Rating:  Summary: SOO BAD Review: I do not know why this movie has been getting good reviews from others. This movie was so bad and just a waste of time. I unfortunately had to take a friend to this movie for their birthday. After watching it I wished I didn't even have that friend. If you want to laugh at Martin Lawerence , stay home and see the early episodes of Martin.
Rating:  Summary: Surprisingly Funny! Review: When I saw the trailers for this movie on TV I thought it was gonna be another unfunny or dreadful knights and jousting movie like A Knight's Tale or Dungeons & Dragons. But Martin Lawrence never fails to make me laugh in any movie he does, he plays a con man working in a medieval-themed amusement park who is transported back in time when he disapears mysteriously down a cruddy mote after trying to grab a gold, ancient medallion, one day on the job. He wakes up in medieval England where he befriends an ex-knight who he mistakes for a homeless man and falls in love with a beautiful peasent girl. He gets mistaken for a messenger from Normandy but later gets founded out and is about to get executed until he gets rescued by a team of rebels wanting to overthrow the king. Martin Lawrence makes the best of this movie with his comical energy, If you are an intellectual-type moviegoer you won't like this movie but if you're a Martin Lawrence fan or you like a fun comedy then see it or wait for video.
Rating:  Summary: definatley not king arthurs court!! Review: excellent remake of an old favortite. Lawrence is sent back in time to learn the lesson of selflesness. While in midevil europe, he must defeat an evil king, win the heart of the beautiful damsel, and restore a kingdom to it's rightful queen. good luck!! I rated this movie with four stars due to language and one ot two adult situations. over all a great movie, just for mature audiences
Rating:  Summary: Good Movie Review: this was a great movie. Very funny! I was laughing the whole time.
Rating:  Summary: Predictable Martin Lawrence vehicle... Review: I saw this film expecting some bellylaughs; unfortunately there aren't any. The film is silly, not very inspired and very predictable for a Martin Lawrence film. The plot is basic with no surprises and is consistant in the expectation of neat things to come, but they never do. OK, enough of the negativity! What this film does offer is a very controlled performance by Mr. Lawrence, playing a hot-shot who always seems to fall short of his goals. He has very human qualities, frailties and faults. He is, in fact, a real "everyman"; a con-man who just happens to occasionally get lucky in his scams. The medeival sets are authentic-looking and gorgeous; costumes as well. Ultimately, ths film is moderately entertaining, and, except for some mildly promiscuous situations and a minimum of bad language, could be a good lesson for kids (Good triumphs over evil). It also leaves itself wide-open for a sequel. My bottom-line recommendation: wait till the video/DVD comes out and rent it.
Rating:  Summary: Enjoyable but very predictable medival comedy romp Review: It does not take you long to figure out what is going to happen in "Black Knight," especially if you have seen the trailer (i.e., been off of planet Earth). The opening of the film introduces us to Martin Lawrence, who this time around is playing Jamal Walker, a less than ambitious worker at a run down medieval-themed amusement park (called Medieval World). We know exactly what his problem is and that when he reaches out for that shining necklace in the dirty moat and is suddenly transported back to the 14th century he is going to learn the lesson. It is easy to dismiss this movie as "A Medieval-Theme Park Employee in King Leo's Court," because it is about as ambitious as the main character. Every character we meet is a predictable plot point: Victoria the Chambermaid (Marsha Thomason) is the lady to be wooed and won by our hero, Sir Knolte the disgraced knight (Tom Wilkins) has to find his lost honor with the help of our hero, King Leo (Kevin Conway) has to be convinced our hero is a real combination messenger and court jester, Percival the Chief Henchman of the king (Vincent Regan) has to be bested in the big battle by our hero, and so on and so forth. We know what the hero is going to do, so the chief plesaure here is going to be in how he goes about doing these things. How well does the film succeed? Well, there is a scene where Jamal tries to impress everybody by pulling out his lighter and creating FIRE! At which point an unimpressed member of the mob points out "We have fire." A similar reaction is what I had to most of the humor at this film. Yes, it was nice when we figure out what cool song Jamal is trying to teach the medeival musicians, but every movie from "Congo" to "My Best Friend's Wedding" has people bursting into song in general (and "Shrek" already did this one). "Black Knight" tries to get by on Martin Lawrence's charm, but at some point the writers need to show up and help carry the load. Every time the film tries to take a turn towards the serious, the character of Jamal never quite gets up to speed. I did not mind that Jamal basically took a Tiger out of a hat to stop Percy from cutting off his head during the climatic battle, but then we do the time-honored but totally maddening bit where the good guy turns his back on the bad guy too soon. If this was the first draft of a script then I would be saying, fine, get Martin Lawrence in here with the writers and start punching up this script up so we can make a solid little comedy. But this 2001 film has the idea and it has the star, and it decides to just coast on those two things to see how far it can get. The answer is, not beyond the SNL sketch comedy level. When you come to the conclusion that Bing Crosby's "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court" is a funnier movie than one starring Martin Lawrence, you know that is not the best of all possible movies.
