary by it's creator Lloyd Kaufman and other goodies. This is a classic 1986 Horror Comedy parody set in a Urban town near New York City called " Tromaville" ( the Toxic waste capital of the world), a local Janitor Nerd named " Melvin" is picked on constantly and then one day when a Prank backfires on him, he falls into a Barrell of Chemicals that turn him into a powerful Hulk-like Mutant with an instinct only to kill bad guys and be kind to innocient folks, but he becomes the first superhero from New Jersey and must stop the bad guys. A very entertaining and excellent movie, yeh i know the acting can be laughable but this is a leave your brain at the door and have a good time kind of movie. But be warned, this is definitely a Superhero movie not for kids but for adults cause there are some nudity and graphic gore including the Scene where a Child gets his head crushed by a Car that is not for the faint of the Heart and is a true video nasty that would have been banned in some countries. Similar Movies recommended: Texas Chainsaw Massacre part 2 with Dennis Hopper, Lucio Fulci's The Beyond, Re-Animator, Scary Movie, C.H.U.D., Slugs, Eight Legged Freaks, Scanners, Akira, Day of the Dead, The Incredible Hulk, Basket Case, Scream, Urban Legend, The Stuff, Bio-Zombie, From Dusk Till Dawn, Nightmare City, Robocop, The Crow, Spider-Man, and Young Frankestein.
Rating:  Summary: Disgusting and Funny!! Review: The title for my review pretty much describes this film. The uncut version of this film is a lot more disgusting than the R rated version. Anyway the plot is as follows... This nerd that works at a health spa gets accidently gets dumped into a vat of toxic waste while getting a prank pulled on him. The Toxic Waste burns and deforms him seriously and also gives him super human strenth. Afterwards Melvin (now known as the toxic avenger) begins a Hilarious and Shockenly Gory Crime Spree. A very entertaining B flick that has to be seen to be believed. WARNING: ANYONE THAT IS SENSITIVE TO VIOLENCE OR SEXUALITY SHOULD NOT VIEW THIS FILM. I put this warning on here mainly because this movie features the most cruel and vile hit and run scene I have ever seen in my life.
Rating:  Summary: Melvin's on Fire! Melvin's on Fire! Review: For the ultimate cheese flick, you need look no further than this seminal 1986 film from Troma, the New Jersey film studio that specializes in [weak]cinema. Lloyd Kaufman and gang take deep pleasure in producing only the worst films money cannot buy, films loaded with gore, ..., and hammy acting. "The Toxic Avenger" is a bit different from the other garbage that Troma churns out, mainly due to its "so bad it's good" status. I first saw this film when it came out on video, in 1986 or 1987, and the gore scenes were my first real introduction into the grindhouse cinema world. When a DVD player appeared under the tree at Christmas this year, this was one of the first films I picked up. If anything, I actually thought the movie was better than when I first watched it, an upsetting revelation if there ever was one. Poor, poor Melvin. He is a nerd who gets absolutely no respect from anyone in Tromaville. Our lovable geek spends most of his time mopping the floor at the local gym, where he inadvertently knocks people into the pool, slaps people with his mop, and horrifies the local ladies with his shlocky grin. Melvin really gets into trouble when he angers four of the local "beautiful" people. For nothing more than a few laughs, these four [people] decide to play a little joke on Melvin, a gag that takes a decidedly terrible turn for the worse when Melvin falls into a barrel of toxic waste. The result of this weird baptism is the Toxic Avenger, a muscle bound, tutu-wearing [strange guy] that decides to battle [the world] in Tromaville. As Superman, Batman, and other superheroes know, battling [the world] can be a thankless job. The hours stink, someone in charge always thinks you are up to no good, and you have to hide your identity from loved ones. All of these things happen to our good hero Toxie, but with a distinct twist. Toxie must still fight the bad guys at night, when he cracks a few skulls together in an alley or seeks revenge against his enemies. And while the mutated one does not need to hide his identity from his girlfriend (she's blind, conveniently enough), he still has to live in the city dump. Then there are the [bad] ones: a [dishonest] mayor and his [strict] police chief, a gang of thugs who really take a bloody beating, and the four yucks who played the trick on Melvin. All [end their lives] in extraordinarily gruesome ways, usually accompanied by aphoristic dialogue that would make Arnold Schwarzenegger stand up and bellow with pride. Ultimately, it is the gore that draws a viewer to this film. The coup de grace is the head-crushing scene, which still manages to invoke the "ugh" factor after all these years. This scene is so unforgettable that Troma made sure to advertise it on the front of the DVD case. Regrettably, the rest of the gore in the film is uneven: several scenes during a robbery at a taco stand are outstanding while another crushed head scene in the gym is mediocre at best. Still, if you are a gore fan you must see this film for that fateful meeting between a boy on his bike and a car. It might seem a wee bit ridiculous to invest this film with a deeper meaning, some sublime theme that allows it to transcend the double digit budget and gutter humor, but there is an attempt at a message in the film. Throughout the movie, we become aware of Melvin's status as an outsider, a reclusiveness that becomes more pronounced after his shocking transformation. When the people of Tromaville finally stand up to protect their grotesque hero, the outsider becomes accepted. In this respect, "The Toxic Avenger" is very mainstream, as most big budget Hollywood films promote similar ideas. Of course, there are not many [famous] actors who fall into a vat of toxic waste, burst into flames, and then [destroy] people with a mop. There are plenty of extras on this DVD, including a commentary with director/Troma founder Lloyd Kaufman, a tour of the Troma studio, some lost scenes, plenty of stills, and some fun trailers. The picture quality is good considering the age of the movie and the nothing budget the film was shot on. The sound quality is nothing to write home about, but what you hear is more than adequate to enjoy the film. In short, I think this film is worth the price of admission, especially if you cannot resist watching low budget gold.
