Rating:  Summary: Best Sequel Since »Aliens« Review: If you want to make a good sequel, make a different film, in a different genre. »Gremlins was mainly a thriller - »Gremlins 2« is more of a comedy, really. And this is exactly what makes »Gremlins 2« much more than just a sequel!The characters are the same, you know the three rules, but the scenery is different. This time, these disgusting (but entertaining) little monsters take over a high-tech building in New York. And they do so from a gene research laboratory in the sky scraper's top floor. THIS is the genius of »Gremlins 2«, the best way to avoid making a sequel already doomed not to be as successful as the first film: The fact that the monsters fool around in this lab creates new possibilities to exploit! Now, the monsters come in all shapes... which does not only make »Gremlins 2« VERY funny (rather than scary) but also seals their own fate, eventually. Worthwhile!
Rating:  Summary: Inspired Insanity Review: While I hate to be one of those people that rates a complete five stars to a movie, this movie deserves it. I'm the only one I know (besides my little brother) who thinks this movie is great. The best way I can describe it is as an hour and a half Warner Brothers cartoon. This is backed up by the appearance of Daffy and Bugs at the beginning. Don't watch this movie if you're expecting a retread of the original. This movie is all about the complete insanity of the gremlins themselves. It's not scary, it's just insane. But this is the type of movie I love. You can feel the inspired and insane creativity the writers and director of this movie. Every time I watch this movie it reminds me of the first time I saw it in the theatres. I walked out with the same adranaline buzz the filmmakers must have felt while making it. My god, when the gremlins break into the genetics lab and start mutating. . . I don't think I could describe it any better to those who might not appreciate it. And I don't think I need to describe it anymore to those who would. You know who you are, and you know you need to see this movie. "Start spreading the news. . ."
Rating:  Summary: THE GREATEST SEQUEL OF ALL TIME?....... Review: .......Probably not, but it is certainly up there with the best, most of the originals return in this sequel. Smalltown folk, Billy (Zach Galligan) and Kate(Phoebe Cates) move to Big Apple, the only thing is, the furry critter that started all the trouble in the first movie, Gizmo, also turns up. And sooner than you can say ''gooey, sticky pods'' there are more little fuzzballs running about; and you know what happens when the rules(Don't feed them after mignight, etc)aren't followed: Scary, Green, GREMLINS! This time they set about an office block in NY, and in the genetics dept., things go from bad to worse, with the Gremlins(now multiplied tenfold)DRINKING GENES, and taking on those genes' persona:eg. Brain Gremlin, Spider Gremlin. The way that the Brain Gremlin is executed is surprisingly effective. Great acting, and some brilliant comedic moments, ''Gremlins 2-The New Batch'' is a refreshing sequel, that is well worth a look.
Rating:  Summary: INCREDIBLY BETTER SEQUEL Review: Gremlins 2: The New Batch (1990) Gremlins 2: The New Batch,is the sequel to the underrated 1984 classic,Gremlins (well,sort of.) In my perfectly honest opinion,it's much better than the original and as a previous reviewer said,it's the perfect example of how a sequel should be done. Story: Billy Peltzer (Zach Galligan) from the first Gremlins movie now lives in Manhattan,New York where he works for a super-rich corporation in a Skyscraper.He's an Adult now,lives a good life,and is even married. When several workers of the corporation try to talk Mr.Wing (Keye Luke) into letting them demolish his shop so they can have room for more businesses,Gizmo (from what I can remember) escapes,but is soon captured by Scientists who work at the corporation. Billy one day sneaks into the Labratory Gizmo is at and soon starts living with Billy again.However,a maintenace man accidently (and unknowingly) squirts Gizmo with water from a fountain.Gizmo once again spawns more Mogwais,who are MUCH nastier than in the first Gremlins. They look uglier,are swifter and sneakier,and even use mutagenic chemicals to enhance themselves.Many of them are soon transformed into giant Spiders,flying Gargoyles,Electronic menaces,and one even talks. Gremlins 2 is unbelieveably better than the original. The acting is once again top-notch.Galligan rocks as Billy, Howie Mandel is still fantastic at voicing Gizmo,the casting is terrific (John Glover is perfect for the role of Daniel Clamp,the corporations boss and founder) and the script is excellent and is quite unpredictable.Dante's direction is even stronger and more solid than the first Gremlins,and gives the film a (truly) hard worked feel to it. The special effects are also mind blowing,despite that their still not CGI.Gizmo is even cuter and more likeable than in the first Gremlins (he even dresses like Rambo at one point late in the film).The Gremlins are totally brilliant. As I said earlier,they look scarier and nastier than in Gremlins,and the mutated Gremlin effects are absolutely stunning.The Giant Spider Gremlin is a way cool Monster,the Electro-Gremlin rocks big time,and the talking Gremlin is one of the most memorable characters in the History of Hollywood. As a previous reviewer said,it's not really a sequel to Gremlins.Well,I (personally) tend to call Gremlins 2 a semi-sequel.It picks up where Gremlins left off,but "rips off" Gremlins.The way the Gremlins take over the Skyscraper is VERY similar to the classic theater scene from Gremlins and one Gremlin,Lenny,dresses like a deranged Dentist at one point and wields a nasty dental drill (Lenny is sort of like Stripe from Gremlins,who wielded a chainsaw and was very deranged). I also LOVE the Gremlin with the Spiky Mohawk (who becomes the super cool Spider) and the Electro-Gremlin,just awesome. And tell me you wouldn't want to have Gizmo for a Pet.How could you possibly hate him? He's such a brilliant and original character! Overall,Gremlins 2: The New Batch is an unbelieveably better sequel that it's predicessor,with a stronger (and better) story even more original than Gremlins,incredible special effects,loveable and memorable characters, countless in-jokes,a wicked finale,and is HIGHLY entertaining and NEVER EVER gets boring.This is even more underrated than Gremlins,which is saying a LOT. Buy it right now.You DO NOT know what you are missing. Can't wait for Gremlins 3!