Rating:  Summary: Not one of Martin's Best Review: Not one of Martin's Best. It is deserving of 3 stars.
Rating:  Summary: A Waste of Time Review: When I walked into the theater I wasn't expecting much and I came out feeling the same way. I thought it would be funny, becakuse I remembered Martin Lawrence from "Blue Streak". I was wrong. There was about a total of 6 people in the whole theater. "Black Knight" is about a guy named Jamal that works in a small amusment park that is about to go out of business. He sees a necklace in the water of a small moat and falls in trying to get it. For whatever reason he is sent back to the middle ages. Jamal finds out that the necklace means that he is part of some rebelion group, trying to overthrow the king and return the queen to her thrown. The castle thinks that he is a messenger from a duke, that is going to marry her daughter. The humor in this movie was about at the level of a 4th grader. It was nasty middle ages traditions like carving a turkey with your hands and then letting the dog lick them and then serving the rest. The only good part was the end fight sequence. But that didn't make up for the first hour of boredom and stupididy. (Major spoiler) In the end we find out that it was all a dream, he wakes up with doctors over him. Suprise! Suprise! He sees everyone that he saw in his dream. They even bothered to set the movie up for a sequal. At the very end he falls into the same moat and ends up in an ancient Rome with someone saying realese the lions. The crowd in the backround was a badly done green screen from "Gladiator".
Rating:  Summary: Surprisingly Funny! Review: When I saw the trailers for this movie on TV I thought it was gonna be another unfunny or dreadful knights and jousting movie like A Knight's Tale or Dungeons & Dragons. But Martin Lawrence never fails to make me laugh in any movie he does, he plays a con man working in a medieval-themed amusement park who is transported back in time when he disapears mysteriously down a cruddy mote after trying to grab a gold, ancient medallion, one day on the job. He wakes up in medieval England where he befriends an ex-knight who he mistakes for a homeless man and falls in love with a beautiful peasent girl. He gets mistaken for a messenger from Normandy but later gets founded out and is about to get executed until he gets rescued by a team of rebels wanting to overthrow the king. Martin Lawrence makes the best of this movie with his comical energy, If you are an intellectual-type moviegoer you won't like this movie but if you're a Martin Lawrence fan or you like a fun comedy then see it or wait for video.
Rating:  Summary: Even Lawrence couldn't save this movie and he's a comedian Review: I was afraid of this movie. I was truly frightened out of my boots. You know why? Because of the premise. Imagine the premise of a modern day man in medieval times. How would that work? I already fear the possibility of a corny incident and I was not let down. You know how the main character got into medieval times? Through a magical necklace. Wow, huh?
Yup, people, that is the beginning of the movie. The movie stars Martin Lawrence as a man named Jamal. He works at this place called "Medieval World" and they are about to receive competition in the form of "CastleWorld". Jamal doesn't really care and believes the boss should just cash out, but his boss doesn't feel the same. She is disappointed, but Jamal doesn't care. Later on, as he is cleaning, he saw a strange necklace in the moat and as he tried to get it, it sucked him in. That begins our magical adventure and it is quite possibly the corniest modern day beginning ever. That can fly with the Wizard of Oz because it is a classic and it was made long ago, but that plot doesn't fly today. As a matter of fact, I may have disgraced the name of "The Wizard of Oz" by mentioning it in the same sentence as Black Knight.