Rating:  Summary: Oh yeah. What a relief. Review: A Horror-Comedy comparable to Dead Alive, Army of Darkness, Return of the Living Dead, and Re-Animator. The Toxic Avenger is a cheezy super hero movie, and that's the point. Toxie's erly days, were humble, he was the school nerd who was picked on and teased alot, then one day he falls into some toxic waste and it deforms him, but it gives him superhuman strength, and thus he becomes The Toxic Avenger! If you don't like this film, consider yourself ignorant and in desperate need of therapy. This movie is just flat out funny. Smart people will get it, but the stuck up squares will not. This movie was made this way intentionally. This is the only Trama film worth your time. It's so funny. I haven't laughed so hard in forever. This is a 5 star comedy. Definately a must see for people with taste.
Rating:  Summary: It's just excellent fun! Review: I fell in love with "Toxic Avenger" the very first time I saw it when it first came out. Wanted the DVD version and found it here on Amazon. They say this version is digitally remastered...??? The video was somewhat dirty in parts...and the sound was not excellent. But I'll have to tell you...you'll have to pry this copy out of my cold dead hands...! Love it!!!
Rating:  Summary: So atrociously bad, it's almost good. Almost... Review: From the production value, the acting, the direction, the annoying way in which the production company treats itself and it's audience, "The Toxic Avenger" may very well be the worst movie in the history of the Universe. Which is a rather dubious distinction considering "The Thin Red Line", and "Keeping the Faith" have been released in this time continuum. The plot is fairly simple...Some dweeb works at a gym. People at the gym are mean to him. People at the gym pull practical joke on dweeb. Joke goes horribly wrong, and the dweeb is disfigured. Disfigured, the dweeb gets his revenge on the "mean people", and ends up with a girl (I'd say "the girl", but the girl, in this movie, was just some contrived plot device). The only plot twist is that the people who are deservedly mean to the dweeb (the dweeb is the sort of person anyone would pick on), are sadistic murders, who wantonly commit vehicular homicide during the evening, and are so blatantly bigoted, the Republican party will inevitably adopt them as their mascots in the not-too-distant-future. But stangely enough, this film, which for all intents and purposes should never have been made, actually turns out almost watchable. The gratuitous sex draws in the teenage viewer with their raging hormones, and the very explicit violence draws in the conissuer's of violence, such as myself, who are always looking for the next "Evil Dead." While this movie is nowhere near as good as the "Evil dead", it is a comedy in the same vein as the ED. While bigoted hipster's, murdering defenseless children may seem repugnant, the way it is filmed, just seems so absurd, it actually becomes rather comical (the "head crushing" scene for instance). And the contrived romance between toxie and the blind chick is a very predictable plot twist, but it is acceptable, and does continue character development in some sense. The only way in which a movie like this can get worse is if the producers insult their audience, by taking themself seriously. On the DVD extra's, the producers go into full "kayfabe" mode (to borrow a wrestling term), and totally insult the audience by acting as if the Toxic Avenger is a legitimate person, and the movie was just some sort of adaptation of the Toxic Avenger's life. A segment like that just insults the audience, and will in all probability just repell viewers... Pretensious DVD documentary aside, this is a below average movie, definitely worth at least one look (especially if you're a fan of gratuitous violence such as myself), but don't go in expecting "Scarface" or a "Godfather" type of movie (you know, movie's people actually consider good), or you'll be very disappointed. The best comparison I can come up for this movie is the "Evil Dead", just not as polished, and just not as good...