Rating:  Summary: come on!! Review: i saw this movie hoping it would be like the origanal. IT ISN'T. If you liked how the first one had some scary parts or if you liked the charm of the small town , forget about seeing this movie. This time they're in the big apple and they don't even leave one big building . i liked how it was nightime in the first time when the magui hatched, but it's daytime when when these guys hatch. not even scary . not one bit. it's just very very silly.
Rating:  Summary: Now THIS is how sequels should be done! Review: Note: does contain spoilers. In my honest opinion,Gremlins 2:The New Batch,is a brilliant sequel to the original Gremlins.It's also the perfect example of how a sequel should be done.We once again have a brilliantly written story that's very tight.The Gremlins are back,this time taking over a Manhattan SkyScraper.There much deadlier and nastier than in Gremlins 1.They drink mutagenic chemcals that cause them to mutate into very nasty creatures.They transform into mutant spiders,Gargoyles,and one even gets an ability to talk.The Gremlins once again employ some weaponry,including chainsaws,machine guns,and dental drills.The special F/X are absolutely spectacular.The Gremlin F/X are awesome,and the mechanical F/X themselves are great.The music is magnificent, and the film NEVER gets boring.Director Dante is even more experienced and stronger here,giving the film an very well made and hard worked feel to it.There are plenty of in jokes and gags,so expect to be in stitches throughout the entire thing. Overall,Gremlins 2:The New Batch is an excellent and HIGHLY entertaining follow up to Gremlins 1.It's also the perfect example of how a sequel should be done.Buy it now! Rated PG-13 for some menacing violence and brief language.
Rating:  Summary: Great Sequal Review: This is a true gem in the Gremlins movies. Much better than the first. This time, you get a good look at to why all the Gremlins are attacking people (Something that was avoided in the first film). Pretty much all the original acters were in it (Though I find it hard the old guy and his wife survived the snow plow in the first one [Plus everyone acted as if they died]), the old guy died very quikly in the film. But does everything that girl think about bad? First Christmas, now Abraham Lincon, she needs a life.
Rating:  Summary: Brillantly horrible... Review: This is better than the first with a lot more gags and monsterous Gremlins. Gizmo looks more cuter than ever and I hope they can one day make another one...
Rating:  Summary: Best Reviewed Film of Its Year -- Loving Homage to Movies Review: Superb satire, send-up, and homage, "Gremlins 2" is light years better than the original. Director Joe Dante creates a loving satire of horror movies with Christopher Lee spoofing mad scientists, Phoebe Cates spoofing the first "Gremlins" film, and Tony Randall as the Genius Gremlin spoofing everything from Susan Sontag to Broadway. Watch on a very large screen television so you can see all the details (the homage to It's a Wonderful Life on the monitors in John Glover's office; it's in color and then in black and white), the Gremlin tee shirts with Gizmo on them with a red circle and line through him; the label on the Canadian beer at the new "trendy" Canadian restaurant etc. The film satirizes Ted Turner and Donald Trump in the character played by John Glover as well as trends in movie making (listen for the announcement about the showing of Casablanca with the new, happy ending). And watch for one of the most brilliantly directed scenes in any movie: Just after Gizmo gets wet and bears some offspring, pay attention when janitor John Astin is on the phone describing how the younger workers are forcing out the older ones -- while the new Gremlins are doing just that to Gizmo. It's as if he's reporting what is happening to Gizom. All in all, Dante out did himself with this film. It's a shame that Warner Bros. did not know how to promote it. Interestingly, "Premiere" magazine's chart of movie reviews for the year in which Gremlins 2 was released showed that it was the best reviewed film of the year, averaging 3 1/2 stars from the nation's film critics. It's a loving homage to films in general -- don't miss it, especially if you love a big Broadway number. Coda: I met director Joe Dante in 2000 when the Chicago International Film Festival honored him ... with a showing of Gremlins 2. Turns out that he did the film only because Warner Bros. insisted -- it was the only way he could get to direct other films for them. So he set out to make Gremlins 2 the "sequel to end all sequels" in Dante's words. He may have succeeded.
Rating:  Summary: ITS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE SCARRY Review: OK, for all you poeple who think this movie was supposed to be scarry, well it wasn't. The 1st one wasn't even scarry(they started singing Snow White in the movie teather, and you call that scarry). This movie was great and one of my favs. if you havent already saw this, see it.