Anyway, after being sucked in, our hero finds himself in medieval times. The movie wasted no time in teaching me that medieval citizens of England spoke modern English quite well by showing Jamal speaking with a citizen perfectly. The guy also ends up dying, but he then wakes up a moment later, and keep in mind that Jamal just finished making a whole scene about the guy not breathing. Later on, he travels around and finally arrives in a village. There, he sees as castle and believes it is the new amusement park, "CastleWorld". Jamal is quite perceptive, isn't he? If I had landed in a place where there is no city or road around, but only a bunch of people dressed in rags, I would guess it is an amusement park too. So after arriving at the castle and informing the guards that he is from Florence and Normandie (which they mistake for Normandy), he is let in. Thus Jamal's adventure begins and we will be introduced to medieval times at the highest possible accuracy, such as how politically correct people were in those times.
Seriously, though, this movie simply has way too many flaws, even for a Martin Lawrence movie. I am watching this after Lawrence's other movie "Nothing To Lose" and I am finding that this movie is actually worse than the other. Unlike other comedies based in medieval times, this movie lacks comedy. Other movies do it by an almost extreme form of exaggeration, but this movie seems like it's aiming for some sort of moderate accuracy, which it fails in every way. If you had ever read a book based in medieval times by an accredited author, then be prepared to shake your head at this movie on every turn. You don't believe me? At many points in this movie, the seventh chambermaid of the king (Victoria) speaks in a way resembling a "feminist". Can you possibly imagine a feminist in that kind of setting? If you can, you're an idiot.
Anyway, needless to say, one of the main problem of a movie like this is inaccuracy. With the feminist scene mentioned above, one of the girls with Victoria asked if she is infected with the plague (i.e. bubonic plague), but the plague did not appear in Europe until 1347, yet Victoria will say later on that the date is 1328. Now you're probably thinking that I'm too nitpicky, but it happens ALL the time in this movie. Hell, you don't even need to know about the medieval age to tell when something inaccurate pops up. It also doesn't help when Martin Lawrence flashes his ass at me in some kind of strange position in preparation for sex. I can tolerate Tom Hanks' ass, I can tolerate Keanu Revees' ass (if you watched the Matrix, you probably tolerated it too), and I can tolerate Leo DiCaprio's ass, but I would rather be pleased NOT to see Lawrence's ass.
Returning back to the several anachronisms, Jamal also somehow managed to get new modern clothing (I'm not sure how) and he also attempted to introduced a fast food center. The problem with this is that there are no machinations designed to make fast food in the medieval period, so how did his design work internally? Didn't Jamal go to a place called school? Why in the blue hell did he think he could introduce a fast food place there?
Moving away from this kind of problems, we come to a new set of problems. What is wrong is that the laughs come rarely, if ever at all. For me, it came sometimes, but not often enough for my taste. What is wrong is that the movie tries to play off situational comedy and it fails miserably. The situational comedy consists of the usual, people being kicked around, Jamal introducing modern culture to the king, him also making a complete ass of himself, etc etc. One of these situations includes him trying to pass himself off as a sorcerer by showing everyone fire through a lighter. For some reason, Jamal thought fire wasn't around despite him being in rooms where there were fireplaces and, for some reason, no one seemed to think it was strange that Jamal was using a modern day lighter. Right after this, they show a scene where the executioner is choking on an apple. Apparently, no one ever saw another person choking before because they all thought Jamal casted a spell on him. Yeah, ha ha.
Anyway, it seems like this movie tries to play too much off the situational comedy and it lacks intelligent comedy. As much as I like laughing at the stupidity of some guy, I would prefer it if all the comedy was based solely on his stupidity because it's simply too unrealistic. When you're not asking yourself "what", "how", or "why", you'll find yourself hoping for something to make you laugh. When that something does appear (if it does at all), then you'll find yourself treasuring it as if it was your last.